ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of October 14, 2015 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Authority Commission Meeting of October 20, 2015.
PUBLIC COMMENT POLICY This is a public meeting. In accordance with Title 1, Sections 1.2(c)(9) and 1.7(a) of the Code of Ordinances, all items on this agenda are open for public comment with the exception of those items listed as “Introductions”. Items listed as “Introductions” will be available for public comment at subsequent meetings. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should refer to a meeting agenda and fill out a request to speak card indicating which item they wish to speak on and place it in the designated location prior to the meeting. Once the item is announced, each person’s name who has filled out a card will be called on to speak for the amount of time so designated by the Pro-Tem.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Amending the 2015 current expense budget for the Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention and Development District so as to appropriate $8,000 from the district's Fund Balance - Unassigned to provide funding for recurring operations through the remaining months of 2015. By: Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention & Development District. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 2. Amend the 2015 allotment of positions for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #15844, dated 12/9/14, so as to change the allotment as follows, effective November 14, 2015. MAYOR-PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP PILOT (P3) GRANT (NEW); ADD:(1) Performance Partnership Pilot (P3) Program Manager, job code 300170. By: Mayor-President and Interim Human Resources Director. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 3. Amend the 2015 pay plan for the classified, unclassified, non-classified and Fire and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #15913, dated 3/25/2015, so as to make the following changes, effective November 14, 2015. ADD: Performance Partnership Pilot (P3) Program Manager job code 300170pay grade 2260($49,975-$84,385). By: Mayor-President and Interim Human Resources Director. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 4. Amending the Title IV-E reimbursement fund budget so as to appropriate $134,215.77 received from the state Office of Juvenile Justice, representing reimbursements for certain expenditures eligible under the federal foster care reimbursement program (social security act, as amended, title IV-E, section 470, et seq.). These funds will be used for needs of the Department of Juvenile Services including personnel costs, fiscal management fees, and other associated costs. By: Interim Director of Juvenile Services. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 5. Authorization to appropriate $124,408.47 from the Parish General Fund (002..380000. - Fund Balance Unassigned) as authorized by Resolution No. 44062, which was adopted on April 27, 2005, to cover cost overruns on projects. The funds will be placed in the following grant project: FAIS Project Number 8498987- Install CAT II Approach Lighting Phase I & II (BS#008441) By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 6. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Amanda Mohr, et al vs. City/Parish of East Baton Rouge, et al", no. 622,401 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $85,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,610.14, for a total amount of $86,610.14, and appropriating $$86,610.14 for such purpose. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of Record is John L. Tyler, Tyler & Possa) By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 CONDEMNATIONS: None. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Lot P, Square 21, University Place Milton E. Otis, Sr. Avenue F Metro Council District 02 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 3,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,013.87 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 2. Lot A, Square 49, University Place Milton E. Otis, Sr. Avenue I Metro Council District 02 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 3,000.00 Taxes Due $ 793.96 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 3. Lot 3, Swart Addition Walter and Adrian Mayes 739 Cotton Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 800.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 2,500.00 Taxes Due $ 1,115.84 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 4. Lot 9, Square 9, Delphine Place Samuel L. Wilson, Jr. 2461 Spain Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $30,000.00 Taxes Due $26,588.16 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 5. Lot 1-A, Square 52, Bank Lionel Stallion 68th Avenue Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 4,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,071.41 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 6. Lot 23, Square 38, South Baton Rouge Shemika Mayfield 2322 Georgia Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 350.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $15,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,313.03 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 7. Lot 24, Clark Subdivision Denise Harris-Smith 1726 Oleander Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 300.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $10,000 .00 Taxes Due $ 2,214.41 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 8. Lot 9, Square 6, Favrot Denise Harris-Smith South Boulevard Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 300.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 5,000.00 Taxes Due $ 647.00 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 9. Lot 2, Sq. B, Zion City Dan Hoskins 7818 Plank Road Metro Council District 05 - Edwards Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $10,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,867.55 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 10. Lot 23, Sq. 42, Monte Sano Highland Farms L. Lee/ S. Ginn Denham Street Metro Council District 05 - Edwards Initial Bid Amount $ 150.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $6,500.00 Taxes Due $ 661.91 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 11. Lot 57, Square 2, Richmond Park Voltaire Sterling 1148 North 32nd Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 900.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 7,000.00 Taxes Due $ 5,643.73 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 12. Lot 10, Square 1, Belleview High Voltage, L.L.C. South Eugene Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $20,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,339.08 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: 1. SNC-1-15 Portion of East Boulevard and 9th Street to T.J. Jemison Street A proposed street name change for a portion of East Boulevard and North 9th Street, located between Government Street and Florida Street. (Council District 10-Wicker) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on conformance with Unified Development Code requirements for street names. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0. 2. Case 44-15 9315 Jefferson Highway To rezone from A1 (Single Family Residential) to GOL (General Office Low Rise) located at the northwest intersection of Jefferson Highway and Bluebonnet Boulevard, on Lots B and C of the S.D. Porter Tract. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11-Heck) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0. 3. Case 45-15 2600-2700 Progress Road and 10000-10300 Veterans Memorial Boulevard To rezone from A3.1 (Limited Residential) to CW3 (Commercial Warehousing Three), located north of Progress Road and west of Veterans on Tract A, and portions of Lots 42, 43, 44 & 50 of East Pryce Place Subdivision. Section 72, T6S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 2-Banks-Daniel) Commission Action: Motion to defer until November 16, 2015 carried, 9-0. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Consideration of suspending, rescinding, or approving route changes approved by the CATS Board at their October 20, 2015, meeting in accordance with LRS. 48:1460 (9). By: CATS. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 2. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Margaret Brown Joseph for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Fire Department Employee, in the amount of $24,394.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In proper person). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 3. Authorization for the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Beard International Services and Technologies, LLC to provide construction management services for the project entitled: Program Management Services for the East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport, RFQ No. 20008-15EBRPMARC. By: EBRPMARC Director. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 4. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No 4 - final to the Michael Baker, Jr. Inc. contract for additional Design/Construction Administration services associated with Runway 22R Special CAT II Upgrade Project in an amount not to exceed $124,408.47 (Account no. 482.0989002.652200.8498987). By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 5. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a HOME Agreement in the amount of up to $2,000,000.00 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds with LaFleur Industries, LLC, as approved by the Contracts Review Committee, for a loan to assist with the development of duplex housing for rent to low-to-moderate income tenants in Fortune Addition and to execute related legal documents necessary for the transaction as approved by the Parish Attorney. By: Urban Development Director. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 6. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Agreement between the City-Parish and the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority for the transfer of the following adjudicated property: Lot 11+, Square 6of Fuqua & Lamon Town Subdivision, described further on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, for the purpose of blight removal. By: Parish Attorney and Redevelopment Authority. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 7. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start program, the authority to purchase 80 Sharp AQUOS BOARD Interactive Display Systems to be located at each EBR Head Start facility, with grant funds from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, in an amount not to exceed $320,000; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By DHDS Director Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015
