ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of May 25, 2016.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTIONS 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Tyler Technologies in an amount not to exceed $4,900,000 for the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution for management of all City-Parish resources consisting of core financial, purchasing, fixed asset, inventory, human resources and payroll functions, including periodic maintenance, and appropriating $1,000,000 for said purpose. By: Information Services Director, Finance Director, Human Resources Director, and Purchasing Director. Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016. 2. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Michelle Paine vs. City Of Baton Rouge, et al", Suit No. 635,845 - Sec. 27 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $94,105.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,312.54, for a total amount of $95,417.54; and appropriating $95,417.54 for such purpose. *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of record, William Thies, Beall & Thies, LLC). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016. CONDEMNATIONS: 3. Alex Tremane Griffin, Sr. and Kawana Alexander 9115 Southern Avenue, Lot 3, Square 2, North Scotland Subdivision, Council District – 2. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 4. Modern Day Management, LLC 5226 Enterprise Street, Lot 192, Brookstown Place Subdivison, Council District – 5. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 5. James Moore and Carnell D. Moses 5249 Packard Street, Lots 11 and 12, Square 30 Fortune Subdivision, Council District – 5. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 6. Jeanette Louise DeFrances 1170 Park Blvd, Lot 2, Swart Addition Subdivision, Council District – 10. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 7. Wyenna P. Lee 1204 South Blvd, Square 251, Swart Addtion Subdivision, Council District – 10. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 8. Gas Ventures, LLC 601/603 South 16th Street, Lot 14, Roseberry Subdivision, Council District – 10. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: NONE. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: NONE. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through purchase, exchange and/or institution of expropriation proceedings and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for Sanitary Sewer System upgrades - Long Farm Regional Gravity Sewer Extension, being Project No. 16-GS-UF-0014. By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016. 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President through the Baton Rouge Workforce Development Administrative Office, to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Marian Addison in the amount not to exceed $29,120 annually in WIOA Youth Funds for the period of June 1, 2016 through May 31, 2017; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: WIOA Chief Administrative Officer. Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016. 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation for the development of a strategic broadband plan in the amount of $150,000. By: Mayor-President Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016.
CONDEMNATIONS: A. Progressive Healthcare Providers, Inc. 8248 & 8252 Stern Avenue; Lot 52, South Highland Industrial Park Subdivision - District 3. (This item was deferred from the February 10, 2016 and April 13, 2016 Council Meetings) B. Alice Thompson Jones 2723 75th Avenue; Lot 243 Woodaire Subdivision – Council District 2 (This item was deferred from the April 13, 2016 Council Meeting) C. Van M. Brass 1435 Cardinal Street; Lot 19, Square 21 North Baton Rouge Subdivision – Council District 2 (This item was deferred from the April 13, 2016 Council Meeting) D. Earnest Davenport, LeRoy Davenport, Lonnie Gail Davenport Caldwell, Leonce Raymon Griffin, Claudette Davenport Smith, Rhonda Davenport, Shannon Iron, and Deatric Culbert 4733 Stearns Street; Lots 9 & 10, Square 8 Fortune Addition Subdivision - Council District 5 (This item was deferred from the April 13, 2016 Council Meeting) E. Christopher Brown 10465 Avenue E., Lot F, Square 58, University Place Subdivision, Council District - 2 F. Shirley Patterson Grim 175 Elmer Avenue, Lot 1, Highland Farms Subdivision, Council District - 2 G. One Hundred Fold, LLC 3651 Clayton Street, Lot 92, North Highlands Subdivision, Council District - 5 H. One Hundred Fold, LLC 1631 North 30th Street; Lot 12, Square 5, Bogan Subdivision, Council District - 7 I. Emma L. Williams 2075 North 19th Street and 2nd Shed, S. M. Dougherty Tract, Council District - 10 J. Leonard Cummings, Jr. 1837 Georgia Street; Lot 10, Square 14, South Baton Rouge Subdivision, Council District - 10
PUBLIC HEARINGS/MEETINGS: A. Waiving the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 9:10010 (B), regarding the 300 feet distance requirement, so as to allow Zee Quick Mart, LLC, located at 7111 Hooper Road, to apply for an alcohol license. By: Councilwoman Banks-Daniel. This item was deferred from the May 25, 2016 Meeting.
Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare Unit 200, Court Plaza Condominium, municipal address 10500 Coursey Boulevard, Unit 200, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816 as surplus property and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the sale of same pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statute 33:4712 et Seq., unto Investar Bank for the sum of $1,630,000.00, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a purchase agreement, cash sale/closing documents, and any and all documents in furtherance of this sale, with the Parish Attorney's Office to prepare, review, and/or approve all such documentation. By: Mayor's Office and Parish Attorney.
Amending Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 1003 of the Code of Ordinances of the City Of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge relative to Class R license criteria. By: Councilwoman Wicker.
