ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of May 27, 2015 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of June 2, 2015.
PUBLIC COMMENT POLICY In accordance with Title 1, Sections 1.2(c)(9) and 1.7(a) of the Code of Ordinances, all items on this agenda are open for public comment with the exception of those items listed as “Introductions”. Items listed as “Introductions” will be available for public comment at subsequent meetings. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should refer to a meeting agenda and fill out a request to speak card indicating which item they wish to speak on and place it in the designated location prior to the meeting. Once the item is announced, each person’s name who has filled out a card will be called on to speak for the amount of time so designated by the Pro-Tem. 7. INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing the appropriation of $1,000,000 of sewer impact fees, collected within the City of Zachary by EBROSCO, for the Rollins Road Regional Pump Station Capacity Project (Budget Supplement No. 8447). By: Interim Director of Public Works. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 Page 2 2. An Ordinance approving and ratifying the appointment of commissioners to the Board of Sewerage Commissions for the Harveston Waste Water Treatment District pursuant to La. R.S. 33:3913. By: The Harveston Waste Water Treatment District. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Louisiana Waste & Consulting Company, LLC for maintenance and servicing of the residential garbage carts for the period August 1, 2015 through February 28, 2018 at a monthly cost of 22 cents per cart. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with BFI Waste Services, LLC, d/b/a Republic Services of Baton Rouge, for the collection and transportation of garbage, trash, and other waste materials from residential dwellings, multi-family units, and government agencies within East Baton Rouge Parish (excluding the cities of Baker and Zachary) for the period September 3, 2015 through February 28, 2018. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 5. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Progressive Waste Solutions for the collection, processing, and marketing of curbside recyclables from residential dwellings within East Baton Rouge Parish (excluding the cities of Baker and Zachary) for the period November 1, 2015 through February 28, 2018. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 6. Amending the 2015 Current Expense and Capital Budgets so as to appropriate $9,224,200 for operations and capital projects as detailed on Budget Supplement #8458. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 7. Authorization to appropriate $252,000 from the Airport's Cash & Investments Account - Capital Outlay - 481.0000000.100009.0000000 to be placed in Account 482.0989002.652200.8940008 for the North End Development of the Multiplex Facility. By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 Page 3 8. Amending the Code of Ordinances, Title 1, Municipal and Parish Organization; Chapter 1, Governing Body; Part 1, Rules of Procedure; Sections 1:8, 1:9, & 1:12 so as to amend the rules and procedures for the Metropolitan Council. By: Councilman Delgado. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 9. Amending the Code of Ordinances, Title 1, Municipal and Parish Organization; Chapter 1, Governing Body; Part 1, Rules of Procedure; Sections 1:9 so as to amend the rules and procedures for reconsideration and future consideration of items by the Metropolitan Council. By: Councilman Amoroso. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 CONDEMNATIONS: 10. Eva Curry 9002 Whitfield Street (Front Building Only); Lot 7, Square 2, Taylor Tract - Council District 02 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 11. Timothy Allen Damon & Carol D. Damon 1728 Port Drive; Lot 29-B, South Highland Industrial Park Subdivision - Council District 03 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 12. Creola Givens 5656 Peerless Street & Rear Shed; Lots 7 & 8, Square 48, Fortune Subdivision - Council District 05 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 13. Lennard Dwight Lewis, Johnny Thompson & Louise Lewis Thompson; 6150 Landis Drive; Lot 214, Fairlane Subdivision - Council District 05 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 14. Larry Hebert & Veronica Nelson Hebert 3833 Sycamore Street (Garage Only); Lot 22, Square 7, Shorten Place Subdivision - Council District 07 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 Page 4 15. Binning Properties, LLC; 3023 North Street; Lot 4, Square 2, Progress Park Subdivision - Council District 07 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 16. Weller Avenue Baptist Church 3535 Mohican Street; Lot Y, Tunica Subdivision - Council District 07 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: None. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: None. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Requesting a report from DPW listing all bridge outages in the parish and what's being done to reopen them with timelines. By: Councilman Welch. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President to grant a Vegetation Management Servitude to Dixie Electric Membership Corporation on a certain tract or parcel of land containing 2.02 acres (Lot 3-A) in the 3rd Ward of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, Section 54-T5S-R2E, along Hooper Road. By: Fire Chief. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute and deliver a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement by and between the City of Baton Rouge, the Third-Florida Economic Development District, and the Third-Florida Development, LLC and otherwise providing with respect thereto. By: Councilwoman Wicker. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 4. Requesting the designation of Census Tract 40.05 Block Group 1in Lieu of Census Tract 39.04 Block Group 3, as an Enterprise Zone for participation in the Enterprise Zone Program. By: Councilman Amoroso. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 Page 5 5. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 with Architects+ for re-design and bidding Services for the Multiplex Facility in an amount not to exceed $252,000.00. By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 6. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Lease Agreement on behalf of the City-Parish with Super Hospitality Owner, LLC., to provide for 50 designated parking spaces in the East Parking Garage to be utilized by Holiday Inn Express as valet parking. The 50 designated spaces will be leased for $100 per month/per space for a monthly lease amount of $5,000. The term of the lease will be for a period of five (5) years and will include a provision for early termination in the event the hotel should construct or acquire another parking facility. By: Department of Buildings and Grounds. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015
8. CONDEMNATIONS: A. Henry Dawson & Georgia Dawson 2617 & 2619 Duke Street (House & Rear Garage Apartment); Lot 19-A, Square 5, Baton Rouge Terrace Subdivision - Council District 07 (This item was deferred from the April 8, 2015 Council Meeting) B. Carolyn Maiden 9990 Avenue A; Lot 4-A, Square 40, Highland Farms Subdivision - Council District 02 C. William C. Harrison 575 Mills Avenue; Lots 21, 22, & 23, Square 17, University Place Subdivision - Council District 02 D. Arvette Brown & Javan Brown 5056 Peerless Street; Lots 8 & 9, Square 24, Fortune Subdivision - Council District 05 E. Chanel Wells 3475 Prescott Road; Portion of Lot 3, Plank Road Subdivision - Council District 07 F. Chanel Wells 3511 Prescott Road; Portion of Lot 3, Plank Road Subdivision - Council District 07 G. Clifton Matthews 1942 Harelson Street; Lot 22, Square 5, East Fairfields Subdivision - Council District 07 H. Church Point Ministries, Inc. 3205 Tecumseh Street; North 40' of Lots 8, 9, & 10; Square 79, Istrouma Subdivision - Council District 10 I. Mary E. Joseph 215 N. 26th Street; Lot 22, Square 1, Lincoln Park Subdivision - Council District 10
9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Amending Title 4 (Police Department), Chapter 1 (Organization) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as require the use of body cameras by patrol officers for the City of Baton Rouge police department by January 1, 2016 and Providing for Other Related Matters. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. (This item was deferred from April 22, 2015 and May 27, 2015 Council Meetings)
9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: B. Granting a five year property tax abatement estimated at $230,740.76 per year for the property located at 201 Lafayette Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2012-1347for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Councilwoman Wicker. (This item was deferred from the May 27, 2015 Council Meeting) C. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Bradley Sweazy in the amount not to exceed $30,000 for the contract period June 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015 and appropriating $30,000 for said purpose. To assess programmatic activities, facilitate foundational improvements, make recommendation for management and program(s) administration; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Mayor-President. (This item was deferred from the May 27, 2015 Council Meeting) D. Amending Title 1, Chapter 3, Part IV of The Code of Ordinances for the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to change benefits for members hired on or after July 1, 2015 in accordance with Resolution 51398 adopted by the Metropolitan Council on March 25, 2015. By: Mayor-President. E. Amend the 2015 allotment of positions for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #15844, dated 3/25/2015, so as to change the allotment of the Police Department as follows, effective June 11, 2015. ADD:(1) Accounting Associate I, job code 100090 and DELETE:(1)Clerical Specialist, job code 110090 By: Police Chief & Interim Human Resources Director. F. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Bennie G. Davis, et al vs. Anthony Jackson, et al", no. 584,476 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $75,000.00, plus Court Costs in the amount of $644.00, for a total amount of $75,644.00, and appropriating $75,644.00 for such purpose. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of record is Rick Caballero; Caballero, Fields & Adams) By: Parish Attorney. G. Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge, in accordance with Resolution Number 51373, adopted March 25, 2015, by the Metropolitan Council, to acquire certain properties with monies provided under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, and to execute all such sales and documents necessary to acquire said properties, and to comply with the terms, conditions and restrictions required under the aforementioned Grant. By: Parish Attorney. H. Amending Ordinance 11160 (Charitable Gaming Ordinance), adopted June 10, 1998, so as to amend Part I, Section 4-3 thereof, relative to maximum prize awards/BINGO. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. I. Authorizing the Mayor-President to conditionally accept the 2014 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Grant (Supportive Housing Program) programs totaling $1,161,364.00; and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute grant agreements with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the grant award upon approval; and authorizing the Mayor-President and/or his designee to execute related Continuum of Care contracts with sub-recipients in a total aggregate amount not exceeding $1,161,364.00. By: Urban Development Director. J. Authorizing the determination of that portion of the Charles R. Kelly Community Center to Be Used to provide health or social services to the area residents at a reduced rate or free of charge with applicant(s) to be qualified in any of said fields and to provide adequate staff for the purpose of same; and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a lease agreement with the Highest qualified bidder at the appropriate time in connection therewith (The City-parish shall be allowed
APPOINTMENTS: A. MUNICIPAL FIRE & POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD Consideration of reappointing or replacing Fran Bussie, whose term expires on July 23, 2015, effective July 24, 2015. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Fran Bussie (Received letter requesting reappointment) B. HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Consideration of reappointing or replacing Patricia Gauthier, whose term expires on June 25, 2015, effective June 26, 2015. This is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Patricia Gauthier (Received letter requesting reappointment) Jennifer Johnson Mark Thompson (This item was deferred from the May 27, 2015 Council Meeting) C. HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Consideration of reappointing or replacing Mark Thompson, whose term expires on June 25, 2015, effective June 26, 2015. This is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Patricia Gauthier (Received letter requesting reappointment) Jennifer Johnson Mark Thompson (This item was deferred from the May 27, 2015 Council Meeting)
ITEMS: A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Plank Road - Kleinpeter Road Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades Project Number: 09-GS-UF-0028 Original Estimated Cost: $ 8,600,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO130485 Account Number: 411.7578233.752400.6087358; 441.7578233.752400.6087358 Council Award Date: January 9, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: 5 (Five) Change Order Amount: $ 205,733.82 Original Contract Amount: $ 9,331,605.66 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,259,493.72 New Contract Amount: $10,796,833.20 Description: The repair of an existing 18" gravity line, replacement of a 24" gravity sewer pipe, completing manhole connections, dewatering trench due to PS 44 surcharging, concrete removal around existing force main at PS 80 tie-in and to clear unforeseen obstructions. Why Required: To facilitate the Plank Road - Kleinpeter Road Sewer project and reduce future costs resulting from changes attributed to unforeseen conditions or other conflicts. 2. Project Title: Central Consolidation, Consolidated Pump Stations Project Project Number: 09-PS-MS-0035 Original Estimated Cost: $16,400,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO111598 Account Number: 441.7578713.752400.6087349 Council Award Date: October 26, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Change Order Number: 6(Six) (Extend contract for 220 days) Change Order Amount: $ 388,994.76 Original Contract Amount: $20,497,631.90 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,349,420.67 New Contract Amount: $22,236,047.33 Description: PS#3 tie-in and valves on 36"/24" force main and connection to new 36" piping METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 P age 10 discharge for flow reroute between 2 pump stations. Pump cable replacement per Design Engineer. Why Required: To facilitate the Central Consolidated Pump Stations project and reduce future costs resulting from changes attributed to unforeseen conditions or other conflicts. 3. Project Title: Shenandoah Hills Subdivision Entrance (Mary Louise Ave & Jones Creek Rd) and Wedgewood Subdivision Entrance (Stonewood Dr & South Harrels Ferry Rd) Project Number: 13-CS-HC-0028 Original Estimated Cost: $ 50,469.20 Purchase Order Number: PO141272 Account Number: 339.7260452.652310.592 , 339.7260262.652310.592 , 339.7260172.652310.592 , 339.7260372.652310.592 , and 339.7260392.652310.592_ Council Award Date: January 22, 2014 Contractor: Corporate Green Company, Green Seasons Change Order Number: 2 (Two) (Extend contract for 90 days) Change Order Amount: $ 53,383.67 Original Contract Amount: $ 24,465.21 Net Previous Changes: $ 38,665.02 New Contract Amount: $116,513.90 Description: Change request no. 3 ($53,383.67) provides for addition of the Lynnewood Village entrance sign ($8,264.88), and the Staring Place entrance sign, landscape and lighting ($45,118.79) restoration projects. Why Required: The inclusion of the two additional sites facilitates the completion of the Homeowner Association entrance sign restoration projects associated with the Starring Lane Greenlight project. 