ITEMS: A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Sullivan Road (Central Thruway to Wax Road) Project Number: CP 03-CS-CI-0020, SP 255-30-0012 (H.009725) Original Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121132 Account Number: 339.7260182.652310.5921806 Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: J B James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: 2(two) (extend contract for 42 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 475,407.81 Original Contract Amount: $11,257,327.55 Net Previous Changes: $ 262,500.00 New Contract Amount: $11,995,235.36 Description: The quantity of lime treated subgrade; the shoulders are changed from asphalt to concrete; a house and trailer are in the right of way and require removal for the construction; the sewer force main tie in on Lovett Road cannot be tired in per the plans and requires the addition of a hot tapped line stop; sewage cleanup was performed by the contractor at the request of the City on Lovett Road; property fence along drainage Outfall #2 require relocation not provided in the plans along with the repair of chain link fence in the same area; the existing asphalt on Wax Road contains three (3) areas of pavement failures that requires full depth patching prior to the overlay; areas of the asphalt portion of Wax Road require milling prior to overlaying due to the extensive cracking and the increase in days (42 days). Why Required: To adjust the contract time and amount for the items listed above 2. Project Title: Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $4,653,316.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131586 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: August 28, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 274,524.80 Original Contract Amount: $4,588,718.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,595.86 New Contract Amount: $4,941,838.66 Description: To increase the contract quantities for the following items: 4010100 Traffic Maintenance Aggregate (Truck Measure) and 9070200 Concrete curb and gutter (2' Wide) Why Required: To modify the contract quantities for the items listed above. 3. Project Title: Stumberg Lane Extension Phase 2 Project Number: 13-CS-HC-0050 Original Estimated Cost: $3,500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141907 Account Number: 374.7260512.652310.5925412 Council Award Date: October 22, 2014 Contractor: Byron E. Talbot Contractor, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 19,561.11 Original Contract Amount: $3,870,338.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,054.00 New Contract Amount: $3,967,953.11 Description: To add the following item: 9900018 temporary Roundabout Lighting Why Required: To make the change as requested above. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program OLOL Medical Complex Area Streets (One Perkins Place, Dijon Dr, Hennessy Blvd, Summa Ave, Picardy Ave) Project CP Project No. 12-CR-ST-0023;State Project No. H.010650.6 Federal Aid Project No. H.010650 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2010215 - This is a Federal Aid Project with 80% Federal and 20% Local with Local Cost Share ($317,578.25), which is supplemented with federal funds in the amount of $1,270,313.00. ESTIMATE: $1,195,422.95 **Hard Rock Construction LLC $1,587,891.25 Interstate Improvement, Inc. $1,822,311.25 **Command Construction Industries LLC $1,978,978.00 Forby Contracting, Inc. $2,218,014.00 *JB JAMES CONSTRUCTION LLC $2,836,810.20 2. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program Project 14-12 Elain Dr & W Darryl Pkwy Project 14-CR-ST-0029 - Account 147.7210012.2010615 ESTIMATE: $475,000.00 **Barriere Construction Co. $ 460,234.00 D. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through donation and/or exchange and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for a temporary site for Fire Station No. 20 on Burbank Drive, being project no. 15-ASD-CP-0951. By: Department of Buildings and Grounds. (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Grace Hebert Architects, APAC + Moffatt & Nichol, A Joint Venture, for additional services in connection with their contract for The City of Baton Rouge Dock Expansion, Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0904, in an amount not to exceed $153,802.00. (Account No. 337.7520335.652200.5983815) By: Director of Buildings and Grounds. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with James, Inc., DBA James DeFelice and Associates, for appraisal review services associated with the Old Hammond Highway Improvements, Segment 2 project, being City-Parish Project No. 06-CS-HC-0028, in an amount not to exceed $59,843.75. (Account No.374.7260442.652120.5924406) By: Director of Transportation and Drainage. G. Authorization to amend Council Resolution No. 49189, Adopted 2-8-12, so as to increase the 100% State Grant (H.008940 - Install CAT II Approach Lighting - Phase II) from $2,600,000.00 to $2,724,409.00. By: Director of Aviation. H. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's office and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District to lease approximately 0.31 acres of land at a rental rate of $2,835.75 per year, with said lease expiring June 30, 2017, with two (2), five (5) year options to renew. By: Director of Aviation. I. Waiving the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton, Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 9:10010 (B), regarding the 300 feet distance requirement, so as to allow Margo E. Bouanchaud, Inc., located at 2836 Government Street, to apply for an alcohol license. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. J. Repealing Ordinance 8668, Adopted May 25, 1988, and Amending Ordinance 8148, Adopted May 14, 1986, Relating to the appointment of the East Baton Rouge Communications District Board of Commissioners. By: EBRP Communications District. K. Receiving a report and discussing swimming pool abatements and further discussion specifically related to the property located at 5334 Hunters Park Avenue. By: Councilman Amoroso. L. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and Pictometry International Corporation to provide aerial imagery of East Baton Rouge Parish, in the amount of $94,327.00. By: Director of IS.
ITEMS: A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Sullivan Road (Central Thruway to Wax Road) Project Number: CP 03-CS-CI-0020, SP 255-30-0012 (H.009725) Original Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121132 Account Number: 339.7260182.652310.5921806 Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: J B James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: 2(two) (extend contract for 42 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 475,407.81 Original Contract Amount: $11,257,327.55 Net Previous Changes: $ 262,500.00 New Contract Amount: $11,995,235.36 Description: The quantity of lime treated subgrade; the shoulders are changed from asphalt to concrete; a house and trailer are in the right of way and require removal for the construction; the sewer force main tie in on Lovett Road cannot be tired in per the plans and requires the addition of a hot tapped line stop; sewage cleanup was performed by the contractor at the request of the City on Lovett Road; property fence along drainage Outfall #2 require relocation not provided in the plans along with the repair of chain link fence in the same area; the existing asphalt on Wax Road contains three (3) areas of pavement failures that requires full depth patching prior to the overlay; areas of the asphalt portion of Wax Road require milling prior to overlaying due to the extensive cracking and the increase in days (42 days). Why Required: To adjust the contract time and amount for the items listed above 2. Project Title: Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $4,653,316.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131586 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: August 28, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 274,524.80 Original Contract Amount: $4,588,718.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,595.86 New Contract Amount: $4,941,838.66 Description: To increase the contract quantities for the following items: 4010100 Traffic Maintenance Aggregate (Truck Measure) and 9070200 Concrete curb and gutter (2' Wide) Why Required: To modify the contract quantities for the items listed above. 3. Project Title: Stumberg Lane Extension Phase 2 Project Number: 13-CS-HC-0050 Original Estimated Cost: $3,500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141907 Account Number: 374.7260512.652310.5925412 Council Award Date: October 22, 2014 Contractor: Byron E. Talbot Contractor, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 19,561.11 Original Contract Amount: $3,870,338.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,054.00 New Contract Amount: $3,967,953.11 Description: To add the following item: 9900018 temporary Roundabout Lighting Why Required: To make the change as requested above. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program OLOL Medical Complex Area Streets (One Perkins Place, Dijon Dr, Hennessy Blvd, Summa Ave, Picardy Ave) Project CP Project No. 12-CR-ST-0023;State Project No. H.010650.6 Federal Aid Project No. H.010650 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2010215 - This is a Federal Aid Project with 80% Federal and 20% Local with Local Cost Share ($317,578.25), which is supplemented with federal funds in the amount of $1,270,313.00. ESTIMATE: $1,195,422.95 **Hard Rock Construction LLC $1,587,891.25 Interstate Improvement, Inc. $1,822,311.25 **Command Construction Industries LLC $1,978,978.00 Forby Contracting, Inc. $2,218,014.00 *JB JAMES CONSTRUCTION LLC $2,836,810.20 2. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program Project 14-12 Elain Dr & W Darryl Pkwy Project 14-CR-ST-0029 - Account 147.7210012.2010615 ESTIMATE: $475,000.00 **Barriere Construction Co. $ 460,234.00 D. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through donation and/or exchange and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for a temporary site for Fire Station No. 20 on Burbank Drive, being project no. 15-ASD-CP-0951. By: Department of Buildings and Grounds. (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Grace Hebert Architects, APAC + Moffatt & Nichol, A Joint Venture, for additional services in connection with their contract for The City of Baton Rouge Dock Expansion, Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0904, in an amount not to exceed $153,802.00. (Account No. 337.7520335.652200.5983815) By: Director of Buildings and Grounds. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with James, Inc., DBA James DeFelice and Associates, for appraisal review services associated with the Old Hammond Highway Improvements, Segment 2 project, being City-Parish Project No. 06-CS-HC-0028, in an amount not to exceed $59,843.75. (Account No.374.7260442.652120.5924406) By: Director of Transportation and Drainage. G. Authorization to amend Council Resolution No. 49189, Adopted 2-8-12, so as to increase the 100% State Grant (H.008940 - Install CAT II Approach Lighting - Phase II) from $2,600,000.00 to $2,724,409.00. By: Director of Aviation. H. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's office and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District to lease approximately 0.31 acres of land at a rental rate of $2,835.75 per year, with said lease expiring June 30, 2017, with two (2), five (5) year options to renew. By: Director of Aviation. I. Waiving the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton, Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 9:10010 (B), regarding the 300 feet distance requirement, so as to allow Margo E. Bouanchaud, Inc., located at 2836 Government Street, to apply for an alcohol license. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. J. Repealing Ordinance 8668, Adopted May 25, 1988, and Amending Ordinance 8148, Adopted May 14, 1986, Relating to the appointment of the East Baton Rouge Communications District Board of Commissioners. By: EBRP Communications District. K. Receiving a report and discussing swimming pool abatements and further discussion specifically related to the property located at 5334 Hunters Park Avenue. By: Councilman Amoroso. L. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and Pictometry International Corporation to provide aerial imagery of East Baton Rouge Parish, in the amount of $94,327.00. By: Director of IS.
