Presentations and Special Recognition
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
1. 18-00077 Approval and adoption of the minutes of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of January 9, 2018 and the Regular Metropolitan Council Meeting of January 10, 2018. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS 2. 18-00050 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Kayla Robinson v. Nathaniel S. Williams, et al.", Suit No. C652,270, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $84,225.21, plus court costs in the amount of $252.00, for a total amount of $84,477.21; and appropriating $84,477.21 for such purpose. *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is J. Thaddeus Westholtz of Gallagher, Westholtz & Potter, LLC). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered. 3. 18-00053 A resolution approving the calling of a special election by the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2, Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 28, 2018, for the purpose of authorizing the extension of the levy and collection of a 2.00 mills ad valorem tax on all property subject to taxation within the boundaries of the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2, presently authorized to be levied by the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2 through December 31, 2024 pursuant to an election on May 2, 2015, for an additional period of ten (10) years, to and including the year 2034, to provide funds for capital improvements for, and the general operation of the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2. By Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 4. 18-00054 A resolution approving the calling of a special election by the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2, Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 28, 2018, for the purpose of authorizing the extension of the levy and collection of a 1.25 mills ad valorem tax on all property subject to taxation within the boundaries of the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2, presently authorized to be levied by the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2 through December 31, 2024 pursuant to an election on May 2, 2015, for an additional period of ten (10) years, to and including the year 2034, to provide funds for capital improvements for, and the general operation of the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2. By Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 5. 18-00095 Enacting a policy that applicants not hired because of a failed drug test for marijuana, and former employees of the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge that have been dismissed for a failed drug test for marijuana be eligible to apply for subsequent employment after one year from the failed pre-employment drug test or one year following dismissal from employment. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Draft - Ordinance CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 6. 18-00078 One Hundred Fold II, LLC 4188 Mohican Street, Lot 62, Square 2 Babin Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 7. 18-00079 William Thomas, Jr. and Ericka T. Thomas 3548 Webb Drive, Lot 46, Square 2 Babin Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 8. 18-00080 Leonard Jack, Dorothy Jack Lewis, Joanell Jack Kado, Susie Jack Goodson, Darryl Lamont Jack, Beatrice Yvett Jack, David Jack, Sr., Nathaniel Ervin Jack, Jennifer Nicole Jack, and Jeremy Joseph Jack 1752 North 38th Street (House and Rear Shed), Lot 16, Square 18 Eden Park Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 9. 18-00082 Tasha Walker 1445 North 35th Street, Lots 31 & 32, Square 11 Eden Park Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 10. 18-00083 Levell Jones, Jr. 1442 North 44th Street, Lot 25, Square 35 Greenville Extension Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 11. 18-00084 TOE Properties, LLC 2404 Monroe Avenue (House and Rear Building), Lot 26, Square 22 Istrouma Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 12. 18-00085 Gas Ventures, LLC 247 Sonora Street, Lot 11, Square 22 South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 13. 18-00088 Ola Mae Davis 1840 Birch Street, Lot 21, Square 2 Northdale Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 14. 18-00089 William Thomas 2524 Delta Street, Lot 12, Square 4 Valley Park Annex Subdivision - Council District 12 - Freiberg Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS 15. 17-01553 Case 92-17 505, 507, 515, 517 Roselawn Avenue; 504, 506 Live Oak Boulevard To rezone from Light Industrial (M1) to Limited Residential (A3.3) on property located on the west side of Roselawn Avenue, and the east side of Live Oak Boulevard, on Lots 34, 35, 36, 37, 56, and 57, Block 4 of Buffinton Heights Subdivision. Section 96, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer for 60 days to January 16, 2018 carried, 6-2 This item was deferred from December 6, 2017 Application Staff Report 16. 17-01474 Case 80-17 Medical Center Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC2) on property located on the east side of O’Neal Lane and south of Interstate 12, on Lots 1-A, 1-B-1, 1-B-2, 2-A, 2-B, 3, 4, 5-B and Parcel A of Medical Center Park. Section 10 and 46, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 17. 