4. Project Title: East Brookstown Bridge Replacement over Hurricane Creek Project Number: 12-BR-US-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $540,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141512 Account Number: 152.7523046.647110.5230009 Council Award Date: August 13, 2014 Contractor: Chambers Construction Company, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (Two) (Final)(Extend contract for 15 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 20,475.31 Original Contract Amount: $630,447.02 Net Previous Changes: $ 7,309.49 New Contract Amount: $658,231.82 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities and add 15 calendar days to the contract time Why Required: To make payment for final field-measured quantities and add 15 days to the contract time due to adverse weather: B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. East Brookstown Bridge Replacement over Hurricane Creek Project 12-BR-US-0018 - Account 152.7523046.647110.5230009 - Council Award Date: August 13, 2014 Contractor: Chambers Construction Company, Inc. Estimated Cost: $540,000.00 Contract Amount: $630,447.02 Total Change Orders (2): $ 27,784.80 Final Cost: $658,231.82 Days Allocated: 165 Days Used: 163 Liquidated Damages: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Group Project Sidewalk Improvement Including: Goodwood Ave. (Jefferson Hwy. To Sevenoaks Dr.) (Project No. 14-SW-HC-0007) and Chadsford Ave. (Kennesaw Dr. To Antioch Blvd.) (Project No. 14-SW-HC-0008) Project 15-SW-HC-0018 Account 146.7210042.652360.2045014 & 146.7210042.652360.2045814 ESTIMATE: $135,000.00 *Industrial Enterprises Inc $108,867.69 **Bucktown Contractors $150,581.00 2. Accepting the bids received for the Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS) at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport. (Account No. 482.0989002.652200.8890015). Engineer's Estimate: $82,036.50 DBE Goal: N/A Bidder Base Bid Variance DBE% E.P. Breaux Electrical, Inc. $155,132.36 89.1% N/A D. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the state of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, in association with the Half Cent Sales Tax Roadway Beautification Project EBR Miss E Bank Multi-Use Path, Phase 3, being City-Parish Project No. 13-SW-05-0062, State Project (DOTD) No. H.009799, Federal Aid Project No. H009799. By: Director of Public Works. E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Clairmont and the City of Zachary to enable the connection of the Clairmont development and surrounding properties to the EBROSCO sewer system, the transfer of a sewer pump station site and issuing of accompanying sewer impact fee credits in connection with the development of Clairmont. (Account No. 412.7570913.752400.7082044) By: Director of Public Works. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to the Contract for Engineering Services with SJB Group, LLC / Owen & White, Inc. - Joint Venture w/subconsultants: Terracon Consultants, Inc.; Ragland, Aderman & Associates, Inc. for additional engineering services in connection with North Forced System Capacity Improvement Project NFE-C-0006 (Lovett Road - Greenwell Springs Road), being Project No. 10-FM-MS-0049, in an amount not to exceed $66,987.00. (Account No. 411.7578233.752200.6087372) By: Director of Public Works. G. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Capital Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. whereby the Department of Environmental Services will provide for the inspection of private sewage treatment systems in the Comite River Watershed in East Baton Rouge Parish, in the total amount of $21,840 for the period of one year, at the hourly rate of $17.50 per hour, 24 hours per week. By: Director of Public Works. H. A Resolution ordering and calling an election to be held in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on October 24, 2015, for the purpose of authorizing the renewal of the levy and collection of a 11.1 mills ad valorem tax on all property subject to taxation within the boundaries of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, for a period of ten (10) years, commencing with the tax collection for the year 2016, and annually thereafter, to and including the 2025, for the purpose of providing funds (after paying reasonable and necessary expenses of collecting and administering the Tax) to be used entirely and exclusively for the purpose of maintaining and operating the public library system of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and its branches, improving services, acquiring land and constructing new library facilities, to be administered by the East Baton Rouge Parish Library Board of Control, in the manner required by law; making application to the Louisiana State Bond Commission; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. By: Bond Counsel. (This item was deferred from the May 27. 2015 Council Meeting) I. Consideration of appointing a Registrar of Voters for East Baton Rouge Parish in accordance with R.S. 18:51 due to the June 1, 2015 retirement of Elaine Lamb. By: Council Administrator-Treasurer. J. Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to Cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 31, 2015 at Original 727 of Bundle 12643 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Alexander Gaines & Estelle Gaines"- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9294 (12144 Plymouth Drive; Lot 19, Beechwood Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Banks-Daniel. K. A resolution declaring the Metropolitan Council's support for the use of body cameras by the Baton Rouge Police Department; requesting the Baton Rouge Police Department to conduct a trial and study period on the use of body cameras by one hundred (100) BRPD officers and forming a study group to report on the progress of the body camera trial and study; providing for the makeup and responsibilities of the study group. By: Councilman Amoroso.
Adjournment & Announcements
ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of May 27, 2015 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of June 2, 2015.
