ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of December 9, 2015 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of January 5, 2016.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Adopting an ad valorem property tax millage rate of 11.10 for the East Baton Rouge Parish Library for the year 2016. By: Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the cooperative endeavor agreement with the State of Louisiana for state capital outlay funding for the Chaneyville Fire District #7, Reames Road Fire Station project, State Project No. 50-M20-14-01, and any supplemental amendments thereto, as necessary, to reflect additional funding in the amount of $100,000 approved through action of the Louisiana State Legislature, and further appropriating the state funds for said purpose. By: Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 3. A Resolution authorizing the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission to submit a pre-application and application to the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality in connection with the State Revolving Fund Loan Program; authorizing making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue Not to Exceed $15,000,000 Revenue Bonds (Department of Environmental Quality Project), Series 2016A of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, to finance the costs of upgrading, rehabilitating, extending and improving the sewerage disposal system owned by the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission and the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to the Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution, payable from the sewer user fees levied and collected pursuant to Ordinance No. 12334 and EBROSCO Ordinance No. 2068, and from the avails or proceeds of the one-half of one percent (1/2%) sales and use tax levied and collected by the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to Article VI, Section 29 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, and pursuant to an election held in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 16, 1988; authorizing the sale of the Series 2016A Bonds to the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality; and providing for other matters related thereto. By: Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement with Fregonese Associates, Inc. for development and implementation of a downtown parking strategy, and appropriating $100,000 for said purpose. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 5. Amending the 2016 capital budget so as to appropriate $1.8 million of State Sales Tax Rebates dedicated for River Center improvements for design services associated with Baton Rouge River Center Expansion. (Budget Supplement No. 8498) By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 6. Authorization to appropriate $213,159 from the Airport's Discretionary Cash & Investment Account (481.0000000.100006.) to fund L. King Change Order No. 1- $4,045, Forte & Tablada Supplemental Agreement No. 5 $29,000; and Program Management Services $32,000 and place $46,968 in Account 482.0989002.652110.8189002 and $166,191 in Account 482.0986002.652310.8860049 for such purpose. (B.S. 008442) By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 CONDEMNATIONS: None. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: 1. City Holdings, L.L.C. Metro Council District 06 - Collins Lewis Darryl Drive: BRANDYWINE CONDOMINIUMS, UNITS: 8, 14, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 60, 63, 67, 71, 72, 75, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 105, 110, 111, 115, 117, 124, 126, 127, 136, 139, 140, 142, 150, 155, 157, 159, 166, 168, 172, 173, 175, 176, 181, 186, 187, 188, 192, 194, 195, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 207, 211, 213, 216, 217, 222, 226, 229, 233, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 258, 261, 264, 265, 266, 267, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 284, 285, 288, 292, 293, 296, 298 UNITS TO BE SOLD TOGETHER Bids received February 3, 2016. Introduce for public hearing February 10, 2016. 2. City Holdings, L.L.C. Metro Council District 06 - Collins Lewis Darryl Drive: BRANDYWINE CONDOMINIUMS, UNITS: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 25, 26, 39, 42, 45, 46, 50, 55, 64, 69, 73, 74, 81, 94, 103, 108, 114, 119, 121, 122, 125, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134, 137, 138, 144, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 162, 164, 169, 171, 177, 180, 182, 183, 185, 189, 190, 197, 208, 209, 212, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 227, 230, 231, 232, 234, 236, 237, 238, 241, 245, 250, 253, 254, 256, 259, 260, 262, 263, 270, 287, 289, 290 UNITS TO BE SOLD TOGETHER Bids received February 3, 2016. Introduce for public hearing February 10, 2016. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: None. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Billy Smith for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's home, in the amount of $29,676.76. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 2. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Frank Arrigo for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's home, in the amount of $25,958.30. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 3. Authorizing settlement of the claim of C. J. Cutrone for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's rental property, in the amount of $17,848.81. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Library Board of Control, to enter into a lease agreement with The North American Land Company, LLC for a temporary branch library facility located in the building at 447 3rd Street, and designated as Suite A on the first floor, to provide library services for the public during the period that the current River Center Branch undergoes remediation and demolition, and the new library building is constructed. The lease is for a term of 30 months, with six extensions of thirty days each, if needed. The lease amount is for $14,583.33 per month in the initial year, and includes utilities, with an increase of $1 per square foot in the second and third year of the lease. By: EBRP Library Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 5. Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Library Board of Control, to enter into an agreement with The Quality Group, Inc. to provide relocation services, at a cost of $161,773, for the collection, furnishings, technology and office equipment from the River Center Branch to various sites. This agreement also provides for the relocation of collections, furnishings, technology and equipment from the current leased site for Outreach Services to the new Outreach Center on North Blvd. By: EBRP Library Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 6. Resolution to approve the proposed 2016 Annual Plan for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program funded through the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge Office of Community Development (OCD) and in compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulatory requirements By: Urban Development Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 7. Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contractual agreement with Aerostar SES LLC, C-K Associates LLC, and Providence Engineering and Environmental Group LLC to provide environmental site assessments and cleanup planning services in an amount not to exceed $118,000 each, selected via Solicitation No: 20008-15 and funded with U.S. EPA Brownfield Assessment grants. By: Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 8. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $6,179.00 for a total amount not to exceed $83,629.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 9. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $38,217.50 for a total amount not to exceed $619,878.50 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 10. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the Volunteers of America of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $165,638.00 for a total amount not to exceed $801,830.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 11. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $138,432.00 for a total amount not to exceed $727,101.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 12. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the Volunteers of America of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $18,700.00 for a total amount not to exceed $216,167.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 13. Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a management agreement with SMG to promote, operate, and manage the Baton Rouge River Center for a period of five years beginning January 1, 2017, with one optional five-year renewal. By: Mayor-President
CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: South Forced Lower Capacity Improvements Nicholson Dr-Highland Rd-Perkins Rd Phase B Project Number: 09-FM-MS-047B Original Estimated Cost: $8,660,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131380 Account Number: 434.7578243.452400.6097356; 411.7578243.752400.6087356 Council Award Date: July 24, 2013 Contractor: Garney Companies, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (Two) (Final)(Extend contract time by 342 days) Change Order Amount: $ 24,968.04 Original Contract Amount: $ 7,985,985.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 91,899.50 New Contract Amount: $8,102,852.54 Description: Final adjustment of quantities, including additional work due to unforeseen underground conflicts. Why Required: To modify the contract quantities and close out the project. 2. Project Title: Essen Lane (LA 3064 @ Interstate 10) Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0033 Original Estimated Cost: $2,290,499.00 Purchase Order Number: PO150192 Account Number: 339.7260332.652310.5923306 Council Award Date: December 10, 2014 Contractor: Command Construction Industries, Inc. Change Order Number: 1 (One) Change Order Amount: $ 206,238.70 Original Contract Amount: $2,085,895.00 Net Previous Changes: -0- New Contract Amount: $2,292,133.70 Description: Adjustment of plan quantities to match field measured quantities, adjustment in traffic signal mast arms to suit as-built foundation conditions, and additional removal item due to unforeseen condition. Why Required: Signal arms were extended to center equipment over travel lanes, abandoned bridge foundations required removal to accommodate base course installation. 3. Project Title: Low Level Windshear Alert System Project Number: SP H011371 Original Estimated Cost: $155,132.36 Purchase Order Number: PO150887 Account Number: 482.0989002.652200.8890015 Council Award Date: June 10, 2015 Contractor: E. P. Breaux Electrical, Inc. Change Order Number: One (1) Change Order Amount: $ 1,230.50 Original Contract Amount: $155,132.36 Net Previous Changes: $ 0 New Contract Amount: $156,362.86 Description: Adjustment in fencing for project by sixty-three (63) feet. Why Required: To construct project in accordance with applicable FAA standards.
Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Second Amendment and Notice of Lease to the Coca Cola Bottling Company United-Gulf Coast, LLC lease agreement to exercise their option of right of first refusal as per Section 2.04 of the original lease agreement and request to lease approximately 20 acres of land for a period of fifty (50) years, with four (4) ten (10) year options to renew at a rental rate of $104,544.00 per year. By: Director of Aviation.
H. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Amendment to the lease agreement with 337, L.L.C. to reduce the leased area from 2.384 acres to 1.549 acres. By: Director of Aviation. I. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Amendment to the lease agreement with Legal Air to reduce the leased area from 4.06 acres to 3.364 acres. By: Director of Aviation.
Appointing a replacement for Councilwoman C. Denise Marcelle, Council District 7, in accordance with section 2.06 of the Plan of Government. By: Council Administrator-Treasurer.
Appointing a replacement for Councilwoman Ronnie Edwards, Council District 5, in accordance with section 2.06 of the Plan of Government. By: Council Administrator-Treasurer.
Announcement regarding consideration by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge at the public meeting of the Metropolitan Council to be held on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, of the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the levy and collection of the 10.0 ad valorem tax millage rate within the Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge on all taxable property therein to be levied for the calendar year 2016. By: Council Administrator.
Downtown parking presentation by John Fregonese of Fregonese and Associates. By: Office of the Mayor President.
