A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Amending the 2014 current expense budget for the Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention and Development District so as to appropriate $10,000 from the district's Fund Balance - Undesignated to provide funding for recurring operations through the remaining months of 2014. By: Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention & Development District. Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend the contract with Stone Pigmand Walther Wittman, LLC, for Professional Legal Services by increasing the total compensation to not to exceed $62,500.00 and appropriating the sum of $45,000 to fund said amendment. By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 3. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through purchase, exchange and/or institution of expropriation proceedings and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for Station #20 - West Lee Drive Fire Station, City Parish Project No. 14-ASD-CP-0872. By: Parish Attorney Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 CONDEMNATIONS/ ABATEMENTS: Condemnations - 4. Ike Cook, Corrine (Corine) Cook Brooks, Julia Cook Smith, Walter Lenore, Mary Joyce Finley Brumfield, Julia Finley James, Rosa Finley Lee, Johnnie Dean Finley Smith, Marie Finley, Betty Finley, Oscar Finley, Jr., Ike Finley, Alonzo Finley, Jo Ella Mitchell Brumfield, Mike Wilson, Angela Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Catherine Williams, Otis Mitchell, Walter Wilson, & Anthony Smith 1343 N. 31st Street & Rear Shed; Lot 79, Square 1, Richmond Park Subdivision - Council District 07 Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 5. Roy Anthony McBride, Sr. 16423 Ellis Avenue & Rear She; Lot 187, Oneal Place Subdivision - Council District 09 Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 6. Ralph G. Sterling, Carolyn Sterling Bradley, Ronald D. Sterling, Clarence J. Sterling, Katie S. Fleming, Joan Sterling Calton, Michael K. Sterling, Alvin B. Sterling, Henry B. Sterling, IV, Delilah Sterling Youngblood & Nicole Hayes Miller 1209 E. Polk Street; Lot 68, Square 18, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 Abatements - None
CONDEMNATIONS/ABATEMENTS: Condemnations - A. Audrey M. Glasby 3014 Bond Street; Lot 8, Square 12, Progress Park Subdivision - Council District 07 (This item was deferred from the May 28, 2014 Council Meeting and July 23, 2014 Council Meeting due to expiration of meeting time limit; also deferred from the August 13, 2014 Council Meeting) B. Bertha Robertson 2277 Gore Road; Lot 33, Square 1, Maryland Subdivision - Council District 02 C. Cuong Dinh Vu & Kim Thien Mai 12541 & 12543 Warfield Avenue; Lot 148-B, Ashley Subdivision - Council District 06 D. Collier Fire & Safety Company, Inc. c/o David Collier, Agent 3161 Mohican Street & Rear Shed; Lot 7, Square 9, Roppolo Villa Addition Subdivision - Council District 07 E. William M. Cast & Zela Gail Fleming 3567 Wayne Drive & Rear Building; Lot 14, Square 2, Babin Subdivision - Council District 07 F. James Kevin Chevalier & Hattie Smith Chevalier 3579 Wayne Drive; Lot 15, Square 2, Babin Subdivision - Council District 07 G. Mary L. Alexander 1715 N. 24th Street; Lot 7 & South ½ of Lot 6, Square 1, Lawndale Subdivision - Council District 07 H. Carrie Patin 3755 Pocasset Street & Rear Shed; Lot 19, Square 220, Istrouma Subdivision - Council District 10 I. Kendall Montrell Cloud 2604 Lobelia Street & Rear Garage; Lot 16, Square 1, Standard Heights Subdivision - Council District 10 Abatements - None.
Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the immovable property and attachments thereto known as Old Fire Station 1, 1801 North Laurel Street as Surplus Property, not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor President to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with The Mid City Redevelopment Alliance to transfer unto The Mid City Redevelopment Alliance Old Fire Station 1, 1801 North Laurel Street. By: Mayor-President. Due to the expiration of meeting time limit, this item was deferred from the July 23, 2014 Council Meeting; also deferred from the August 13, 2014 and September 10, 2014 Council Meetings)
Amending the Code of Ordinances for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, Title 12, Chapter 3, Part II, house to house peddlers, so as to increase the permit fee and to require each applicant for a permit to obtain a background preformed by the constable and providing for other related matters. By: Councilman Heck. (Due to the expiration of meeting time limit, this item was deferred from the July 23, 2014 Council Meeting, and also deferred from August 13, 2014, August 27, 2014 and September 10, 2014 Council Meetings)
Granting to Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. the right, privilege and franchise, for a period of 50 years from the effective date of this ordinance, to lay, maintain and operate mains and pipes in, under, along and through the public streets, avenues, alleys, roads, highways, and other public places of and within the City of Baton Rouge for the transmission, distribution and sale of gas to the city of Baton Rouge and its inhabitants; providing regulations and conditions for the exercise of said right, privilege and franchise, and penalties for violation hereof. By: Mayor-President. (This item was deferred from the September 10, 2014 and September 24, 2014 Council Meetings)
D.Discussion of body cameras to be worn by City Police Officers and identifying possible funding sources. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. (This item was deferred from the September 24, 2014 Council Meeting) E. Discussion of placing cameras in DWI Units and identifying possible funding sources. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. (This item was deferred from the September 24, 2014 Council Meeting)
Discussion on the request of Michael Elsbury to withdraw his resignation and or his retirement. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. (This item was deferred from the September 24, 2014 Council Meeting)
Amending the 2014 current expense budget for the South Burbank Crime Prevention & Development District (SBCPDD) so as to appropriate $170,000 from the district's established Fund Balance-Undesignated. Of this amount, up to $125,000 will provide assistance with the installation of street lighting in the Broussard Plaza Subdivision, Sixth Filing, which is also known as Burbank Gardens and is located within the boundaries of the SBCPDD. The remaining $45,000 will provide funding for community programs through the remaining months of 2014. By: South Burbank Crime Prevention & Development District.
Authorizing the Mayor President to execute a contract with Festival Productions, Inc to extend the performance-based sales tax rebate of the 2% general local sales taxes upon the sale of tickets to Bayou Country Superfest for each of the next five years (2015-2019) as authorized by LSA R.S. 39:469 and Local Ordinance 15406 and under the conditions set forth therein. By: Mayor-President.
Authorization to appropriate $20,000 from the Airport's Cash & Investments Account - Capital Outlay 481.0000000.100009.0000000 for the Northwest Box Culvert Phase II - (Design and Construction). These funds represent the Airport's local match. (BS 008239) By: Director of Aviation.
Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of sales taxes on non-taxable Medicare Part D sales transactions for the audit period January 1, 2009-December 31, 2009 to Campo's Medical Pharmacy in the amount of $97,306.15 with the cost of the refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By: Finance Director.
Providing for the extension of the boundaries of the Consolidated Road Lighting District No. 1 so as to include the area included in the petition by for inclusion in the Road Lighting District submitted by a majority in number and amount of property tax payers of Broussard Plaza, Sixth Filing, as more fully described in the petition. By: Council Administrator-Treasurer.
Authorization for the Mayor-President to execute a contract for Architectural and Professional Services with Crump-Wilson and Associates for Architectural Design, Bidding, and Construction Administration Services in an amount not to exceed $542,571 for the new facilities for the Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District (Account No. 336.7520314.651300.5983114). By: Mosquito Abatement & Rodent Control Director.
Establishing a committee to conduct interviews of potential candidates for Parish Attorney and report to the Council all qualified applicants with the committee's recommendation. By: Councilman Loupe.
