1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. PROOF OF NOTICE OF THE MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT POLICY This is a public meeting. In accordance with Title 1, Sections 1.2(c)(9) and 1.7(a) of the Code of Ordinances, all items on this agenda are open for public comment with the exception of those items listed as “Introductions”. Items listed as “Introductions” will be available for public comment at subsequent meetings. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should approach the podium and request to speak after the item is announced by the Pro-Tem. They will be required to give their name and address and the Pro-Tem will allocate a specific amount of time for members of the public to speak.
4. ITEMS: A. Adopting the revised 2016 pay plan for the classified, unclassified, non-classified, contract, Fire and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge; establishing the effective date of said plan as December 26, 2015; and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. By: Interim Human Resources Director. B. Fixing the number of employees of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge, and agencies to which appropriations are made; and establishing the effective date of December 26, 2015 and repealing all Ordinances in conflict herewith. By: Interim Human Resources Director.
C. Amending the Preliminary Current Expense Budget of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2016 submitted by the Mayor-President; and adopting the Final Current Expense Budget and Capital Budget of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2016. By: Mayor-President. (This item was recessed from the November 10, 2015 Council Meeting) 5. ADJOURN:
1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. PROOF OF NOTICE OF THE MEETING PUBLIC COMMENT POLICY This is a public meeting. In accordance with Title 1, Sections 1.2(c)(9) and 1.7(a) of the Code of Ordinances, all items on this agenda are open for public comment with the exception of those items listed as “Introductions”. Items listed as “Introductions” will be available for public comment at subsequent meetings. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should approach the podium and request to speak after the item is announced by the Pro-Tem. They will be required to give their name and address and the Pro-Tem will allocate a specific amount of time for members of the public to speak.
4. ITEMS: A. Adopting the revised 2016 pay plan for the classified, unclassified, non-classified, contract, Fire and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge; establishing the effective date of said plan as December 26, 2015; and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. By: Interim Human Resources Director. B. Fixing the number of employees of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, the City of Baton Rouge, and agencies to which appropriations are made; and establishing the effective date of December 26, 2015 and repealing all Ordinances in conflict herewith. By: Interim Human Resources Director.
C. Amending the Preliminary Current Expense Budget of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2016 submitted by the Mayor-President; and adopting the Final Current Expense Budget and Capital Budget of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2016. By: Mayor-President. (This item was recessed from the November 10, 2015 Council Meeting) 5. ADJOURN: