ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of February 24, 2016 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of March 1, 2016.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to rename the Phase 11 Multi-purpose Room located at the Charles R. Kelly Community Center in honor of State Representative Ronnie Edwards. By: Councilwoman Green, Councilwoman Collins-Lewis and Councilwoman Wicker.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTIONS 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Amending Title 8 (Building Regulations), Chapter 1 (Building Code), Part I (In General), Section 8:1 of the Code of Ordinances so as to add subsection (e) to impose a ten (10) day deadline to approve or reject a building permit. By: Councilman Heck. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 2. A Resolution authorizing the issuance of (a) Not to Exceed $45,000,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A-1 of the City of Baton Rouge, (b) Not to Exceed $1,630,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A-2 (Taxable) of the City of Baton Rouge, and (c) Not to Exceed $5,100,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A-3 of the City of Baton Rouge, each payable from the proceeds of the two percent (2%) sales and use tax levied by said City; prescribing the form, fixing the details, providing for the payment of principal of and interest on such bonds and for the rights of the registered owners thereof; and providing for other matters related thereto. By: Bond Counsel Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 3. A Supplemental Bond Resolution amending and supplementing Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution No. 44893 (EBROSCO No. 7494) and authorizing and providing for the issuance of $15,000,000 of Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A, of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, to finance the cost of upgrading, rehabilitating, extending and improving the sewage disposal system owned by the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana pursuant to the provisions of the Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution, payable from the sewer user fees levied and collected pursuant to Ordinance No. 12334 and EBROSCO Ordinance 2068, each adopted by the Metropolitan Council on June 12, 2002, and from the avails or proceeds of the one-half of one percent (1/2%) sales and use tax levied and collected by the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to Article VI, Section 29 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, and pursuant to an election held in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 16, 1988; authorizing the sale of the Series 2016A Bonds to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality; prescribing the form, fixing the details and providing for the payment of principal of and interest on such Series 2016A Bonds and for the rights of the registered owners thereof; and providing for other matters with respect to the foregoing. By: Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge and the local tax recipient bodies to execute a cooperative endeavor agreement with the Assessor for East Baton Rouge Parish and the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff for the identification of fraudulent homestead exemptions and the recovery of unpaid taxes therefrom. By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 5. Amending the 2016 current expense budget for the Chaneyville Fire Protection District so as to appropriate $79,900 from the General Fund - Fund Balance Unassigned for the construction of Station #41. (B.S. 8507) By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 6. Amending Title 13, Criminal Law; Section 13:966. Marijuana, so as to amend the penalties for first conviction of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or chemical derivatives, as well as synthetic cannibanoids. By: City Prosecutor Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 CONDEMNATIONS: None. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: None. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: None. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Case 4-16 - 1400-1500 and 1509 Government Street To rezone from M1 (Light Industrial) and C2 (Heavy Commercial) to LC-3 (Light Commercial Three) on property located on the north side of Government Street, between South 14th Street and South 17th Street, on Lots 24-31, Square 2 or 217 of Suburb Bonnecaze; a 90’ x 128’, 90’ x 256’ and 269’x384’ Tract of the Baton Rouge Electric Co. (GSU) Lot, Magnesiaville Subdivision; Lots 27-A, 30 and 31 Square 321, Magnesiaville Subdivision. Section 49, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10-Wicker) By: Councilwoman Wicker. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of Baton Rouge City Court to execute an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with LaJuan Brown so as to continue providing services as Domestic Violence Interventionist for Baton Rouge City Court Domestic Violence Court, for a total amended amount of $39,116.00 to continue through December 31, 2016. Funded from Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Cash Match. By: Clerk/Judicial Administrator. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with NOAIDS Task Force in the amount of $52,778.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Center in the amount of $269,285.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 5. Authorizing the Mayor President to accept funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program which includes Part A and the Minority AIDS Initiative in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 for the grant period of March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 6. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 in the amount of $449,547.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 7. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc. in the amount of $37,665.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 8. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 in the amount of $67,003.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 9. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc in the amount of $289,344.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 10. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Clinic in the amount of $31,900.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 11. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $287,732.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 12. Amending the contract for the amount of the lease with the Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church (Discovery Head Start Facility) as a part of the budget for a total amount not to exceed $55,995. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 13. Providing the 2016 first quarter update report on the East Baton Rouge Head Start/Early Head Start program. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016
CONDEMNATIONS: A. Emma Washington, Ernest Mills, and Yvonne Jefferson Mills 10121 Chanadia Avenue, Lot 71 and 72, Mayfair Park East Subdivision. District 12. (This item was deferred from the February 10, 2016 Council Meeting) B. Alan Juderjahn 1360 W. Garfield Street; Lot 22, Square 179, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the October 28, 2015, November 10, 2015 and January 13, 2016 Council Meetings) C. Alan W. Juderjahn 238 Brice Street; Lot 12-A, Square 323, Magnesiaville Subdivision - Council District 10 D. Alan W. Juderjahn 242 Brice Street; Lot 12-B, Square 323, Magnesiaville Subdivision - Council District 10 E. Carita Nichelle Thomas Thornton, Regina R. Thomas, Vivian Yvette Thomas 4631 Packard Street and Rear Shed; Lots 10, 11 and 12, Square 6, Fortune Subdivision - Council District 5 F. August Jones, Jr. and Dorothy T. Jones 2806 Fairfields Avenue; (Garage Apartment Only ) Lot 22, Square 17, Fairfields Subdivision - Council District 7 G. LBL, Properties, L.L.C. 2374 Georgia Street; Lot 35, Square 38, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 H. Lamont J. Turner c/o Emma Turner 326 Brice Street; South ½ of East ½ of Lot 16, Square 324, Magnesiaville Subdivision - Council District 10 I. Mollie Sanford 1808 America Street; Lot 1 and 2, Square 6 Fuqua and Lamon Town Subdivision - Council District 10 J. Sidney Earl Poray, Jr. 2143/2145 Alabama Street; Lot 62, Square 11, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 K. Mohammed A. S. Hatem and Hani A. A. Yafal 2845 69th Avenue; Lot 15 and 16, Square 51, Bank Subdivision - Council District 10
PUBLIC HEARINGS: A Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of the Fourteenth Amendment to Intergovernmental Contract and Local Services Agreement among the City of Baton Rouge, the Parish of East Baton Rouge, and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District relating to (a) refinancing certain prior indebtedness of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District to the City of Baton Rouge, and (b) the construction of improvements to the public parking garage facility located at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport; and providing for other matters related thereto. By: Bond Counsel.
Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of accrued use tax on non-taxable purchases such as leasehold improvements for the audit period January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015 to Louisiana Casino Cruises, Inc., in the amount of $212,571.20, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By: Finance Director.
RV-5-16 Revocation of a portion of a 15 foot drainage servitude, located east of Benefit Drive and south of Cloverland Avenue, on Lots 112-E and 121-H of Cloverland Subdivision, 2nd Filing. By: Councilman Heck.
Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Phuong Nam Thi Mai vs. John P. Bigger (Animal Control), Et Al", No. 626,355 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $14,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,015.18, for a total amount of $15,015.18, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "insurance - auto liability" (012.4630000.644200.) * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of Record is Jay R. Boltin, Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, LLC) By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing settlement of the claim of Kelsea McCray for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Fire Department vehicle, in the amount of $12,305.66 which amount shall be paid from the account designated "insurance - auto liability" (012.4630000.644200). *this matter may be discussed in executive session. (In proper person). By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept additional grant funds from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission on behalf of the Alcoholic Beverage Control and the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) task force in the amount of $27,138 for indirect cost; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Parish Attorney.
Approving the responses provided to the annual Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for the year 2015 as required by the Legislative Auditor of the State of Louisiana. By: Finance Director.
CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: South Boulevard/St. Joseph Street/25th Street/North Acadian Thwy Area Upgrades Project Number: 08-GS-ST-015B & 09-GS-UF-008B Original Estimated Cost: $3,500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO140021 Account Number: 434.7578263.752400.6087341; 442.7578263.752400.6087341 Council Award Date: November 13, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: Two (2) (extend contract for 373 additional days) Change Order Amount: $102,607.47 Original Contract Amount: $7,539,372.75 Net Previous Changes: $ 925,122.21 New Contract Amount: $8,567,102.43 Description: Change in construction methodology to perform the work more efficiently and with fewer impacts to utilities and traffic, and to restore existing River Road roadway to safe conditions. Why Required: To facilitate work due to unforeseen conditions and meet permit requirements. 2. Project Title: Hooper Storage/Equalization Project Project Number: 09-PS-UF-0007 Original Estimated Cost: $19,100,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121300 Account Number: 411.7578233.752400.6087358; 441.7578233.752400.6087358 Council Award Date: July 25, 2012 Contractor: Cecil D. Gassiott, LLC Change Order Number: Two (2) (extend contract for 11 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 430,078.73 Original Contract Amount: $17,427,113.35 Net Previous Changes: $ 54,551.86 New Contract Amount: $17,911,743.94 Description: The additional scope for the tie-in at PS 897 and tie- in of the36" at the Hooper Site. The addition of lightening protection for the storage tanks and control building as required by the National Fire Protection Association Why Required: To enable the Pump Station to be fully operational by adding scope for bypass pumping and for a change in materials to existing Force Main pipe, and to meet the requirements of the NFPA.
FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. LLWAS - Low Level Windshear Alert System Project. - (Account No. 482.0989002.652200.8890015) Award Date: June 10, 2015. Contractor: Ernest P. Breaux, Electrical Inc. Estimated Cost: $ 155,132.36 Contract Amount: $ 155,132.36 Total Change Orders (1): $ 1230.50 Final Cost: $ 156,362.86 Days Allocated: 120 Days Used: 120 Liquidated Damages: None
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Cuyhanga Parkway Bridge Replacement Over Jones Creek Project 12-BR-PT-0019 - Account 152.7523066.652330.5230009 Estimate: $ 1,289,813.00 ** Baker Pile Driving and Site Work LLC $ 1,431,312.00 *Coastal Bridge Company LLC $ 1,898,270.00 *JB James Construction LLC $ 1,999,788.20 D. Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the Contract for Engineering Services with G.E.C., Inc. w/subconsultants: Black and Veatch Corporation; HEI (Hartman Engineering, Inc.); Crump Wilson Architects, LLC; NTB Associates, Inc.; and Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for additional engineering services in connection with Booster Pump Station 514 Improvements, Project No. 09-PS-MS-0034, in an amount not to exceed $90,595.88. (Account No.411.7578323.752200.6087367) By: Director of Environmental Services. E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the state of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, in association with the Westdale & Bernard Terrace School Sidewalk Project, Safe Routes to School, being City-Parish Project Nos. 12-SW-US-0061 & 15-SW-US-0043, State Project No. H.006499, Federal Aid Project No. H006499. By: Director of Transportation and Drainage F. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to execute a supplement agreement to the annual contract A14-0927 to add an additional $27,479.44 for the landscape maintenance of various public building sites from March 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 bringing the total of the contract to an amount not to exceed $185,859.44. (Account No. 012.7702002.643550.0000000) By: Director of Maintenance. G. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Consent to Assignment of the Lease Agreement from 337, LLC to Legal Air, LLC. for a 1.549 acre tract of land. By: Director of Aviation. H. A resolution approving the issuance, sale and delivery of the Not to Exceed $10,000,000 Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2016, of the Hospital Service District No. 1 of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana; and other matters relating thereto. By: Bond Counsel. I. Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on February 16, 2016 at Original 176 of Bundle 12712 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Samuel Davis, Jr. & Beverly N. Davis" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9472 (3823 Sherwood Street; Lot 227, North Highlands Estates Subdivision). By: Councilman Cole. J. Authorizing the Mayor-President to rename the Phase 11 Multi-purpose Room located at the Charles R. Kelly Community Center in honor of State Representative Ronnie Edwards. By: Councilwoman Green, Councilwoman Collins-Lewis and Councilwoman Wicker.
Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the Contract for Engineering Services with G.E.C., Inc. w/subconsultants: Black and Veatch Corporation; HEI (Hartman Engineering, Inc.); Crump Wilson Architects, LLC; NTB Associates, Inc.; and Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for additional engineering services in connection with Booster Pump Station 514 Improvements, Project No. 09-PS-MS-0034, in an amount not to exceed $90,595.88. (Account No.411.7578323.752200.6087367) By: Director of Environmental Services.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the state of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, in association with the Westdale & Bernard Terrace School Sidewalk Project, Safe Routes to School, being City-Parish Project Nos. 12-SW-US-0061 & 15-SW-US-0043, State Project No. H.006499, Federal Aid Project No. H006499. By: Director of Transportation and Drainage
Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to execute a supplement agreement to the annual contract A14-0927 to add an additional $27,479.44 for the landscape maintenance of various public building sites from March 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 bringing the total of the contract to an amount not to exceed $185,859.44. (Account No. 012.7702002.643550.0000000) By: Director of Maintenance.
Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Consent to Assignment of the Lease Agreement from 337, LLC to Legal Air, LLC. for a 1.549 acre tract of land. By: Director of Aviation.
A resolution approving the issuance, sale and delivery of the Not to Exceed $10,000,000 Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2016, of the Hospital Service District No. 1 of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana; and other matters relating thereto. By: Bond Counsel.
Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on February 16, 2016 at Original 176 of Bundle 12712 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Samuel Davis, Jr. & Beverly N. Davis" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9472 (3823 Sherwood Street; Lot 227, North Highlands Estates Subdivision). By: Councilman Cole.
ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of February 24, 2016 and The Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of March 1, 2016.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to rename the Phase 11 Multi-purpose Room located at the Charles R. Kelly Community Center in honor of State Representative Ronnie Edwards. By: Councilwoman Green, Councilwoman Collins-Lewis and Councilwoman Wicker.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTIONS 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Amending Title 8 (Building Regulations), Chapter 1 (Building Code), Part I (In General), Section 8:1 of the Code of Ordinances so as to add subsection (e) to impose a ten (10) day deadline to approve or reject a building permit. By: Councilman Heck. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 2. A Resolution authorizing the issuance of (a) Not to Exceed $45,000,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A-1 of the City of Baton Rouge, (b) Not to Exceed $1,630,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2016A-2 (Taxable) of the City of Baton Rouge, and (c) Not to Exceed $5,100,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A-3 of the City of Baton Rouge, each payable from the proceeds of the two percent (2%) sales and use tax levied by said City; prescribing the form, fixing the details, providing for the payment of principal of and interest on such bonds and for the rights of the registered owners thereof; and providing for other matters related thereto. By: Bond Counsel Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 3. A Supplemental Bond Resolution amending and supplementing Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution No. 44893 (EBROSCO No. 7494) and authorizing and providing for the issuance of $15,000,000 of Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2016A, of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, to finance the cost of upgrading, rehabilitating, extending and improving the sewage disposal system owned by the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana pursuant to the provisions of the Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution, payable from the sewer user fees levied and collected pursuant to Ordinance No. 12334 and EBROSCO Ordinance 2068, each adopted by the Metropolitan Council on June 12, 2002, and from the avails or proceeds of the one-half of one percent (1/2%) sales and use tax levied and collected by the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, pursuant to Article VI, Section 29 of the Louisiana Constitution of 1974, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, and pursuant to an election held in the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 16, 1988; authorizing the sale of the Series 2016A Bonds to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality; prescribing the form, fixing the details and providing for the payment of principal of and interest on such Series 2016A Bonds and for the rights of the registered owners thereof; and providing for other matters with respect to the foregoing. By: Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge and the local tax recipient bodies to execute a cooperative endeavor agreement with the Assessor for East Baton Rouge Parish and the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff for the identification of fraudulent homestead exemptions and the recovery of unpaid taxes therefrom. By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 5. Amending the 2016 current expense budget for the Chaneyville Fire Protection District so as to appropriate $79,900 from the General Fund - Fund Balance Unassigned for the construction of Station #41. (B.S. 8507) By: Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 6. Amending Title 13, Criminal Law; Section 13:966. Marijuana, so as to amend the penalties for first conviction of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or chemical derivatives, as well as synthetic cannibanoids. By: City Prosecutor Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 CONDEMNATIONS: None. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: None. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: None. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Case 4-16 - 1400-1500 and 1509 Government Street To rezone from M1 (Light Industrial) and C2 (Heavy Commercial) to LC-3 (Light Commercial Three) on property located on the north side of Government Street, between South 14th Street and South 17th Street, on Lots 24-31, Square 2 or 217 of Suburb Bonnecaze; a 90’ x 128’, 90’ x 256’ and 269’x384’ Tract of the Baton Rouge Electric Co. (GSU) Lot, Magnesiaville Subdivision; Lots 27-A, 30 and 31 Square 321, Magnesiaville Subdivision. Section 49, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10-Wicker) By: Councilwoman Wicker. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of Baton Rouge City Court to execute an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with LaJuan Brown so as to continue providing services as Domestic Violence Interventionist for Baton Rouge City Court Domestic Violence Court, for a total amended amount of $39,116.00 to continue through December 31, 2016. Funded from Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Cash Match. By: Clerk/Judicial Administrator. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with NOAIDS Task Force in the amount of $52,778.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 4. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Center in the amount of $269,285.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 5. Authorizing the Mayor President to accept funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program which includes Part A and the Minority AIDS Initiative in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 for the grant period of March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 6. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 in the amount of $449,547.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 7. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc. in the amount of $37,665.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 8. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 in the amount of $67,003.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 9. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc in the amount of $289,344.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 10. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Clinic in the amount of $31,900.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 11. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $287,732.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Director of DHDS Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 12. Amending the contract for the amount of the lease with the Mt. Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church (Discovery Head Start Facility) as a part of the budget for a total amount not to exceed $55,995. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016 13. Providing the 2016 first quarter update report on the East Baton Rouge Head Start/Early Head Start program. By: Director of DHDS. Introduce for public hearing on March 23, 2016
CONDEMNATIONS: A. Emma Washington, Ernest Mills, and Yvonne Jefferson Mills 10121 Chanadia Avenue, Lot 71 and 72, Mayfair Park East Subdivision. District 12. (This item was deferred from the February 10, 2016 Council Meeting) B. Alan Juderjahn 1360 W. Garfield Street; Lot 22, Square 179, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - District 10 (This item was deferred from the October 28, 2015, November 10, 2015 and January 13, 2016 Council Meetings) C. Alan W. Juderjahn 238 Brice Street; Lot 12-A, Square 323, Magnesiaville Subdivision - Council District 10 D. Alan W. Juderjahn 242 Brice Street; Lot 12-B, Square 323, Magnesiaville Subdivision - Council District 10 E. Carita Nichelle Thomas Thornton, Regina R. Thomas, Vivian Yvette Thomas 4631 Packard Street and Rear Shed; Lots 10, 11 and 12, Square 6, Fortune Subdivision - Council District 5 F. August Jones, Jr. and Dorothy T. Jones 2806 Fairfields Avenue; (Garage Apartment Only ) Lot 22, Square 17, Fairfields Subdivision - Council District 7 G. LBL, Properties, L.L.C. 2374 Georgia Street; Lot 35, Square 38, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 H. Lamont J. Turner c/o Emma Turner 326 Brice Street; South ½ of East ½ of Lot 16, Square 324, Magnesiaville Subdivision - Council District 10 I. Mollie Sanford 1808 America Street; Lot 1 and 2, Square 6 Fuqua and Lamon Town Subdivision - Council District 10 J. Sidney Earl Poray, Jr. 2143/2145 Alabama Street; Lot 62, Square 11, South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 K. Mohammed A. S. Hatem and Hani A. A. Yafal 2845 69th Avenue; Lot 15 and 16, Square 51, Bank Subdivision - Council District 10
PUBLIC HEARINGS: A Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of the Fourteenth Amendment to Intergovernmental Contract and Local Services Agreement among the City of Baton Rouge, the Parish of East Baton Rouge, and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District relating to (a) refinancing certain prior indebtedness of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District to the City of Baton Rouge, and (b) the construction of improvements to the public parking garage facility located at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport; and providing for other matters related thereto. By: Bond Counsel.
Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of accrued use tax on non-taxable purchases such as leasehold improvements for the audit period January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015 to Louisiana Casino Cruises, Inc., in the amount of $212,571.20, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By: Finance Director.
RV-5-16 Revocation of a portion of a 15 foot drainage servitude, located east of Benefit Drive and south of Cloverland Avenue, on Lots 112-E and 121-H of Cloverland Subdivision, 2nd Filing. By: Councilman Heck.
Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Phuong Nam Thi Mai vs. John P. Bigger (Animal Control), Et Al", No. 626,355 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $14,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,015.18, for a total amount of $15,015.18, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "insurance - auto liability" (012.4630000.644200.) * This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of Record is Jay R. Boltin, Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys, LLC) By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing settlement of the claim of Kelsea McCray for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Fire Department vehicle, in the amount of $12,305.66 which amount shall be paid from the account designated "insurance - auto liability" (012.4630000.644200). *this matter may be discussed in executive session. (In proper person). By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept additional grant funds from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission on behalf of the Alcoholic Beverage Control and the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) task force in the amount of $27,138 for indirect cost; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: Parish Attorney.
Approving the responses provided to the annual Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for the year 2015 as required by the Legislative Auditor of the State of Louisiana. By: Finance Director.
CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: South Boulevard/St. Joseph Street/25th Street/North Acadian Thwy Area Upgrades Project Number: 08-GS-ST-015B & 09-GS-UF-008B Original Estimated Cost: $3,500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO140021 Account Number: 434.7578263.752400.6087341; 442.7578263.752400.6087341 Council Award Date: November 13, 2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, LLC Change Order Number: Two (2) (extend contract for 373 additional days) Change Order Amount: $102,607.47 Original Contract Amount: $7,539,372.75 Net Previous Changes: $ 925,122.21 New Contract Amount: $8,567,102.43 Description: Change in construction methodology to perform the work more efficiently and with fewer impacts to utilities and traffic, and to restore existing River Road roadway to safe conditions. Why Required: To facilitate work due to unforeseen conditions and meet permit requirements. 2. Project Title: Hooper Storage/Equalization Project Project Number: 09-PS-UF-0007 Original Estimated Cost: $19,100,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121300 Account Number: 411.7578233.752400.6087358; 441.7578233.752400.6087358 Council Award Date: July 25, 2012 Contractor: Cecil D. Gassiott, LLC Change Order Number: Two (2) (extend contract for 11 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 430,078.73 Original Contract Amount: $17,427,113.35 Net Previous Changes: $ 54,551.86 New Contract Amount: $17,911,743.94 Description: The additional scope for the tie-in at PS 897 and tie- in of the36" at the Hooper Site. The addition of lightening protection for the storage tanks and control building as required by the National Fire Protection Association Why Required: To enable the Pump Station to be fully operational by adding scope for bypass pumping and for a change in materials to existing Force Main pipe, and to meet the requirements of the NFPA.