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES: A. Lot 12, Square 17, Abramson Timothy and Irma Kelly 1221 North 29th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 3,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due $ 709.71 HIGH BIDDER: TIMOTHY AND IRMA KELLY $8,500.00 Intended Use: Adding it to our property (This item was deferred from the September 24, 2014 Council Meeting)
APPOINTMENTS: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD Consideration of replacing Jerry Pepper who resigned. This term expires on February 27, 2016. Current Ballot:
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Consideration of replacing Jerry Pepper who resigned. This term expires on January 2, 2018. Current Ballot: Ashley Collins Christopher Glisson Terry Price Thomas Russell
C. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE DISTRICT #8 - PRIDE Consideration of reappointing or replacing Paul Jumonville, whose term expires on November 27, 2014, effective November 28, 2014. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: D. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE DISTRICT #8 - PRIDE Consideration of reappointing or replacing Thomas Ratcliff, whose term expires on November 26, 2014, effective November 27, 2014. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: E. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE DISTRICT #8 - PRIDE Consideration of reappointing or replacing Van Ratcliff, whose term expires on November 26, 2014, effective November 27, 2014. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot:
A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: South Wastewater Treatment Plant Wet Weather Improvements - Phase II Project Number: 08-TP-BD-0055 Original Estimated Cost: $109,065,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO111564 Account Number: 411.7578523.752400.6057208 Council Award Date: October 26, 2011 Contractor: Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC Change Order Number: 8 (eight) Change Order Amount: $1,257,633.90 Original Contract Amount: $111,251,000.00 Net Previous Changes: ($1,106,328.70) New Contract Amount: $111,402,305.20 Description: This change order is based on multiple existing facilities that are being either improved upon or retrofitted, including the polymer feed system, additional concrete paving, digester gas system and electrical upgrades. Why Required: To facilitate the South WWTP Wet Weather Improvements- Phase II project and reduce future costs resulting from changes attributed to unforeseen conditions, owner initiated, and design related conflicts.
B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Project 13-19 (Rollins Rd & Glen Oaks Project 13-AP-ST-0035 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2025213 - Council Award Date: September 25, 2013 Contractor: Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC Estimated Cost: $278,227.47 Contract Amount: $267,540.30 Total Change Orders (1): $23,817.75 Final Cost: $291,358.05 Days Allocated: 60 Days Used: 60 Liquidated Damages: None
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE Roundabout Intersection Improvement (Gurney Road at Joor Road) Project 10-TL-US-0060- Account 337.7551512.652310.5981810 337.7551162.652200.5911603; 337.7551162.652310.5911603 ESTIMATE: $785,000.00 *Boone Services LLC $816,355.00 **Command Construction Industries, LLC $821,098.60 *Industrial Enterprises Inc. $851,480.13 **Kort's Construction Services In. $866,558.90
Accepting the bids received for the Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Improvements Project. (Contingent upon the award of adequate grant funding). Estimate: $1,400,000.00 DBE Goal: 9.7% Bidder Base Bid Variance DBE% JB James Construction, LLC 1,730,792.00 24% 9.82% (This item was deferred from the September 10, 2014 Council Meeting)
C3. Accepting the bids received for the Runway 4L/22R Threshold Recovery Project (Account No. 482.0989002.652310.8189001) Director of Aviation. Engineers Estimate: $1,625,225.00 Bidder Bid Amount E.P. Breaux Electrical, Inc. $1,996,489.44 C4. 4. Accepting the bids received for the Interior Horticultural Services for the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport (481.0940002.643550.) Director of Aviation. Estimate: $34,560 Bidder Bid Amount W. V. Lawn Care, LLC $26,400.00 Billy Heroman's Flowerland $30,600.00
DPW recommends to the Metropolitan Council for their consideration and approval to amending resolution 51099, adopted September 24, 2014, which accepted all work done by the contractor, Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC, under the contract for the Construction of Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program-Project 13-12 (Platt Ave., Elwick Dr. & Hoffpauir Ave.), being project no. 13-AO-ST-0037, so as to change the final amount of the contract to include the liquidated damages in the amount of $2,580.00. By: Director of Public Works.
DPW recommends to the Metropolitan Council for their consideration and approval to authorize the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Sports Turf Management, LLC. for the Management of the Turf and Soil and the periodic Mowing of the "Town Lawn", "Galvez Lawn", and "Repentance Park" in a supplemental amount of $1,725.00 bringing the total contract to a not to exceed amount of $19,125.00. (Account No.012.7507010.643550.0000000) By: Director of Public Works.
Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 5 for Engineering Services with Evans-Graves Engineers in connection with Highland Road Pipeline Improvements-Part A & B, being Project No. 11-FM-MS-0004 not to exceed $66,557.47 (Account No.441.7578223.752200.6087373) By: Director of Public Works.
Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Brown and Caldwell, Inc., w/subconsultants: Buchart Horn, Inc.; Monroe & Corie, Inc.; Ardaman & Associate, Inc.; Alden Research Laboratory Inc.; Chasm Architecture, LLC; The Map Group, Inc.; NTB Associates, Inc.; for additional engineering services in connection with South Gravity System Capacity Improvement Project SGU-C-0001 (Florida Boulevard Pump Stations Project), Project No. 11-PS-MS-0003 in an amount of $191,000. (Account No. 411.7578323.752200.6087369) By: Director of Public Works.
Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 for supplemental services in connection with the SCADA Master Plan, Project No. 12-PS-MS-0021. This supplement results in a net increase of $27,709.49. (Account No. 434.7579043.752400.6140301) By: Director of Public Works.
Authorization for the Mayor-President and or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 with Stanley Consultants, Inc., for the Construction Administration Services associated with the 4L-22R Threshold Relocation Project in an amount not to exceed $108,396.00. (Contingent on Funding) By: Director of Aviation. (This item was deferred from the August 13, 2014 and September 24, 2014 Council Meetings)
Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 with Forte and Tablada, Inc. for Design, Engineering and Bidding Services associated with the Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Phase I Project in an amount not to exceed $118,000.00. (Contingent on Funding) By: Director of Aviation. (This item was deferred from the August 13, 2014, September 10, 2014 and September 24, 2014 Council Meetings)
Receiving a report from the Administration on the pay study and the implementation process and discussing related matters. By: Councilwoman Marcelle.
Announcement regarding consideration by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge at the meeting of the Metropolitan Council to be held on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, of the approval of an ordinance adopting the levy and collection of various ad valorem tax millage rates within certain taxing jurisdictions in the Parish of East Baton Rouge to be levied for the calendar year 2015. By: Council Administrator/Treasurer.
Expressing the Metropolitan Council's opposition to lowering Federal Air Quality Standards further; and also expressing the Councils support of the LDEQ consideration of a rule review that would allow for generators of emission reduction credits for mobile source, area source and point source projects for use in offsetting emissions from new projects or expansions at existing facilities; and further expressing support for other EPA and LDEQ initiatives to improve air quality in the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilman Amoroso.
Adjournment & Announcements
A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Amending the 2014 current expense budget for the Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention and Development District so as to appropriate $10,000 from the district's Fund Balance - Undesignated to provide funding for recurring operations through the remaining months of 2014. By: Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention & Development District. Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend the contract with Stone Pigmand Walther Wittman, LLC, for Professional Legal Services by increasing the total compensation to not to exceed $62,500.00 and appropriating the sum of $45,000 to fund said amendment. By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 3. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through purchase, exchange and/or institution of expropriation proceedings and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for Station #20 - West Lee Drive Fire Station, City Parish Project No. 14-ASD-CP-0872. By: Parish Attorney Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 CONDEMNATIONS/ ABATEMENTS: Condemnations - 4. Ike Cook, Corrine (Corine) Cook Brooks, Julia Cook Smith, Walter Lenore, Mary Joyce Finley Brumfield, Julia Finley James, Rosa Finley Lee, Johnnie Dean Finley Smith, Marie Finley, Betty Finley, Oscar Finley, Jr., Ike Finley, Alonzo Finley, Jo Ella Mitchell Brumfield, Mike Wilson, Angela Wilson, Joseph Wilson, Catherine Williams, Otis Mitchell, Walter Wilson, & Anthony Smith 1343 N. 31st Street & Rear Shed; Lot 79, Square 1, Richmond Park Subdivision - Council District 07 Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 5. Roy Anthony McBride, Sr. 16423 Ellis Avenue & Rear She; Lot 187, Oneal Place Subdivision - Council District 09 Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 6. Ralph G. Sterling, Carolyn Sterling Bradley, Ronald D. Sterling, Clarence J. Sterling, Katie S. Fleming, Joan Sterling Calton, Michael K. Sterling, Alvin B. Sterling, Henry B. Sterling, IV, Delilah Sterling Youngblood & Nicole Hayes Miller 1209 E. Polk Street; Lot 68, Square 18, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 Introduce for public hearing on October 22, 2014 Abatements - None