17-01702 PA-19-17 Templeton Ridge To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Agricultural/Rural (AG/RU) to Residential Neighborhood (RN) on property located on the west side of Old Scenic Highway (Hwy 964) and east side of Samuels Road (Hwy 61), on Lot Jennie C Jean of the Sidney Robands Bowden, Jr. Property (Council District 1 - Welch) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon changing conditions in the area COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 9-0 Related to PUD-2-17 Application Staff Report 18. 17-01703 PUD-2-17 Templeton Ridge Concept Plan A proposed residential development for low density residential units ranging in lot sizes, on property located on the west side of Old Scenic Highway (Hwy 964) and east side of Samuels Road (Hwy 61), on Lot Jennie C Jean of the Sidney Robands Bowden, Jr. Property (Council District 1 - Welch) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request will meet the minimum criteria for a Planned Unit Development, if the companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Related to PA-19-17 Application Staff Report Plans 19. 17-01704 PA-20-17 2569 Gardere Lane To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Compact Neighborhood (CN) to Commercial (C) on property located on the southeast side of Gardere Lane, between Leake Avenue and Rush Avenue, on Lot A-3 of the Verdie Reece Perkins Tract. Section 43, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon an examination of the area in a greater level of detail than performed at the creation of the plan and compatibility with adjacent land use along Gardere Lane COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 8-0-1 Related to 105-17 Application Staff Report 20. 17-01705 Case 105-17 2569 Gardere Lane To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the southeast side of Gardere Lane, between Leake Avenue and Rush Avenue, on Lot A-3 of the Verdie Reece Perkins Tract. Section 43, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion comprehensive plan amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 8-0-1 Related to PA-20-17 Application Staff Report 21. 17-01706 PA-21-17 7800-8000 UND Burbank Drive To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood (RN) to Commercial (C) on property located on the northeast side of Burbank Drive, west of Cordova Avenue, on Tract A-3-2-J-1-A, A-3-2-J-1-B, and A-3-2-J-1-C of Chatsworth Plantation. Section 5 and 76, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon changing development activity in the area and compatibility with surrounding higher intensity land use designations COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve failed, 0-9 Related to 108-17 Application Staff Report 22. 17-01707 Case 108-17 7800-8000 UND Burbank Drive To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the northeast side of Burbank Drive, west of Cordova Avenue, on Tract A-3-2-J-1-A, A-3-2-J-1-B, and A-3-2-J-1-C of Chatsworth Plantation. Section 5 and 76, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion comprehensive plan amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve failed, 0-9 Related to PA-21-17 Application Staff Report 23. 17-01708 Case 100-17 Airline J-V (11410 Airline Highway) To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Siegen Lane and Airline Highway, on Lot 1-A of Airline J-V Subdivision. Section 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 24. 17-01709 Case 101-17 American Bank Operations Center (3854 American Way) To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC3) on property located on the west side of American Way, on Lot AB-1-A of American Bank Operations Center. Section 50, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 25. 17-01710 Case 102-17 Cloverland, Cloverland Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located to the east side of Siegen Lane and to the west of Airline Highway on properties within Cloverland 1st and 2nd Filing and Cloverland Park. Section 38, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA and Section 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 26. 17-01711 Case 103-17 Industriplex Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located to the west side of Exchequer Drive on Lots fronting Complex Drive, Dunlay Avenue, Langley Drive, and Boylan Avenue within Industriplex Park. Section 48, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 27. 17-01712 Case 104-17 Interstate Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located to the north side of Rieger Road, south of Industriplex Boulevard along Exchequer Drive on properties within Interstate Park. Section 48, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 28. 17-01713 Case 106-17 3986 North Boulevard To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) and Transition (B1) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the south side of North Boulevard at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of North Boulevard and Richland Drive, on Lot 35 and 36 of Block 4, Bernard Terrace Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Application Staff Report 29. 