CONDEMNATIONS: A. Frederick E. Wicker 9347 Port Hudson-Pride Road & Shed; Tract D, Louella Wicker Price Estate - Council District 01 (This item was deferred from the July 22, 2015 Council Meeting) B. Darrell W. Moses, Sr. 1442 Jordan Street & Rear Garage; Lot 18, Square 99, N. Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 02 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) C. Darrell W. Moses, Sr. 1440 Jordan Street; Lot 19, Square 99, N. Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 02 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) D. Bruce M. Kinchen & Krystal M. Kinchen 5333 Lemonwood Drive; Lot 94, St. Gerard Place Two Subdivision - Council District 05 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) E. Willie McMarsh & Willie Jackson McMarsh 4034 Billops Street; Lot 3, Square 8, Greenville Extension - Council District 07 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) F. Theodoris Thyssen 169 & 171 S. 12th Street; Northern Portion of Lot 13, Square 1 or 212, Lorente Town Subdivision - Council District 10 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) G. Daniel T. Dormady & Melanie Z. Dormady 1051 Monet Drive; Lot 57, Melrose East Subdivision - Council District 06 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015, September 9, 2015 and September 23, 2015 Council Meetings) H. Joyce Lynn 1315 Terrace Street; West 25' of Lot 9, Square 276, Swart Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) I. Etta K. Hearn 1171 Monet Street; Lot 50, Melrose East Subdivision - District 06 (This item was deferred from the September 9, 2015 and October 28, 2015 Council Meetings) J. Cardell Thomas 11077 Cypress Glen Avenue; Lot 1, Cypress Heights Subdivision - District 02 K. Ellison Shephard 12725 Camden Street; Lot 19, Square 3, St. Irma Lee Subdivision - District 02 L. James Boulanger 4100 Blount Road; Lot 6-B, Liberty Farms Subdivision - District 02 M. Matthew Johnson 9655 Gassie Street; Lot 28, Kelly Subdivision - District 02 N. Esther Browder & Clifford Smith Revocable Living Trust Previously 704 Anselmo Lane; 0.118 acres in Alice White Tract - District 03 O. Esther Browder & Clifford Smith Revocable Living Trust West of Previously 704 Anselmo Lane; 0.118 acres in Alice White Tract - District 03 P. Bernadine Dunn 5725 Sumrall Drive; Lot 354, Glen Oaks Subdivision - District 05 Q. Levar Knighten 6676 Ford Street; Lot 24-A, Square 13, Zion City Subdivision - District 05 R. Richard Investments, LLC 5415 Satinwood Drive; Lot 33, Merrydale Subdivision - District 05 S. Sunbelt Properties of Mississippi, LLC 1763 Wooddale Court; Lots 53 & 54, Wooddale Center Subdivision - District 06 T. Emile Hampton & Florida Hampton 4834 Jonah Street & Rear Shed; Lot 2, Square 50, Greenville Extension Subdivision - District 07 U. Ron Baker 1156 Progress Street; Lot 64-A, Square 2, Progress Park Subdivision - District 07 V. Deron Smith 3834 Sherwood Street; Lot 241 & West ½ of Lot 242, N. Highlands Estates Subdivision - District 07 W. Ricky Berry - 3032 Seneca Street (Rear Garage Only); East ½ of Lot 2 & West ½ of Lot 3, Square 13, Baton Rouge Terrace Subdivision - District 07 X. Housing Authority of East Baton Rouge Parish 4546 North Street (Building 6); Lot A, Robert B. McCall Properties Subdivision - District 07 Y. Richard Investments, LLC 5436 Frey Street & Rear Garage; Lot 117, Fieldcrest Subdivision - District 07 Z. Nancy Mangin 15516 E. Riverdale Avenue; Lot 8, Riverdale Subdivision - District 08 AA. Charles C. Spillman 16420 Bristoe Avenue; Lot 83, O'Neal Place Subdivision - District 09 BB. Martha Porche, Diane Davis, Cynthia Porche, & Vanessa Perkins 1862 Arizona Street; North 20' of Lot 33, Square 6, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 CC. Barbara Lewis, Edward Robertson, & Edward McKee 280 W. Grant Street & Rear Shed; Lot 22, Square 102, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 DD. Alan Juderjahn 1360 W. Garfield Street; Lot 22, Square 179, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 EE. Audrey Prater, Gathus Beauchamp, Rose Dadzie, Theras Beauchamp, Wilhelmina Beauchamp 234 W. Harrison Street & Rear Shed; Lot 12, Square 24, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 FF. Joseph Dangerfield 238 W. Polk Street; East ½ of Lot 8, Square 28, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 GG. Joseph Dangerfield 235 W. Polk Street; Lot 7, Square 30, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 HH. Welcome Helena Andrews & Kristen Andrews 805 N. 9th Street; Lot 3, Square 294, Lake Park Subdivision - District 10 II. MMP Enterprises, Inc. 228 S. 19th Street; Lot 11 & South 35' of Lot 10, Square 6, Fuqua-Lamon Town Subdivision - District 10 JJ. MMP Enterprises, Inc. 224 S. 19th Street; Lot 11 & South 35' of Lot 10, Square 6, Fuqua-Lamon Town Subdivision - District 10 KK. Irma Reese & Ernest Junius 1852 & 1854 Kentucky Street; Lots 13 & 15, Square 14, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10
PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Amending and re-adopting Ordinance 15591, known as the solid waste user fee ordinance, adopted October 23, 2013, so as to amend Section III (User Fees For Collection and Disposal-Established) to increase the monthly residential user fee from $19.00 to $20.00, effective January 1, 2016; and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and to provide the effect thereof. By: Finance Director. (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) B. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Gardere Capitol Investments in the amount of $129,943.20, and appropriating $129,943.20 for such purpose. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In proper person) By: Parish Attorney. C. Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge, to enter into and execute a Professional Services Agreement with Archon Information Systems, L.L.C., for the administration of an online auction and sale of adjudicated properties program for a period of five (5) years, said agreement to be approved by the Parish Attorney's Office as to form and legality; said agreement to be in accordance with the provisions of the proposal submitted by Archon Information Services, L.L.C., in response to RFP No. 20008-15; and authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge, to execute any and all closing documents needed to perfect a closing with a high bidder herein. By: Parish Attorney. D. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "David Pino v. City/Parish and Kenneth Bourque", suit no. 625,773, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $283,370.76, plus court costs in the amount of $703.36, for a total amount of $150,188.00, and appropriating $284,074.12 for such purpose. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Attorney of record is Brandt D. Schmolke, Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers) By: Parish Attorney. E. Authorizing payment of the Compromised Judgment in the matter entitled "Nelson Dakmak, Sr. v. Baton Rouge City Police Dept., et al", suit no. 566,210, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in accordance with the payment procedure authorized by Resolution 42915, adopted by the Metropolitan Council on November 25, 2003, in the amount of $594,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $4,146.24, for a total amount of $598,146.24, which amount shall be paid from the 2015 account designated "Compromised Judgment" (012.4630000.644850.0). * This Matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of Record is Charles V. Musso, Jr., Plauche, Smith & Nieset) By: Parish Attorney. F. Amending the 2015 current expense budget to appropriate $95,000 for a professional services contract with Health Management Associates to provide analysis of the medical operations at the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison, and further authorizing execution of the agreement. By: Mayor-President. G. An Ordinance creating the Third-Florida Economic Development District within the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; defining the boundaries thereof from which area city sales tax increments will be determined and used to fund a portion of the costs of an Economic Development Project costs as described herein, all in accordance with and as authorized by Chapter 27 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended;designating the governing authority of the district; pledging and dedicating the two percent of incremental sales tax collected within the boundaries of the Third-Florida Economic Development District to be used to finance said economic development project costs; requiring the baseline sales tax collection rate in the Third-Florida Economic Development District to be certified; and providing for other matters in connection with the foregoing. By: Councilwoman Wicker and Councilman Amoroso. H. Authorizing the execution and delivery of a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement by and between the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the Third-Florida Economic Development District and Third-Florida Development, L.L.C.; and otherwise providing with respect thereto. By: Councilwoman Wicker and Councilman Amoroso. I. A Resolution requesting the Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish to initiate a transfer pursuant to Section 8.17 of the Plan of Government to allocate an amount not to exceed $50,000 from the General Fund to the budget of the Baton Rouge Police Department to purchase Trauma Medical Kits for all sworn officers.By: Councilman Delgado. J. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the immovable property and permanent attachments thereto located at municipal address 2305 72nd Avenue and formerly known as Banks Fire Station (also the former Banks Headstart Bldg. program) as Surplus Property and not needed for a public purpose and authorizing the Mayor President to enter into a Cooperative endeavor agreement with the Community Bible Baptist Church to transfer possession and occupancy of the property known as Banks Fire station for a period of twenty five (25) years after which time it will revert back to the City-Parish and placed back into commerce. By: Mayor's Office - Director of Buildings and Grounds. K. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of Baton Rouge City Court to enter into a contract renewing the Professional Services Agreement with Angela A. Landry in the amount of $17,500.00, so as to provide services as BIP Interventionist for the Baton Rouge City Court Domestic Violence Court for the period of June 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, funded by Baton Rouge City Court's approved Grant Contract with the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Domestic Violence Court's program income. By: Clerk/Judicial Administrator. L. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of City of Baton Rouge/Baton Rouge Police Department to enter into a renewal Use Agreement with the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). Every year the NICB loans the Baton Rouge Police Department two(2) License Plate Readers(LPR) to be utilized to locate and the recovery of stolen vehicles and criminal investigations. By: Chief of Police. M. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Progressive Security Insurance as subrogee of Larry E. Williams for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $13,791.41, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person) By: Parish Attorney. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING October 28, 2015 P a g e 14 N. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the contract with Healing Place Serve for case management; educational, career and job assistance; transportation; and community outreach for the BRAVE program under the U.S. Office of Justice Programs Community-Based Violence Prevention and Demonstration Grant by increasing the compensation by an additional $129,959.05, for a total compensation not to exceed $344,798.00; and to amend the timeframe of said contract to end September 30, 2016. By: Office of the Mayor-President.