CONDEMNATIONS/ABATEMENTS: Condemnations - A. Audrey M. Glasby 3014 Bond Street; Lot 8, Square 12, Progress Park Subdivision - Council District 07 (This item was deferred from the May 28, 2014 Council Meeting and July 23, 2014 Council Meeting due to expiration of meeting time limit; also deferred from the August 13, 2014 Council Meeting) B. Bertha Robertson 2277 Gore Road; Lot 33, Square 1, Maryland Subdivision - Council District 02 C. Cuong Dinh Vu & Kim Thien Mai 12541 & 12543 Warfield Avenue; Lot 148-B, Ashley Subdivision - Council District 06 D. Collier Fire & Safety Company, Inc. c/o David Collier, Agent 3161 Mohican Street & Rear Shed; Lot 7, Square 9, Roppolo Villa Addition Subdivision - Council District 07 E. William M. Cast & Zela Gail Fleming 3567 Wayne Drive & Rear Building; Lot 14, Square 2, Babin Subdivision - Council District 07 F. James Kevin Chevalier & Hattie Smith Chevalier 3579 Wayne Drive; Lot 15, Square 2, Babin Subdivision - Council District 07 G. Mary L. Alexander 1715 N. 24th Street; Lot 7 & South ½ of Lot 6, Square 1, Lawndale Subdivision - Council District 07 H. Carrie Patin 3755 Pocasset Street & Rear Shed; Lot 19, Square 220, Istrouma Subdivision - Council District 10 I. Kendall Montrell Cloud 2604 Lobelia Street & Rear Garage; Lot 16, Square 1, Standard Heights Subdivision - Council District 10 Abatements - None.
Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the immovable property and attachments thereto known as Old Fire Station 1, 1801 North Laurel Street as Surplus Property, not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor President to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with The Mid City Redevelopment Alliance to transfer unto The Mid City Redevelopment Alliance Old Fire Station 1, 1801 North Laurel Street. By: Mayor-President. Due to the expiration of meeting time limit, this item was deferred from the July 23, 2014 Council Meeting; also deferred from the August 13, 2014 and September 10, 2014 Council Meetings)
Amending the Code of Ordinances for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, Title 12, Chapter 3, Part II, house to house peddlers, so as to increase the permit fee and to require each applicant for a permit to obtain a background preformed by the constable and providing for other related matters. By: Councilman Heck. (Due to the expiration of meeting time limit, this item was deferred from the July 23, 2014 Council Meeting, and also deferred from August 13, 2014, August 27, 2014 and September 10, 2014 Council Meetings)
Granting to Entergy Gulf States Louisiana, L.L.C. the right, privilege and franchise, for a period of 50 years from the effective date of this ordinance, to lay, maintain and operate mains and pipes in, under, along and through the public streets, avenues, alleys, roads, highways, and other public places of and within the City of Baton Rouge for the transmission, distribution and sale of gas to the city of Baton Rouge and its inhabitants; providing regulations and conditions for the exercise of said right, privilege and franchise, and penalties for violation hereof. By: Mayor-President. (This item was deferred from the September 10, 2014 and September 24, 2014 Council Meetings)
D.Discussion of body cameras to be worn by City Police Officers and identifying possible funding sources. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. (This item was deferred from the September 24, 2014 Council Meeting) E. Discussion of placing cameras in DWI Units and identifying possible funding sources. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. (This item was deferred from the September 24, 2014 Council Meeting)
Discussion on the request of Michael Elsbury to withdraw his resignation and or his retirement. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. (This item was deferred from the September 24, 2014 Council Meeting)
Amending the 2014 current expense budget for the South Burbank Crime Prevention & Development District (SBCPDD) so as to appropriate $170,000 from the district's established Fund Balance-Undesignated. Of this amount, up to $125,000 will provide assistance with the installation of street lighting in the Broussard Plaza Subdivision, Sixth Filing, which is also known as Burbank Gardens and is located within the boundaries of the SBCPDD. The remaining $45,000 will provide funding for community programs through the remaining months of 2014. By: South Burbank Crime Prevention & Development District.
Authorizing the Mayor President to execute a contract with Festival Productions, Inc to extend the performance-based sales tax rebate of the 2% general local sales taxes upon the sale of tickets to Bayou Country Superfest for each of the next five years (2015-2019) as authorized by LSA R.S. 39:469 and Local Ordinance 15406 and under the conditions set forth therein. By: Mayor-President.