Amending Title 14, Chapter 2, Part II, Section 224 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to increase the number of chickens allowed to be kept on a lot of less than an acre from three (3) to six (6). By: Councilman Heck.
Authorizing a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $145,890 per year for the property located at 150 Third Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by the Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA Application #2015-0829 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Planning Director.
Authorizing a five-year property tax abatement renewal estimated at $60,211 per year for the property located at 200 Convention Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by the Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA Renewal Contract #070079 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Planning Director.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $1,937,014.80 under the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Program for East Baton Rouge Parish. By: Director of MOSHEP.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $413,036.00 for Phase I activities for the East Baton Rouge Parish First Responder Safe Room under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). By: Director of MOSHEP.
Authorizing the Finance Director to refund sewer user fees paid in excess due to erroneous water meter readings in the amount of $67,895.61 to Towne Oaks Apartments for the period April 2014 to April 2016, with the cost of said refund to be charged against sewer user fee revenues. By: Finance Director.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to develop and apply for a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, in the amount of $176,637 to provide for a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to support the East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start grant for budget period 1/01/2016 through 12/31/2016, for services to 1,502 children and families; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Director of DHDS.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to develop and apply for a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, in the amount of $17,851 to provide for a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to support the East Baton Rouge Parish Early Head Start grant for budget period 1/01/2016 through 12/31/2016, for services to 72 infants and toddlers (56), and pregnant women (16); and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Director of DHDS
Authorizing settlement of the claim of Dale and Noramis Cain for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's home, in the amount of $14,785.71 which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (012.4630000.644100). * This matter may be discussed in executive session.(In Proper Person) By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing settlement of the claim of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company as subrogee of Charles Jones for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $10,678.25, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person) By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing settlement of the claim of Luis Cruz-Torres for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge police officer, in the amount of $20,000.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of record is Marvic G. Thompson w/ Rozas Law Firm, LLC) By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing The Mayor-President to execute and file an application with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, for a grant in the amount of $109,113.00, to provide funding for the Alcoholic Beverage Control and the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) Task Force; approving the line item budget for the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) Task Force; and authorizing execution of all documents required in connection therewith. By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to declare property not needed for another public purpose and to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City-Parish and Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge, Inc. for the donation of property upon which Habitat will construct homes for low income families within 3 years from the date of the donation. By: Mayor-President.
A. BROWNSFIELD VOLUNTEER FIRE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Charles Jenkins, whose term expires on July 23, 2016, effective July 24, 2016. This appointment is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: No information Received
CAPITAL AREA FINANCE AUTHORITY: Concurring in the Mayor President's recommendation to reappoint or replace Dennis Shelton Blunt, whose term expires July 2, 2016, effective July 3, 2015. This appointment is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Dennis Shelton Blunt (Received letter requesting reappointment)
CAPITAL AREA FINANCE AUTHORITY: Concurring in the Mayor President's recommendation to replace Robert Gaston, whose term expires July 2, 2016, effective July 3, 2015. (Mr. Gaston is term limited and not eligible for reappointment). This appointment is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: No information Received
CAPITAL AREA FINANCE AUTHORITY: Concurring in the Mayor President's recommendation to reappoint or replace Norman Chenevert, whose term expires July 2, 2016, effective July 3, 2015. This appointment is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Norman Chenevert (Received letter requesting reappointment)
CAPITAL AREA FINANCE AUTHORITY: Concurring in the Mayor President's recommendation to replace Jake Netterville, whose term expires July 2, 2016, effective July 3, 2015. (Mr. Netterville is term limited and not eligible for reappointment.) This appointment is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: No information Received
HOUSING AUTHORITY OF EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Errollyn Jackson-Dickerson, whose term expires on July 23, 2016, effective July 24, 2016. This appointment is a five (5) year term. Current Ballot: Al Gensler Braylon Hyde Anthony Nelson Tyra Sterling
MUNICIPAL FIRE & POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Press Robinson, whose term expires on July 26, 2016, effective July 27, 2016. (Southern University Appointment) This appointment is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: No information Received
MUNICIPAL FIRE & POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Julie Cherry, whose term expires on July 23, 2016, effective July 24, 2016. (LSU Appointment). This appointment is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Julie Cherry (Eligible for reappointment) Sent letter requesting reappointment.