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES: A. Lot 6 pt.(W ½) Square 322, Magnesiaville New Sunlight Baptist Church South 17th Street; I.D.# 144851 Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 1,000.00 Taxes Due $ 665.23 High bidder: New Sunlight Baptist Church $200.00 Intended use: Extend property and keep clean. B. Lot 6 pt., Square 322, Magnesiaville New Sunlight Baptist Church South 17th Street; I.D. #55506 Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $1,200.00 Taxes Due $3,113.25 High bidder: New Sunlight Baptist Church $200.00 Intended use: Extend property and keep clean. C. Lot 4, Square 22, North Baton Rouge New Light Missionary Canada Street Baptist Church of Scotlandville Metro Council District 02 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 3,000.00 Taxes Due $ 350.02 High bidder: New Light Missionary Baptist Church of Scotlandville $500.00 Intended use: Additional building or parking. D. Lot H, Square 21, University Place Betty Jones Avenue G Metro Council District 02 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 5,500.00 Taxes Due $ 2,052.81 High bidder: Betty Jones $100.00 Intended use: Keep clean. E. Lot 11, Square 2, East End Court Marcia Bell, LLC 2271 North Boulevard Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $12,500.00 Taxes Due $ 4,147.72 DELETED BY PARISH ATTORNEY - REDEEMED F. Lot 19, Square 28, Fairfields Marcia Bell, LLC 3056 Washington Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $15,000.00 Taxes Due $ 3,112.13 High bidder: Marcia Bell, L.L.C. $1,600.00 Intended use: Fix and rent or reseale. G. Lot 54, Square 51, Greenville Extension Charlie E. Bell North 49th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 350.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 1,200.00 Taxes Due $ 369.07 High bidder: Leslie Johnson $1,000.00 Intended use: Build Home. H. Lot 55, Square 51, Greenville Extension Charlie E. Bell North 49th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 350.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 1,200.00 Taxes Due $ 1,804.20 High bidder: Charlie E. Bell $350.00 Intended use: Build a house. I. Lot 26, Square 30, Greenville Extension Sach & Associates 1783 North 48th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 250.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 10,000.00 Taxes Due $ 2,599.75 High bidder: Sach & Associates $2,250.00 Intended use: Keep clean. J. Lot A-1, Nellie Dougherty Prescott Subdivision Kasper Investments, LLC 3500 Seneca Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 18,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $345,000.00 Taxes Due $100,694.53 High bidder: Kasper Investments, L.L.C. $18,000.00 Intended use: Warehouse. K. Lot 3, Square 13, East Fairfields Dominique Banks 2250 North Foster Drive Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 50,000.00 Taxes Due $ 14,381.15 High bidder: Ahmad Asmar $31,500.00 Intended use: Remodel, retail. L. Lot 46, Shenandoah Square Michael Hebert 15631 Shenandoah Square Avenue Metro Council District 08 - Amoroso Initial Bid Amount $ 1,500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $115,000.00 Taxes Due $ 6,552.00 DELETED BY PARISH ATTORNEY - REDEEMED M. Lot 104, Park Addition Constance Savoy North 39th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 4,000.00 Taxes Due $ 2,144.51 High bidder: Constance Savoy $2,100.00 Intended use: Community garden.
APPOINTMENTS: A. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Janice Gordon in accordance with Section 2.17 of the Plan of Government. This term expires January 1, 2015. Current Ballot: No information received
ITEMS: A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Sullivan Road (Central Thruway to Wax Road) Project Number: CP 03-CS-CI-0020, SP 255-30-0012 (H.009725) Original Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121132 Account Number: 339.7260182.652310.5921806 Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: J B James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: 2(two) (extend contract for 42 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 475,407.81 Original Contract Amount: $11,257,327.55 Net Previous Changes: $ 262,500.00 New Contract Amount: $11,995,235.36 Description: The quantity of lime treated subgrade; the shoulders are changed from asphalt to concrete; a house and trailer are in the right of way and require removal for the construction; the sewer force main tie in on Lovett Road cannot be tired in per the plans and requires the addition of a hot tapped line stop; sewage cleanup was performed by the contractor at the request of the City on Lovett Road; property fence along drainage Outfall #2 require relocation not provided in the plans along with the repair of chain link fence in the same area; the existing asphalt on Wax Road contains three (3) areas of pavement failures that requires full depth patching prior to the overlay; areas of the asphalt portion of Wax Road require milling prior to overlaying due to the extensive cracking and the increase in days (42 days). Why Required: To adjust the contract time and amount for the items listed above 2. Project Title: Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $4,653,316.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131586 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: August 28, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 274,524.80 Original Contract Amount: $4,588,718.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,595.86 New Contract Amount: $4,941,838.66 Description: To increase the contract quantities for the following items: 4010100 Traffic Maintenance Aggregate (Truck Measure) and 9070200 Concrete curb and gutter (2' Wide) Why Required: To modify the contract quantities for the items listed above. 3. Project Title: Stumberg Lane Extension Phase 2 Project Number: 13-CS-HC-0050 Original Estimated Cost: $3,500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141907 Account Number: 374.7260512.652310.5925412 Council Award Date: October 22, 2014 Contractor: Byron E. Talbot Contractor, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 19,561.11 Original Contract Amount: $3,870,338.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,054.00 New Contract Amount: $3,967,953.11 Description: To add the following item: 9900018 temporary Roundabout Lighting Why Required: To make the change as requested above. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program OLOL Medical Complex Area Streets (One Perkins Place, Dijon Dr, Hennessy Blvd, Summa Ave, Picardy Ave) Project CP Project No. 12-CR-ST-0023;State Project No. H.010650.6 Federal Aid Project No. H.010650 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2010215 - This is a Federal Aid Project with 80% Federal and 20% Local with Local Cost Share ($317,578.25), which is supplemented with federal funds in the amount of $1,270,313.00. ESTIMATE: $1,195,422.95 **Hard Rock Construction LLC $1,587,891.25 Interstate Improvement, Inc. $1,822,311.25 **Command Construction Industries LLC $1,978,978.00 Forby Contracting, Inc. $2,218,014.00 *JB JAMES CONSTRUCTION LLC $2,836,810.20 2. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program Project 14-12 Elain Dr & W Darryl Pkwy Project 14-CR-ST-0029 - Account 147.7210012.2010615 ESTIMATE: $475,000.00 **Barriere Construction Co. $ 460,234.00 D. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through donation and/or exchange and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for a temporary site for Fire Station No. 20 on Burbank Drive, being project no. 15-ASD-CP-0951. By: Department of Buildings and Grounds. (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Grace Hebert Architects, APAC + Moffatt & Nichol, A Joint Venture, for additional services in connection with their contract for The City of Baton Rouge Dock Expansion, Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0904, in an amount not to exceed $153,802.00. (Account No. 337.7520335.652200.5983815) By: Director of Buildings and Grounds. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with James, Inc., DBA James DeFelice and Associates, for appraisal review services associated with the Old Hammond Highway Improvements, Segment 2 project, being City-Parish Project No. 06-CS-HC-0028, in an amount not to exceed $59,843.75. (Account No.374.7260442.652120.5924406) By: Director of Transportation and Drainage. G. Authorization to amend Council Resolution No. 49189, Adopted 2-8-12, so as to increase the 100% State Grant (H.008940 - Install CAT II Approach Lighting - Phase II) from $2,600,000.00 to $2,724,409.00. By: Director of Aviation. H. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's office and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District to lease approximately 0.31 acres of land at a rental rate of $2,835.75 per year, with said lease expiring June 30, 2017, with two (2), five (5) year options to renew. By: Director of Aviation. I. Waiving the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton, Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 9:10010 (B), regarding the 300 feet distance requirement, so as to allow Margo E. Bouanchaud, Inc., located at 2836 Government Street, to apply for an alcohol license. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. J. Repealing Ordinance 8668, Adopted May 25, 1988, and Amending Ordinance 8148, Adopted May 14, 1986, Relating to the appointment of the East Baton Rouge Communications District Board of Commissioners. By: EBRP Communications District. K. Receiving a report and discussing swimming pool abatements and further discussion specifically related to the property located at 5334 Hunters Park Avenue. By: Councilman Amoroso. L. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and Pictometry International Corporation to provide aerial imagery of East Baton Rouge Parish, in the amount of $94,327.00. By: Director of IS.
ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of October 14, 2015 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Authority Commission Meeting of October 20, 2015.