Authorization to appropriate $20,000 from the Airport's Cash & Investments Account - Capital Outlay 481.0000000.100009.0000000 for the Northwest Box Culvert Phase II - (Design and Construction). These funds represent the Airport's local match. (BS 008239) By: Director of Aviation.
Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of sales taxes on non-taxable Medicare Part D sales transactions for the audit period January 1, 2009-December 31, 2009 to Campo's Medical Pharmacy in the amount of $97,306.15 with the cost of the refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By: Finance Director.
Providing for the extension of the boundaries of the Consolidated Road Lighting District No. 1 so as to include the area included in the petition by for inclusion in the Road Lighting District submitted by a majority in number and amount of property tax payers of Broussard Plaza, Sixth Filing, as more fully described in the petition. By: Council Administrator-Treasurer.
Authorization for the Mayor-President to execute a contract for Architectural and Professional Services with Crump-Wilson and Associates for Architectural Design, Bidding, and Construction Administration Services in an amount not to exceed $542,571 for the new facilities for the Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District (Account No. 336.7520314.651300.5983114). By: Mosquito Abatement & Rodent Control Director.
Establishing a committee to conduct interviews of potential candidates for Parish Attorney and report to the Council all qualified applicants with the committee's recommendation. By: Councilman Loupe.
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES: A. Lot 12, Square 17, Abramson Timothy and Irma Kelly 1221 North 29th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 3,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due $ 709.71 HIGH BIDDER: TIMOTHY AND IRMA KELLY $8,500.00 Intended Use: Adding it to our property (This item was deferred from the September 24, 2014 Council Meeting)
APPOINTMENTS: INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD Consideration of replacing Jerry Pepper who resigned. This term expires on February 27, 2016. Current Ballot:
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Consideration of replacing Jerry Pepper who resigned. This term expires on January 2, 2018. Current Ballot: Ashley Collins Christopher Glisson Terry Price Thomas Russell
C. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE DISTRICT #8 - PRIDE Consideration of reappointing or replacing Paul Jumonville, whose term expires on November 27, 2014, effective November 28, 2014. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: D. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE DISTRICT #8 - PRIDE Consideration of reappointing or replacing Thomas Ratcliff, whose term expires on November 26, 2014, effective November 27, 2014. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: E. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE DISTRICT #8 - PRIDE Consideration of reappointing or replacing Van Ratcliff, whose term expires on November 26, 2014, effective November 27, 2014. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot:
A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: South Wastewater Treatment Plant Wet Weather Improvements - Phase II Project Number: 08-TP-BD-0055 Original Estimated Cost: $109,065,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO111564 Account Number: 411.7578523.752400.6057208 Council Award Date: October 26, 2011 Contractor: Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC Change Order Number: 8 (eight) Change Order Amount: $1,257,633.90 Original Contract Amount: $111,251,000.00 Net Previous Changes: ($1,106,328.70) New Contract Amount: $111,402,305.20 Description: This change order is based on multiple existing facilities that are being either improved upon or retrofitted, including the polymer feed system, additional concrete paving, digester gas system and electrical upgrades. Why Required: To facilitate the South WWTP Wet Weather Improvements- Phase II project and reduce future costs resulting from changes attributed to unforeseen conditions, owner initiated, and design related conflicts.
