ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of April 8, 2015 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of May 5, 2015.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Granting a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $2,374.40 per year for the property located at 758 St Charles Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2014-1445 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 2. Granting a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $7,388.43 per year for the property located at 601 Spanish Town Road, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2013-1360 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 3. Granting a five year property tax abatement estimated at $230,740.76 per year for the property located at 201 Lafayette Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2012-1347for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Councilwoman Wicker. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a cooperative endeavor agreement with the State of Louisiana for state capital outlay funding in the amount of $230,000 for the Chaneyville Fire District #7 Reames Road Fire Station project, State Project No. 50-M20-14-01, and further appropriating the state funds for said purpose. By: Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 5. Amending the Title IV-E reimbursement fund budget so as to appropriate $36,729.12 received from the state Office of Juvenile Justice, representing reimbursements for certain expenditures eligible under the federal foster care reimbursement program (social security act, as amended, title IV-E, section 470, et seq.). These funds will be used for needs of the Department of Juvenile Services including personnel costs, fiscal management fees, and other associated costs. By: Interim Director of Juvenile Services. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING May 13, 2015 Page 3 6. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the following immovable property as surplus property: the remaining unused right of way and servitude parcels adjacent or near Antioch Full Gospel Baptist Church acquired in connection with City-Parish / Green Light Project numbered and entitled NO. 04-CS-CI-0019, FORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM PLANK ROAD TO MICKENS ROAD) and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Antioch Full Gospel Baptist Church granting a servitude of use over and on certain properties in the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilwoman Edwards. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 7. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the following immovable property as surplus property: the remaining unused right of way and servitude parcels adjacent or near New Beginning Baptist Church acquired in connection with City-Parish / Green Light Project numbered and entitled NO. 04-CS-CI-0019, FORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM PLANK ROAD TO MICKENS ROAD) and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with New Beginning Baptist Church granting a servitude of use over and on certain properties in the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilwoman Edwards. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 8. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the following immovable property as surplus property: the remaining unused right of way and servitude parcels adjacent or near Greater Beech Grove Baptist Church acquired in connection with City-Parish / Green Light Project numbered and entitled NO. 04-CS-CI-0019, FORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM PLANK ROAD TO MICKENS ROAD) and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Greater Beech Grove Baptist Church granting a servitude of use over and on certain properties in the City of Baton Rouge -Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilwoman Edwards. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 9. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Bradley Sweazy in the amount not to exceed $30,000 for the contract period June 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015 and appropriating $30,000 for said purpose. To assess programmatic activities, facilitate foundational improvements, make recommendation for management and program(s) administration; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 8. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the following immovable property as surplus property: the remaining unused right of way and servitude parcels adjacent or near Greater Beech Grove Baptist Church acquired in connection with City-Parish / Green Light Project numbered and entitled NO. 04-CS-CI-0019, FORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM PLANK ROAD TO MICKENS ROAD) and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Greater Beech Grove Baptist Church granting a servitude of use over and on certain properties in the City of Baton Rouge -Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilwoman Edwards. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 9. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Bradley Sweazy in the amount not to exceed $30,000 for the contract period June 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015 and appropriating $30,000 for said purpose. To assess programmatic activities, facilitate foundational improvements, make recommendation for management and program(s) administration; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 10. Authorizing the increase in salary for Brandon L. Malbrough, Purchasing Analyst II, job code 106245: FROM PAY GRADE 2180/STEP 8 (41,601) TO PAY GRADE 2180/STEP 13 ($48,227), effective May 30, 2015. By: Public Works Director & Interim Human Resources Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 11. An Ordinance creating the Third-Florida Economic Development District within the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; defining the boundaries thereof from which area City sales tax increments will be determined and used to fund a portion of the costs of an economic development project costs as described herein, all in accordance with and authorized by Chapter 27 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended; designating the governing authority of the district pledging and dedicating the two percent of incremental sales tax collected within the boundaries of the Third-Florida Economic Development District to be used to finance said economic development project costs; requiring the baseline sales tax collection rate in the Third-Florida Economic Development District to be certified; and providing for other matters in connection with the foregoing. By: Councilwoman Tara Wicker. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 CONDEMNATIONS: None. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: None. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: None. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a professional services agreement with Capital Area Human Services District (CAHSD) to provide for a full-time licensed social worker to assist in the mental health patient's needs and provide peer support to inmates in an amount not to exceed $75,620. By: EMS - Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING May 13, 2015 Page 5 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services Program with Capital Area United Way as the Office of Social Services will be paid an amount not to exceed $16,000 provided the Office of Social Services submits a minimum of 1,155 IRS accepted income tax returns. If the goal of 1,100 accepted returns is not reached, Capital Area United Way has agreed to pay the Office of Social Services $12,000 for at least 900 accepted returns or less or $13,000 for at least 1,000 accepted returns. By: Director, DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute and file an application and accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services with the local board of Emergency Food and Shelter Program for emergency shelter funds in the amount of $15,000 for the period October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. By: Director, DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to file an application on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services, with Louisiana Housing Corporation or its representative, for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program in the amount of $329,960; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director, DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 5. Presentation by the Division of Human Development and Services, Head Start and Early Head Start Program, to provide programmatic 2nd quarter updates on the 2015 Head Start/Early Head Start program year. By: Director, DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 6. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Frederick Moore vs. Jefferson Pendergrass, et al", suit no. 614,614 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $40,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $385.00, for a total amount of $40,385.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200.). * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of record is Marcus Plaisance, Murphy Law Firm) By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING May 13, 2015 Page 6 7. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to rescind that portion of Ordinance 15631 requiring Old Fire Station No. 2, 2183 Osage Street be sold pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statute 33:4712 et seq., and now authorizing the Mayor President to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Community Outreach Academy, Inc., to transfer unto Community Outreach Academy, Inc., the use and occupancy of Old Fire Station No. 2, 2183 Osage Street, previously declared as surplus property. By: Councilwoman Wicker & Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 8. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the CHA Consulting Contract to prepare noise exposure contours using the FAA's current approved version of the integrated noise model software for the Runway 13-31 Threshold Relocation Feasibility Study project in an amount not to exceed $19,668.00. (Account 482.0989002.643550.8490504) By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 9. Authorization for the Mayor-president and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a request to the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation to reimburse the Airport additional costs associated with the Plank Road Relocation Feasibility Study Phase I in the amount of $45,668.00. By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 10. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute and file an application with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, for a grant in the amount of $109,120.00, to provide funding for the Alcoholic Beverage Control and the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (Jude) Task Force; approving the Line Item Budget for the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (Jude) Task Force; and authorizing execution of all documents required in connection therewith. By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015
L. Expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to House Bill 74 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and urging Legislators from East Baton Rouge Parish to vote against House Bill 74. By: Councilwoman Edwards & Councilman Wilson. M. Expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to House Bill 642 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and urging Legislators from East Baton Rouge Parish to vote against House Bill 642. By: Councilwoman Edwards & Councilman Wilson. N. Expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to House Bill 762 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and urging Legislators from East Baton Rouge Parish to vote against House Bill 762. By: Councilwoman Edwards & Councilman Wilson. O. Expressing the support of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to Senate Bill 58 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and urging Legislators from East Baton Rouge Parish to vote in favor of Senate Bill 58. By: Councilwoman Edwards & Councilman Wilson.
Authorizing the Mayor President to waive the following fees associated with the construction of the BREC Knock Knock Museum. Permit Fee $8,390 (This amount may vary based on the final contract amount), Traffic Impact Fee $1,850, Landscape Fee $50, Fire Department Fee $25, Permit Tech Fee $15. The fees waived are in an amount not to exceed $10,330. By: Councilman Delgado.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend the contract with James Richard Johnson to conduct polygraph testing of new hires with the Baton Rouge Police Department for an additional amount not to exceed $17,000. By: Chief of Police. T. Receiving an update from the Chief of Police regarding the traffic division and discussion. By: Councilwoman Marcelle.
CONDEMNATIONS: A. Albert S. Fraser 8217 & 8219 Keel Avenue, Lot 85, Riverland Subdivision - Council District 3 B. Four Property, LLC c/o Martina Rowe, Agent 8277 & 8279 Keel Avenue; Lot 97, Riverland Subdivision - Council District 3 C. Milton Laday & David Sean Timoll 1722 Port Drive; Lot 28-B, Sought Highland Industrial Park Subdivision - Council District 3 D. Benjamin Taylor & Bessie Taylor 6758 Ford Street; Lot C, Square 14, Zion City Subdivision - Council District 5 E. Cyril Robinson & Johnny Jerome Robinson 2019 Birch Street; Lot 9, Square 3, Northdale Subdivision - Council District 10
PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Authorizing the Chaneyville Community Center to appropriate $4705.12 from Fund Balance for office equipment and events for the remainder of 2015. By: Councilman Trae Welch. B. Creating a Special Taxing District within the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to be named the "EBRATS Building Special Taxing District;" defining the boundaries thereof from which area a tax may be levied and collected upon the occupancy of hotel rooms to provide for the renovation, restoration and development of a hotel and related facilities within the district; and providing for other matters in connection therewith, all in accordance and as authorized by Section 9038.61 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended. By: Mayor-President & Parish Attorney. C. Authorizing the execution and delivery of the cooperative endeavor agreement and supporting documents by and among the City of Baton Rouge, Super Hospitality Owner, LLC, and the EBRATS Building Special Taxing District, and providing for other matters in connection therewith. By: Mayor-President & Parish Attorney. D. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Wilbert Moore for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $12,000.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of Record is Angela Lockett - Law Offices of DeJean Lockett) By: Parish Attorney. E. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to execute and file an application with the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, for a grant in the amount of $23,333 to fund the Juvenile Accountability Block Program for violent and chronic offenders in the Department of Juvenile Services, accept award and sign all documents as required in connection therewith. By: Interim Director of Juvenile Services.
A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Renovations for East Baton Rouge Public Safety Complex Baton Rouge Police Headquarters Project Number: 14-ASC-CP-0850 Original Estimated Cost: $4,200,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141297 Account Number: 324.7510571.651900.5220314 Council Award Date: July 23, 2014 Contractor: Stuart & Company General Contractors, LLC Change Order Number: 3 (Three) (Extend the contract for 25 days) Change Order Amount: $ 28,715.00 Original Contract Amount: $4,141,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 73,646.00 New Contract Amount: $4,243,361.00 Description: Various changes to the scope of work such as electrical and plumbing modifications, repair to damaged tension cables and concrete at Parking Garage, as well as other miscellaneous credits for revisions to doors and hardware. Why Required: Unforeseen conditions and requested by the user agency. Additional time required due to changes in the scope of work. 2. Project Title: Mississippi Levee Bike Path (Ben Hur Road to Gardere Lane) Phase IV Project Number: 13-SW-US-0062 (CDBG Grant No. B-13-MC-22-0002) Original Estimated Cost: $484,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141050 Account Number: 182.6114016.652360.3030212 / 182.6114016.652360.3030210 Council Award Date: May 14, 2014 Contractor: R.J. Daigle and Sons Contractors, Inc. Change Order Number: 1 (One) (Final) (Extend contract for 15 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 76,677.74 Original Contract Amount: $443,117.00 Net Previous Changes: -0- New Contract Amount: $519,794.74 Description: Adjustment in quantities of Asphalt Concrete, Geotextile Fabric, Base Course, Seed, Fertilizer, Traffic Signs, Traffic Striping, and Legends and Symbols to reflect "As-built" conditions. Why Required: Adjustments to final quantities to reflect "As-Built" values. 3. Project Title: Central Thruway Paving III (North End of Sullivan Bridge to Frenchtown Road Project Number: 05-CS-HC-0034 Original Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO111681 Account Number: 339.7263732.652310.5920397 371.7263732.652310.5920397 Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 2 (Two) (Final) (Extend contract for 118 days) Change Order Amount: $ 11,358.99 Original Contract Amount: $4,594,094.50 Net Previous Changes: $ 211,593.98 New Contract Amount: $4,817,047.47 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities and add the following items: "Police Traffic Control"; "Fuel Payment Adjustment"; "Double Swinging Driveway Gates"; "Object Marker Assembly"; "Signal Support" and add 118 days Why Required: To make payment for final field-measured quantities and add 118 days to the contract time. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. Jones Creek Road Clearing and Grubbing Mississippi Levee Bike Path (Ben Hur Road to Gardere Lane) Phase IV Project 13-SW-US-0062 (CDBG Grant No. B-13-MC-22-0002) - Account -182.6114016.652360.3030212 ;182.6114016.652360.3030210 Council Award Date: May 14, 2014 Contractor: R.J. Daigle and Sons Contractors, Inc. Estimated Cost: $484,000.00 Contract Amount: $443,117.00 Total Change Orders (1): $ 76,677.74 Final Cost: $519,794.74 Days Allocated: 60 Days Used: 53 Liquidated Damages: None 2. Central Thruway Paving III (North End of Sullivan Bridge to Frenchtown Road) Project 05-CS-HC-0034 - Account 339.7263732.652310.5920397; 371.7263732.652310.5920397 - Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 4,594.094.50 Total Change Orders(2): $ 222,952.97 Final Cost: $4,817,047.47 Days Allocated: 398 Days Used: 385 Liquidated Damages: $480.00 3. Prescott Road Bridge over Hurricane Bayou Project 11-BR-CI-0030 - Account 145.7545002.652330.5304211- Council Award Date: June 11, 2014 Contractor: KCR Contractors, LLC Estimated Cost: $319,535.00 Contract Amount: $339,421.00 Total Change Orders (1): $ 30,188.45 Final Cost: $369,609.45 Days Allocated: 145 Days Used: 143 Liquidated Damages: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Perkins Rd. @ Kenilworth Parkway Sidewalk And Drainage Improvements Project 14-SW-HC-0005 - Account 146.7210042.652360.2044914 ESTIMATE: $318,000.00 *Industrial Enterprises Inc $226,781.43 *Barber Brothers Contracting LLC $257.612.50 **MCR Construction, Inc. $258,179.00 *Grady Crawford Construction Co. $299,205.73 **LA Contracting Enterprises, LLC. $306,117.20 2. Ardenwood Drive/Winbourne Avenue Area Sewer Rehabilitation Project Project 13-AR-MS-0034 - Account 441.7578153.752400.6077226; 440.7578153.752400.6077226 ESTIMATE: $2,800.00.00 *Grady Crawford Construction Company, Inc. $2,959,299.35 *NCMC, LLC $3,070,547.00 *Magnolia Construction Company, LLC $3,317,302.40 ***Wharton-Smith, Inc. $3,361,405.00 *Allen & LeBlanc, LLC $3,370,893.00 3. South WWTP Landscape Buffer Area Project Project 13-TP-MS-0046 - Account 440.7579023.752400.6140102 ESTIMATE: $470,000 ***Gulf Breeze Landscaping, LLC $655,069.41 **Rotolo Consultants, Inc. $660,236.50 *Corporate Green, LLC $793,018.04 ***Wharton-Smith Inc. $899,949.80 4. East Baton Rouge Library Greenwell Springs Road & Scotlandville Branch Flooring Replacement - 11300 Greenwell Springs Road & 7373 Scenic Highway Project 15-ASC-CP-0890- Account 111.1200015.647200.0000000 ESTIMATE: $430,000.00 Continental Flooring Company $419,556.00 **Cornerstone Commercial Flooring, L.L.C. $423,150.00 *Unit Design, Inc. $482,150.00 D. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity State Agreement with the state of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, in association with the Half Cent Sales Tax Roadway Beautification Project EBR Mississippi River Ebank Multi-Use Path Phase 3, being City-Parish Project No. 13-SW-05-0062, State Project (DOTD) No. H.009799, Federal Aid Project No. H009799 in an amount not to exceed $74,812. By: Director of Public Works. E. Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute a contract for professional services with Eduardo J. Jenkins Landscape Architect & Planner, LLC in connection with the NWWTP Buffer Area and Vegetative Plantings being Project No. 13-TP-MS-001C for an amount not to exceed $49,500.00. (Account No. 433.7579023.752240.6140501) By: Director of Public Works. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the Professional Service Agreement with Effective Management Decisions, LLC, for a Comprehensive Fleet Operations and Management Evaluation in a supplemental amount not to exceed $60,000.00. (Account No. 503.7090100.643550) By: Director of Public Works. G. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 with Michael Baker, Jr. Inc. for special services requested by the FAA and performed under the A-GIS task order associated with the Runway 22R Special Cat II Upgrade project in an amount not to exceed $10,912.71. (Account No. 482.0989002.652000.8498987) By: Director of Aviation. H. Authorization for the Mayor-president and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a request to the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation to reimburse the Airport additional costs associated with the Plank Road Relocation Feasibility Study Phase I in the amount of $45,668.00. By: Director of Aviation. I. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kurz & Hebert to receive Real Estate Commission for securing a lease with Hesselbein Tire Company, Inc. at the Airport in an amount not to exceed $42,000 to be paid in three (3) annual installments of $14,000 per year. (Account No. 481.0910002.643550.0000000) By: Director of Aviation. J. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Maintenance Service Agreement with Sunbelt Fire, Inc. for annual ARFF inspections, testing and repair services in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. (Account No. 481.0970002.647400.0000000) By: Director of Aviation. P. Approving the annual certification required for the Parish Transportation Fund and authorizing the Mayor-President Pro Tempore to sign such certification. By: Finance Director. Q. Appointing a screening committee to review applicants for the upcoming vacancy for the Registrar of Voters, post the vacancy on the City's website, receive applications by May 29, and having the committee report to the Council the top 3 candidates no later than June 17, 2015. By: Councilwoman Edwards. R. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Elizabeth Hutchison to serve as the Interim Baton Rouge Film Commission Executive Director for the period May 16, 2015 through December 31, 2015 in the amount of $33,000. Account Number: 012.4020306.643540. By: Mayor-President.