PUBLIC COMMENT POLICY This is a public meeting. In accordance with Title 1, Sections 1.2(c)(9) and 1.7(a) of the Code of Ordinances, all items on this agenda are open for public comment with the exception of those items listed as “Introductions”. Items listed as “Introductions” will be available for public comment at subsequent meetings. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should refer to a meeting agenda and fill out a request to speak card indicating which item they wish to speak on and place it in the designated location prior to the meeting. Once the item is announced, each person’s name who has filled out a card will be called on to speak for the amount of time so designated by the Pro-Tem.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Amending the 2015 current expense budget for the Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention and Development District so as to appropriate $8,000 from the district's Fund Balance - Unassigned to provide funding for recurring operations through the remaining months of 2015. By: Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention & Development District. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 2. Amend the 2015 allotment of positions for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #15844, dated 12/9/14, so as to change the allotment as follows, effective November 14, 2015. MAYOR-PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP PILOT (P3) GRANT (NEW); ADD:(1) Performance Partnership Pilot (P3) Program Manager, job code 300170. By: Mayor-President and Interim Human Resources Director. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 3. Amend the 2015 pay plan for the classified, unclassified, non-classified and Fire and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #15913, dated 3/25/2015, so as to make the following changes, effective November 14, 2015. ADD: Performance Partnership Pilot (P3) Program Manager job code 300170pay grade 2260($49,975-$84,385). By: Mayor-President and Interim Human Resources Director. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 4. Amending the Title IV-E reimbursement fund budget so as to appropriate $134,215.77 received from the state Office of Juvenile Justice, representing reimbursements for certain expenditures eligible under the federal foster care reimbursement program (social security act, as amended, title IV-E, section 470, et seq.). These funds will be used for needs of the Department of Juvenile Services including personnel costs, fiscal management fees, and other associated costs. By: Interim Director of Juvenile Services. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 5. Authorization to appropriate $124,408.47 from the Parish General Fund (002..380000. - Fund Balance Unassigned) as authorized by Resolution No. 44062, which was adopted on April 27, 2005, to cover cost overruns on projects. The funds will be placed in the following grant project: FAIS Project Number 8498987- Install CAT II Approach Lighting Phase I & II (BS#008441) By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 6. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Amanda Mohr, et al vs. City/Parish of East Baton Rouge, et al", no. 622,401 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $85,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,610.14, for a total amount of $86,610.14, and appropriating $$86,610.14 for such purpose. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of Record is John L. Tyler, Tyler & Possa) By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 CONDEMNATIONS: None. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Lot P, Square 21, University Place Milton E. Otis, Sr. Avenue F Metro Council District 02 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 3,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,013.87 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 2. Lot A, Square 49, University Place Milton E. Otis, Sr. Avenue I Metro Council District 02 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 3,000.00 Taxes Due $ 793.96 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 3. Lot 3, Swart Addition Walter and Adrian Mayes 739 Cotton Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 800.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 2,500.00 Taxes Due $ 1,115.84 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 4. Lot 9, Square 9, Delphine Place Samuel L. Wilson, Jr. 2461 Spain Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $30,000.00 Taxes Due $26,588.16 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 5. Lot 1-A, Square 52, Bank Lionel Stallion 68th Avenue Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 4,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,071.41 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 6. Lot 23, Square 38, South Baton Rouge Shemika Mayfield 2322 Georgia Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 350.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $15,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,313.03 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 7. Lot 24, Clark Subdivision Denise Harris-Smith 1726 Oleander Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 300.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $10,000 .00 Taxes Due $ 2,214.41 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 8. Lot 9, Square 6, Favrot Denise Harris-Smith South Boulevard Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 300.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 5,000.00 Taxes Due $ 647.00 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 9. Lot 2, Sq. B, Zion City Dan Hoskins 7818 Plank Road Metro Council District 05 - Edwards Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $10,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,867.55 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 10. Lot 23, Sq. 42, Monte Sano Highland Farms L. Lee/ S. Ginn Denham Street Metro Council District 05 - Edwards Initial Bid Amount $ 150.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $6,500.00 Taxes Due $ 661.91 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 11. Lot 57, Square 2, Richmond Park Voltaire Sterling 1148 North 32nd Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 900.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 7,000.00 Taxes Due $ 5,643.73 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. 12. Lot 10, Square 1, Belleview High Voltage, L.L.C. South Eugene Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $20,000.00 Taxes Due $ 1,339.08 Bids received November 18, 2015. Introduce for public hearing November 24, 2015. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: 1. SNC-1-15 Portion of East Boulevard and 9th Street to T.J. Jemison Street A proposed street name change for a portion of East Boulevard and North 9th Street, located between Government Street and Florida Street. (Council District 10-Wicker) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on conformance with Unified Development Code requirements for street names. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0. 2. Case 44-15 9315 Jefferson Highway To rezone from A1 (Single Family Residential) to GOL (General Office Low Rise) located at the northwest intersection of Jefferson Highway and Bluebonnet Boulevard, on Lots B and C of the S.D. Porter Tract. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11-Heck) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0. 3. Case 45-15 2600-2700 Progress Road and 10000-10300 Veterans Memorial Boulevard To rezone from A3.1 (Limited Residential) to CW3 (Commercial Warehousing Three), located north of Progress Road and west of Veterans on Tract A, and portions of Lots 42, 43, 44 & 50 of East Pryce Place Subdivision. Section 72, T6S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 2-Banks-Daniel) Commission Action: Motion to defer until November 16, 2015 carried, 9-0. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Consideration of suspending, rescinding, or approving route changes approved by the CATS Board at their October 20, 2015, meeting in accordance with LRS. 48:1460 (9). By: CATS. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 2. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Margaret Brown Joseph for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Fire Department Employee, in the amount of $24,394.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In proper person). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 3. Authorization for the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Beard International Services and Technologies, LLC to provide construction management services for the project entitled: Program Management Services for the East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport, RFQ No. 20008-15EBRPMARC. By: EBRPMARC Director. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 4. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No 4 - final to the Michael Baker, Jr. Inc. contract for additional Design/Construction Administration services associated with Runway 22R Special CAT II Upgrade Project in an amount not to exceed $124,408.47 (Account no. 482.0989002.652200.8498987). By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 5. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a HOME Agreement in the amount of up to $2,000,000.00 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds with LaFleur Industries, LLC, as approved by the Contracts Review Committee, for a loan to assist with the development of duplex housing for rent to low-to-moderate income tenants in Fortune Addition and to execute related legal documents necessary for the transaction as approved by the Parish Attorney. By: Urban Development Director. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 6. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Agreement between the City-Parish and the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority for the transfer of the following adjudicated property: Lot 11+, Square 6of Fuqua & Lamon Town Subdivision, described further on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, for the purpose of blight removal. By: Parish Attorney and Redevelopment Authority. Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015 7. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start program, the authority to purchase 80 Sharp AQUOS BOARD Interactive Display Systems to be located at each EBR Head Start facility, with grant funds from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, in an amount not to exceed $320,000; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By DHDS Director Introduce for public hearing on November 10, 2015
