16-00175 Amending Title 4, Police Department; Chapter 1, Organization to add Section 4:5 and following relative to the domicile of Police Officers of the Baton Rouge Police Department, requiring all Baton Rouge City Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 2017 to be domiciled within the limits of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and to maintain a domicile within the East Baton Rouge Parish limits, and further providing that any Baton Rouge City Police Officer employed by the Baton Rouge Police Department on or before December 31, 2016 shall not be subject to the domicile requirement. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks-Daniel. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME (PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD) Supporting Documentation Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance-Redlined
items 1-26
16-00167 A Resolution approving and authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, to negotiate and enter into an Economic Development Incentive Agreement, providing a Forgivable Loan and/or Grant, not to exceed $500,000 over five (5) years, to General Informatics, LLC, with eligibility for accepting such funding contingent on meeting specified spending, job creation and job retention standards and to execute the necessary loan agreements, security devices, and loan payment, claw back and recoupment provisions and other non-substantive modifications; and to execute all contracts, agreements and amendments to effectuate same. By Mayor-President. This item was deferred from August 10, 2016 Cover Letter Proposed Resolution Other
16-00176 Imposing a moratorium on and declaring that the City-Parish shall not accept applications for new development along Highland Road between Siegen Lane and Perkins Road effective immediately and to remain in effect for a period of ninety (90) days while the City-Parish completes a comprehensive review relating to rural zoning. By Councilman Chandler Loupe. Map Supporting Documentation Proposed Resolution
16-00175 Amending Title 4, Police Department; Chapter 1, Organization to add Section 4:5 and following relative to the domicile of Police Officers of the Baton Rouge Police Department, requiring all Baton Rouge City Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 2017 to be domiciled within the limits of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and to maintain a domicile within the East Baton Rouge Parish limits, and further providing that any Baton Rouge City Police Officer employed by the Baton Rouge Police Department on or before December 31, 2016 shall not be subject to the domicile requirement. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks-Daniel. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME (PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD) Supporting Documentation Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance-Redlined
16-00277 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Representative Edmond Jordan for the use of office space at the Charles R, Kelly Community Center. By Councilwoman Erika Green. Proposed Resolution DRAFT CEA Cover Letter
16-00177 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into the Intergovernmental Agreement for Collection of Parcel Fee with the Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention District and Development, and to sign all documents in connection therewith. By Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention and Development District. Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
16-00180 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Ryan Betz vs. City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge & Monica M. Matthews", Suit No. 649,324 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $15,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $43.00, for a total amount of $15,043.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200.). * This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Counsel of record, Benjamin N. Gibson). By Parish Attorney. Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered. Proposed Resolution
16-00186 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a Grant Application to the Federal Aviation Administration and State of Louisiana for an Environmental Assessment / Benefit Cost Analysis for Plank Road Relocation in the amount of $1,300,000.00; and authorization to accept and execute the Grant Agreement and any and all necessary documents at the appropriate time. (Funding Source: Federal $1,170,000.00; State $130,000.00; Total $1,300,000.00. By Aviation Director. Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
76. 16-00190 Authorizing the Mayor-President to file an application and accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, in the amount of $10,105,862 to support the East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start Program continuation grant budget period 1/01/2017 through 12/31/2017, for services to 1,502 children and families; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Head Start Continuation Grant Proposed Resolution 16-00194 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract between the City of Baker School Board and the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, on behalf of East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start/Early Head Start, in the amount of $40,000; for program year October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. City of Baker Food contract Proposed Resolution
16-00195 Authorizing the Mayor-President to file an application and accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services, with the Louisiana Workforce Commission, for a Community Services Block Grant in the amount of $1,426,640, and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
47. 16-00096 Jeffrey D. Manchester & Sharon P. Manchester 2902 Vernon Road, Lot 1-B Pleasant Park Subdivision - Council District 1 - Welch Picture Inspector's Report 70. 16-00174 John Board, Odette Ann Deconge Board, The Estatae of Sylvester Joseph Deconge, Alphonse Deconge, III and Christine Deconge 523 South 17th Street; Lot 1, Square 1 Rosedale Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Picture Inspector's Report
81. 16-00196 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services Program with Capital Area United Way as the Office of Social Services will be paid an amount not to exceed $16,000 provided the Office of Social Services submits a minimum of 1,155 IRS accepted 2016 income tax returns. If the goal of 1,100 accepted returns is not reached, Capital Area United Way has agreed to pay the Office of Social Services $12,000 for at least 900 accepted returns or less or $13,000 for at least 1,000 accepted returns. By Human Services Director. United Way grant Proposed Resolution 82. 16-00197 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services with the local board of Emergency Food and Shelter Program for emergency shelter funds in the amount of $15,000 for the period October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. By Human Services Director. FEMA Grant Proposed Resolution