Adjournment & Announcements
ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of April 8, 2015 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of May 5, 2015.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Granting a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $2,374.40 per year for the property located at 758 St Charles Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2014-1445 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 2. Granting a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $7,388.43 per year for the property located at 601 Spanish Town Road, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2013-1360 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 3. Granting a five year property tax abatement estimated at $230,740.76 per year for the property located at 201 Lafayette Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2012-1347for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Councilwoman Wicker. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a cooperative endeavor agreement with the State of Louisiana for state capital outlay funding in the amount of $230,000 for the Chaneyville Fire District #7 Reames Road Fire Station project, State Project No. 50-M20-14-01, and further appropriating the state funds for said purpose. By: Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 5. Amending the Title IV-E reimbursement fund budget so as to appropriate $36,729.12 received from the state Office of Juvenile Justice, representing reimbursements for certain expenditures eligible under the federal foster care reimbursement program (social security act, as amended, title IV-E, section 470, et seq.). These funds will be used for needs of the Department of Juvenile Services including personnel costs, fiscal management fees, and other associated costs. By: Interim Director of Juvenile Services. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING May 13, 2015 Page 3 6. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the following immovable property as surplus property: the remaining unused right of way and servitude parcels adjacent or near Antioch Full Gospel Baptist Church acquired in connection with City-Parish / Green Light Project numbered and entitled NO. 04-CS-CI-0019, FORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM PLANK ROAD TO MICKENS ROAD) and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Antioch Full Gospel Baptist Church granting a servitude of use over and on certain properties in the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilwoman Edwards. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 7. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the following immovable property as surplus property: the remaining unused right of way and servitude parcels adjacent or near New Beginning Baptist Church acquired in connection with City-Parish / Green Light Project numbered and entitled NO. 04-CS-CI-0019, FORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM PLANK ROAD TO MICKENS ROAD) and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with New Beginning Baptist Church granting a servitude of use over and on certain properties in the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilwoman Edwards. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 8. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the following immovable property as surplus property: the remaining unused right of way and servitude parcels adjacent or near Greater Beech Grove Baptist Church acquired in connection with City-Parish / Green Light Project numbered and entitled NO. 04-CS-CI-0019, FORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM PLANK ROAD TO MICKENS ROAD) and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Greater Beech Grove Baptist Church granting a servitude of use over and on certain properties in the City of Baton Rouge -Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilwoman Edwards. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 9. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Bradley Sweazy in the amount not to exceed $30,000 for the contract period June 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015 and appropriating $30,000 for said purpose. To assess programmatic activities, facilitate foundational improvements, make recommendation for management and program(s) administration; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 8. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the following immovable property as surplus property: the remaining unused right of way and servitude parcels adjacent or near Greater Beech Grove Baptist Church acquired in connection with City-Parish / Green Light Project numbered and entitled NO. 04-CS-CI-0019, FORD STREET IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM PLANK ROAD TO MICKENS ROAD) and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Greater Beech Grove Baptist Church granting a servitude of use over and on certain properties in the City of Baton Rouge -Parish of East Baton Rouge. By: Councilwoman Edwards. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 9. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Bradley Sweazy in the amount not to exceed $30,000 for the contract period June 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015 and appropriating $30,000 for said purpose. To assess programmatic activities, facilitate foundational improvements, make recommendation for management and program(s) administration; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 10. Authorizing the increase in salary for Brandon L. Malbrough, Purchasing Analyst II, job code 106245: FROM PAY GRADE 2180/STEP 8 (41,601) TO PAY GRADE 2180/STEP 13 ($48,227), effective May 30, 2015. By: Public Works Director & Interim Human Resources Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 11. An Ordinance creating the Third-Florida Economic Development District within the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; defining the boundaries thereof from which area City sales tax increments will be determined and used to fund a portion of the costs of an economic development project costs as described herein, all in accordance with and authorized by Chapter 27 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended; designating the governing authority of the district pledging and dedicating the two percent of incremental sales tax collected within the boundaries of the Third-Florida Economic Development District to be used to finance said economic development project costs; requiring the baseline sales tax collection rate in the Third-Florida Economic Development District to be certified; and providing for other matters in connection with the foregoing. By: Councilwoman Tara Wicker. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 CONDEMNATIONS: None. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: None. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: None. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a professional services agreement with Capital Area Human Services District (CAHSD) to provide for a full-time licensed social worker to assist in the mental health patient's needs and provide peer support to inmates in an amount not to exceed $75,620. By: EMS - Director. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING May 13, 2015 Page 5 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services Program with Capital Area United Way as the Office of Social Services will be paid an amount not to exceed $16,000 provided the Office of Social Services submits a minimum of 1,155 IRS accepted income tax returns. If the goal of 1,100 accepted returns is not reached, Capital Area United Way has agreed to pay the Office of Social Services $12,000 for at least 900 accepted returns or less or $13,000 for at least 1,000 accepted returns. By: Director, DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute and file an application and accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services with the local board of Emergency Food and Shelter Program for emergency shelter funds in the amount of $15,000 for the period October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. By: Director, DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to file an application on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services, with Louisiana Housing Corporation or its representative, for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program in the amount of $329,960; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director, DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 5. Presentation by the Division of Human Development and Services, Head Start and Early Head Start Program, to provide programmatic 2nd quarter updates on the 2015 Head Start/Early Head Start program year. By: Director, DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 6. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Frederick Moore vs. Jefferson Pendergrass, et al", suit no. 614,614 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $40,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $385.00, for a total amount of $40,385.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200.). * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of record is Marcus Plaisance, Murphy Law Firm) By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING May 13, 2015 Page 6 7. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to rescind that portion of Ordinance 15631 requiring Old Fire Station No. 2, 2183 Osage Street be sold pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statute 33:4712 et seq., and now authorizing the Mayor President to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Community Outreach Academy, Inc., to transfer unto Community Outreach Academy, Inc., the use and occupancy of Old Fire Station No. 2, 2183 Osage Street, previously declared as surplus property. By: Councilwoman Wicker & Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 8. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the CHA Consulting Contract to prepare noise exposure contours using the FAA's current approved version of the integrated noise model software for the Runway 13-31 Threshold Relocation Feasibility Study project in an amount not to exceed $19,668.00. (Account 482.0989002.643550.8490504) By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 9. Authorization for the Mayor-president and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a request to the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation to reimburse the Airport additional costs associated with the Plank Road Relocation Feasibility Study Phase I in the amount of $45,668.00. By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015 10. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute and file an application with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, for a grant in the amount of $109,120.00, to provide funding for the Alcoholic Beverage Control and the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (Jude) Task Force; approving the Line Item Budget for the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (Jude) Task Force; and authorizing execution of all documents required in connection therewith. By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on May 27, 2015
L. Expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to House Bill 74 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and urging Legislators from East Baton Rouge Parish to vote against House Bill 74. By: Councilwoman Edwards & Councilman Wilson. M. Expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to House Bill 642 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and urging Legislators from East Baton Rouge Parish to vote against House Bill 642. By: Councilwoman Edwards & Councilman Wilson. N. Expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to House Bill 762 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and urging Legislators from East Baton Rouge Parish to vote against House Bill 762. By: Councilwoman Edwards & Councilman Wilson. O. Expressing the support of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to Senate Bill 58 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature and urging Legislators from East Baton Rouge Parish to vote in favor of Senate Bill 58. By: Councilwoman Edwards & Councilman Wilson.
Authorizing the Mayor President to waive the following fees associated with the construction of the BREC Knock Knock Museum. Permit Fee $8,390 (This amount may vary based on the final contract amount), Traffic Impact Fee $1,850, Landscape Fee $50, Fire Department Fee $25, Permit Tech Fee $15. The fees waived are in an amount not to exceed $10,330. By: Councilman Delgado.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend the contract with James Richard Johnson to conduct polygraph testing of new hires with the Baton Rouge Police Department for an additional amount not to exceed $17,000. By: Chief of Police. T. Receiving an update from the Chief of Police regarding the traffic division and discussion. By: Councilwoman Marcelle.
CONDEMNATIONS: A. Albert S. Fraser 8217 & 8219 Keel Avenue, Lot 85, Riverland Subdivision - Council District 3 B. Four Property, LLC c/o Martina Rowe, Agent 8277 & 8279 Keel Avenue; Lot 97, Riverland Subdivision - Council District 3 C. Milton Laday & David Sean Timoll 1722 Port Drive; Lot 28-B, Sought Highland Industrial Park Subdivision - Council District 3 D. Benjamin Taylor & Bessie Taylor 6758 Ford Street; Lot C, Square 14, Zion City Subdivision - Council District 5 E. Cyril Robinson & Johnny Jerome Robinson 2019 Birch Street; Lot 9, Square 3, Northdale Subdivision - Council District 10
PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Authorizing the Chaneyville Community Center to appropriate $4705.12 from Fund Balance for office equipment and events for the remainder of 2015. By: Councilman Trae Welch. B. Creating a Special Taxing District within the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to be named the "EBRATS Building Special Taxing District;" defining the boundaries thereof from which area a tax may be levied and collected upon the occupancy of hotel rooms to provide for the renovation, restoration and development of a hotel and related facilities within the district; and providing for other matters in connection therewith, all in accordance and as authorized by Section 9038.61 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended. By: Mayor-President & Parish Attorney. C. Authorizing the execution and delivery of the cooperative endeavor agreement and supporting documents by and among the City of Baton Rouge, Super Hospitality Owner, LLC, and the EBRATS Building Special Taxing District, and providing for other matters in connection therewith. By: Mayor-President & Parish Attorney. D. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Wilbert Moore for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $12,000.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of Record is Angela Lockett - Law Offices of DeJean Lockett) By: Parish Attorney. E. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to execute and file an application with the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement, for a grant in the amount of $23,333 to fund the Juvenile Accountability Block Program for violent and chronic offenders in the Department of Juvenile Services, accept award and sign all documents as required in connection therewith. By: Interim Director of Juvenile Services.