ITEMS: A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Sullivan Road (Central Thruway to Wax Road) Project Number: CP 03-CS-CI-0020, SP 255-30-0012 (H.009725) Original Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121132 Account Number: 339.7260182.652310.5921806 Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: J B James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: 2(two) (extend contract for 42 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 475,407.81 Original Contract Amount: $11,257,327.55 Net Previous Changes: $ 262,500.00 New Contract Amount: $11,995,235.36 Description: The quantity of lime treated subgrade; the shoulders are changed from asphalt to concrete; a house and trailer are in the right of way and require removal for the construction; the sewer force main tie in on Lovett Road cannot be tired in per the plans and requires the addition of a hot tapped line stop; sewage cleanup was performed by the contractor at the request of the City on Lovett Road; property fence along drainage Outfall #2 require relocation not provided in the plans along with the repair of chain link fence in the same area; the existing asphalt on Wax Road contains three (3) areas of pavement failures that requires full depth patching prior to the overlay; areas of the asphalt portion of Wax Road require milling prior to overlaying due to the extensive cracking and the increase in days (42 days). Why Required: To adjust the contract time and amount for the items listed above 2. Project Title: Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $4,653,316.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131586 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: August 28, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 274,524.80 Original Contract Amount: $4,588,718.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,595.86 New Contract Amount: $4,941,838.66 Description: To increase the contract quantities for the following items: 4010100 Traffic Maintenance Aggregate (Truck Measure) and 9070200 Concrete curb and gutter (2' Wide) Why Required: To modify the contract quantities for the items listed above. 3. Project Title: Stumberg Lane Extension Phase 2 Project Number: 13-CS-HC-0050 Original Estimated Cost: $3,500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141907 Account Number: 374.7260512.652310.5925412 Council Award Date: October 22, 2014 Contractor: Byron E. Talbot Contractor, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 19,561.11 Original Contract Amount: $3,870,338.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,054.00 New Contract Amount: $3,967,953.11 Description: To add the following item: 9900018 temporary Roundabout Lighting Why Required: To make the change as requested above. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program OLOL Medical Complex Area Streets (One Perkins Place, Dijon Dr, Hennessy Blvd, Summa Ave, Picardy Ave) Project CP Project No. 12-CR-ST-0023;State Project No. H.010650.6 Federal Aid Project No. H.010650 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2010215 - This is a Federal Aid Project with 80% Federal and 20% Local with Local Cost Share ($317,578.25), which is supplemented with federal funds in the amount of $1,270,313.00. ESTIMATE: $1,195,422.95 **Hard Rock Construction LLC $1,587,891.25 Interstate Improvement, Inc. $1,822,311.25 **Command Construction Industries LLC $1,978,978.00 Forby Contracting, Inc. $2,218,014.00 *JB JAMES CONSTRUCTION LLC $2,836,810.20 2. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program Project 14-12 Elain Dr & W Darryl Pkwy Project 14-CR-ST-0029 - Account 147.7210012.2010615 ESTIMATE: $475,000.00 **Barriere Construction Co. $ 460,234.00 D. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through donation and/or exchange and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for a temporary site for Fire Station No. 20 on Burbank Drive, being project no. 15-ASD-CP-0951. By: Department of Buildings and Grounds. (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Grace Hebert Architects, APAC + Moffatt & Nichol, A Joint Venture, for additional services in connection with their contract for The City of Baton Rouge Dock Expansion, Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0904, in an amount not to exceed $153,802.00. (Account No. 337.7520335.652200.5983815) By: Director of Buildings and Grounds. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with James, Inc., DBA James DeFelice and Associates, for appraisal review services associated with the Old Hammond Highway Improvements, Segment 2 project, being City-Parish Project No. 06-CS-HC-0028, in an amount not to exceed $59,843.75. (Account No.374.7260442.652120.5924406) By: Director of Transportation and Drainage. G. Authorization to amend Council Resolution No. 49189, Adopted 2-8-12, so as to increase the 100% State Grant (H.008940 - Install CAT II Approach Lighting - Phase II) from $2,600,000.00 to $2,724,409.00. By: Director of Aviation. H. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's office and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District to lease approximately 0.31 acres of land at a rental rate of $2,835.75 per year, with said lease expiring June 30, 2017, with two (2), five (5) year options to renew. By: Director of Aviation. I. Waiving the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton, Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 9:10010 (B), regarding the 300 feet distance requirement, so as to allow Margo E. Bouanchaud, Inc., located at 2836 Government Street, to apply for an alcohol license. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. J. Repealing Ordinance 8668, Adopted May 25, 1988, and Amending Ordinance 8148, Adopted May 14, 1986, Relating to the appointment of the East Baton Rouge Communications District Board of Commissioners. By: EBRP Communications District. K. Receiving a report and discussing swimming pool abatements and further discussion specifically related to the property located at 5334 Hunters Park Avenue. By: Councilman Amoroso. L. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and Pictometry International Corporation to provide aerial imagery of East Baton Rouge Parish, in the amount of $94,327.00. By: Director of IS.
ITEMS: A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Sullivan Road (Central Thruway to Wax Road) Project Number: CP 03-CS-CI-0020, SP 255-30-0012 (H.009725) Original Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121132 Account Number: 339.7260182.652310.5921806 Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: J B James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: 2(two) (extend contract for 42 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 475,407.81 Original Contract Amount: $11,257,327.55 Net Previous Changes: $ 262,500.00 New Contract Amount: $11,995,235.36 Description: The quantity of lime treated subgrade; the shoulders are changed from asphalt to concrete; a house and trailer are in the right of way and require removal for the construction; the sewer force main tie in on Lovett Road cannot be tired in per the plans and requires the addition of a hot tapped line stop; sewage cleanup was performed by the contractor at the request of the City on Lovett Road; property fence along drainage Outfall #2 require relocation not provided in the plans along with the repair of chain link fence in the same area; the existing asphalt on Wax Road contains three (3) areas of pavement failures that requires full depth patching prior to the overlay; areas of the asphalt portion of Wax Road require milling prior to overlaying due to the extensive cracking and the increase in days (42 days). Why Required: To adjust the contract time and amount for the items listed above 2. Project Title: Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $4,653,316.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131586 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: August 28, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 274,524.80 Original Contract Amount: $4,588,718.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,595.86 New Contract Amount: $4,941,838.66 Description: To increase the contract quantities for the following items: 4010100 Traffic Maintenance Aggregate (Truck Measure) and 9070200 Concrete curb and gutter (2' Wide) Why Required: To modify the contract quantities for the items listed above. 3. Project Title: Stumberg Lane Extension Phase 2 Project Number: 13-CS-HC-0050 Original Estimated Cost: $3,500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141907 Account Number: 374.7260512.652310.5925412 Council Award Date: October 22, 2014 Contractor: Byron E. Talbot Contractor, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 19,561.11 Original Contract Amount: $3,870,338.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,054.00 New Contract Amount: $3,967,953.11 Description: To add the following item: 9900018 temporary Roundabout Lighting Why Required: To make the change as requested above. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program OLOL Medical Complex Area Streets (One Perkins Place, Dijon Dr, Hennessy Blvd, Summa Ave, Picardy Ave) Project CP Project No. 12-CR-ST-0023;State Project No. H.010650.6 Federal Aid Project No. H.010650 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2010215 - This is a Federal Aid Project with 80% Federal and 20% Local with Local Cost Share ($317,578.25), which is supplemented with federal funds in the amount of $1,270,313.00. ESTIMATE: $1,195,422.95 **Hard Rock Construction LLC $1,587,891.25 Interstate Improvement, Inc. $1,822,311.25 **Command Construction Industries LLC $1,978,978.00 Forby Contracting, Inc. $2,218,014.00 *JB JAMES CONSTRUCTION LLC $2,836,810.20 2. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program Project 14-12 Elain Dr & W Darryl Pkwy Project 14-CR-ST-0029 - Account 147.7210012.2010615 ESTIMATE: $475,000.00 **Barriere Construction Co. $ 460,234.00 D. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through donation and/or exchange and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for a temporary site for Fire Station No. 20 on Burbank Drive, being project no. 15-ASD-CP-0951. By: Department of Buildings and Grounds. (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Grace Hebert Architects, APAC + Moffatt & Nichol, A Joint Venture, for additional services in connection with their contract for The City of Baton Rouge Dock Expansion, Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0904, in an amount not to exceed $153,802.00. (Account No. 337.7520335.652200.5983815) By: Director of Buildings and Grounds. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with James, Inc., DBA James DeFelice and Associates, for appraisal review services associated with the Old Hammond Highway Improvements, Segment 2 project, being City-Parish Project No. 06-CS-HC-0028, in an amount not to exceed $59,843.75. (Account No.374.7260442.652120.5924406) By: Director of Transportation and Drainage. G. Authorization to amend Council Resolution No. 49189, Adopted 2-8-12, so as to increase the 100% State Grant (H.008940 - Install CAT II Approach Lighting - Phase II) from $2,600,000.00 to $2,724,409.00. By: Director of Aviation. H. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's office and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District to lease approximately 0.31 acres of land at a rental rate of $2,835.75 per year, with said lease expiring June 30, 2017, with two (2), five (5) year options to renew. By: Director of Aviation. I. Waiving the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton, Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 9:10010 (B), regarding the 300 feet distance requirement, so as to allow Margo E. Bouanchaud, Inc., located at 2836 Government Street, to apply for an alcohol license. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. J. Repealing Ordinance 8668, Adopted May 25, 1988, and Amending Ordinance 8148, Adopted May 14, 1986, Relating to the appointment of the East Baton Rouge Communications District Board of Commissioners. By: EBRP Communications District. K. Receiving a report and discussing swimming pool abatements and further discussion specifically related to the property located at 5334 Hunters Park Avenue. By: Councilman Amoroso. L. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and Pictometry International Corporation to provide aerial imagery of East Baton Rouge Parish, in the amount of $94,327.00. By: Director of IS.