FINAL ACCEPTANCES: 1. LLWAS - Low Level Windshear Alert System Project. - (Account No. 482.0989002.652200.8890015) Award Date: June 10, 2015. Contractor: Ernest P. Breaux, Electrical Inc. Estimated Cost: $ 155,132.36 Contract Amount: $ 155,132.36 Total Change Orders (1): $ 1230.50 Final Cost: $ 156,362.86 Days Allocated: 120 Days Used: 120 Liquidated Damages: None
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Cuyhanga Parkway Bridge Replacement Over Jones Creek Project 12-BR-PT-0019 - Account 152.7523066.652330.5230009 Estimate: $ 1,289,813.00 ** Baker Pile Driving and Site Work LLC $ 1,431,312.00 *Coastal Bridge Company LLC $ 1,898,270.00 *JB James Construction LLC $ 1,999,788.20 D. Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the Contract for Engineering Services with G.E.C., Inc. w/subconsultants: Black and Veatch Corporation; HEI (Hartman Engineering, Inc.); Crump Wilson Architects, LLC; NTB Associates, Inc.; and Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for additional engineering services in connection with Booster Pump Station 514 Improvements, Project No. 09-PS-MS-0034, in an amount not to exceed $90,595.88. (Account No.411.7578323.752200.6087367) By: Director of Environmental Services. E. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the state of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, in association with the Westdale & Bernard Terrace School Sidewalk Project, Safe Routes to School, being City-Parish Project Nos. 12-SW-US-0061 & 15-SW-US-0043, State Project No. H.006499, Federal Aid Project No. H006499. By: Director of Transportation and Drainage F. Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to execute a supplement agreement to the annual contract A14-0927 to add an additional $27,479.44 for the landscape maintenance of various public building sites from March 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 bringing the total of the contract to an amount not to exceed $185,859.44. (Account No. 012.7702002.643550.0000000) By: Director of Maintenance. G. Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Consent to Assignment of the Lease Agreement from 337, LLC to Legal Air, LLC. for a 1.549 acre tract of land. By: Director of Aviation. H. A resolution approving the issuance, sale and delivery of the Not to Exceed $10,000,000 Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2016, of the Hospital Service District No. 1 of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana; and other matters relating thereto. By: Bond Counsel. I. Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on February 16, 2016 at Original 176 of Bundle 12712 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Samuel Davis, Jr. & Beverly N. Davis" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9472 (3823 Sherwood Street; Lot 227, North Highlands Estates Subdivision). By: Councilman Cole. J. Authorizing the Mayor-President to rename the Phase 11 Multi-purpose Room located at the Charles R. Kelly Community Center in honor of State Representative Ronnie Edwards. By: Councilwoman Green, Councilwoman Collins-Lewis and Councilwoman Wicker.
Authorizing the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the Contract for Engineering Services with G.E.C., Inc. w/subconsultants: Black and Veatch Corporation; HEI (Hartman Engineering, Inc.); Crump Wilson Architects, LLC; NTB Associates, Inc.; and Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for additional engineering services in connection with Booster Pump Station 514 Improvements, Project No. 09-PS-MS-0034, in an amount not to exceed $90,595.88. (Account No.411.7578323.752200.6087367) By: Director of Environmental Services.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the state of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, in association with the Westdale & Bernard Terrace School Sidewalk Project, Safe Routes to School, being City-Parish Project Nos. 12-SW-US-0061 & 15-SW-US-0043, State Project No. H.006499, Federal Aid Project No. H006499. By: Director of Transportation and Drainage
Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to execute a supplement agreement to the annual contract A14-0927 to add an additional $27,479.44 for the landscape maintenance of various public building sites from March 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 bringing the total of the contract to an amount not to exceed $185,859.44. (Account No. 012.7702002.643550.0000000) By: Director of Maintenance.
Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Consent to Assignment of the Lease Agreement from 337, LLC to Legal Air, LLC. for a 1.549 acre tract of land. By: Director of Aviation.
A resolution approving the issuance, sale and delivery of the Not to Exceed $10,000,000 Taxable Revenue Bonds, Series 2016, of the Hospital Service District No. 1 of East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana; and other matters relating thereto. By: Bond Counsel.
Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on February 16, 2016 at Original 176 of Bundle 12712 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Samuel Davis, Jr. & Beverly N. Davis" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9472 (3823 Sherwood Street; Lot 227, North Highlands Estates Subdivision). By: Councilman Cole.