A. GAS UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Consideration of reappointing or replacing Kerry Duplessis, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a five (5) year term. Current Ballot: Kerry Duplessis (Received letter requesting reappointment) Diane Fletcher B. GAS UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Vernon Humphries who resigned. This term expires January 12, 2017. Current Ballot: Kerry Duplessis (Received letter requesting reappointment) Diane Fletcher
CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Antoinette Pierre, whose term expires on December 31, 2015, effective January 1, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Coletta Barrett James Brandt (Received letter requesting reappointment) Lucien Cutrera Jr. Shelton Dixon Errolyn Jackson-Dickerson Gregory Gavins Sr. Samuel Irwin Frank LaNasa Sr. Antoinette Pierre (Received letter requesting reappointment) Ercel Placide
CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM: Consideration of reappointing or replacing James Brandt, whose term expires on December 31, 2015, effective January 1, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Coletta Barrett James Brandt (Received letter requesting reappointment) Lucien Cutrera Jr. Shelton Dixon Errolyn Jackson-Dickerson Gregory Gavins Sr. Samuel Irwin Frank LaNasa Sr. Antoinette Pierre (Received letter requesting reappointment) Ercel Placide
CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Deborah Roe, whose term expires on December 31, 2015, effective January 1, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Coletta Barrett James Brandt (Received letter requesting reappointment) Lucien Cutrera Jr. Shelton Dixon Errolyn Jackson-Dickerson Gregory Gavins Sr. Samuel Irwin Frank LaNasa Sr. Antoinette Pierre (Received letter requesting reappointment) Ercel Placide
CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Dalton Honore, whose term expires on December 31, 2015, effective January 1, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Coletta Barrett James Brandt (Received letter requesting reappointment) Lucien Cutrera Jr. Shelton Dixon Errolyn Jackson-Dickerson Gregory Gavins Sr. Samuel Irwin Frank LaNasa Sr. Antoinette Pierre (Received letter requesting reappointment) Ercel Placide
G. EAST BATON ROUGE COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT: Appointing a member to fill one vacancy created to the East Baton Rouge Communication District. This term expires on December 31, 2017, effective January 1, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Jr. Shelton Jim Verlander H. EAST BATON ROUGE COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT: Appointing a member to fill one vacancy created to the East Baton Rouge Communication District. This term expires on December 31, 2019, effective January 1, 2016. This is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Jr. Shelton Jim Verlander
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - METROPOLITAN Consideration of reappointing or replacing Parker Ewing, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a five (5) year term. Current Ballot: Lucien Cutrera Jr. Parker Ewing (Incumbent - eligible for reappointment) James Smith
CHANEYVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICT Consideration of reappointing or replacing David Metcalfe, whose term expires on January 2, 2016, effective January 3, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: David Metcalfe (Received email requesting reappointment)
RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION Consideration of reappointing or replacing Carlos Sam, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Shelton Dixon Chauna Banks
RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION Consideration of reappointing or replacing Kenneth Riche, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Shelton Dixon Chauna Banks
ST. GEORGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: M. Consideration of reappointing or replacing David Carnes, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: David Carnes (Received email requesting reappointment) Johnny Suchy (Received email requesting reappointment) N. ST. GEORGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Johnny Suchy, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: David Carnes (Received email requesting reappointment) Johnny Suchy (Received email requesting reappointment) O. ST. GEORGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Gary Durham, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: David Carnes (Received email requesting reappointment) Johnny Suchy (Received email requesting reappointment)
P. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NO. 5 - EAST SIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Consideration of reappointing or replacing George Cotton, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: George Cotton (Received letter requesting reappointment) Oscar LeJeune William Pedneau Q. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NO. 5 - EAST SIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Oscar LeJeune, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: George Cotton Oscar LeJeune (Received letter requesting reappointment) William Pedneau R. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NO. 5 - EAST SIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Consideration of reappointing or replacing William Pedneau, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: George Cotton Oscar LeJeune William Pedneau (Received letter requesting reappointment)
S. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - ALSEN-ST. IRMA LEE: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Ceola Beauchamp, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Ceola Beauchamp (Received letter requesting reappointment) Willie Johnson U. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - ALSEN-ST. IRMA LEE: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Cheria Lane-Mackey, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Ceola Beauchamp Willie Johnson V. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - ALSEN-ST. IRMA LEE: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Lolita Plummer, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Ceola Beauchamp Willie Johnson
VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FIRE DISTRICT 6 - HOOPER ROAD: W. Consideration of reappointing or replacing Sharon Graves, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Sharon Graves (Received letter requesting reappointment) Chris Medine (Received letter requesting reappointment) X. VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FIRE DISTRICT 6 - HOOPER ROAD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Chris Medine, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Sharon Graves (Received letter requesting reappointment) Chris Medine (Received letter requesting reappointment)
INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Jason Engen, whose term expires on February 27, 2016, effective February 28, 2016. This is a six (6) year term. Current Ballot: No information received
CONDEMNATIONS: B. Rosie Lee Washington & Joseph F. Washington 1024 N. 28th Street; Lot 3, Square 15, Abramson Subdivision - District 07 (This item was deferred from the October 14, 2015 Council Meeting) C. Stephen Schneider, Jr. 1202 Park Boulevard - Northwest Portion of Lot 62, Swart Addition Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the October 14, 2015 Council Meeting) D. Matthew Johnson 9655 Gassie Street; Lot 28, Kelly Subdivision - District 02 (This item was deferred from the October 28, 2015 and November 10, 2015 Council Meetings) F. Joseph Dangerfield 238 W. Polk Street; East ½ of Lot 8, Square 28, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the October 28, 2015 and November 10, 2015 Council Meetings) G. Joseph Dangerfield 235 W. Polk Street; Lot 7, Square 30, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the October 28, 2015 and November 10, 2015 Council Meetings) H. Etta K. Hearn 1171 Monet Street; Lot 50, Melrose East Subdivision - District 06 (This item was deferred from the September 9, 2015, October 14, 2015, October 28, 2015, November 24, 2015 and December 9, 2015 Council Meetings)
An Ordinance creating the North Baton Rouge Economic Opportunity Zone, an economic development district within the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge; defining the boundaries thereof in accordance with and as authorized by Title 33, Chapter 27, Part II of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended; designating the governing authority of the district, and providing for other matters in connection therewith. By: Councilman Delgado.