17-01714 Case 109-17 9800-9900 UND Old Hammond Highway To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) and Single Family Residential (A1) to Zero Lot Line Residential (A2.1) on property located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway, east of Airline Highway on Lot B of the Beulah Williams Property. Section 87, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Application Staff Report 30. 17-01726 RV-14-17 Sherwood Forest, 16th Filing Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 15 foot drainage servitude, located east of Buckingham Avenue and south of Pelham Drive, on Lot 1636 of Sherwood Forest, 16th Filing, Part 2 (Council District 4 - Wilson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D LONO from Dept of Development Aerial Map Zoning Map RV-14-17 MC Report Memo to Metro Council Revised Exhibit 31. 18-00052 RV-1-18 Knollwood Revocation A request to revoke a 15 foot servitude, located east of Knollwood Drive and south of Whitehaven Street, on Lot 1 of Knollwood Subdivision (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Exhibit LONO from Dept of Development Aerial Map Zoning Map 32. 18-00055 PA-22-17 Jeffaire Commercial Park (6638 Pecue Lane) To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Commercial (C) to Employment Center (EC) on property located on the west of Pecue Lane, south of Jefferson Highway, on Lots 2 and 3 and Tract A-3-B of Jeffaire Commercial Park. Section 57, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based on a change in conditions created by changes to the provisions of the UDC governing Rural zoning and compatibility with adjacent land use Related to Case 110-17 Staff Report 33. 18-00056 Case 110-17 Jeffaire Commercial Park (6638 Pecue Lane) To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located on the west of Pecue Lane, south of Jefferson Highway, on Lots 2 and 3 and Tract A-3-B of Jeffaire Commercial Park. Section 57, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion comprehensive plan amendment is approved, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Related to PA-22-17 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 34. 18-00057 PA-23-17 3940, 3950 Prescott Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Institutional (INST) to Neighborhood Center (NC) on property located on the south side of Prescott Road, between Delaware Street and Tunica Street, on Lot 12-A-1 of Plank Road Subdivision. Section 57, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based on an error in the existing designation of the plan and compatibility with the surrounding area Related to Case 120-17 Application Staff Report 35. 18-00058 Case 120-17 3940, 3950 Prescott Road To rezone from Single Family Residential (A2) to General Office Low Rise (GOL) on property located on the south side of Prescott Road, east of Plank Road, on Lot 12-A-1 of Plank Road Subdivision. Section 57, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion Comprehensive Plan amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Related to PA-23-17 Application Staff Report 36. 18-00059 PA-24-17 9163, 8900-10600 UND South Tiger Bend Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Agricultural/Rural (AG/R) to Industrial (I) on property located on the east side of South Tiger Bend Road, south of Womack Road, on Tract P and Q of the Alpha Land Company, Inc. Property. Section 42, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend denial, based upon the land use designation of Agricultural/Rural appearing appropriate Related to Case 123-17 Application Staff Report 37. 18-00060 Case 123-17 9163, 8900-10600 UND South Tiger Bend Road To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located on the east side of South Tiger Bend Road, south of Womack Road, on Tract P and Q of the Alpha Land Company, Inc. Property. Section 42, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff cannot certify the proposed change in zoning, even if the companion Comprehensive Plan amendment is approved. The abutting industrial use is a nonconforming use and all legal conforming uses in the area are low density single family residential, meaning that the request does not conform to ordinance requirements, suggesting spot zoning and the expansion of a nonconforming use, and is not compatible with the surrounding zoning. Related to PA-24-17 Application Staff Report 38. 18-00061 Case 93-17 1221 Gardere Lane, Suite E To rezone from Heavy Commercial (HC1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located on the east side of Gardere Lane, south of Coy Avenue, on a portion of Lot 27 of Plantation Plaza Subdivision. Section 73, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 39. 18-00062 Case 111-17 Jeffaire Commercial Park (12400 Jefferson Highway) To rezone from Rural (R) to Limited Residential (A3.3) on property located on the south side of Jefferson Highway, west of Pecue Lane, on Tract A-3-A-1-A and A-3-A-1- B of Jeffaire Commercial Park. Section 57 and 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 40. 