PUBLIC COMMENT POLICY In accordance with Title 1, Sections 1.2(c)(9) and 1.7(a) of the Code of Ordinances, all items on this agenda are open for public comment with the exception of those items listed as “Introductions”. Items listed as “Introductions” will be available for public comment at subsequent meetings. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should refer to a meeting agenda and fill out a request to speak card indicating which item they wish to speak on and place it in the designated location prior to the meeting. Once the item is announced, each person’s name who has filled out a card will be called on to speak for the amount of time so designated by the Pro-Tem. 7. INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing the appropriation of $1,000,000 of sewer impact fees, collected within the City of Zachary by EBROSCO, for the Rollins Road Regional Pump Station Capacity Project (Budget Supplement No. 8447). By: Interim Director of Public Works. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 Page 2 2. An Ordinance approving and ratifying the appointment of commissioners to the Board of Sewerage Commissions for the Harveston Waste Water Treatment District pursuant to La. R.S. 33:3913. By: The Harveston Waste Water Treatment District. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Louisiana Waste & Consulting Company, LLC for maintenance and servicing of the residential garbage carts for the period August 1, 2015 through February 28, 2018 at a monthly cost of 22 cents per cart. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with BFI Waste Services, LLC, d/b/a Republic Services of Baton Rouge, for the collection and transportation of garbage, trash, and other waste materials from residential dwellings, multi-family units, and government agencies within East Baton Rouge Parish (excluding the cities of Baker and Zachary) for the period September 3, 2015 through February 28, 2018. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 5. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Progressive Waste Solutions for the collection, processing, and marketing of curbside recyclables from residential dwellings within East Baton Rouge Parish (excluding the cities of Baker and Zachary) for the period November 1, 2015 through February 28, 2018. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 6. Amending the 2015 Current Expense and Capital Budgets so as to appropriate $9,224,200 for operations and capital projects as detailed on Budget Supplement #8458. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 7. Authorization to appropriate $252,000 from the Airport's Cash & Investments Account - Capital Outlay - 481.0000000.100009.0000000 to be placed in Account 482.0989002.652200.8940008 for the North End Development of the Multiplex Facility. By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 Page 3 8. Amending the Code of Ordinances, Title 1, Municipal and Parish Organization; Chapter 1, Governing Body; Part 1, Rules of Procedure; Sections 1:8, 1:9, & 1:12 so as to amend the rules and procedures for the Metropolitan Council. By: Councilman Delgado. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 9. Amending the Code of Ordinances, Title 1, Municipal and Parish Organization; Chapter 1, Governing Body; Part 1, Rules of Procedure; Sections 1:9 so as to amend the rules and procedures for reconsideration and future consideration of items by the Metropolitan Council. By: Councilman Amoroso. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 CONDEMNATIONS: 10. Eva Curry 9002 Whitfield Street (Front Building Only); Lot 7, Square 2, Taylor Tract - Council District 02 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 11. Timothy Allen Damon & Carol D. Damon 1728 Port Drive; Lot 29-B, South Highland Industrial Park Subdivision - Council District 03 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 12. Creola Givens 5656 Peerless Street & Rear Shed; Lots 7 & 8, Square 48, Fortune Subdivision - Council District 05 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 13. Lennard Dwight Lewis, Johnny Thompson & Louise Lewis Thompson; 6150 Landis Drive; Lot 214, Fairlane Subdivision - Council District 05 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 14. Larry Hebert & Veronica Nelson Hebert 3833 Sycamore Street (Garage Only); Lot 22, Square 7, Shorten Place Subdivision - Council District 07 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 Page 4 15. Binning Properties, LLC; 3023 North Street; Lot 4, Square 2, Progress Park Subdivision - Council District 07 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 16. Weller Avenue Baptist Church 3535 Mohican Street; Lot Y, Tunica Subdivision - Council District 07 Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: None. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: None. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Requesting a report from DPW listing all bridge outages in the parish and what's being done to reopen them with timelines. By: Councilman Welch. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President to grant a Vegetation Management Servitude to Dixie Electric Membership Corporation on a certain tract or parcel of land containing 2.02 acres (Lot 3-A) in the 3rd Ward of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, Section 54-T5S-R2E, along Hooper Road. By: Fire Chief. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute and deliver a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement by and between the City of Baton Rouge, the Third-Florida Economic Development District, and the Third-Florida Development, LLC and otherwise providing with respect thereto. By: Councilwoman Wicker. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 4. Requesting the designation of Census Tract 40.05 Block Group 1in Lieu of Census Tract 39.04 Block Group 3, as an Enterprise Zone for participation in the Enterprise Zone Program. By: Councilman Amoroso. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 Page 5 5. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 with Architects+ for re-design and bidding Services for the Multiplex Facility in an amount not to exceed $252,000.00. By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015 6. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Lease Agreement on behalf of the City-Parish with Super Hospitality Owner, LLC., to provide for 50 designated parking spaces in the East Parking Garage to be utilized by Holiday Inn Express as valet parking. The 50 designated spaces will be leased for $100 per month/per space for a monthly lease amount of $5,000. The term of the lease will be for a period of five (5) years and will include a provision for early termination in the event the hotel should construct or acquire another parking facility. By: Department of Buildings and Grounds. Introduce for public hearing on June 24, 2015
8. CONDEMNATIONS: A. Henry Dawson & Georgia Dawson 2617 & 2619 Duke Street (House & Rear Garage Apartment); Lot 19-A, Square 5, Baton Rouge Terrace Subdivision - Council District 07 (This item was deferred from the April 8, 2015 Council Meeting) B. Carolyn Maiden 9990 Avenue A; Lot 4-A, Square 40, Highland Farms Subdivision - Council District 02 C. William C. Harrison 575 Mills Avenue; Lots 21, 22, & 23, Square 17, University Place Subdivision - Council District 02 D. Arvette Brown & Javan Brown 5056 Peerless Street; Lots 8 & 9, Square 24, Fortune Subdivision - Council District 05 E. Chanel Wells 3475 Prescott Road; Portion of Lot 3, Plank Road Subdivision - Council District 07 F. Chanel Wells 3511 Prescott Road; Portion of Lot 3, Plank Road Subdivision - Council District 07 G. Clifton Matthews 1942 Harelson Street; Lot 22, Square 5, East Fairfields Subdivision - Council District 07 H. Church Point Ministries, Inc. 3205 Tecumseh Street; North 40' of Lots 8, 9, & 10; Square 79, Istrouma Subdivision - Council District 10 I. Mary E. Joseph 215 N. 26th Street; Lot 22, Square 1, Lincoln Park Subdivision - Council District 10
9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Amending Title 4 (Police Department), Chapter 1 (Organization) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as require the use of body cameras by patrol officers for the City of Baton Rouge police department by January 1, 2016 and Providing for Other Related Matters. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. (This item was deferred from April 22, 2015 and May 27, 2015 Council Meetings)
9. PUBLIC HEARINGS: B. Granting a five year property tax abatement estimated at $230,740.76 per year for the property located at 201 Lafayette Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA#2012-1347for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Councilwoman Wicker. (This item was deferred from the May 27, 2015 Council Meeting) C. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Bradley Sweazy in the amount not to exceed $30,000 for the contract period June 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015 and appropriating $30,000 for said purpose. To assess programmatic activities, facilitate foundational improvements, make recommendation for management and program(s) administration; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Mayor-President. (This item was deferred from the May 27, 2015 Council Meeting) D. Amending Title 1, Chapter 3, Part IV of The Code of Ordinances for the Employees' Retirement System of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to change benefits for members hired on or after July 1, 2015 in accordance with Resolution 51398 adopted by the Metropolitan Council on March 25, 2015. By: Mayor-President. E. Amend the 2015 allotment of positions for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #15844, dated 3/25/2015, so as to change the allotment of the Police Department as follows, effective June 11, 2015. ADD:(1) Accounting Associate I, job code 100090 and DELETE:(1)Clerical Specialist, job code 110090 By: Police Chief & Interim Human Resources Director. F. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Bennie G. Davis, et al vs. Anthony Jackson, et al", no. 584,476 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $75,000.00, plus Court Costs in the amount of $644.00, for a total amount of $75,644.00, and appropriating $75,644.00 for such purpose. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of record is Rick Caballero; Caballero, Fields & Adams) By: Parish Attorney. G. Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge, in accordance with Resolution Number 51373, adopted March 25, 2015, by the Metropolitan Council, to acquire certain properties with monies provided under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, and to execute all such sales and documents necessary to acquire said properties, and to comply with the terms, conditions and restrictions required under the aforementioned Grant. By: Parish Attorney. H. Amending Ordinance 11160 (Charitable Gaming Ordinance), adopted June 10, 1998, so as to amend Part I, Section 4-3 thereof, relative to maximum prize awards/BINGO. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. I. Authorizing the Mayor-President to conditionally accept the 2014 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Grant (Supportive Housing Program) programs totaling $1,161,364.00; and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute grant agreements with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the grant award upon approval; and authorizing the Mayor-President and/or his designee to execute related Continuum of Care contracts with sub-recipients in a total aggregate amount not exceeding $1,161,364.00. By: Urban Development Director. J. Authorizing the determination of that portion of the Charles R. Kelly Community Center to Be Used to provide health or social services to the area residents at a reduced rate or free of charge with applicant(s) to be qualified in any of said fields and to provide adequate staff for the purpose of same; and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a lease agreement with the Highest qualified bidder at the appropriate time in connection therewith (The City-parish shall be allowed
APPOINTMENTS: A. MUNICIPAL FIRE & POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD Consideration of reappointing or replacing Fran Bussie, whose term expires on July 23, 2015, effective July 24, 2015. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Fran Bussie (Received letter requesting reappointment) B. HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Consideration of reappointing or replacing Patricia Gauthier, whose term expires on June 25, 2015, effective June 26, 2015. This is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Patricia Gauthier (Received letter requesting reappointment) Jennifer Johnson Mark Thompson (This item was deferred from the May 27, 2015 Council Meeting) C. HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Consideration of reappointing or replacing Mark Thompson, whose term expires on June 25, 2015, effective June 26, 2015. This is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Patricia Gauthier (Received letter requesting reappointment) Jennifer Johnson Mark Thompson (This item was deferred from the May 27, 2015 Council Meeting)
ITEMS: A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Plank Road - Kleinpeter Road Sanitary Sewer System Upgrades Project Number: 09-GS-UF-0028 Original Estimated Cost: $ 8,600,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO130485 Account Number: 411.7578233.752400.6087358; 441.7578233.752400.6087358 Council Award Date: January 9, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: 5 (Five) Change Order Amount: $ 205,733.82 Original Contract Amount: $ 9,331,605.66 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,259,493.72 New Contract Amount: $10,796,833.20 Description: The repair of an existing 18" gravity line, replacement of a 24" gravity sewer pipe, completing manhole connections, dewatering trench due to PS 44 surcharging, concrete removal around existing force main at PS 80 tie-in and to clear unforeseen obstructions. Why Required: To facilitate the Plank Road - Kleinpeter Road Sewer project and reduce future costs resulting from changes attributed to unforeseen conditions or other conflicts. 2. Project Title: Central Consolidation, Consolidated Pump Stations Project Project Number: 09-PS-MS-0035 Original Estimated Cost: $16,400,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO111598 Account Number: 441.7578713.752400.6087349 Council Award Date: October 26, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Change Order Number: 6(Six) (Extend contract for 220 days) Change Order Amount: $ 388,994.76 Original Contract Amount: $20,497,631.90 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,349,420.67 New Contract Amount: $22,236,047.33 Description: PS#3 tie-in and valves on 36"/24" force main and connection to new 36" piping METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING June 10, 2015 P age 10 discharge for flow reroute between 2 pump stations. Pump cable replacement per Design Engineer. Why Required: To facilitate the Central Consolidated Pump Stations project and reduce future costs resulting from changes attributed to unforeseen conditions or other conflicts. 3. Project Title: Shenandoah Hills Subdivision Entrance (Mary Louise Ave & Jones Creek Rd) and Wedgewood Subdivision Entrance (Stonewood Dr & South Harrels Ferry Rd) Project Number: 13-CS-HC-0028 Original Estimated Cost: $ 50,469.20 Purchase Order Number: PO141272 Account Number: 339.7260452.652310.592 , 339.7260262.652310.592 , 339.7260172.652310.592 , 339.7260372.652310.592 , and 339.7260392.652310.592_ Council Award Date: January 22, 2014 Contractor: Corporate Green Company, Green Seasons Change Order Number: 2 (Two) (Extend contract for 90 days) Change Order Amount: $ 53,383.67 Original Contract Amount: $ 24,465.21 Net Previous Changes: $ 38,665.02 New Contract Amount: $116,513.90 Description: Change request no. 3 ($53,383.67) provides for addition of the Lynnewood Village entrance sign ($8,264.88), and the Staring Place entrance sign, landscape and lighting ($45,118.79) restoration projects. Why Required: The inclusion of the two additional sites facilitates the completion of the Homeowner Association entrance sign restoration projects associated with the Starring Lane Greenlight project. 