Authorizing the Finance Director to refund a remittance of sales and use tax on invoiced sales that were reported timely and then canceled by the customer for the audit period May 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015 to Liebherr Cranes, Inc., in the amount of $210,354.13, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By: Finance Director.
Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Anthonio Anderson, vs. City of Baton Rouge Shawn Delaney, No. 621,998 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $23,500.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,011.48, for a total amount of $24,511.48, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200.) *This matter may be discussed in Executive session.(Counsel of record, The Law Offices of Dathan L. Hill, PLLC, Dathan L. Hill) By: Parish Attorney.
FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. South Forced Lower Capacity Improvements Nicholson Dr-Highland Rd-Perkins Rd Phase B Project 09-FM-MS-047B - Account 434.7578243.452400.6097356; 411.7578243.752400.6087356 - Council Award Date: July 24, 2013 Contractor: Garney Companies, Inc. Estimated Cost: $8,660,000.00 Contract Amount: $7,985,985.00 Total Change Orders (2): $ 116,867.54 Final Cost: $8,102,852.54 Days Allocated: 731 Days Used: 731 Liquidated Damages: None
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. North Boulevard Promenade Project CP Project No. 13-CS-US-0059 State Project No. H.010723.6 Federal Aid Project No. H010723 - Account 344.1548012.652360.0487700; 146.1548012.652360.0487700 (This is a Federal Aid Project with 80% Federal and 20% Local) ESTIMATE: 1,490,795.20 **Rotolo Consultants, Inc. $1,461,770.00 **Hard Rock Construction, LLC $1,751,914.50 **Progressive Construction Co., LLC $2,047,244.25 2. Greenwell Springs Branch Library Roof Replacement Project 15-ASC-CP-0933 - Account 111.1200015.647200.0000000 Estimate: $165,000.00 Dyllon Marsolf Construction LLC $130,300.00 **Roofing Solutions, L.L.C. $133,830.00 **Rycars Construction, LLC $141,385.00 Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. $145,700.00 *Ross A. Grand, L.L.C. $168,750.00 **Roof Technologies Inc. $230,000.00 **Ascension Roofing, LLC $246,900.00 3. Sidewalk Improvements (Goodwood Blvd., Sylvan Dr., Sherbrook Dr., & Dartmoor Dr. @ Saint Thomas Moore Catholic School) Project 15-SW-HC-0003 - Account 012.7507000.647100.4000000 ESTIMATE: $220,000.00 **Command Construction, Industries Llc. $173,536.00 *Grady Crawford Construction Co Inc $192,950.00 **Benchmark Construction Group of La $208,050.00 **Mst Enterprises Llc $217,000.00 **Mcr Construction Llc $272,356.00 **Industrial Enterprises, Inc. $295,903.26
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with C-K Associates, LLC for professional services to conduct monthly inspections and compliance monitoring of gas collection wells associated with the landfill gas collection and control system at the Renewable Energy Center, for an amount not to exceed $32,400.00.(Account No. 461.7060423.643550.0000000) By: Environmental Services Director.
Authorizing the Mayor President to execute Supplemental Agreement No 1 to the Agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, that provides for the environmental investigations and pre-construction engineering services in connection with the Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange being, City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, State Project No. H.004104 (Formerly S.P. No. 700-17-0221), and Federal Aid Project No. IM-1709(507). Funding of this project is by joint participation between the City-Parish, DOTD, and FHWA in accordance with the terms and condition of the agreement. (Account No 374,7260502.652120.5925006) By: Director Transportation and Drainage.
Repealing Ordinance 8668, Adopted May 25, 1988, and Amending Ordinance 8148, Adopted May 14, 1986, Relating to the appointment of the East Baton Rouge Communications District Board of Commissioners. By: EBRP Communications District.
M. Rescinding and cancelling the decision and order issued on November 10, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. MMP Enterprises, Inc. - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9449 (224 S. 19th Street; Lot 11 & South 35' of Lot 10, Square 6, Fuqua-Lamon Town Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Wicker. N. Rescinding and cancelling the decision and order issued on November 10, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. MMP Enterprises, Inc. - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9448 (228 S. 19th Street ; Lot 11 & South 35' of Lot 10, Square 6, Fuqua-Lamon Town Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Wicker. O. Rescinding and cancelling the Decision and Order issued November 24, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. Gladys Walls- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9456 (2561 Dayton Street; Southeast 31' of Lot 2 & South 100' of Lots 3 & 4, Square 5, Scott Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Wicker. P. Rescinding and cancelling the decision and order issued on November 24, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. Bruce M. Kinchen & Krystal M. Kinchen - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9459 (5333 Lemonwood Drive; Lot 94, st. Gerard Place #2 Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Edwards. Q. Rescinding and cancelling the Decision and Order issued October 14, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. Stephen Beckham & Lionel Williams- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9413 (2749 Tanner Street; Lot 25, Square 10, Paradise Park Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Daniel.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into an agency participation agreement with the Louisiana Department of Revenue, Office of Debt Recovery, for assistance in the collecting of delinquent debt of the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, as provided in La. R.S. 47:1676. By: Parish Attorney.
ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of December 9, 2015 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of January 5, 2016.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Adopting an ad valorem property tax millage rate of 11.10 for the East Baton Rouge Parish Library for the year 2016. By: Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the cooperative endeavor agreement with the State of Louisiana for state capital outlay funding for the Chaneyville Fire District #7, Reames Road Fire Station project, State Project No. 50-M20-14-01, and any supplemental amendments thereto, as necessary, to reflect additional funding in the amount of $100,000 approved through action of the Louisiana State Legislature, and further appropriating the state funds for said purpose. By: Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 3. A Resolution authorizing the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission to submit a pre-application and application to the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality in connection with the State Revolving Fund Loan Program; authorizing making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue Not to Exceed $15,000,000 Revenue Bonds (Department of Environmental Quality Project), Series 2016A of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, to finance the costs of upgrading, rehabilitating, extending and improving the sewerage disposal system owned by the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission and the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to the Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution, payable from the sewer user fees levied and collected pursuant to Ordinance No. 12334 and EBROSCO Ordinance No. 2068, and from the avails or proceeds of the one-half of one percent (1/2%) sales and use tax levied and collected by the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to Article VI, Section 29 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, and pursuant to an election held in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 16, 1988; authorizing the sale of the Series 2016A Bonds to the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality; and providing for other matters related thereto. By: Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement with Fregonese Associates, Inc. for development and implementation of a downtown parking strategy, and appropriating $100,000 for said purpose. By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 5. Amending the 2016 capital budget so as to appropriate $1.8 million of State Sales Tax Rebates dedicated for River Center improvements for design services associated with Baton Rouge River Center Expansion. (Budget Supplement No. 8498) By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 6. Authorization to appropriate $213,159 from the Airport's Discretionary Cash & Investment Account (481.0000000.100006.) to fund L. King Change Order No. 1- $4,045, Forte & Tablada Supplemental Agreement No. 5 $29,000; and Program Management Services $32,000 and place $46,968 in Account 482.0989002.652110.8189002 and $166,191 in Account 482.0986002.652310.8860049 for such purpose. (B.S. 008442) By: Director of Aviation. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 CONDEMNATIONS: None. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: 1. City Holdings, L.L.C. Metro Council District 06 - Collins Lewis Darryl Drive: BRANDYWINE CONDOMINIUMS, UNITS: 8, 14, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 60, 63, 67, 71, 72, 75, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 102, 105, 110, 111, 115, 117, 124, 126, 127, 136, 139, 140, 142, 150, 155, 157, 159, 166, 168, 172, 173, 175, 176, 181, 186, 187, 188, 192, 194, 195, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 207, 211, 213, 216, 217, 222, 226, 229, 233, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 258, 261, 264, 265, 266, 267, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 284, 285, 288, 292, 293, 296, 298 UNITS TO BE SOLD TOGETHER Bids received February 3, 2016. Introduce for public hearing February 10, 2016. 2. City Holdings, L.L.C. Metro Council District 06 - Collins Lewis Darryl Drive: BRANDYWINE CONDOMINIUMS, UNITS: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 25, 26, 39, 42, 45, 46, 50, 55, 64, 69, 73, 74, 81, 94, 103, 108, 114, 119, 121, 122, 125, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134, 137, 138, 144, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 162, 164, 169, 171, 177, 180, 182, 183, 185, 189, 190, 197, 208, 209, 212, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 227, 230, 231, 232, 234, 236, 237, 238, 241, 245, 250, 253, 254, 256, 259, 260, 262, 263, 270, 287, 289, 290 UNITS TO BE SOLD TOGETHER Bids received February 3, 2016. Introduce for public hearing February 10, 2016. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: None. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Billy Smith for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's home, in the amount of $29,676.76. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 2. Authorizing settlement of the claim of Frank Arrigo for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's home, in the amount of $25,958.30. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 3. Authorizing settlement of the claim of C. J. Cutrone for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's rental property, in the amount of $17,848.81. * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Library Board of Control, to enter into a lease agreement with The North American Land Company, LLC for a temporary branch library facility located in the building at 447 3rd Street, and designated as Suite A on the first floor, to provide library services for the public during the period that the current River Center Branch undergoes remediation and demolition, and the new library building is constructed. The lease is for a term of 30 months, with six extensions of thirty days each, if needed. The lease amount is for $14,583.33 per month in the initial year, and includes utilities, with an increase of $1 per square foot in the second and third year of the lease. By: EBRP Library Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 5. Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Library Board of Control, to enter into an agreement with The Quality Group, Inc. to provide relocation services, at a cost of $161,773, for the collection, furnishings, technology and office equipment from the River Center Branch to various sites. This agreement also provides for the relocation of collections, furnishings, technology and equipment from the current leased site for Outreach Services to the new Outreach Center on North Blvd. By: EBRP Library Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 6. Resolution to approve the proposed 2016 Annual Plan for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program funded through the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge Office of Community Development (OCD) and in compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulatory requirements By: Urban Development Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 7. Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contractual agreement with Aerostar SES LLC, C-K Associates LLC, and Providence Engineering and Environmental Group LLC to provide environmental site assessments and cleanup planning services in an amount not to exceed $118,000 each, selected via Solicitation No: 20008-15 and funded with U.S. EPA Brownfield Assessment grants. By: Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 8. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $6,179.00 for a total amount not to exceed $83,629.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 9. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $38,217.50 for a total amount not to exceed $619,878.50 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 10. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the Volunteers of America of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $165,638.00 for a total amount not to exceed $801,830.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 11. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $138,432.00 for a total amount not to exceed $727,101.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 12. Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the Volunteers of America of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $18,700.00 for a total amount not to exceed $216,167.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: DHDS Director. Introduce for public hearing on January 27, 2016 13. Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a management agreement with SMG to promote, operate, and manage the Baton Rouge River Center for a period of five years beginning January 1, 2017, with one optional five-year renewal. By: Mayor-President
CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: South Forced Lower Capacity Improvements Nicholson Dr-Highland Rd-Perkins Rd Phase B Project Number: 09-FM-MS-047B Original Estimated Cost: $8,660,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131380 Account Number: 434.7578243.452400.6097356; 411.7578243.752400.6087356 Council Award Date: July 24, 2013 Contractor: Garney Companies, Inc. Change Order Number: 2 (Two) (Final)(Extend contract time by 342 days) Change Order Amount: $ 24,968.04 Original Contract Amount: $ 7,985,985.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 91,899.50 New Contract Amount: $8,102,852.54 Description: Final adjustment of quantities, including additional work due to unforeseen underground conflicts. Why Required: To modify the contract quantities and close out the project. 2. Project Title: Essen Lane (LA 3064 @ Interstate 10) Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0033 Original Estimated Cost: $2,290,499.00 Purchase Order Number: PO150192 Account Number: 339.7260332.652310.5923306 Council Award Date: December 10, 2014 Contractor: Command Construction Industries, Inc. Change Order Number: 1 (One) Change Order Amount: $ 206,238.70 Original Contract Amount: $2,085,895.00 Net Previous Changes: -0- New Contract Amount: $2,292,133.70 Description: Adjustment of plan quantities to match field measured quantities, adjustment in traffic signal mast arms to suit as-built foundation conditions, and additional removal item due to unforeseen condition. Why Required: Signal arms were extended to center equipment over travel lanes, abandoned bridge foundations required removal to accommodate base course installation. 3. Project Title: Low Level Windshear Alert System Project Number: SP H011371 Original Estimated Cost: $155,132.36 Purchase Order Number: PO150887 Account Number: 482.0989002.652200.8890015 Council Award Date: June 10, 2015 Contractor: E. P. Breaux Electrical, Inc. Change Order Number: One (1) Change Order Amount: $ 1,230.50 Original Contract Amount: $155,132.36 Net Previous Changes: $ 0 New Contract Amount: $156,362.86 Description: Adjustment in fencing for project by sixty-three (63) feet. Why Required: To construct project in accordance with applicable FAA standards.
Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Second Amendment and Notice of Lease to the Coca Cola Bottling Company United-Gulf Coast, LLC lease agreement to exercise their option of right of first refusal as per Section 2.04 of the original lease agreement and request to lease approximately 20 acres of land for a period of fifty (50) years, with four (4) ten (10) year options to renew at a rental rate of $104,544.00 per year. By: Director of Aviation.
H. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Amendment to the lease agreement with 337, L.L.C. to reduce the leased area from 2.384 acres to 1.549 acres. By: Director of Aviation. I. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Amendment to the lease agreement with Legal Air to reduce the leased area from 4.06 acres to 3.364 acres. By: Director of Aviation.
Appointing a replacement for Councilwoman C. Denise Marcelle, Council District 7, in accordance with section 2.06 of the Plan of Government. By: Council Administrator-Treasurer.
Appointing a replacement for Councilwoman Ronnie Edwards, Council District 5, in accordance with section 2.06 of the Plan of Government. By: Council Administrator-Treasurer.
Announcement regarding consideration by the Metropolitan Council of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and City of Baton Rouge at the public meeting of the Metropolitan Council to be held on Wednesday, February 24, 2016, of the adoption of an ordinance authorizing the levy and collection of the 10.0 ad valorem tax millage rate within the Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge on all taxable property therein to be levied for the calendar year 2016. By: Council Administrator.
Downtown parking presentation by John Fregonese of Fregonese and Associates. By: Office of the Mayor President.