B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Project 13-19 (Rollins Rd & Glen Oaks Project 13-AP-ST-0035 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2025213 - Council Award Date: September 25, 2013 Contractor: Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC Estimated Cost: $278,227.47 Contract Amount: $267,540.30 Total Change Orders (1): $23,817.75 Final Cost: $291,358.05 Days Allocated: 60 Days Used: 60 Liquidated Damages: None
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE Roundabout Intersection Improvement (Gurney Road at Joor Road) Project 10-TL-US-0060- Account 337.7551512.652310.5981810 337.7551162.652200.5911603; 337.7551162.652310.5911603 ESTIMATE: $785,000.00 *Boone Services LLC $816,355.00 **Command Construction Industries, LLC $821,098.60 *Industrial Enterprises Inc. $851,480.13 **Kort's Construction Services In. $866,558.90
Accepting the bids received for the Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Improvements Project. (Contingent upon the award of adequate grant funding). Estimate: $1,400,000.00 DBE Goal: 9.7% Bidder Base Bid Variance DBE% JB James Construction, LLC 1,730,792.00 24% 9.82% (This item was deferred from the September 10, 2014 Council Meeting)
C3. Accepting the bids received for the Runway 4L/22R Threshold Recovery Project (Account No. 482.0989002.652310.8189001) Director of Aviation. Engineers Estimate: $1,625,225.00 Bidder Bid Amount E.P. Breaux Electrical, Inc. $1,996,489.44 C4. 4. Accepting the bids received for the Interior Horticultural Services for the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport (481.0940002.643550.) Director of Aviation. Estimate: $34,560 Bidder Bid Amount W. V. Lawn Care, LLC $26,400.00 Billy Heroman's Flowerland $30,600.00
DPW recommends to the Metropolitan Council for their consideration and approval to amending resolution 51099, adopted September 24, 2014, which accepted all work done by the contractor, Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC, under the contract for the Construction of Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program-Project 13-12 (Platt Ave., Elwick Dr. & Hoffpauir Ave.), being project no. 13-AO-ST-0037, so as to change the final amount of the contract to include the liquidated damages in the amount of $2,580.00. By: Director of Public Works.
DPW recommends to the Metropolitan Council for their consideration and approval to authorize the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Sports Turf Management, LLC. for the Management of the Turf and Soil and the periodic Mowing of the "Town Lawn", "Galvez Lawn", and "Repentance Park" in a supplemental amount of $1,725.00 bringing the total contract to a not to exceed amount of $19,125.00. (Account No.012.7507010.643550.0000000) By: Director of Public Works.
Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 5 for Engineering Services with Evans-Graves Engineers in connection with Highland Road Pipeline Improvements-Part A & B, being Project No. 11-FM-MS-0004 not to exceed $66,557.47 (Account No.441.7578223.752200.6087373) By: Director of Public Works.
Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the Contract for Engineering Services with Brown and Caldwell, Inc., w/subconsultants: Buchart Horn, Inc.; Monroe & Corie, Inc.; Ardaman & Associate, Inc.; Alden Research Laboratory Inc.; Chasm Architecture, LLC; The Map Group, Inc.; NTB Associates, Inc.; for additional engineering services in connection with South Gravity System Capacity Improvement Project SGU-C-0001 (Florida Boulevard Pump Stations Project), Project No. 11-PS-MS-0003 in an amount of $191,000. (Account No. 411.7578323.752200.6087369) By: Director of Public Works.
Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 for supplemental services in connection with the SCADA Master Plan, Project No. 12-PS-MS-0021. This supplement results in a net increase of $27,709.49. (Account No. 434.7579043.752400.6140301) By: Director of Public Works.
Authorization for the Mayor-President and or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 with Stanley Consultants, Inc., for the Construction Administration Services associated with the 4L-22R Threshold Relocation Project in an amount not to exceed $108,396.00. (Contingent on Funding) By: Director of Aviation. (This item was deferred from the August 13, 2014 and September 24, 2014 Council Meetings)
Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 with Forte and Tablada, Inc. for Design, Engineering and Bidding Services associated with the Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Phase I Project in an amount not to exceed $118,000.00. (Contingent on Funding) By: Director of Aviation. (This item was deferred from the August 13, 2014, September 10, 2014 and September 24, 2014 Council Meetings)
Receiving a report from the Administration on the pay study and the implementation process and discussing related matters. By: Councilwoman Marcelle.
Announcement regarding consideration by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge at the meeting of the Metropolitan Council to be held on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, of the approval of an ordinance adopting the levy and collection of various ad valorem tax millage rates within certain taxing jurisdictions in the Parish of East Baton Rouge to be levied for the calendar year 2015. By: Council Administrator/Treasurer.
Expressing the Metropolitan Council's opposition to lowering Federal Air Quality Standards further; and also expressing the Councils support of the LDEQ consideration of a rule review that would allow for generators of emission reduction credits for mobile source, area source and point source projects for use in offsetting emissions from new projects or expansions at existing facilities; and further expressing support for other EPA and LDEQ initiatives to improve air quality in the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilman Amoroso.
Adjournment & Announcements