A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation 15-04 Streets In Magnolia Trace Pkwy & Shadows At White Oak Project Number: 15-AO-ST-0017 Original Estimated Cost: $500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO151047 Account Number: 147.7210012.647100.2010415 Council Award Date: July 22, 2015 Contractor: Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC Change Order Number: Three (3) (final) (extend contract for 39 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 52,850.56 Original Contract Amount: $475,432.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 64,346.40 New Contract Amount: $592,628.96 Description: Added item "S-1 Water Service Conflict - Extra Work, Add 39 calendar days" was added to the project. Increase / decrease contract items to reflect final quantities. Why Required: Additional cost occurred due the increase in work. 2. Project Title: Group Project 1 B, metro Airport Area Pump stations and Forcemain Upgrades Project Number: 08-PS-UF-0054 Original Estimated Cost: $22,400,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO120814 Account Number: 441.7578433.752400.6087352; 411.7578433.752400.6087352; 434.7578433.752400.6087352; 442.7578433.752400.6087352; 433.7578433.752400.6087352 Council Award Date: April 25, 2012 Contractor: Grady Crawford Construction Co., Inc. Change Order Number: Four (4) Change Order Amount: $ 710,779.94 Original Contract Amount: $22,815,933.72 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,046,505.25 New Contract Amount: $24,573,218.91 Description: Quantity Adjustments to reflect existing field conditions Why Required: Change order required for quantity adjustments to reflect existing field conditions. 3. Project Title: Central Consolidation, Consolidated Pump Stations Project Number: 09-PS-MS-0035 Original Estimated Cost: $16,400,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO111598 Account Number: 411.7578713.752400.6087349; 430.7578713.752400.6087349; 433.7578713.752400.6087349; 434.7578713.752400.6087349; 441.7578713.752400.6087349; 443.7578713.752400.6087349 Council Award Date: October 26, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Change Order Number: Seven (7) (final) (Extend contract for 71 days) Change Order Amount: $ 589,107.59 Original Contract Amount: $20,497,631.90 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,738,415.43 New Contract Amount: $22,825,154.92 Description: Final adjustment of quantities and to closeout the project Why Required: To facilitate closeout of the project 4. Project Title: Multiple Pump Stations - Nicholson Dr. - Brightside Ln Project Number: 09-PS-MS-0048 Original Estimated Cost: $10,100,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121294 Account Number: 411.7578323.752400.6087361; 433.7578323.752400.6087361; 434.7578323.752400.6087361 Council Award Date: July 25, 2012 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Change Order Number: Two (2)(final) (Extend contract for 622 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 732,592.09 Original Contract Amount: $11,516,552.25 Net Previous Changes: $ 166,917.31 New Contract Amount: $12,416,061.65 Description: Final adjustment of quantities and to closeout the project Why Required: To facilitate closeout of the project 5. Project Title: Central Pump Station, PS 42 Capacity Improvement Project Number: 09-PS-UF-0003 Original Estimated Cost: $9,200,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO120122 Account Number: 411.7578713.752400.6087348; 432.7578713.752400.6087348; 433.7578713.752400.6087348; 434.7578713.752400.6087348; 442.7578713.752400.6087348; 443.7578713.752400.6087348 Council Award Date: December 14, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Change Order Number: Four (4) (final) (extend contract for 309 days) Change Order Amount: $ 188,597.25 Original Contract Amount: $10,527,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,063,641.28 New Contract Amount: $11,779,238.53 Description: Final adjustment of quantities and to closeout the project Why Required: To facilitate closeout of the project.
1. Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation 15-04 Streets In Magnolia Trace Pkwy & Shadows at White Oak Project 15-AO-ST-0017 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2010415- Council Award Date: July 22, 2015 Contractor: Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC Estimated Cost: $500,000.00 Contract Amount: $539,778.40 Total Change Orders (3): $52,850.56 Final Cost: $592,628.96 Days Allocated: 114 Days Used: 107 Liquidated Damages: None 2. Central Consolidation, Consolidated Pump Stations Project 09-PS-MS-0035 - Account 411.7578713.752400.6087349; 430.7578713.752400.6087349; 433.7578713.752400.6087349; 434.7578713.752400.6087349; 441.7578713.752400.6087349; 443.7578713.752400.6087349- Council Award Date: October 26, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Estimated Cost: $16,400,000.00 Contract Amount: $20,497,631.90 Total Change Orders(7): $ 2,327,523.02 Final Cost: $22,825,154.92 Days Allocated: 1267 Days Used: 1267 Liquidated Damages: None 3. Multiple Pump Stations - Nicholson Dr. - Brightside Ln Project 09-PS-MS-0048 - Account 411.7578323.752400.6087361; 433.7578323.752400.6087361; 434.7578323.752400.6087361- Council Award Date: July 25, 2012 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Estimated Cost: $10,100,000.00 Contract Amount: $11,516,552.25 Total Change Orders (2): $ 899,509.40 Final Cost: $12,416,061.65 Days Allocated: 1208 Days Used: 1208 Liquidated Damages: None 4. Central Pump Station, PS 42 Capacity Improvement Project 09-PS-UF-0003 - Account 411.7578713.752400.6087348; 432.7578713.752400.6087348; 433.7578713.752400.6087348; 434.7578713.752400.6087348; 442.7578713.752400.6087348; 443.7578713.752400.6087348- Council Award Date: December 14, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Estimated Cost: $ 9,200,000.00 Contract Amount: $10,527,000.00 Total Change Orders (4): $ 1,252,238.53 Final Cost: $11,799,238.53 Days Allocated: 1370 Days Used: 1370 Liquidated Damages: None
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Annual Parishwide Homeowners Sewage Pump System Installation and Maintenance Project Project 16-LP-WC-0009 - Account 410.70470603.647610 ESTIMATE: $600,000.00 * J&W Contractors, Inc. $593,337.50 * Allen & Leblanc, LLC $771,685.50 * Grady Crawford Construction Co., Inc $780,832.50
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with DRC Emergency Services, LLC for Disaster Street-Cleaning Debris Disposal, Removal, Processing, Disposal and Management Services in response to RFP No. 20008-A16-005 for Catastrophic Event Recovery in accordance with FEMA regulations. By: Director of Environmental Services.