18-00063 Case 112-17 Jeffaire Commercial Park (6414 Pecue Lane; 12442, 12544– 12758 Jefferson Highway) To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located on the south side of Jefferson Highway, and on the west side of Pecue Lane, on Lots 11, 13 thru 20, 21-A, 23-A, 24-A, 26-A, 27, 28, and 34-A-1 of Jeffaire Commercial Park. Section 57 and 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 41. 18-00064 Case 113-17 Lakeland Park (12021 Lakeland Park Boulevard) To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located on the west of Pecue Lane, south of Jefferson Highway, on Lot A-4 of Lakeland Park. Section 31, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 42. 18-00065 Case 114-17 Westfork Office Park (11555 Southfork Avenue) To rezone from Rural (R) to Limited Residential (A3.3) on property located on the north side of Southfork Avenue, to the west of Westfork Drive, on Tract C-3 of Westfork Office Park. Section 51 and 79, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 43. 18-00066 Case 115-17 Westfork Office Park To rezone from Rural (R) to General Office High Rise (GOH) on property to the east and west sides of Southfork Avenue, and on the south side of Southfork Drive, on Lots B-1-A, B-2-A, D, E-1, F-1, F-2, F-3-1, F-3-2, and J of Westfork Office Park. Section 51 and 79, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 44. 18-00067 Case 116-17 4150 South Sherwood Forest To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located on the west side of South Sherwood Forest Boulevard, to the south of Lake Sherwood Avenue, on Tract D-2-2-A-2 of the O.C. Harrell Tract. Section 51, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 45. 18-00068 Case 117-17 7474 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 206 To rezone from Light Commercial (LC1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located on the south side of Corporate Boulevard, to the west of Jefferson Highway, on a portion of Tract A-1-B-1 of Cedar Lodge Plantation. Section 91, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 46. 18-00069 Case 118-17 6401 Bluebonnet Boulevard, Suite 2011 To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located on the north side of Mall of Louisiana Boulevard, and south of Interstate 10, on a portion of Lot M-L of the Mall of Louisiana. Section 57, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 47. 18-00070 Case 119-17 7925 Owen Street To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Zero Lot Line Residential (A2.6) on property located on the north side of Owen Street, southwest of Jefferson Highway on Lot 8 of Jefferson Place East Subdivision. Section 83, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application 48. 18-00071 Case 121-17 9150 Bereford Drive and 3488 Partridge Lane To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Two Family Residential (A2.9) on property located to the west side of Partridge Lane, to the north of Bereford Drive, on Tract 3-A-1 of the S.D. Porter Tract and Lot 1 of Partridge Lane Heights Subdivision. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 49. 18-00072 Case 122-17 2340 Thomas H Delphit Drive To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.1) to Two Family Residential (A2.9) on property located to the west side of Thomas H Delphit Road, at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Thomas H Delphit Road and East Harding Street, on Lot 70, Block 35 of South Baton Rouge. Section 75, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 50. 18-00073 ISPUD-5-17 Brentwood Park A proposed low-density single family residential development located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway, to the east of Brentwood Drive, on Lots 8-A of the David Davis Tract and a portion of Lot 12, 13-A-1-A, 13-A-1-B of Country Club Terrace Subdivision. Section 88, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report Plans 51. 18-00074 SPUD-3-17 Arless A proposed low-density single family residential development located on the northeast corner of Carter Avenue and Old Hammond Highway, on Lots 1, 2, 3-A, 4-A, 5 and Tract A of the Fair Day Estates Subdivision, and Lots 6 and 7 of the Hutchinson and Day Subdivision. Section 83, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application 52. 18-00075 SPUD-7-06 Artisan Hill, Revision 2 A proposed low density single family residential development with townhomes and zero lot line units on property located on the north side of Jefferson Highway and west of Bluebonnet Boulevard, on Lots 1-30, Tract A, and Tract B of the Artisan Hill Subdivision, S.D. Porter Property. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: •Staff recommends approval of the sidewalk location waiver and the alternative pedestrian system that is focused on the open space •Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, and meets the minimum requirements of the Unified Development Code for Planning Commission consideration Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report Plans 53. 18-00076 Case 8-18 8416 Cumberland Place To rezone from Transition (B1) to Light Commercial (LC1) on property located on the southwest side of Cumberland Place, to the west of Westfork Drive, on Lot 32-A of Connell’s Park, 1st Filing. Section 88, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 54. 17-01694 Cancelling and rescheduling certain Metropolitan Council meetings and calling for a special meeting for 2018. Cancelling the July 11, 2018 Metropolitan Council meeting; rescheduling the November 21, 2018 Council Zoning meeting to Tuesday, November 20, 2018, and the December 19, 2018 Council Zoning meeting to December 5, 2018; cancelling the December 26, 2018 Metropolitan Council meeting; and calling for a Special Metropolitan Council meeting on December 11, 2018 for the purpose of considering the 2019 City-Parish Budget and items related to the 2019 Budget. By Council Administrator/Treasurer. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 memo 55. 18-00048 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 29, 2017 at Original 918 of Bundle 12802 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Charley Payne and Willie Mae Goings Payne" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9694 (1717 Kaufman Street; Lot 50, Square 61, Monte Sano Highland Farms Subdivision). By Councilwoman Tara Wicker. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Supporting Documentation 56. 18-00049 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Lynn Carter Toler for damages resulting from an automobile accident, in the amount of $13,391.70, which amount shall be paid from the account designated “Insurance – Auto Liability” (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered. 57. 18-00081 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG/HUD) enter into contract with Jedediah Reed in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00 to ensure HOPWA and ESG sub-recipeints comply with technical requirements of their contracts for the period January 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 58. 18-00086 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Cockfield-Jackson Architects, A Professional Architectural Corporation, for additional design services in connection with their contract for the Renovations to Jones Creek Branch Library, Project No. 16-ASD-CP-1004, in an amount not to exceed $59,825.00. (Account No. 4610-1200-60-1200-0000-0000-000000-65200). By Buildings and Grounds Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter Other 59. 18-00087 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG/HUD) enter into Professional Services contract with Jennifer L. Robin to ensure HOPWA and ESG sub-recipients comply with fiscal requirements of their contracts in an amount not to exceed $23,333.28 for the contract period February 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 60. 18-00090 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the contract with G.E.C. Inc., with subconsultants: Gotech Inc,. Stantec Consulting Services Inc., and Southern Earth Sciences Inc. for engineering services in connection with City-Parish Project no. 15-CE-ST-0001, Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Construction Supervision and Inspection - Phase 16-1 in an amount not to exceed $1,631,000.00. (Account No. 9237100042-2341 00001-000000000-647100. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Agenda Backup 61. 18-00092 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement with the Office of the Public Defender Baton Rouge for social services in the amount not to exceed $130,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Metro Council Agenda Request - ReCAST OPDBR 62. 18-00096 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional service agreement with Leslie T. Grover, PhD, for consulting and evaluation services in an amount not to exceed $39,500. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 63. 18-00097 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional service agreement with the Capital Area Human Services District for social services in the amount not to exceed$136,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 64. 18-00099 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional service agreement with Hearts of Fire Ministries for community capacity building services in the amount not to exceed $45,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 65. 18-00100 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement with The 821 Project for social services in the amount not to exceed $45,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 66. 18-00101 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement with the Louisiana Center for Health Equity for consulting services in the amount not to exceed $120,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter
67. 17-01414 Milk Products LLC 4743 Florida Boulevard, Lot: Sec 3, Square: WD 1, 2.07 Acres (Property ID No. 528943) - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from October 25, 2017 Picture Picture Inspector's Report Picture Picture 69. 18-00004 Orelando Jermaine Palmer 8341 Ned Avenue, Lot 29 Sable Chase Subdivision - Council District 3 - Loupe Picture Picture Inspector's Report 70. 18-00011 LaFleur Industries, LLC 5331 Peerless Street, Lot 12-A, Square 35 Fortune Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Picture Picture Inspector's Report 71. 18-00014 Olivia Hardy 6721 Silverleaf Avenue, Lot 66 North Merrydale Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Picture Picture Inspector's Report 72. 18-00015 Modern Day Management, LLC 6457 Nellie Avenue, Lot 288 Bird Station Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Picture Picture Inspector's Report 73. 18-00016 Eddie Smith 6337 Kincaid Avenue, Lot 368 Bird Station Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Picture Picture Inspector's Report 74. 18-00017 Elmo Brown, Sr. and Mary N. Brown 3130 Dalton Street (House and Carport), Lot 13, Square B Crawford Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Picture Picture Inspector's Report 75. 18-00018 Michael D. Doiron, Terrell Anne Bannan, Thomas Adrain Doiron, and Marian Doiron Gleason 2055 Alabama Street, Lot 50, Square 11 South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Picture Picture Inspector's Report 76. 18-00019 Kerry Richard Benton and Sharon T. Benton 2812 Evangeline Street, Lot 1-Pt.+, Square 8 Delmont Place Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Picture Picture Inspector's Report
17-01657 Amending the 2017 Annual Operating Budget so as to appropriate $300,000 from excess sales tax collections to fund a Disparity Study. (Budget Supplement 8622). By Mayor-President. This item was deferred from December 13, 2017 Legislation Supporting Documentation Other
17-01629 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a temporary construction servitude for a three year term in favor of Electric Depot, LLC for unused City lots underneath and adjacent to the North Boulevard Overpass in consideration of the construction of a permanent fence enclosing the property. By Director of Transportation and Drainage. This item was deferred from December 13, 2017 and January 10, 2018 Legislation Supporting Documentation
17-01691 Amending Title 13 (Criminal Law), Section 13:966 (Marijuana), so as to amend the penalties for possession of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or chemical derivatives, as well as synthetic cannabinoids. By Councilman Chandler Loupe and Councilman Lamont Cole. Legislation Draft - Ordinance
17-01798 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant award, "Law Enforcement and the Communities They Serve: Supporting Collective Healing in the Wake of Harm", from the U.S. Department of Justice/Office for Victims of Crime. The grant is a 3 year program with a $750,000.00 budget set to begin 1/1/18 through 12/31/2020. The Baton Rouge Police Department would be collaborating with community partners in developing , implementing, and accessing the practical tools necessary for building essential and joint strategies to reduce tensions, maximize communications, and promote trauma-informed interventions, problem-solving, and facilitate healing between law enforcement and the communities they serve. This grant is 100% federally funded with no match required. By Police Chief. Legislation Cover Letter
17-01803 Authorization for the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Richard Disposal, Inc., to provide waste debris hauling services in conjunction with the City Parish condemnation and demolition efforts. RFP # 20008-17. Funding for this contract was previously approved in the 2018 Budget. By Development Director. Legislation Cover Letter
17-01810 Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to Contract renewal with Justice Benefits, Inc. January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2020 for administering the Title IV-E Federal Foster Care Reimbursement Program. By Juvenile Services Director. Legislation Supporting Documentaton
17-01811 Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the Department of Juvenile Services to execute Amendment Number One to the contract with the State of Louisiana Office of Juvenile Justice for Title IV-E Foster Care Enhanced Reimbursement Funding, so as the maximum contract amount be increased to $760,259.82; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Juvenile Services Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation
18-00001 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 22, 2017 at Original 134 of Bundle 12801 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Collis B. Temple, Jr. and Soundra T. Johnson" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9681 (742 North 18th Street; Lot 7, Square 26, Gracie Subdivision). By Councilwoman Tara Wicker. Legislation Supporting Documentation
18-00022 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on December 18, 2017 at Original 139 of Bundle 12859 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Alan W. Juderjahn" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9843 (5633 Douglas Avenue (House and Garage); Lot 178, Legion Village Subdivision). By Councilwoman Erika L. Green. Legislation Supporting Documentation
18-00002 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Patrick Joseph, Jr. for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $23,500.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Timothy J. McCrary of Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys). By Parish Attorney. Legislation Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered.