16-00198 Authorizing the Mayor-President to file an application on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services, with Louisiana Housing Corporation or its representative, for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program in the amount of $329,960; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. LIHEAP 2017 Proposed Resolution
84. 16-00199 Authorizing the Mayor President to accept funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program which includes Part A and the Minority AIDS Initiative in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 for the grant period of March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Ryan white 2017 Proposed Resolution 85. 16-00200 Authorizing the Mayor-President through the Baton Rouge Workforce Development Administrative Office, to enter into a contractual agreement with the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) in the amount of $2,920,328. This grant covers the period from April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018; and authorizes the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Workforce Investment Director. WIOA 2017 Proposed Resolution
16-00201 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a contract with Germaine & Co. , Inc. D/B/A Germane Solutions for an increase in the amount of $24,400.00 for a total amount not to exceed $112,720.00 for the contract period March 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017. To develop the FY2017 Ryan White Grant Application; Priority Setting and Resource Allocations; review and revise Program and Quality Management Monitoring tools; provide technical assistance for Ryan White Program needs; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Ryan White Germaine solutions Proposed Resolution
87. 16-00202 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation in the amount of $115,500.00 for a total amount not to exceed $181,876.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Ryan White AHF Proposed Resolution 88. 16-00203 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Center for an increase in the amount of $273,900 for a total amount not to exceed $543,185 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 89. 16-00204 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Clinic for an increase in the amount of $8,800.00 for a total amount not to exceed $40,700.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. ryan white ccfhc mai Proposed Resolution
90. 16-00205Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $292,272.00 for a total amount not to exceed $580,004.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. 91. 16-00206 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $403,184.00 for a total amount not to exceed $852,731.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 92.16-00207 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $16,871.80 for a total amount not to exceed $83,874.80 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 93.16-00208 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with NOAIDS Task Force for an increase in the amount of $54,018 for a total amount not to exceed $106,796 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the pur poses of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 94.16-00209 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc for an increase in the amount of $281,490.00 for a total amount not to exceed $570,834.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV /AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 95.16-00210 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc. for an increase in the amount of $14,475.00 for a total amount not to exceed $52,140.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 96.16-00211 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $331,375.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period September 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 97. 16-00212 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $92,717 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period September 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith.
16-00216 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a lease agreement with Investar Bank for the leasing and continued use of space located at Unit 200, Court Plaza Condominium, municipal address 10500 Coursey Boulevard, Unit 200, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816, for the continued use and occupancy of the East Baton Rouge Parish Clerk of Court and the Alcoholic Beverage Control and Gaming Enforcement, with the Parish Attorney’s Office to review and approve said lease and exhibits thereto. By Mayor-President. Lease Supporting Documentation Proposed Resolution
16-00224 Amending Title 14, Animals; Chapter 2, Keeping of Domesticated Animals; Part 1, Dogs and Cats; Section 14:207, Redemption of Impounded Animals of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to add a provision for the termination of ownership rights in domesticated animals at the conclusion of the legal impound period. By Director - Animal Control and Rescue Center. Supporting Documentation
16-00228 Amending Title 14, Animals; Chapter 2, Keeping of Domesticated Animals; Part 1, Dogs and Cats; Section 14:210, Liability insurance, liability bond, property surety bond of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to increase the amount of liability insurance required for an owner or keeper of a dangerous dog. By Director - Animal Control and Rescue Center. Supporting Documentation Proposed Resolution
16-00231 The Department of Transportation and Drainage recommends to the Metropolitan Council for their consideration and approval of the identified projects from the Call for Projects program as a part of the 3% Beautification Portion of the One-Half Cent Sales & Use Tax for Street and Road Improvements; approved projects are subject to availability of funds. By Transportation and Drainage Director. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Page 15 Introduction Request Proposed Resolution