Requesting the Planning Commission to study the pre-1994 grandfather clause for rural zoning in the Unified Development Code. By: Councilman Loupe.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with G.E.C. Inc., with subconsultants: Gotech Inc., Stantec Consulting Services Inc., and Southern Earth Sciences Inc. for engineering services in connection with City-Parish Project No. 15- CE-ST-0001, Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Construction Supervision and Inspection - Phase 15/2 in an amount not to exceed $960,440.00 contingent upon the provisions of adequate funding for such services. By: Director of Transportation & Drainage.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with W. Ross Shuffield, Jr. for appraisal services in association with the Green Light Paulat Boulevard (Formerly Picardy-Perkins Connector) Phase II project, having City-Parish Project No. 12-CSHC- 0043, in an amount not to exceed $72,938. (Account No. 339.7260442.652120.5924406) By: Director of Transportation and Drainage.
Authorizing the Mayor-President through the Department of Transportation and Drainage to Submit Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program Project Applications to the LA Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) for Consideration for Federal Funding Assistance Under the FY 2020 through FY 2024 Program Period, in connection with the Computerize Traffic Signal Synchronization System Phase VIII and Intersection Improvements; Lee Drive at Hyacinth and Dalrymple Drive at May St. With the commitment that the estimated 20% local cost share required for the estimated $17,515,369 total project cost will be made available. By: Director of Transportation and Drainage.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement and related documents with the Walls Project in the amount of $75,000.00. The agreement will cover the execution of the mural installations and photography instruction as part of the Mayor- President's Love Our Community Summer Youth Employment Program. This program is funded through a budget allocation (Account No. 012.4020116.643550.) for the summer youth employment program. By: Mayor's Office.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute contracts with Emergent Method, LLC for developing branding and website for Baton Rouge Police Department recruiting purposes in the amount of $19,945. By: Chief of Police.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to approve the renewal of the FleetFocus M5 Annual Software Maintenance and Support agreement with AssetWorks for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 for an amount not to exceed $40,000.00. By: Director of Fleet Maintenance.
Receive a power point presentation report from Health Management Associates (HMA) as a deliverable in accordance with its scope of services under a contract with the City Parish to study and analyze the delivery of clinical medical operations at the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison. By: Mayor’s Office.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a renewal to annual contract with Super Job Janitorial Service, LLC. in the amount of $31,200.00 to provide janitorial services for various public buildings. (Account No. 012.7803000.642210) By: Interim Director of Buildings and Grounds
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to a HOME Agreement with Lafleur Industries, LLC, to allow for development of housing for sale or rent to low-to-moderate income persons in Fortune Addition as approved by the contracts Review Committee and the Parish Attorney. By: Urban Development Director.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept funding from the Capital Area United Way in the amount of $10,000, on behalf of the Jewel J Newman Community Center, to enhance the College and Career Summer Youth Program by aiding in the continuance of the TeenWorkPrepBR Program, which is a pre-workforce training opportunity for youth ages 13 and 14. The funding for this program is for up to three years at $10,000, based on an annual evaluation by the Capital Area United Way. By: Jewel J. Newman Community Center Manager.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept funding of $2,500 from the 2016 ExxonMobil Community Summer Jobs Program to provide for a summer intern at the Jewel J Newman Community Center for the eight week period from June 6, 2016 through July 29, 2016 at a schedule of 35 hours per week. By: Jewel J. Newman Community Center Manager.
Amending Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 1003 of the Code of Ordinances of the City Of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge relative to Class R license criteria. By: Councilwoman Wicker.
ADOPTION AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Council Meeting of May 25, 2016.
INTRODUCTIONS: A. SECTIONS 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Tyler Technologies in an amount not to exceed $4,900,000 for the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution for management of all City-Parish resources consisting of core financial, purchasing, fixed asset, inventory, human resources and payroll functions, including periodic maintenance, and appropriating $1,000,000 for said purpose. By: Information Services Director, Finance Director, Human Resources Director, and Purchasing Director. Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016. 2. Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Michelle Paine vs. City Of Baton Rouge, et al", Suit No. 635,845 - Sec. 27 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $94,105.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,312.54, for a total amount of $95,417.54; and appropriating $95,417.54 for such purpose. *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of record, William Thies, Beall & Thies, LLC). By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016. CONDEMNATIONS: 3. Alex Tremane Griffin, Sr. and Kawana Alexander 9115 Southern Avenue, Lot 3, Square 2, North Scotland Subdivision, Council District – 2. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 4. Modern Day Management, LLC 5226 Enterprise Street, Lot 192, Brookstown Place Subdivison, Council District – 5. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 5. James Moore and Carnell D. Moses 5249 Packard Street, Lots 11 and 12, Square 30 Fortune Subdivision, Council District – 5. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 6. Jeanette Louise DeFrances 1170 Park Blvd, Lot 2, Swart Addition Subdivision, Council District – 10. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 7. Wyenna P. Lee 1204 South Blvd, Square 251, Swart Addtion Subdivision, Council District – 10. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. 8. Gas Ventures, LLC 601/603 South 16th Street, Lot 14, Roseberry Subdivision, Council District – 10. Introduce for public hearing June 22, 2016. B. ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS: NONE. C. PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS: NONE. D. OTHER INTRODUCTIONS: 1. Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to acquire through purchase, exchange and/or institution of expropriation proceedings and to take such other actions as may be required in connection with the acquisition of land necessary for Sanitary Sewer System upgrades - Long Farm Regional Gravity Sewer Extension, being Project No. 16-GS-UF-0014. By: Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016. 2. Authorizing the Mayor-President through the Baton Rouge Workforce Development Administrative Office, to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Marian Addison in the amount not to exceed $29,120 annually in WIOA Youth Funds for the period of June 1, 2016 through May 31, 2017; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By: WIOA Chief Administrative Officer. Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016. 3. Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Columbia Telecommunications Corporation for the development of a strategic broadband plan in the amount of $150,000. By: Mayor-President Introduce for public hearing on June 22, 2016.
CONDEMNATIONS: A. Progressive Healthcare Providers, Inc. 8248 & 8252 Stern Avenue; Lot 52, South Highland Industrial Park Subdivision - District 3. (This item was deferred from the February 10, 2016 and April 13, 2016 Council Meetings) B. Alice Thompson Jones 2723 75th Avenue; Lot 243 Woodaire Subdivision – Council District 2 (This item was deferred from the April 13, 2016 Council Meeting) C. Van M. Brass 1435 Cardinal Street; Lot 19, Square 21 North Baton Rouge Subdivision – Council District 2 (This item was deferred from the April 13, 2016 Council Meeting) D. Earnest Davenport, LeRoy Davenport, Lonnie Gail Davenport Caldwell, Leonce Raymon Griffin, Claudette Davenport Smith, Rhonda Davenport, Shannon Iron, and Deatric Culbert 4733 Stearns Street; Lots 9 & 10, Square 8 Fortune Addition Subdivision - Council District 5 (This item was deferred from the April 13, 2016 Council Meeting) E. Christopher Brown 10465 Avenue E., Lot F, Square 58, University Place Subdivision, Council District - 2 F. Shirley Patterson Grim 175 Elmer Avenue, Lot 1, Highland Farms Subdivision, Council District - 2 G. One Hundred Fold, LLC 3651 Clayton Street, Lot 92, North Highlands Subdivision, Council District - 5 H. One Hundred Fold, LLC 1631 North 30th Street; Lot 12, Square 5, Bogan Subdivision, Council District - 7 I. Emma L. Williams 2075 North 19th Street and 2nd Shed, S. M. Dougherty Tract, Council District - 10 J. Leonard Cummings, Jr. 1837 Georgia Street; Lot 10, Square 14, South Baton Rouge Subdivision, Council District - 10
PUBLIC HEARINGS/MEETINGS: A. Waiving the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 9:10010 (B), regarding the 300 feet distance requirement, so as to allow Zee Quick Mart, LLC, located at 7111 Hooper Road, to apply for an alcohol license. By: Councilwoman Banks-Daniel. This item was deferred from the May 25, 2016 Meeting.
Authorizing the Metropolitan Council to declare Unit 200, Court Plaza Condominium, municipal address 10500 Coursey Boulevard, Unit 200, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816 as surplus property and not needed for a public purpose, and authorizing the sale of same pursuant to Louisiana Revised Statute 33:4712 et Seq., unto Investar Bank for the sum of $1,630,000.00, and authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a purchase agreement, cash sale/closing documents, and any and all documents in furtherance of this sale, with the Parish Attorney's Office to prepare, review, and/or approve all such documentation. By: Mayor's Office and Parish Attorney.
Amending Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 1003 of the Code of Ordinances of the City Of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge relative to Class R license criteria. By: Councilwoman Wicker.