A. GAS UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Consideration of reappointing or replacing Kerry Duplessis, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a five (5) year term. Current Ballot: Kerry Duplessis (Received letter requesting reappointment) Diane Fletcher B. GAS UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Vernon Humphries who resigned. This term expires January 12, 2017. Current Ballot: Kerry Duplessis (Received letter requesting reappointment) Diane Fletcher
CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Antoinette Pierre, whose term expires on December 31, 2015, effective January 1, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Coletta Barrett James Brandt (Received letter requesting reappointment) Lucien Cutrera Jr. Shelton Dixon Errolyn Jackson-Dickerson Gregory Gavins Sr. Samuel Irwin Frank LaNasa Sr. Antoinette Pierre (Received letter requesting reappointment) Ercel Placide
CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM: Consideration of reappointing or replacing James Brandt, whose term expires on December 31, 2015, effective January 1, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Coletta Barrett James Brandt (Received letter requesting reappointment) Lucien Cutrera Jr. Shelton Dixon Errolyn Jackson-Dickerson Gregory Gavins Sr. Samuel Irwin Frank LaNasa Sr. Antoinette Pierre (Received letter requesting reappointment) Ercel Placide
CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Deborah Roe, whose term expires on December 31, 2015, effective January 1, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Coletta Barrett James Brandt (Received letter requesting reappointment) Lucien Cutrera Jr. Shelton Dixon Errolyn Jackson-Dickerson Gregory Gavins Sr. Samuel Irwin Frank LaNasa Sr. Antoinette Pierre (Received letter requesting reappointment) Ercel Placide
CAPITAL AREA TRANSIT SYSTEM: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Dalton Honore, whose term expires on December 31, 2015, effective January 1, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Coletta Barrett James Brandt (Received letter requesting reappointment) Lucien Cutrera Jr. Shelton Dixon Errolyn Jackson-Dickerson Gregory Gavins Sr. Samuel Irwin Frank LaNasa Sr. Antoinette Pierre (Received letter requesting reappointment) Ercel Placide
G. EAST BATON ROUGE COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT: Appointing a member to fill one vacancy created to the East Baton Rouge Communication District. This term expires on December 31, 2017, effective January 1, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Jr. Shelton Jim Verlander H. EAST BATON ROUGE COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT: Appointing a member to fill one vacancy created to the East Baton Rouge Communication District. This term expires on December 31, 2019, effective January 1, 2016. This is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Jr. Shelton Jim Verlander
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - METROPOLITAN Consideration of reappointing or replacing Parker Ewing, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a five (5) year term. Current Ballot: Lucien Cutrera Jr. Parker Ewing (Incumbent - eligible for reappointment) James Smith
CHANEYVILLE VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICT Consideration of reappointing or replacing David Metcalfe, whose term expires on January 2, 2016, effective January 3, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: David Metcalfe (Received email requesting reappointment)
RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION Consideration of reappointing or replacing Carlos Sam, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Shelton Dixon Chauna Banks
RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION Consideration of reappointing or replacing Kenneth Riche, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Shelton Dixon Chauna Banks
ST. GEORGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: M. Consideration of reappointing or replacing David Carnes, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: David Carnes (Received email requesting reappointment) Johnny Suchy (Received email requesting reappointment) N. ST. GEORGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Johnny Suchy, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: David Carnes (Received email requesting reappointment) Johnny Suchy (Received email requesting reappointment) O. ST. GEORGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Gary Durham, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: David Carnes (Received email requesting reappointment) Johnny Suchy (Received email requesting reappointment)
P. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NO. 5 - EAST SIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Consideration of reappointing or replacing George Cotton, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: George Cotton (Received letter requesting reappointment) Oscar LeJeune William Pedneau Q. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NO. 5 - EAST SIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Oscar LeJeune, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: George Cotton Oscar LeJeune (Received letter requesting reappointment) William Pedneau R. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NO. 5 - EAST SIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT: Consideration of reappointing or replacing William Pedneau, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: George Cotton Oscar LeJeune William Pedneau (Received letter requesting reappointment)
S. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - ALSEN-ST. IRMA LEE: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Ceola Beauchamp, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Ceola Beauchamp (Received letter requesting reappointment) Willie Johnson U. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - ALSEN-ST. IRMA LEE: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Cheria Lane-Mackey, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Ceola Beauchamp Willie Johnson V. VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT - ALSEN-ST. IRMA LEE: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Lolita Plummer, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Ceola Beauchamp Willie Johnson
VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FIRE DISTRICT 6 - HOOPER ROAD: W. Consideration of reappointing or replacing Sharon Graves, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Sharon Graves (Received letter requesting reappointment) Chris Medine (Received letter requesting reappointment) X. VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FIRE DISTRICT 6 - HOOPER ROAD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Chris Medine, whose term expires on January 1, 2016, effective January 2, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot: Sharon Graves (Received letter requesting reappointment) Chris Medine (Received letter requesting reappointment)
INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Jason Engen, whose term expires on February 27, 2016, effective February 28, 2016. This is a six (6) year term. Current Ballot: No information received
CONDEMNATIONS: B. Rosie Lee Washington & Joseph F. Washington 1024 N. 28th Street; Lot 3, Square 15, Abramson Subdivision - District 07 (This item was deferred from the October 14, 2015 Council Meeting) C. Stephen Schneider, Jr. 1202 Park Boulevard - Northwest Portion of Lot 62, Swart Addition Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the October 14, 2015 Council Meeting) D. Matthew Johnson 9655 Gassie Street; Lot 28, Kelly Subdivision - District 02 (This item was deferred from the October 28, 2015 and November 10, 2015 Council Meetings) F. Joseph Dangerfield 238 W. Polk Street; East ½ of Lot 8, Square 28, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the October 28, 2015 and November 10, 2015 Council Meetings) G. Joseph Dangerfield 235 W. Polk Street; Lot 7, Square 30, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the October 28, 2015 and November 10, 2015 Council Meetings) H. Etta K. Hearn 1171 Monet Street; Lot 50, Melrose East Subdivision - District 06 (This item was deferred from the September 9, 2015, October 14, 2015, October 28, 2015, November 24, 2015 and December 9, 2015 Council Meetings)
An Ordinance creating the North Baton Rouge Economic Opportunity Zone, an economic development district within the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge; defining the boundaries thereof in accordance with and as authorized by Title 33, Chapter 27, Part II of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended; designating the governing authority of the district, and providing for other matters in connection therewith. By: Councilman Delgado.