CONDEMNATIONS: A. Frederick E. Wicker 9347 Port Hudson-Pride Road & Shed; Tract D, Louella Wicker Price Estate - Council District 01 (This item was deferred from the July 22, 2015 Council Meeting) B. Darrell W. Moses, Sr. 1442 Jordan Street & Rear Garage; Lot 18, Square 99, N. Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 02 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) C. Darrell W. Moses, Sr. 1440 Jordan Street; Lot 19, Square 99, N. Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 02 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) D. Bruce M. Kinchen & Krystal M. Kinchen 5333 Lemonwood Drive; Lot 94, St. Gerard Place Two Subdivision - Council District 05 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) E. Willie McMarsh & Willie Jackson McMarsh 4034 Billops Street; Lot 3, Square 8, Greenville Extension - Council District 07 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) F. Theodoris Thyssen 169 & 171 S. 12th Street; Northern Portion of Lot 13, Square 1 or 212, Lorente Town Subdivision - Council District 10 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015 Council Meeting) G. Daniel T. Dormady & Melanie Z. Dormady 1051 Monet Drive; Lot 57, Melrose East Subdivision - Council District 06 (This item was deferred from the August 26, 2015, September 9, 2015 and September 23, 2015 Council Meetings) H. Joyce Lynn 1315 Terrace Street; West 25' of Lot 9, Square 276, Swart Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) I. Etta K. Hearn 1171 Monet Street; Lot 50, Melrose East Subdivision - District 06 (This item was deferred from the September 9, 2015 and October 28, 2015 Council Meetings) J. Cardell Thomas 11077 Cypress Glen Avenue; Lot 1, Cypress Heights Subdivision - District 02 K. Ellison Shephard 12725 Camden Street; Lot 19, Square 3, St. Irma Lee Subdivision - District 02 L. James Boulanger 4100 Blount Road; Lot 6-B, Liberty Farms Subdivision - District 02 M. Matthew Johnson 9655 Gassie Street; Lot 28, Kelly Subdivision - District 02 N. Esther Browder & Clifford Smith Revocable Living Trust Previously 704 Anselmo Lane; 0.118 acres in Alice White Tract - District 03 O. Esther Browder & Clifford Smith Revocable Living Trust West of Previously 704 Anselmo Lane; 0.118 acres in Alice White Tract - District 03 P. Bernadine Dunn 5725 Sumrall Drive; Lot 354, Glen Oaks Subdivision - District 05 Q. Levar Knighten 6676 Ford Street; Lot 24-A, Square 13, Zion City Subdivision - District 05 R. Richard Investments, LLC 5415 Satinwood Drive; Lot 33, Merrydale Subdivision - District 05 S. Sunbelt Properties of Mississippi, LLC 1763 Wooddale Court; Lots 53 & 54, Wooddale Center Subdivision - District 06 T. Emile Hampton & Florida Hampton 4834 Jonah Street & Rear Shed; Lot 2, Square 50, Greenville Extension Subdivision - District 07 U. Ron Baker 1156 Progress Street; Lot 64-A, Square 2, Progress Park Subdivision - District 07 V. Deron Smith 3834 Sherwood Street; Lot 241 & West ½ of Lot 242, N. Highlands Estates Subdivision - District 07 W. Ricky Berry - 3032 Seneca Street (Rear Garage Only); East ½ of Lot 2 & West ½ of Lot 3, Square 13, Baton Rouge Terrace Subdivision - District 07 X. Housing Authority of East Baton Rouge Parish 4546 North Street (Building 6); Lot A, Robert B. McCall Properties Subdivision - District 07 Y. Richard Investments, LLC 5436 Frey Street & Rear Garage; Lot 117, Fieldcrest Subdivision - District 07 Z. Nancy Mangin 15516 E. Riverdale Avenue; Lot 8, Riverdale Subdivision - District 08 AA. Charles C. Spillman 16420 Bristoe Avenue; Lot 83, O'Neal Place Subdivision - District 09 BB. Martha Porche, Diane Davis, Cynthia Porche, & Vanessa Perkins 1862 Arizona Street; North 20' of Lot 33, Square 6, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 CC. Barbara Lewis, Edward Robertson, & Edward McKee 280 W. Grant Street & Rear Shed; Lot 22, Square 102, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 DD. Alan Juderjahn 1360 W. Garfield Street; Lot 22, Square 179, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 EE. Audrey Prater, Gathus Beauchamp, Rose Dadzie, Theras Beauchamp, Wilhelmina Beauchamp 234 W. Harrison Street & Rear Shed; Lot 12, Square 24, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 FF. Joseph Dangerfield 238 W. Polk Street; East ½ of Lot 8, Square 28, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 GG. Joseph Dangerfield 235 W. Polk Street; Lot 7, Square 30, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 HH. Welcome Helena Andrews & Kristen Andrews 805 N. 9th Street; Lot 3, Square 294, Lake Park Subdivision - District 10 II. MMP Enterprises, Inc. 228 S. 19th Street; Lot 11 & South 35' of Lot 10, Square 6, Fuqua-Lamon Town Subdivision - District 10 JJ. MMP Enterprises, Inc. 224 S. 19th Street; Lot 11 & South 35' of Lot 10, Square 6, Fuqua-Lamon Town Subdivision - District 10 KK. Irma Reese & Ernest Junius 1852 & 1854 Kentucky Street; Lots 13 & 15, Square 14, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10
PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Amending and re-adopting Ordinance 15591, known as the solid waste user fee ordinance, adopted October 23, 2013, so as to amend Section III (User Fees For Collection and Disposal-Established) to increase the monthly residential user fee from $19.00 to $20.00, effective January 1, 2016; and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and to provide the effect thereof. By: Finance Director. (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) B. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Gardere Capitol Investments in the amount of $129,943.20, and appropriating $129,943.20 for such purpose. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In proper person) By: Parish Attorney. C. Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge, to enter into and execute a Professional Services Agreement with Archon Information Systems, L.L.C., for the administration of an online auction and sale of adjudicated properties program for a period of five (5) years, said agreement to be approved by the Parish Attorney's Office as to form and legality; said agreement to be in accordance with the provisions of the proposal submitted by Archon Information Services, L.L.C., in response to RFP No. 20008-15; and authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge, to execute any and all closing documents needed to perfect a closing with a high bidder herein. By: Parish Attorney. D. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "David Pino v. City/Parish and Kenneth Bourque", suit no. 625,773, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $283,370.76, plus court costs in the amount of $703.36, for a total amount of $150,188.00, and appropriating $284,074.12 for such purpose. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Attorney of record is Brandt D. Schmolke, Spencer Calahan Injury Lawyers) By: Parish Attorney. E. Authorizing payment of the Compromised Judgment in the matter entitled "Nelson Dakmak, Sr. v. Baton Rouge City Police Dept., et al", suit no. 566,210, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in accordance with the payment procedure authorized by Resolution 42915, adopted by the Metropolitan Council on November 25, 2003, in the amount of $594,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $4,146.24, for a total amount of $598,146.24, which amount shall be paid from the 2015 account designated "Compromised Judgment" (012.4630000.644850.0). * This Matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of Record is Charles V. Musso, Jr., Plauche, Smith & Nieset) By: Parish Attorney. F. Amending the 2015 current expense budget to appropriate $95,000 for a professional services contract with Health Management Associates to provide analysis of the medical operations at the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison, and further authorizing execution of the agreement. By: Mayor-President. G. An Ordinance creating the Third-Florida Economic Development District within the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana; defining the boundaries thereof from which area city sales tax increments will be determined and used to fund a portion of the costs of an Economic Development Project costs as described herein, all in accordance with and as authorized by Chapter 27 of Title 33 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended;designating the governing authority of the district; pledging and dedicating the two percent of incremental sales tax collected within the boundaries of the Third-Florida Economic Development District to be used to finance said economic development project costs; requiring the baseline sales tax collection rate in the Third-Florida Economic Development District to be certified; and providing for other matters in connection with the foregoing. By: Councilwoman Wicker and Councilman Amoroso. H. Authorizing the execution and delivery of a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement by and between the City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the Third-Florida Economic Development District and Third-Florida Development, L.L.C.; and otherwise providing with respect thereto. By: Councilwoman Wicker and Councilman Amoroso. I. A Resolution requesting the Mayor-President of East Baton Rouge Parish to initiate a transfer pursuant to Section 8.17 of the Plan of Government to allocate an amount not to exceed $50,000 from the General Fund to the budget of the Baton Rouge Police Department to purchase Trauma Medical Kits for all sworn officers.By: Councilman Delgado. J. Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare the immovable property and permanent attachments thereto located at municipal address 2305 72nd Avenue and formerly known as Banks Fire Station (also the former Banks Headstart Bldg. program) as Surplus Property and not needed for a public purpose and authorizing the Mayor President to enter into a Cooperative endeavor agreement with the Community Bible Baptist Church to transfer possession and occupancy of the property known as Banks Fire station for a period of twenty five (25) years after which time it will revert back to the City-Parish and placed back into commerce. By: Mayor's Office - Director of Buildings and Grounds. K. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of Baton Rouge City Court to enter into a contract renewing the Professional Services Agreement with Angela A. Landry in the amount of $17,500.00, so as to provide services as BIP Interventionist for the Baton Rouge City Court Domestic Violence Court for the period of June 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, funded by Baton Rouge City Court's approved Grant Contract with the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Domestic Violence Court's program income. By: Clerk/Judicial Administrator. L. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of City of Baton Rouge/Baton Rouge Police Department to enter into a renewal Use Agreement with the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). Every year the NICB loans the Baton Rouge Police Department two(2) License Plate Readers(LPR) to be utilized to locate and the recovery of stolen vehicles and criminal investigations. By: Chief of Police. M. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Progressive Security Insurance as subrogee of Larry E. Williams for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $13,791.41, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person) By: Parish Attorney. METROPOLITAN COUNCIL MEETING October 28, 2015 P a g e 14 N. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the contract with Healing Place Serve for case management; educational, career and job assistance; transportation; and community outreach for the BRAVE program under the U.S. Office of Justice Programs Community-Based Violence Prevention and Demonstration Grant by increasing the compensation by an additional $129,959.05, for a total compensation not to exceed $344,798.00; and to amend the timeframe of said contract to end September 30, 2016. By: Office of the Mayor-President.
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES: A. Lot 6 pt.(W ½) Square 322, Magnesiaville New Sunlight Baptist Church South 17th Street; I.D.# 144851 Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 1,000.00 Taxes Due $ 665.23 High bidder: New Sunlight Baptist Church $200.00 Intended use: Extend property and keep clean. B. Lot 6 pt., Square 322, Magnesiaville New Sunlight Baptist Church South 17th Street; I.D. #55506 Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $1,200.00 Taxes Due $3,113.25 High bidder: New Sunlight Baptist Church $200.00 Intended use: Extend property and keep clean. C. Lot 4, Square 22, North Baton Rouge New Light Missionary Canada Street Baptist Church of Scotlandville Metro Council District 02 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 3,000.00 Taxes Due $ 350.02 High bidder: New Light Missionary Baptist Church of Scotlandville $500.00 Intended use: Additional building or parking. D. Lot H, Square 21, University Place Betty Jones Avenue G Metro Council District 02 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 5,500.00 Taxes Due $ 2,052.81 High bidder: Betty Jones $100.00 Intended use: Keep clean. E. Lot 11, Square 2, East End Court Marcia Bell, LLC 2271 North Boulevard Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $12,500.00 Taxes Due $ 4,147.72 DELETED BY PARISH ATTORNEY - REDEEMED F. Lot 19, Square 28, Fairfields Marcia Bell, LLC 3056 Washington Street Metro Council District 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $15,000.00 Taxes Due $ 3,112.13 High bidder: Marcia Bell, L.L.C. $1,600.00 Intended use: Fix and rent or reseale. G. Lot 54, Square 51, Greenville Extension Charlie E. Bell North 49th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 350.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 1,200.00 Taxes Due $ 369.07 High bidder: Leslie Johnson $1,000.00 Intended use: Build Home. H. Lot 55, Square 51, Greenville Extension Charlie E. Bell North 49th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 350.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 1,200.00 Taxes Due $ 1,804.20 High bidder: Charlie E. Bell $350.00 Intended use: Build a house. I. Lot 26, Square 30, Greenville Extension Sach & Associates 1783 North 48th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 250.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 10,000.00 Taxes Due $ 2,599.75 High bidder: Sach & Associates $2,250.00 Intended use: Keep clean. J. Lot A-1, Nellie Dougherty Prescott Subdivision Kasper Investments, LLC 3500 Seneca Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 18,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $345,000.00 Taxes Due $100,694.53 High bidder: Kasper Investments, L.L.C. $18,000.00 Intended use: Warehouse. K. Lot 3, Square 13, East Fairfields Dominique Banks 2250 North Foster Drive Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 50,000.00 Taxes Due $ 14,381.15 High bidder: Ahmad Asmar $31,500.00 Intended use: Remodel, retail. L. Lot 46, Shenandoah Square Michael Hebert 15631 Shenandoah Square Avenue Metro Council District 08 - Amoroso Initial Bid Amount $ 1,500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $115,000.00 Taxes Due $ 6,552.00 DELETED BY PARISH ATTORNEY - REDEEMED M. Lot 104, Park Addition Constance Savoy North 39th Street Metro Council District 07 - Marcelle Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds) $ 500.00 Appraised Value $ 4,000.00 Taxes Due $ 2,144.51 High bidder: Constance Savoy $2,100.00 Intended use: Community garden.
APPOINTMENTS: A. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Janice Gordon in accordance with Section 2.17 of the Plan of Government. This term expires January 1, 2015. Current Ballot: No information received
ITEMS: A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Sullivan Road (Central Thruway to Wax Road) Project Number: CP 03-CS-CI-0020, SP 255-30-0012 (H.009725) Original Estimated Cost: $15,900,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121132 Account Number: 339.7260182.652310.5921806 Council Award Date: June 12, 2012 Contractor: J B James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: 2(two) (extend contract for 42 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 475,407.81 Original Contract Amount: $11,257,327.55 Net Previous Changes: $ 262,500.00 New Contract Amount: $11,995,235.36 Description: The quantity of lime treated subgrade; the shoulders are changed from asphalt to concrete; a house and trailer are in the right of way and require removal for the construction; the sewer force main tie in on Lovett Road cannot be tired in per the plans and requires the addition of a hot tapped line stop; sewage cleanup was performed by the contractor at the request of the City on Lovett Road; property fence along drainage Outfall #2 require relocation not provided in the plans along with the repair of chain link fence in the same area; the existing asphalt on Wax Road contains three (3) areas of pavement failures that requires full depth patching prior to the overlay; areas of the asphalt portion of Wax Road require milling prior to overlaying due to the extensive cracking and the increase in days (42 days). Why Required: To adjust the contract time and amount for the items listed above 2. Project Title: Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $4,653,316.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131586 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: August 28, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 274,524.80 Original Contract Amount: $4,588,718.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,595.86 New Contract Amount: $4,941,838.66 Description: To increase the contract quantities for the following items: 4010100 Traffic Maintenance Aggregate (Truck Measure) and 9070200 Concrete curb and gutter (2' Wide) Why Required: To modify the contract quantities for the items listed above. 3. Project Title: Stumberg Lane Extension Phase 2 Project Number: 13-CS-HC-0050 Original Estimated Cost: $3,500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO141907 Account Number: 374.7260512.652310.5925412 Council Award Date: October 22, 2014 Contractor: Byron E. Talbot Contractor, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (two) Change Order Amount: $ 19,561.11 Original Contract Amount: $3,870,338.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 78,054.00 New Contract Amount: $3,967,953.11 Description: To add the following item: 9900018 temporary Roundabout Lighting Why Required: To make the change as requested above. B. FINAL ACCEPTANCES: None C. ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program OLOL Medical Complex Area Streets (One Perkins Place, Dijon Dr, Hennessy Blvd, Summa Ave, Picardy Ave) Project CP Project No. 12-CR-ST-0023;State Project No. H.010650.6 Federal Aid Project No. H.010650 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2010215 - This is a Federal Aid Project with 80% Federal and 20% Local with Local Cost Share ($317,578.25), which is supplemented with federal funds in the amount of $1,270,313.00. ESTIMATE: $1,195,422.95 **Hard Rock Construction LLC $1,587,891.25 Interstate Improvement, Inc. $1,822,311.25 **Command Construction Industries LLC $1,978,978.00 Forby Contracting, Inc. $2,218,014.00 *JB JAMES CONSTRUCTION LLC $2,836,810.20 2. Sales Tax Street And Road Rehabilitation Program Project 14-12 Elain Dr & W Darryl Pkwy Project 14-CR-ST-0029 - Account 147.7210012.2010615 ESTIMATE: $475,000.00 **Barriere Construction Co. $ 460,234.00 D. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through donation and/or exchange and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for a temporary site for Fire Station No. 20 on Burbank Drive, being project no. 15-ASD-CP-0951. By: Department of Buildings and Grounds. (This item was deferred from the September 23, 2015 Council Meeting) E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Grace Hebert Architects, APAC + Moffatt & Nichol, A Joint Venture, for additional services in connection with their contract for The City of Baton Rouge Dock Expansion, Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0904, in an amount not to exceed $153,802.00. (Account No. 337.7520335.652200.5983815) By: Director of Buildings and Grounds. F. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with James, Inc., DBA James DeFelice and Associates, for appraisal review services associated with the Old Hammond Highway Improvements, Segment 2 project, being City-Parish Project No. 06-CS-HC-0028, in an amount not to exceed $59,843.75. (Account No.374.7260442.652120.5924406) By: Director of Transportation and Drainage. G. Authorization to amend Council Resolution No. 49189, Adopted 2-8-12, so as to increase the 100% State Grant (H.008940 - Install CAT II Approach Lighting - Phase II) from $2,600,000.00 to $2,724,409.00. By: Director of Aviation. H. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's office and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District to lease approximately 0.31 acres of land at a rental rate of $2,835.75 per year, with said lease expiring June 30, 2017, with two (2), five (5) year options to renew. By: Director of Aviation. I. Waiving the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton, Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 9:10010 (B), regarding the 300 feet distance requirement, so as to allow Margo E. Bouanchaud, Inc., located at 2836 Government Street, to apply for an alcohol license. By: Councilwoman Marcelle. J. Repealing Ordinance 8668, Adopted May 25, 1988, and Amending Ordinance 8148, Adopted May 14, 1986, Relating to the appointment of the East Baton Rouge Communications District Board of Commissioners. By: EBRP Communications District. K. Receiving a report and discussing swimming pool abatements and further discussion specifically related to the property located at 5334 Hunters Park Avenue. By: Councilman Amoroso. L. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and Pictometry International Corporation to provide aerial imagery of East Baton Rouge Parish, in the amount of $94,327.00. By: Director of IS.