Amending Title 14, Chapter 2, Part II, Section 224 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to increase the number of chickens allowed to be kept on a lot of less than an acre from three (3) to six (6). By: Councilman Heck.
Authorizing a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $145,890 per year for the property located at 150 Third Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by the Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA Application #2015-0829 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Planning Director.
Authorizing a five-year property tax abatement renewal estimated at $60,211 per year for the property located at 200 Convention Street, Baton Rouge. This application is referred by the Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA Renewal Contract #070079 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By: Planning Director.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $1,937,014.80 under the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Program for East Baton Rouge Parish. By: Director of MOSHEP.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $413,036.00 for Phase I activities for the East Baton Rouge Parish First Responder Safe Room under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). By: Director of MOSHEP.
Authorizing the Finance Director to refund sewer user fees paid in excess due to erroneous water meter readings in the amount of $67,895.61 to Towne Oaks Apartments for the period April 2014 to April 2016, with the cost of said refund to be charged against sewer user fee revenues. By: Finance Director.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to develop and apply for a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, in the amount of $176,637 to provide for a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to support the East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start grant for budget period 1/01/2016 through 12/31/2016, for services to 1,502 children and families; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Director of DHDS.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to develop and apply for a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, in the amount of $17,851 to provide for a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to support the East Baton Rouge Parish Early Head Start grant for budget period 1/01/2016 through 12/31/2016, for services to 72 infants and toddlers (56), and pregnant women (16); and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Director of DHDS
Authorizing settlement of the claim of Dale and Noramis Cain for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's home, in the amount of $14,785.71 which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (012.4630000.644100). * This matter may be discussed in executive session.(In Proper Person) By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing settlement of the claim of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company as subrogee of Charles Jones for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $10,678.25, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (In Proper Person) By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing settlement of the claim of Luis Cruz-Torres for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge police officer, in the amount of $20,000.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200). *This matter may be discussed in executive session. (Counsel of record is Marvic G. Thompson w/ Rozas Law Firm, LLC) By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing The Mayor-President to execute and file an application with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, for a grant in the amount of $109,113.00, to provide funding for the Alcoholic Beverage Control and the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) Task Force; approving the line item budget for the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) Task Force; and authorizing execution of all documents required in connection therewith. By: Parish Attorney.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to declare property not needed for another public purpose and to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City-Parish and Habitat for Humanity of Greater Baton Rouge, Inc. for the donation of property upon which Habitat will construct homes for low income families within 3 years from the date of the donation. By: Mayor-President.
A. BROWNSFIELD VOLUNTEER FIRE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Charles Jenkins, whose term expires on July 23, 2016, effective July 24, 2016. This appointment is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: No information Received
CAPITAL AREA FINANCE AUTHORITY: Concurring in the Mayor President's recommendation to reappoint or replace Dennis Shelton Blunt, whose term expires July 2, 2016, effective July 3, 2015. This appointment is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Dennis Shelton Blunt (Received letter requesting reappointment)
CAPITAL AREA FINANCE AUTHORITY: Concurring in the Mayor President's recommendation to replace Robert Gaston, whose term expires July 2, 2016, effective July 3, 2015. (Mr. Gaston is term limited and not eligible for reappointment). This appointment is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: No information Received
CAPITAL AREA FINANCE AUTHORITY: Concurring in the Mayor President's recommendation to reappoint or replace Norman Chenevert, whose term expires July 2, 2016, effective July 3, 2015. This appointment is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: Norman Chenevert (Received letter requesting reappointment)
CAPITAL AREA FINANCE AUTHORITY: Concurring in the Mayor President's recommendation to replace Jake Netterville, whose term expires July 2, 2016, effective July 3, 2015. (Mr. Netterville is term limited and not eligible for reappointment.) This appointment is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot: No information Received
HOUSING AUTHORITY OF EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Errollyn Jackson-Dickerson, whose term expires on July 23, 2016, effective July 24, 2016. This appointment is a five (5) year term. Current Ballot: Al Gensler Braylon Hyde Anthony Nelson Tyra Sterling
MUNICIPAL FIRE & POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Press Robinson, whose term expires on July 26, 2016, effective July 27, 2016. (Southern University Appointment) This appointment is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: No information Received
MUNICIPAL FIRE & POLICE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD: Consideration of reappointing or replacing Julie Cherry, whose term expires on July 23, 2016, effective July 24, 2016. (LSU Appointment). This appointment is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot: Julie Cherry (Eligible for reappointment) Sent letter requesting reappointment.