16-00232 Amending the Title IV-E reimbursement fund budget so as to appropriate $136,317.14 received from the state Office of Juvenile Justice, representing reimbursements for certain expenditures eligible under the federal foster care reimbursement program (social security act, as amended, title IV-E section 470, et seq.). These funds will be used for needs of the Department of Juvenile Services including personnel costs, fiscal management fees, and other associated costs. By: Director of Juvenile Services. By Director of Juvenile Services . Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
16-00233 Amending the 2016 current expense budget so as to appropriate $500,000 from General Fund - Fund Balance Assigned for Police to fund drug law enforcement overtime within the Police Department. By Police Chief. Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES 104. 16-00073 Lot: Lot 6, Square 9 Subdivision: Bank Addition Applicant: Nssir Hagag Address: 6954 Scenic Highway Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 2,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 725.00 Appraised Value: $ 54,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 3,569.67 Bids Received: 8/17/2016 110. 16-00116 Lot: Lot 25, Square 24 Subdivision: Scotland Addition Applicant: Theodore Beverly, Jr. Address: Wren Street Metro Council District: 2 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 675.00 Appraised Value: $ 2,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 535.72 Bids Received: 8/17/2016
16-00082 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Consideration of reappointing or replacing John Sykes whose term expires on August 12, 2016, effective August 13, 2016. This is a four (4) year term. (Spanish Town Local Historic District Representative) Current Ballot Jeff Duhe Nedra Davis Amy Fransen THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00214 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Consideration of reappointing or replacing William Fontenot, whose term expires on September 22, 2016, effective September 23, 2016. This is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot Jeff Duhe Nedra Davis Amy Fransen THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00217 GREATER BATON ROUGE AIRPORT DISTRICT-BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Jared Smith who resigned. This term expires on January 1, 2019 Current Ballot Sonya Gordon David Guillory Terrie Johnson Anthony Lascaro Grabreille Lee Kenneth Perret Emmett Robbins THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00218 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Jared Smith who resigned. This term expires on February 26, 2020. (Baton Rouge Area Chamber Representative) Current Ballot Kyle Zeringue THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
115. 16-00220 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Concurring in the Mayor-Presidents reappointing or replacing Fran Gladden, whose term expires on September 13, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot Fran Gladden (received letter requesting reappointment - eligible - requires 9 votes) THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00221 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Concurring in the Mayor-Presidents reappointing or replacing Frederic Kearny, whose term expires on September 12, 2016 effective September 13, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot Frederic Kearny (received letter requesting reappointment - eligible) THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00222 VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FIRE DIST. 6 - HOOPER ROAD Consideration of reappointing or replacing Stanley Pullam, whose term expires on September 24, 2016, effective September 25, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot Stanley Pullam (Received letter requesting reappointment) THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00235 CAPITAL AREA HUMAN SERVICES DISTRICT (CAHSD) Concurring in the names submitted by the CAHSD for submission to the Governor to consider for appointment to the CAHSD. The CAHSD has one vacancy and recommends the reappointment of Dr. Dana Carpenter whose term is expiring and also submitting the nomination of Ms. Vonnie Hawkins for consideration. (Names are submitted o the Metro-Council from the CAHSD to be forwarded to Governor for appointment) Current Ballot Dr. Dana Carpenter Vonnie Hawkins THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
119. 16-00184 Air Carrier Apron Rehabilitation Project Number: 3-22-0006-0103-2016 SP#H. 0122512 Original Estimated Cost: $ 927,222.00 Purchase Order Number: PO150887 Account Number: 482.0989002.652200.8890015 Council Award Date: 8/10/2016 Contractor: L. King Company, LLC Change Order Number: 2 Change Order Amount: $ 41,462.11 Original Contract Amount: $ 605,500.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 231,878.15 New Contract Amount: $ 878,840.16 Description: Additional concrete apron repairs Why Required: Amount of joint sealant filler at old pavement that was in excess of the quantity listed in the plans and additional repair of crack in concrete panel. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Cover Letter UPDATED Proposed Resolution 120. 16-00223 River Road Improvements at Repentance Park Project Number: 14-DD-CP-0002 Original Estimated Cost: $ 174,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO150553 Account Number: 451.5550115.652300.8080300 Council Award Date: 2/25/2015 Contractor: Law Industries, LLC Change Order Number: 2 (Extend contract for 220 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 28,310.00 Original Contract Amount: $ 182,900.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 40,301.65 New Contract Amount: $ 251,511.65 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities, add the following item to the contract and 220 calendar days to the contract: Item 9900009 ?Sidewalk and Bus Shelter Improvements south of LASM. Why Required: To make payment for final field-measured quantities and to add 220 calendar day to the contract for additional work on the LASM side of River Road. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Change Order Backup Document Proposed Resolution 121. 16-00225 Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $ 4,653,316.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131586 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: 8/28/2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 3 (Extend contract 35 days) Change Order Amount: $ 150,630.08 Original Contract Amount: $ 4,588,718.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 353,120.66 New Contract Amount: $ 5,092,468.74 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities, and add the following new contract pay items and contract time: retaining walls; seven (7) fence gates; multiple utility conflicts and to add thirty-five (35) calendar days. Why Required: To modify the contract quantities for the items listed above. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Other Proposed Resolution
122. 16-00226 River Road Improvements at Repentance Park Project Number: 14-DD-CP-0002 Account Number: 451.5550115.652300.8080300 Council Award Date: 2/25/2015 Contractor: Law Industries, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 174,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 182,900.00 Total Change Orders: (2): $ 68,611.65 Final Cost: $ 251,511.65 Days Allocated: 409 Days Used: 409 Liquidated Damages: $ None THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Final Acceptance Backup Document Proposed Resolution 123. 16-00229 Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: 8/28/2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Estimated Cost: $ 4,653,316.00 Contract Amount: $ 4,588,718.00 Total Change Orders: (3): $ 503,750.74 Final Cost: $ 5,092,468.74 Days Allocated: 424 Days Used: 424 Liquidated Damages: $ none THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Final Acceptance Backup Document Proposed Resolution 124. 16-00289 South WWTP Landscape Buffer Area Project Project Number: 13-TP-MS-0046 Account Number: 440.7579023.752400.6140102 Council Award Date: 5/13/2015 Contractor: Gulf Breeze Landscaping, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 470,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 655,069.41 Total Change Orders: (1): $ 33,739.48 Final Cost: $ 688,808.89 Days Allocated: 247 Days Used: 247 Liquidated Damages: $ None Final Acceptance Council Memo ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS
125. 16-00084 Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport South Ramp Access Drive Project: 8860049 Account: 482.0986002.652310.8860049 Estimate: $148,000.00 *Local **In State *L. King $ 157,300.00 *Brown Industrial Construction $ 183,065.00 *Coastal Industries $ 355,776.00 THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Cover Letter Proposed Resolution 126. 16-00187 Library Branch Exterior Restoration Project: 16-ASC-CP-1013 Account: 111.1200015.647200.0 Estimate: $600,000.00 *Local **In State **TASCH, L.L.C. $ 405,610.00 *Randy Key $ 495,150.00 **Thigpen Construction Co., Inc. $ 534,000.00 *Cangelosi Ward General Contractors, L.L.C. $ 600,500.00 THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Back-up documentation Proposed Resolution 127. 16-00189 St. Louis Street Plaza Paving Project: 16-ASC-CP-1008 Account: 012.7803000.647200.4 Estimate: $75,000.00 *Local **In State * The Luster Group, LLC $ 69,500.00 THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Back-up documentation Proposed Resolution 128. 16-00230 Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Project 15-03 Streets in Santa Maria City-Parish Project No. 15-AO-ST-0013 Project: 15-AO-ST-0013 Account: 147.7210012.647100.2011215 Estimate: $1,800,000.00 *Local **In State **R. J. Daigle and Sons Contractors, Inc. $ 1,480,653.18 **Barriere Construction Co. $ 1,518,477.00 *Coastal Bridge Co., LLC $ 1,538,543.55 *Barber Brothers Contg. Co., LLC $ 1,661,010.00 *F. G. Sullivan, Jr. Contractor, LLC $ 1,773,465.00 THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Low Bid Backup Document Proposed Resolution 129. 16-00265 North General Aviation Development & Taxiway "M" Rehabilitation Project (Multiplex) Project: 8940008 Account: 482.0989002.651400.8940008; 482.0986002.652310.8940010; 484.0992002.651400.8940008 Estimate: $5,372,986.00 *Local **In State Guy Hopkins Construction $ 6,320,931.52 L. King Company $ 6,884,255.20 Cover Letter
16-00266 Taxiway Foxtrot Extension Project Project: 8189006 Account: 482.0989002.652310.8189006 Estimate: $12,000,000.00 *Local **In State Lincoln Builders of Baton Rouge, LLC $ 8,867,124.25 Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC $ 9,164,620.60 Bucktown Contractors & Company $ 9,285,599.80 Coastal Bridge Company, LLC $ 9,462,593.50 JB James Construction Company $ 9,991,520.50 Barriere Construction Company, LLC $ 10,590,910.40
131. 16-00286 Maintenance Services for Chlorine & Hypochlorite Systems Project: A16-0430 Account: 410.7070423.632400 and 410.7070433.632400 Estimate: $166,879.50 *Local **In State *Control Worx, LLC $ 166,879.50 Low Bid Council Memo 132. 16-00288 Multiple Pump Stations (Highway 61-Plank Road) Project: 11-PS-MS-0035 Account: 443.7578333.752400.6087380 Estimate: $5,520,000.00 *Local **In State ***Wharton-Smith, Inc. $ 4,791,000.00 *Grady Crawford Construction Company, Inc. $ 5,412,329.00 NCMC,Inc $ 5,639,096.00 ***Hemphilll Construction Co., Inc. $ 6,049,800.00 **B &K Construction Co, LLC $ 6,834,548.00
16-00178 Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on December 10, 2015 at Original 102 of Bundle 12700 In the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Bernard M. Kibodi”- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9452 (636 North 39th Street; Lots 7 & 8, Square 2, Greenville Extension Subdivision). By Councilman Lamont Cole. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00188 Discussing the Grass cutting situation in East Baton Rouge Parish, especially relating to Metropolitan Council District 1. By Councilman Welch. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00213 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Aguilar Consultants, LLC for appraisal services associated with the Pecue Lane and I-10 project, having City- Parish Project No. 08-CS-HC-0036, DOTD Project No. H.004104, in an amount not to exceed $78,000.(Account No. 374.7260442.652200.5924406). By Transportation and Drainage Director. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00215 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Michael J. DeFelice for appraisal services associated with the Pecue Lane and I-10 project, having City-Parish Project No. 08-CS-HC-0036, DOTD Project No. H.004104, in an amount not to exceed $39,700. (Account No. 374.7260442.652200.5924406). By Transportation and Drainage Director. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00219 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with The Lakvold Group, LLC for appraisal services associated with the Pecue Lane and I-10 project, having City- Parish Project No. 08-CS-HC-0036, DOTD Project No. H.004104, in an amount not to exceed $80,800. (Account No. 374.7260442.652200.5924406). By Transportation and Drainage Director. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00234 Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on June 28, 2016 at Original 675 of Bundle 12740 In the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Horace Early”- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9515 (1454 Cardinal Street and Rear Garage, Lots 11 and 12, Square 16, North Baton Rouge Subdivision). By Parish Attorney.
16-00234 Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on June 28, 2016 at Original 675 of Bundle 12740 In the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Horace Early”- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9515 (1454 Cardinal Street and Rear Garage, Lots 11 and 12, Square 16, North Baton Rouge Subdivision). By Parish Attorney. ADJOURNMENT
16-00175 Amending Title 4, Police Department; Chapter 1, Organization to add Section 4:5 and following relative to the domicile of Police Officers of the Baton Rouge Police Department, requiring all Baton Rouge City Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 2017 to be domiciled within the limits of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and to maintain a domicile within the East Baton Rouge Parish limits, and further providing that any Baton Rouge City Police Officer employed by the Baton Rouge Police Department on or before December 31, 2016 shall not be subject to the domicile requirement. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks-Daniel. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME (PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD) Supporting Documentation Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance-Redlined
items 1-26
16-00167 A Resolution approving and authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, to negotiate and enter into an Economic Development Incentive Agreement, providing a Forgivable Loan and/or Grant, not to exceed $500,000 over five (5) years, to General Informatics, LLC, with eligibility for accepting such funding contingent on meeting specified spending, job creation and job retention standards and to execute the necessary loan agreements, security devices, and loan payment, claw back and recoupment provisions and other non-substantive modifications; and to execute all contracts, agreements and amendments to effectuate same. By Mayor-President. This item was deferred from August 10, 2016 Cover Letter Proposed Resolution Other
16-00176 Imposing a moratorium on and declaring that the City-Parish shall not accept applications for new development along Highland Road between Siegen Lane and Perkins Road effective immediately and to remain in effect for a period of ninety (90) days while the City-Parish completes a comprehensive review relating to rural zoning. By Councilman Chandler Loupe. Map Supporting Documentation Proposed Resolution
16-00175 Amending Title 4, Police Department; Chapter 1, Organization to add Section 4:5 and following relative to the domicile of Police Officers of the Baton Rouge Police Department, requiring all Baton Rouge City Police Officers hired on or after January 1, 2017 to be domiciled within the limits of the Parish of East Baton Rouge and to maintain a domicile within the East Baton Rouge Parish limits, and further providing that any Baton Rouge City Police Officer employed by the Baton Rouge Police Department on or before December 31, 2016 shall not be subject to the domicile requirement. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks-Daniel. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME (PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD) Supporting Documentation Proposed Ordinance Proposed Ordinance-Redlined
16-00277 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Representative Edmond Jordan for the use of office space at the Charles R, Kelly Community Center. By Councilwoman Erika Green. Proposed Resolution DRAFT CEA Cover Letter
16-00177 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into the Intergovernmental Agreement for Collection of Parcel Fee with the Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention District and Development, and to sign all documents in connection therewith. By Hermitage Cross Creek Crime Prevention and Development District. Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
16-00180 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Ryan Betz vs. City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge & Monica M. Matthews", Suit No. 649,324 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $15,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $43.00, for a total amount of $15,043.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (012.4630000.644200.). * This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Counsel of record, Benjamin N. Gibson). By Parish Attorney. Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered. Proposed Resolution
16-00186 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a Grant Application to the Federal Aviation Administration and State of Louisiana for an Environmental Assessment / Benefit Cost Analysis for Plank Road Relocation in the amount of $1,300,000.00; and authorization to accept and execute the Grant Agreement and any and all necessary documents at the appropriate time. (Funding Source: Federal $1,170,000.00; State $130,000.00; Total $1,300,000.00. By Aviation Director. Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
76. 16-00190 Authorizing the Mayor-President to file an application and accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services from the Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start, in the amount of $10,105,862 to support the East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start Program continuation grant budget period 1/01/2017 through 12/31/2017, for services to 1,502 children and families; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Head Start Continuation Grant Proposed Resolution 16-00194 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract between the City of Baker School Board and the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, on behalf of East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start/Early Head Start, in the amount of $40,000; for program year October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. City of Baker Food contract Proposed Resolution
16-00195 Authorizing the Mayor-President to file an application and accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services, with the Louisiana Workforce Commission, for a Community Services Block Grant in the amount of $1,426,640, and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
47. 16-00096 Jeffrey D. Manchester & Sharon P. Manchester 2902 Vernon Road, Lot 1-B Pleasant Park Subdivision - Council District 1 - Welch Picture Inspector's Report 70. 16-00174 John Board, Odette Ann Deconge Board, The Estatae of Sylvester Joseph Deconge, Alphonse Deconge, III and Christine Deconge 523 South 17th Street; Lot 1, Square 1 Rosedale Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Picture Inspector's Report
81. 16-00196 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services Program with Capital Area United Way as the Office of Social Services will be paid an amount not to exceed $16,000 provided the Office of Social Services submits a minimum of 1,155 IRS accepted 2016 income tax returns. If the goal of 1,100 accepted returns is not reached, Capital Area United Way has agreed to pay the Office of Social Services $12,000 for at least 900 accepted returns or less or $13,000 for at least 1,000 accepted returns. By Human Services Director. United Way grant Proposed Resolution 82. 16-00197 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services with the local board of Emergency Food and Shelter Program for emergency shelter funds in the amount of $15,000 for the period October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. By Human Services Director. FEMA Grant Proposed Resolution
16-00198 Authorizing the Mayor-President to file an application on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Office of Social Services, with Louisiana Housing Corporation or its representative, for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program in the amount of $329,960; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. LIHEAP 2017 Proposed Resolution
84. 16-00199 Authorizing the Mayor President to accept funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program which includes Part A and the Minority AIDS Initiative in an amount not to exceed $4,500,000 for the grant period of March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Ryan white 2017 Proposed Resolution 85. 16-00200 Authorizing the Mayor-President through the Baton Rouge Workforce Development Administrative Office, to enter into a contractual agreement with the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) in the amount of $2,920,328. This grant covers the period from April 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018; and authorizes the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Workforce Investment Director. WIOA 2017 Proposed Resolution
16-00201 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a contract with Germaine & Co. , Inc. D/B/A Germane Solutions for an increase in the amount of $24,400.00 for a total amount not to exceed $112,720.00 for the contract period March 1, 2016 to February 28, 2017. To develop the FY2017 Ryan White Grant Application; Priority Setting and Resource Allocations; review and revise Program and Quality Management Monitoring tools; provide technical assistance for Ryan White Program needs; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Ryan White Germaine solutions Proposed Resolution
87. 16-00202 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the AIDS Healthcare Foundation in the amount of $115,500.00 for a total amount not to exceed $181,876.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Ryan White AHF Proposed Resolution 88. 16-00203 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Center for an increase in the amount of $273,900 for a total amount not to exceed $543,185 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 89. 16-00204 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the Capitol City Family Health Clinic for an increase in the amount of $8,800.00 for a total amount not to exceed $40,700.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. ryan white ccfhc mai Proposed Resolution
90. 16-00205Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $292,272.00 for a total amount not to exceed $580,004.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. 91. 16-00206 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $403,184.00 for a total amount not to exceed $852,731.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 92.16-00207 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $16,871.80 for a total amount not to exceed $83,874.80 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 93.16-00208 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with NOAIDS Task Force for an increase in the amount of $54,018 for a total amount not to exceed $106,796 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the pur poses of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 94.16-00209 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc for an increase in the amount of $281,490.00 for a total amount not to exceed $570,834.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV /AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 95.16-00210 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc. for an increase in the amount of $14,475.00 for a total amount not to exceed $52,140.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 96.16-00211 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $331,375.00 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period September 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. 97. 16-00212 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge in the amount of $92,717 under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period September 1, 2016 through February 28, 2017 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith.
16-00216 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a lease agreement with Investar Bank for the leasing and continued use of space located at Unit 200, Court Plaza Condominium, municipal address 10500 Coursey Boulevard, Unit 200, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816, for the continued use and occupancy of the East Baton Rouge Parish Clerk of Court and the Alcoholic Beverage Control and Gaming Enforcement, with the Parish Attorney’s Office to review and approve said lease and exhibits thereto. By Mayor-President. Lease Supporting Documentation Proposed Resolution
16-00224 Amending Title 14, Animals; Chapter 2, Keeping of Domesticated Animals; Part 1, Dogs and Cats; Section 14:207, Redemption of Impounded Animals of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to add a provision for the termination of ownership rights in domesticated animals at the conclusion of the legal impound period. By Director - Animal Control and Rescue Center. Supporting Documentation
16-00228 Amending Title 14, Animals; Chapter 2, Keeping of Domesticated Animals; Part 1, Dogs and Cats; Section 14:210, Liability insurance, liability bond, property surety bond of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to increase the amount of liability insurance required for an owner or keeper of a dangerous dog. By Director - Animal Control and Rescue Center. Supporting Documentation Proposed Resolution
16-00231 The Department of Transportation and Drainage recommends to the Metropolitan Council for their consideration and approval of the identified projects from the Call for Projects program as a part of the 3% Beautification Portion of the One-Half Cent Sales & Use Tax for Street and Road Improvements; approved projects are subject to availability of funds. By Transportation and Drainage Director. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Page 15 Introduction Request Proposed Resolution