Authorizing the Finance Director to refund a remittance of sales and use tax on invoiced sales that were reported timely and then canceled by the customer for the audit period May 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015 to Liebherr Cranes, Inc., in the amount of $210,354.13, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By: Finance Director.
Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Anthonio Anderson, vs. City of Baton Rouge Shawn Delaney, No. 621,998 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $23,500.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,011.48, for a total amount of $24,511.48, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200.) *This matter may be discussed in Executive session.(Counsel of record, The Law Offices of Dathan L. Hill, PLLC, Dathan L. Hill) By: Parish Attorney.
FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. South Forced Lower Capacity Improvements Nicholson Dr-Highland Rd-Perkins Rd Phase B Project 09-FM-MS-047B - Account 434.7578243.452400.6097356; 411.7578243.752400.6087356 - Council Award Date: July 24, 2013 Contractor: Garney Companies, Inc. Estimated Cost: $8,660,000.00 Contract Amount: $7,985,985.00 Total Change Orders (2): $ 116,867.54 Final Cost: $8,102,852.54 Days Allocated: 731 Days Used: 731 Liquidated Damages: None
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. North Boulevard Promenade Project CP Project No. 13-CS-US-0059 State Project No. H.010723.6 Federal Aid Project No. H010723 - Account 344.1548012.652360.0487700; 146.1548012.652360.0487700 (This is a Federal Aid Project with 80% Federal and 20% Local) ESTIMATE: 1,490,795.20 **Rotolo Consultants, Inc. $1,461,770.00 **Hard Rock Construction, LLC $1,751,914.50 **Progressive Construction Co., LLC $2,047,244.25 2. Greenwell Springs Branch Library Roof Replacement Project 15-ASC-CP-0933 - Account 111.1200015.647200.0000000 Estimate: $165,000.00 Dyllon Marsolf Construction LLC $130,300.00 **Roofing Solutions, L.L.C. $133,830.00 **Rycars Construction, LLC $141,385.00 Independent Roofing Systems, Inc. $145,700.00 *Ross A. Grand, L.L.C. $168,750.00 **Roof Technologies Inc. $230,000.00 **Ascension Roofing, LLC $246,900.00 3. Sidewalk Improvements (Goodwood Blvd., Sylvan Dr., Sherbrook Dr., & Dartmoor Dr. @ Saint Thomas Moore Catholic School) Project 15-SW-HC-0003 - Account 012.7507000.647100.4000000 ESTIMATE: $220,000.00 **Command Construction, Industries Llc. $173,536.00 *Grady Crawford Construction Co Inc $192,950.00 **Benchmark Construction Group of La $208,050.00 **Mst Enterprises Llc $217,000.00 **Mcr Construction Llc $272,356.00 **Industrial Enterprises, Inc. $295,903.26
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with C-K Associates, LLC for professional services to conduct monthly inspections and compliance monitoring of gas collection wells associated with the landfill gas collection and control system at the Renewable Energy Center, for an amount not to exceed $32,400.00.(Account No. 461.7060423.643550.0000000) By: Environmental Services Director.
Authorizing the Mayor President to execute Supplemental Agreement No 1 to the Agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, that provides for the environmental investigations and pre-construction engineering services in connection with the Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange being, City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, State Project No. H.004104 (Formerly S.P. No. 700-17-0221), and Federal Aid Project No. IM-1709(507). Funding of this project is by joint participation between the City-Parish, DOTD, and FHWA in accordance with the terms and condition of the agreement. (Account No 374,7260502.652120.5925006) By: Director Transportation and Drainage.
Repealing Ordinance 8668, Adopted May 25, 1988, and Amending Ordinance 8148, Adopted May 14, 1986, Relating to the appointment of the East Baton Rouge Communications District Board of Commissioners. By: EBRP Communications District.
M. Rescinding and cancelling the decision and order issued on November 10, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. MMP Enterprises, Inc. - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9449 (224 S. 19th Street; Lot 11 & South 35' of Lot 10, Square 6, Fuqua-Lamon Town Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Wicker. N. Rescinding and cancelling the decision and order issued on November 10, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. MMP Enterprises, Inc. - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9448 (228 S. 19th Street ; Lot 11 & South 35' of Lot 10, Square 6, Fuqua-Lamon Town Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Wicker. O. Rescinding and cancelling the Decision and Order issued November 24, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. Gladys Walls- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9456 (2561 Dayton Street; Southeast 31' of Lot 2 & South 100' of Lots 3 & 4, Square 5, Scott Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Wicker. P. Rescinding and cancelling the decision and order issued on November 24, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. Bruce M. Kinchen & Krystal M. Kinchen - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9459 (5333 Lemonwood Drive; Lot 94, st. Gerard Place #2 Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Edwards. Q. Rescinding and cancelling the Decision and Order issued October 14, 2015, in "City of Baton Rouge v. Stephen Beckham & Lionel Williams- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9413 (2749 Tanner Street; Lot 25, Square 10, Paradise Park Subdivision). By: Councilwoman Daniel.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into an agency participation agreement with the Louisiana Department of Revenue, Office of Debt Recovery, for assistance in the collecting of delinquent debt of the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, as provided in La. R.S. 47:1676. By: Parish Attorney.