A. CHANGE ORDERS: 1. Project Title: Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation 15-04 Streets In Magnolia Trace Pkwy & Shadows At White Oak Project Number: 15-AO-ST-0017 Original Estimated Cost: $500,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO151047 Account Number: 147.7210012.647100.2010415 Council Award Date: July 22, 2015 Contractor: Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC Change Order Number: Three (3) (final) (extend contract for 39 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 52,850.56 Original Contract Amount: $475,432.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 64,346.40 New Contract Amount: $592,628.96 Description: Added item "S-1 Water Service Conflict - Extra Work, Add 39 calendar days" was added to the project. Increase / decrease contract items to reflect final quantities. Why Required: Additional cost occurred due the increase in work. 2. Project Title: Group Project 1 B, metro Airport Area Pump stations and Forcemain Upgrades Project Number: 08-PS-UF-0054 Original Estimated Cost: $22,400,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO120814 Account Number: 441.7578433.752400.6087352; 411.7578433.752400.6087352; 434.7578433.752400.6087352; 442.7578433.752400.6087352; 433.7578433.752400.6087352 Council Award Date: April 25, 2012 Contractor: Grady Crawford Construction Co., Inc. Change Order Number: Four (4) Change Order Amount: $ 710,779.94 Original Contract Amount: $22,815,933.72 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,046,505.25 New Contract Amount: $24,573,218.91 Description: Quantity Adjustments to reflect existing field conditions Why Required: Change order required for quantity adjustments to reflect existing field conditions. 3. Project Title: Central Consolidation, Consolidated Pump Stations Project Number: 09-PS-MS-0035 Original Estimated Cost: $16,400,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO111598 Account Number: 411.7578713.752400.6087349; 430.7578713.752400.6087349; 433.7578713.752400.6087349; 434.7578713.752400.6087349; 441.7578713.752400.6087349; 443.7578713.752400.6087349 Council Award Date: October 26, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Change Order Number: Seven (7) (final) (Extend contract for 71 days) Change Order Amount: $ 589,107.59 Original Contract Amount: $20,497,631.90 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,738,415.43 New Contract Amount: $22,825,154.92 Description: Final adjustment of quantities and to closeout the project Why Required: To facilitate closeout of the project 4. Project Title: Multiple Pump Stations - Nicholson Dr. - Brightside Ln Project Number: 09-PS-MS-0048 Original Estimated Cost: $10,100,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO121294 Account Number: 411.7578323.752400.6087361; 433.7578323.752400.6087361; 434.7578323.752400.6087361 Council Award Date: July 25, 2012 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Change Order Number: Two (2)(final) (Extend contract for 622 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 732,592.09 Original Contract Amount: $11,516,552.25 Net Previous Changes: $ 166,917.31 New Contract Amount: $12,416,061.65 Description: Final adjustment of quantities and to closeout the project Why Required: To facilitate closeout of the project 5. Project Title: Central Pump Station, PS 42 Capacity Improvement Project Number: 09-PS-UF-0003 Original Estimated Cost: $9,200,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO120122 Account Number: 411.7578713.752400.6087348; 432.7578713.752400.6087348; 433.7578713.752400.6087348; 434.7578713.752400.6087348; 442.7578713.752400.6087348; 443.7578713.752400.6087348 Council Award Date: December 14, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Change Order Number: Four (4) (final) (extend contract for 309 days) Change Order Amount: $ 188,597.25 Original Contract Amount: $10,527,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 1,063,641.28 New Contract Amount: $11,779,238.53 Description: Final adjustment of quantities and to closeout the project Why Required: To facilitate closeout of the project.
1. Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation 15-04 Streets In Magnolia Trace Pkwy & Shadows at White Oak Project 15-AO-ST-0017 - Account 147.7210012.647100.2010415- Council Award Date: July 22, 2015 Contractor: Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC Estimated Cost: $500,000.00 Contract Amount: $539,778.40 Total Change Orders (3): $52,850.56 Final Cost: $592,628.96 Days Allocated: 114 Days Used: 107 Liquidated Damages: None 2. Central Consolidation, Consolidated Pump Stations Project 09-PS-MS-0035 - Account 411.7578713.752400.6087349; 430.7578713.752400.6087349; 433.7578713.752400.6087349; 434.7578713.752400.6087349; 441.7578713.752400.6087349; 443.7578713.752400.6087349- Council Award Date: October 26, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Estimated Cost: $16,400,000.00 Contract Amount: $20,497,631.90 Total Change Orders(7): $ 2,327,523.02 Final Cost: $22,825,154.92 Days Allocated: 1267 Days Used: 1267 Liquidated Damages: None 3. Multiple Pump Stations - Nicholson Dr. - Brightside Ln Project 09-PS-MS-0048 - Account 411.7578323.752400.6087361; 433.7578323.752400.6087361; 434.7578323.752400.6087361- Council Award Date: July 25, 2012 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Estimated Cost: $10,100,000.00 Contract Amount: $11,516,552.25 Total Change Orders (2): $ 899,509.40 Final Cost: $12,416,061.65 Days Allocated: 1208 Days Used: 1208 Liquidated Damages: None 4. Central Pump Station, PS 42 Capacity Improvement Project 09-PS-UF-0003 - Account 411.7578713.752400.6087348; 432.7578713.752400.6087348; 433.7578713.752400.6087348; 434.7578713.752400.6087348; 442.7578713.752400.6087348; 443.7578713.752400.6087348- Council Award Date: December 14, 2011 Contractor: Layne Heavy Civil, Inc. (formerly Reynolds, Inc.) Estimated Cost: $ 9,200,000.00 Contract Amount: $10,527,000.00 Total Change Orders (4): $ 1,252,238.53 Final Cost: $11,799,238.53 Days Allocated: 1370 Days Used: 1370 Liquidated Damages: None
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS: *LOCAL **IN STATE 1. Annual Parishwide Homeowners Sewage Pump System Installation and Maintenance Project Project 16-LP-WC-0009 - Account 410.70470603.647610 ESTIMATE: $600,000.00 * J&W Contractors, Inc. $593,337.50 * Allen & Leblanc, LLC $771,685.50 * Grady Crawford Construction Co., Inc $780,832.50
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with DRC Emergency Services, LLC for Disaster Street-Cleaning Debris Disposal, Removal, Processing, Disposal and Management Services in response to RFP No. 20008-A16-005 for Catastrophic Event Recovery in accordance with FEMA regulations. By: Director of Environmental Services.