16-00232 Amending the Title IV-E reimbursement fund budget so as to appropriate $136,317.14 received from the state Office of Juvenile Justice, representing reimbursements for certain expenditures eligible under the federal foster care reimbursement program (social security act, as amended, title IV-E section 470, et seq.). These funds will be used for needs of the Department of Juvenile Services including personnel costs, fiscal management fees, and other associated costs. By: Director of Juvenile Services. By Director of Juvenile Services . Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
16-00233 Amending the 2016 current expense budget so as to appropriate $500,000 from General Fund - Fund Balance Assigned for Police to fund drug law enforcement overtime within the Police Department. By Police Chief. Cover Letter Proposed Resolution
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES 104. 16-00073 Lot: Lot 6, Square 9 Subdivision: Bank Addition Applicant: Nssir Hagag Address: 6954 Scenic Highway Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 2,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 725.00 Appraised Value: $ 54,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 3,569.67 Bids Received: 8/17/2016 110. 16-00116 Lot: Lot 25, Square 24 Subdivision: Scotland Addition Applicant: Theodore Beverly, Jr. Address: Wren Street Metro Council District: 2 - Banks-Daniel Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 675.00 Appraised Value: $ 2,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 535.72 Bids Received: 8/17/2016
16-00082 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Consideration of reappointing or replacing John Sykes whose term expires on August 12, 2016, effective August 13, 2016. This is a four (4) year term. (Spanish Town Local Historic District Representative) Current Ballot Jeff Duhe Nedra Davis Amy Fransen THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00214 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Consideration of reappointing or replacing William Fontenot, whose term expires on September 22, 2016, effective September 23, 2016. This is a four (4) year term. Current Ballot Jeff Duhe Nedra Davis Amy Fransen THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00217 GREATER BATON ROUGE AIRPORT DISTRICT-BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Jared Smith who resigned. This term expires on January 1, 2019 Current Ballot Sonya Gordon David Guillory Terrie Johnson Anthony Lascaro Grabreille Lee Kenneth Perret Emmett Robbins THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00218 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Jared Smith who resigned. This term expires on February 26, 2020. (Baton Rouge Area Chamber Representative) Current Ballot Kyle Zeringue THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
115. 16-00220 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Concurring in the Mayor-Presidents reappointing or replacing Fran Gladden, whose term expires on September 13, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot Fran Gladden (received letter requesting reappointment - eligible - requires 9 votes) THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00221 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Concurring in the Mayor-Presidents reappointing or replacing Frederic Kearny, whose term expires on September 12, 2016 effective September 13, 2016. This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot Frederic Kearny (received letter requesting reappointment - eligible) THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00222 VOLUNTEER FIRE DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FIRE DIST. 6 - HOOPER ROAD Consideration of reappointing or replacing Stanley Pullam, whose term expires on September 24, 2016, effective September 25, 2016. This is a two (2) year term. Current Ballot Stanley Pullam (Received letter requesting reappointment) THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00235 CAPITAL AREA HUMAN SERVICES DISTRICT (CAHSD) Concurring in the names submitted by the CAHSD for submission to the Governor to consider for appointment to the CAHSD. The CAHSD has one vacancy and recommends the reappointment of Dr. Dana Carpenter whose term is expiring and also submitting the nomination of Ms. Vonnie Hawkins for consideration. (Names are submitted o the Metro-Council from the CAHSD to be forwarded to Governor for appointment) Current Ballot Dr. Dana Carpenter Vonnie Hawkins THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
119. 16-00184 Air Carrier Apron Rehabilitation Project Number: 3-22-0006-0103-2016 SP#H. 0122512 Original Estimated Cost: $ 927,222.00 Purchase Order Number: PO150887 Account Number: 482.0989002.652200.8890015 Council Award Date: 8/10/2016 Contractor: L. King Company, LLC Change Order Number: 2 Change Order Amount: $ 41,462.11 Original Contract Amount: $ 605,500.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 231,878.15 New Contract Amount: $ 878,840.16 Description: Additional concrete apron repairs Why Required: Amount of joint sealant filler at old pavement that was in excess of the quantity listed in the plans and additional repair of crack in concrete panel. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Cover Letter UPDATED Proposed Resolution 120. 16-00223 River Road Improvements at Repentance Park Project Number: 14-DD-CP-0002 Original Estimated Cost: $ 174,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO150553 Account Number: 451.5550115.652300.8080300 Council Award Date: 2/25/2015 Contractor: Law Industries, LLC Change Order Number: 2 (Extend contract for 220 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ 28,310.00 Original Contract Amount: $ 182,900.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 40,301.65 New Contract Amount: $ 251,511.65 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities, add the following item to the contract and 220 calendar days to the contract: Item 9900009 ?Sidewalk and Bus Shelter Improvements south of LASM. Why Required: To make payment for final field-measured quantities and to add 220 calendar day to the contract for additional work on the LASM side of River Road. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Change Order Backup Document Proposed Resolution 121. 16-00225 Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Original Estimated Cost: $ 4,653,316.00 Purchase Order Number: PO131586 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: 8/28/2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Change Order Number: 3 (Extend contract 35 days) Change Order Amount: $ 150,630.08 Original Contract Amount: $ 4,588,718.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 353,120.66 New Contract Amount: $ 5,092,468.74 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities, and add the following new contract pay items and contract time: retaining walls; seven (7) fence gates; multiple utility conflicts and to add thirty-five (35) calendar days. Why Required: To modify the contract quantities for the items listed above. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Other Proposed Resolution
122. 16-00226 River Road Improvements at Repentance Park Project Number: 14-DD-CP-0002 Account Number: 451.5550115.652300.8080300 Council Award Date: 2/25/2015 Contractor: Law Industries, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 174,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 182,900.00 Total Change Orders: (2): $ 68,611.65 Final Cost: $ 251,511.65 Days Allocated: 409 Days Used: 409 Liquidated Damages: $ None THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Final Acceptance Backup Document Proposed Resolution 123. 16-00229 Fairchild Street/Badley Road Improvements Project Number: 06-CS-HC-0018 Account Number: 374.7260432.652310.5924306 Council Award Date: 8/28/2013 Contractor: JB James Construction, L.L.C. Estimated Cost: $ 4,653,316.00 Contract Amount: $ 4,588,718.00 Total Change Orders: (3): $ 503,750.74 Final Cost: $ 5,092,468.74 Days Allocated: 424 Days Used: 424 Liquidated Damages: $ none THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Final Acceptance Backup Document Proposed Resolution 124. 16-00289 South WWTP Landscape Buffer Area Project Project Number: 13-TP-MS-0046 Account Number: 440.7579023.752400.6140102 Council Award Date: 5/13/2015 Contractor: Gulf Breeze Landscaping, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 470,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 655,069.41 Total Change Orders: (1): $ 33,739.48 Final Cost: $ 688,808.89 Days Allocated: 247 Days Used: 247 Liquidated Damages: $ None Final Acceptance Council Memo ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS
125. 16-00084 Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport South Ramp Access Drive Project: 8860049 Account: 482.0986002.652310.8860049 Estimate: $148,000.00 *Local **In State *L. King $ 157,300.00 *Brown Industrial Construction $ 183,065.00 *Coastal Industries $ 355,776.00 THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Cover Letter Proposed Resolution 126. 16-00187 Library Branch Exterior Restoration Project: 16-ASC-CP-1013 Account: 111.1200015.647200.0 Estimate: $600,000.00 *Local **In State **TASCH, L.L.C. $ 405,610.00 *Randy Key $ 495,150.00 **Thigpen Construction Co., Inc. $ 534,000.00 *Cangelosi Ward General Contractors, L.L.C. $ 600,500.00 THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Back-up documentation Proposed Resolution 127. 16-00189 St. Louis Street Plaza Paving Project: 16-ASC-CP-1008 Account: 012.7803000.647200.4 Estimate: $75,000.00 *Local **In State * The Luster Group, LLC $ 69,500.00 THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Back-up documentation Proposed Resolution 128. 16-00230 Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Project 15-03 Streets in Santa Maria City-Parish Project No. 15-AO-ST-0013 Project: 15-AO-ST-0013 Account: 147.7210012.647100.2011215 Estimate: $1,800,000.00 *Local **In State **R. J. Daigle and Sons Contractors, Inc. $ 1,480,653.18 **Barriere Construction Co. $ 1,518,477.00 *Coastal Bridge Co., LLC $ 1,538,543.55 *Barber Brothers Contg. Co., LLC $ 1,661,010.00 *F. G. Sullivan, Jr. Contractor, LLC $ 1,773,465.00 THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME Low Bid Backup Document Proposed Resolution 129. 16-00265 North General Aviation Development & Taxiway "M" Rehabilitation Project (Multiplex) Project: 8940008 Account: 482.0989002.651400.8940008; 482.0986002.652310.8940010; 484.0992002.651400.8940008 Estimate: $5,372,986.00 *Local **In State Guy Hopkins Construction $ 6,320,931.52 L. King Company $ 6,884,255.20 Cover Letter
16-00266 Taxiway Foxtrot Extension Project Project: 8189006 Account: 482.0989002.652310.8189006 Estimate: $12,000,000.00 *Local **In State Lincoln Builders of Baton Rouge, LLC $ 8,867,124.25 Barber Brothers Contracting Company, LLC $ 9,164,620.60 Bucktown Contractors & Company $ 9,285,599.80 Coastal Bridge Company, LLC $ 9,462,593.50 JB James Construction Company $ 9,991,520.50 Barriere Construction Company, LLC $ 10,590,910.40
131. 16-00286 Maintenance Services for Chlorine & Hypochlorite Systems Project: A16-0430 Account: 410.7070423.632400 and 410.7070433.632400 Estimate: $166,879.50 *Local **In State *Control Worx, LLC $ 166,879.50 Low Bid Council Memo 132. 16-00288 Multiple Pump Stations (Highway 61-Plank Road) Project: 11-PS-MS-0035 Account: 443.7578333.752400.6087380 Estimate: $5,520,000.00 *Local **In State ***Wharton-Smith, Inc. $ 4,791,000.00 *Grady Crawford Construction Company, Inc. $ 5,412,329.00 NCMC,Inc $ 5,639,096.00 ***Hemphilll Construction Co., Inc. $ 6,049,800.00 **B &K Construction Co, LLC $ 6,834,548.00
16-00178 Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on December 10, 2015 at Original 102 of Bundle 12700 In the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Bernard M. Kibodi”- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9452 (636 North 39th Street; Lots 7 & 8, Square 2, Greenville Extension Subdivision). By Councilman Lamont Cole. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00188 Discussing the Grass cutting situation in East Baton Rouge Parish, especially relating to Metropolitan Council District 1. By Councilman Welch. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00213 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Aguilar Consultants, LLC for appraisal services associated with the Pecue Lane and I-10 project, having City- Parish Project No. 08-CS-HC-0036, DOTD Project No. H.004104, in an amount not to exceed $78,000.(Account No. 374.7260442.652200.5924406). By Transportation and Drainage Director. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00215 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Michael J. DeFelice for appraisal services associated with the Pecue Lane and I-10 project, having City-Parish Project No. 08-CS-HC-0036, DOTD Project No. H.004104, in an amount not to exceed $39,700. (Account No. 374.7260442.652200.5924406). By Transportation and Drainage Director. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00219 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with The Lakvold Group, LLC for appraisal services associated with the Pecue Lane and I-10 project, having City- Parish Project No. 08-CS-HC-0036, DOTD Project No. H.004104, in an amount not to exceed $80,800. (Account No. 374.7260442.652200.5924406). By Transportation and Drainage Director. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE AUGUST 10, 2016 MEETING DUE TO EXPIRATION OF TIME
16-00234 Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on June 28, 2016 at Original 675 of Bundle 12740 In the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Horace Early”- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9515 (1454 Cardinal Street and Rear Garage, Lots 11 and 12, Square 16, North Baton Rouge Subdivision). By Parish Attorney.
16-00234 Rescinding and directing The Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on June 28, 2016 at Original 675 of Bundle 12740 In the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Horace Early”- Condemnation Proceeding No. 9515 (1454 Cardinal Street and Rear Garage, Lots 11 and 12, Square 16, North Baton Rouge Subdivision). By Parish Attorney. ADJOURNMENT