4. Project Title: East Brookstown Bridge Replacement over Hurricane Creek Project Number: 12-BR-US-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $540,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141512 Account Number: 152.7523046.647110.5230009 Council Award Date: August 13, 2014 Contractor: Chambers Construction Company, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (Two) (Final)(Extend contract for 15 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 20,475.31 Original Contract Amount: $630,447.02 Net Previous Changes: $ 7,309.49 New Contract Amount: $658,231.82 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities and add 15 calendar days to the contract time Why Required: To make payment for final field-measured quantities and add 15 days to the contract time due to adverse weather: B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. East Brookstown Bridge Replacement over Hurricane Creek Project 12-BR-US-0018 - Account 152.7523046.647110.5230009 - Council Award Date: August 13, 2014 Contractor: Chambers Construction Company, Inc. Estimated Cost: $540,000.00 Contract Amount: $630,447.02 Total Change Orders (2): $ 27,784.80 Final Cost: $658,231.82 Days Allocated: 165 Days Used: 163 Liquidated Damages: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Group Project Sidewalk Improvement Including: Goodwood Ave. (Jefferson Hwy. To Sevenoaks Dr.) (Project No. 14-SW-HC-0007) and Chadsford Ave. (Kennesaw Dr. To Antioch Blvd.) (Project No. 14-SW-HC-0008) Project 15-SW-HC-0018 Account 146.7210042.652360.2045014 & 146.7210042.652360.2045814 ESTIMATE: $135,000.00 *Industrial Enterprises Inc $108,867.69 **Bucktown Contractors $150,581.00 2. Accepting the bids received for the Low Level Windshear Alert System (LLWAS) at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport. (Account No. 482.0989002.652200.8890015). Engineer's Estimate: $82,036.50 DBE Goal: N/A Bidder Base Bid Variance DBE% E.P. Breaux Electrical, Inc. $155,132.36 89.1% N/A D. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the state of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, in association with the Half Cent Sales Tax Roadway Beautification Project EBR Miss E Bank Multi-Use Path, Phase 3, being City-Parish Project No. 13-SW-05-0062, State Project (DOTD) No. H.009799, Federal Aid Project No. H009799. By: Director of Public Works. E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Clairmont and the City of Zachary to enable the connection of the Clairmont development and surrounding properties to the EBROSCO sewer system, the transfer of a sewer pump station site and issuing of accompanying sewer impact fee credits in connection with the development of Clairmont. (Account No. 412.7570913.752400.7082044) By: Director of Public Works. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to the Contract for Engineering Services with SJB Group, LLC / Owen & White, Inc. - Joint Venture w/subconsultants: Terracon Consultants, Inc.; Ragland, Aderman & Associates, Inc. for additional engineering services in connection with North Forced System Capacity Improvement Project NFE-C-0006 (Lovett Road - Greenwell Springs Road), being Project No. 10-FM-MS-0049, in an amount not to exceed $66,987.00. (Account No. 411.7578233.752200.6087372) By: Director of Public Works. G. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Capital Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. whereby the Department of Environmental Services will provide for the inspection of private sewage treatment systems in the Comite River Watershed in East Baton Rouge Parish, in the total amount of $21,840 for the period of one year, at the hourly rate of $17.50 per hour, 24 hours per week. By: Director of Public Works. H. A Resolution ordering and calling an election to be held in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on October 24, 2015, for the purpose of authorizing the renewal of the levy and collection of a 11.1 mills ad valorem tax on all property subject to taxation within the boundaries of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, for a period of ten (10) years, commencing with the tax collection for the year 2016, and annually thereafter, to and including the 2025, for the purpose of providing funds (after paying reasonable and necessary expenses of collecting and administering the Tax) to be used entirely and exclusively for the purpose of maintaining and operating the public library system of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and its branches, improving services, acquiring land and constructing new library facilities, to be administered by the East Baton Rouge Parish Library Board of Control, in the manner required by law; making application to the Louisiana State Bond Commission; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. By: Bond Counsel. (This item was deferred from the May 27. 2015 Council Meeting) I. Consideration of appointing a Registrar of Voters for East Baton Rouge Parish in accordance with R.S. 18:51 due to the June 1, 2015 retirement of Elaine Lamb. By: Council Administrator-Treasurer. J. Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to Cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 31, 2015 at Original 727 of Bundle 12643 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Alexander Gaines & Estelle Gaines"- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9294 (12144 Plymouth Drive; Lot 19, Beechwood Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Banks-Daniel. K. A resolution declaring the Metropolitan Council's support for the use of body cameras by the Baton Rouge Police Department; requesting the Baton Rouge Police Department to conduct a trial and study period on the use of body cameras by one hundred (100) BRPD officers and forming a study group to report on the progress of the body camera trial and study; providing for the makeup and responsibilities of the study group. By: Councilman Amoroso.
Adjournment & Announcements