Requesting the Planning Commission to study the pre-1994 grandfather clause for rural zoning in the Unified Development Code. By: Councilman Loupe.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with G.E.C. Inc., with subconsultants: Gotech Inc., Stantec Consulting Services Inc., and Southern Earth Sciences Inc. for engineering services in connection with City-Parish Project No. 15- CE-ST-0001, Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Construction Supervision and Inspection - Phase 15/2 in an amount not to exceed $960,440.00 contingent upon the provisions of adequate funding for such services. By: Director of Transportation & Drainage.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with W. Ross Shuffield, Jr. for appraisal services in association with the Green Light Paulat Boulevard (Formerly Picardy-Perkins Connector) Phase II project, having City-Parish Project No. 12-CSHC- 0043, in an amount not to exceed $72,938. (Account No. 339.7260442.652120.5924406) By: Director of Transportation and Drainage.
Authorizing the Mayor-President through the Department of Transportation and Drainage to Submit Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program Project Applications to the LA Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) for Consideration for Federal Funding Assistance Under the FY 2020 through FY 2024 Program Period, in connection with the Computerize Traffic Signal Synchronization System Phase VIII and Intersection Improvements; Lee Drive at Hyacinth and Dalrymple Drive at May St. With the commitment that the estimated 20% local cost share required for the estimated $17,515,369 total project cost will be made available. By: Director of Transportation and Drainage.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement and related documents with the Walls Project in the amount of $75,000.00. The agreement will cover the execution of the mural installations and photography instruction as part of the Mayor- President's Love Our Community Summer Youth Employment Program. This program is funded through a budget allocation (Account No. 012.4020116.643550.) for the summer youth employment program. By: Mayor's Office.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute contracts with Emergent Method, LLC for developing branding and website for Baton Rouge Police Department recruiting purposes in the amount of $19,945. By: Chief of Police.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to approve the renewal of the FleetFocus M5 Annual Software Maintenance and Support agreement with AssetWorks for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 for an amount not to exceed $40,000.00. By: Director of Fleet Maintenance.
Receive a power point presentation report from Health Management Associates (HMA) as a deliverable in accordance with its scope of services under a contract with the City Parish to study and analyze the delivery of clinical medical operations at the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison. By: Mayor’s Office.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a renewal to annual contract with Super Job Janitorial Service, LLC. in the amount of $31,200.00 to provide janitorial services for various public buildings. (Account No. 012.7803000.642210) By: Interim Director of Buildings and Grounds
Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to a HOME Agreement with Lafleur Industries, LLC, to allow for development of housing for sale or rent to low-to-moderate income persons in Fortune Addition as approved by the contracts Review Committee and the Parish Attorney. By: Urban Development Director.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept funding from the Capital Area United Way in the amount of $10,000, on behalf of the Jewel J Newman Community Center, to enhance the College and Career Summer Youth Program by aiding in the continuance of the TeenWorkPrepBR Program, which is a pre-workforce training opportunity for youth ages 13 and 14. The funding for this program is for up to three years at $10,000, based on an annual evaluation by the Capital Area United Way. By: Jewel J. Newman Community Center Manager.
Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept funding of $2,500 from the 2016 ExxonMobil Community Summer Jobs Program to provide for a summer intern at the Jewel J Newman Community Center for the eight week period from June 6, 2016 through July 29, 2016 at a schedule of 35 hours per week. By: Jewel J. Newman Community Center Manager.
Amending Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations), Chapter 18 (Wine, Beer, and Liquor), Section 1003 of the Code of Ordinances of the City Of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge relative to Class R license criteria. By: Councilwoman Wicker.