A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Renovations for East Baton Rouge Public Safety Complex Baton Rouge Police Headquarters Project Number: 14-ASC-CP-0850 Original Estimated Cost: $4,200,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141297 Account Number: 324.7510571.651900.5220314 Council Award Date: July 23, 2014 Contractor: Stuart & Company General Contractors, LLC Change Order Number: 3 (Three) (Extend the contract for 25 days) Change Order Amount: $ 28,715.00 Original Contract Amount: $4,141,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 73,646.00 New Contract Amount: $4,243,361.00 Description: Various changes to the scope of work such as electrical and plumbing modifications, repair to damaged tension cables and concrete at Parking Garage, as well as other miscellaneous credits for revisions to doors and hardware. Why Required: Unforeseen conditions and requested by the user agency. Additional time required due to changes in the scope of work. 2. Project Title: Mississippi Levee Bike Path (Ben Hur Road to Gardere Lane) Phase IV Project Number: 13-SW-US-0062 (CDBG Grant No. B-13-MC-22-0002) Original Estimated Cost: $484,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141050 Account Number: 182.6114016.652360.3030212 / 182.6114016.652360.3030210 Council Award Date: May 14, 2014 Contractor: R.J. Daigle and Sons Contractors, Inc. Change Order Number: 1 (One) (Final) (Extend contract for 15 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 76,677.74 Original Contract Amount: $443,117.00 Net Previous Changes: -0- New Contract Amount: $519,794.74 Description: Adjustment in quantities of Asphalt Concrete, Geotextile Fabric, Base Course, Seed, Fertilizer, Traffic Signs, Traffic Striping, and Legends and Symbols to reflect "As-built" conditions. Why Required: Adjustments to final quantities to reflect "As-Built" values. 3. Project Title: Central Thruway Paving III (North End of Sullivan Bridge to Frenchtown Road Project Number: 05-CS-HC-0034 Original Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO111681 Account Number: 339.7263732.652310.5920397 371.7263732.652310.5920397 Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 2 (Two) (Final) (Extend contract for 118 days) Change Order Amount: $ 11,358.99 Original Contract Amount: $4,594,094.50 Net Previous Changes: $ 211,593.98 New Contract Amount: $4,817,047.47 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities and add the following items: "Police Traffic Control"; "Fuel Payment Adjustment"; "Double Swinging Driveway Gates"; "Object Marker Assembly"; "Signal Support" and add 118 days Why Required: To make payment for final field-measured quantities and add 118 days to the contract time. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. Jones Creek Road Clearing and Grubbing Mississippi Levee Bike Path (Ben Hur Road to Gardere Lane) Phase IV Project 13-SW-US-0062 (CDBG Grant No. B-13-MC-22-0002) - Account -182.6114016.652360.3030212 ;182.6114016.652360.3030210 Council Award Date: May 14, 2014 Contractor: R.J. Daigle and Sons Contractors, Inc. Estimated Cost: $484,000.00 Contract Amount: $443,117.00 Total Change Orders (1): $ 76,677.74 Final Cost: $519,794.74 Days Allocated: 60 Days Used: 53 Liquidated Damages: None 2. Central Thruway Paving III (North End of Sullivan Bridge to Frenchtown Road) Project 05-CS-HC-0034 - Account 339.7263732.652310.5920397; 371.7263732.652310.5920397 - Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 4,594.094.50 Total Change Orders(2): $ 222,952.97 Final Cost: $4,817,047.47 Days Allocated: 398 Days Used: 385 Liquidated Damages: $480.00 3. Prescott Road Bridge over Hurricane Bayou Project 11-BR-CI-0030 - Account 145.7545002.652330.5304211- Council Award Date: June 11, 2014 Contractor: KCR Contractors, LLC Estimated Cost: $319,535.00 Contract Amount: $339,421.00 Total Change Orders (1): $ 30,188.45 Final Cost: $369,609.45 Days Allocated: 145 Days Used: 143 Liquidated Damages: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Perkins Rd. @ Kenilworth Parkway Sidewalk And Drainage Improvements Project 14-SW-HC-0005 - Account 146.7210042.652360.2044914 ESTIMATE: $318,000.00 *Industrial Enterprises Inc $226,781.43 *Barber Brothers Contracting LLC $257.612.50 **MCR Construction, Inc. $258,179.00 *Grady Crawford Construction Co. $299,205.73 **LA Contracting Enterprises, LLC. $306,117.20 2. Ardenwood Drive/Winbourne Avenue Area Sewer Rehabilitation Project Project 13-AR-MS-0034 - Account 441.7578153.752400.6077226; 440.7578153.752400.6077226 ESTIMATE: $2,800.00.00 *Grady Crawford Construction Company, Inc. $2,959,299.35 *NCMC, LLC $3,070,547.00 *Magnolia Construction Company, LLC $3,317,302.40 ***Wharton-Smith, Inc. $3,361,405.00 *Allen & LeBlanc, LLC $3,370,893.00 3. South WWTP Landscape Buffer Area Project Project 13-TP-MS-0046 - Account 440.7579023.752400.6140102 ESTIMATE: $470,000 ***Gulf Breeze Landscaping, LLC $655,069.41 **Rotolo Consultants, Inc. $660,236.50 *Corporate Green, LLC $793,018.04 ***Wharton-Smith Inc. $899,949.80 4. East Baton Rouge Library Greenwell Springs Road & Scotlandville Branch Flooring Replacement - 11300 Greenwell Springs Road & 7373 Scenic Highway Project 15-ASC-CP-0890- Account 111.1200015.647200.0000000 ESTIMATE: $430,000.00 Continental Flooring Company $419,556.00 **Cornerstone Commercial Flooring, L.L.C. $423,150.00 *Unit Design, Inc. $482,150.00 D. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity State Agreement with the state of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, in association with the Half Cent Sales Tax Roadway Beautification Project EBR Mississippi River Ebank Multi-Use Path Phase 3, being City-Parish Project No. 13-SW-05-0062, State Project (DOTD) No. H.009799, Federal Aid Project No. H009799 in an amount not to exceed $74,812. By: Director of Public Works. E. Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute a contract for professional services with Eduardo J. Jenkins Landscape Architect & Planner, LLC in connection with the NWWTP Buffer Area and Vegetative Plantings being Project No. 13-TP-MS-001C for an amount not to exceed $49,500.00. (Account No. 433.7579023.752240.6140501) By: Director of Public Works. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the Professional Service Agreement with Effective Management Decisions, LLC, for a Comprehensive Fleet Operations and Management Evaluation in a supplemental amount not to exceed $60,000.00. (Account No. 503.7090100.643550) By: Director of Public Works. G. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 with Michael Baker, Jr. Inc. for special services requested by the FAA and performed under the A-GIS task order associated with the Runway 22R Special Cat II Upgrade project in an amount not to exceed $10,912.71. (Account No. 482.0989002.652000.8498987) By: Director of Aviation. H. Authorization for the Mayor-president and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a request to the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation to reimburse the Airport additional costs associated with the Plank Road Relocation Feasibility Study Phase I in the amount of $45,668.00. By: Director of Aviation. I. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Kurz & Hebert to receive Real Estate Commission for securing a lease with Hesselbein Tire Company, Inc. at the Airport in an amount not to exceed $42,000 to be paid in three (3) annual installments of $14,000 per year. (Account No. 481.0910002.643550.0000000) By: Director of Aviation. J. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Maintenance Service Agreement with Sunbelt Fire, Inc. for annual ARFF inspections, testing and repair services in an amount not to exceed $25,000.00. (Account No. 481.0970002.647400.0000000) By: Director of Aviation. P. Approving the annual certification required for the Parish Transportation Fund and authorizing the Mayor-President Pro Tempore to sign such certification. By: Finance Director. Q. Appointing a screening committee to review applicants for the upcoming vacancy for the Registrar of Voters, post the vacancy on the City's website, receive applications by May 29, and having the committee report to the Council the top 3 candidates no later than June 17, 2015. By: Councilwoman Edwards. R. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Elizabeth Hutchison to serve as the Interim Baton Rouge Film Commission Executive Director for the period May 16, 2015 through December 31, 2015 in the amount of $33,000. Account Number: 012.4020306.643540. By: Mayor-President.
Adjournment & Announcements