18-00003 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a contract with Thomas J. Hickey for an increase in the amount of $10,000.00 for a total amount not to exceed $32,900.00 for the contract period March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018. To conduct quality management training and direction for the first Lean Six Sigma QM cycle; and provide additional technical assistance in the area of 340B covered entity oversight for the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
90. 18-00005 Authorizing the Mayor President to accept funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program which includes Part A and the Minority AIDS Initiative in an amount of $4,744,981.00 for the grant period of March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 91. 18-00006 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $27,027.00 for a total amount not to exceed $632,871.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 92. 18-00007 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $88,284.00 for a total amount of $1,056,042.00 funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 93. 18-00008 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $2,573.00 for a total amount not to exceed $52,074.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 94. 18-00009 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with NOAIDS Task Force for an increase in the amount of $14,483.00 for a total amount not to exceed $154,483.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 95. 18-00010 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc. for an increase in the amount of $820.00 for a total amount not to exceed $36,715.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 96. 18-00012 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $31,350.00 for a total amount of $797,458.00 of funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 97. 18-00013 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $21,505.00 for a total amount of $250,288.00 of funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00029 Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of sales taxes to Woman's Hospital in the amount of $106,851.31 for remitting sales tax on nontaxable services and paid or accrued sales tax at the incorrect rate for medical devices for the audit period of January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation
18-00031 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract with Solid Ground Innovations, LLC for consulting and project management to support the deployment of digital platforms and strategies focused on enhanced citizen engagement in the amount of $75,000. By Information Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00032 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the contract with Grace Hebert Architects, APAC + Moffatt & Nichol, A Joint Venture, for additional services in connection with their contract for The City of Baton Rouge Dock Expansion, Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0904, in an amount not to exceed $55,000.00. (Account No. 4620-7100-60-7120-0000-0000-000000-653000). By Buildings and Grounds Director. Legislation Cover Letter Other
18-00033 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Agreement to Relocate Sewer Servitude Obtained Pursuant to Order of Expropriation. By Director of Environmental Services. Legislation Supporting Documentation Exhibit B
18-00034 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract with SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP. in the amount of $109,474.92 for software licensing and maintenance support of VMWare software used throughout the City-Parish datacenters. By Information Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00035 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an extension of the contract with Stericycle Environmental Solutions, Inc. (formerly PSC Environmental Services, LLC) for the Spring 2018 Household Hazardous Materials collection event for an amount not to exceed $125,000 (Account No. 5510-7700-40-7760-7765-0000-000000-649000). By Environmental Services Director. Legislation Council Memo
18-00036 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the Stein-Lasseigne, Inc. contract for construction administration services for the Parking Garage Repairs and Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $37,445.00. (Account 5810-0900- 30-0910-0000-0000-000000-643540). By Interim Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00037 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to the Architects+ LLC., contract for additional construction administration services for the Northern Development Facilities in an amount not to exceed of $13,972.00. (Account - 5821-0900-30-0910- 0920-0000-000000-652000-A0044 E9800000044-5821000000-0000000000-652400. By Interim Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00040 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, Title 13 (Criminal Law), Section 13:1062 so as to add a requirement for proof of identity, and Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations) so as to add Chapter 23 (Hotel and Motel Registration), relative to deterring drug and prostitution related criminal activity by creating the requirement of a hotel and motel permit; to ensure the health, safety and welfare of residents and visitors to the City and Parish. By Councilman Matt Watson, Councilwoman Erika Green, and Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg. Legislation Draft - Ordinance
18-00041 Amending Title 6 (Public Health), Chapter 4 (Disposal of Garbage and Other Waste Matter) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to amend the penalties for violation of the sections prohibiting the accumulation of junk, trash, and debris. By Councilman Matt Watson and Councilman Lamont Cole. Legislation Draft - Ordinance
18-00042 Authorization to appropriate $40,000 from the Airport’s Cash in Pool for Discretionary Account (5810-0000-00-0000-0000-0000-000000-100006-) to be placed in the Administration’s Other Professional Services Account (5810-0900-30-0910-0000-0000-000000-643450-) for the purpose of funding a professional services contract to conduct a national search for a director for the Metropolitan Airport. By Councilwoman Freiberg & Councilwoman Banks. Legislation cover memo
109. 17-01741 Lot: 9 Subdivision: Elm Grove Garden Applicant: Theodore Beverly, Jr. Address: Elm Grove Garden Drive Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 7,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 20,551.81 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 110. 17-01743 Lot: 13, Square 33 Subdivision: East Garden City Applicant: Monique Thomas Address: 2642 Iberia Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 250.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 5,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 2,732.22 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 111. 17-01747 Lot: 265 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Lloyd E. Walker, Jr. Address: Van Gogh Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 20,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 781.38 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 112. 17-01755 Lot: 3 Subdivision: Swart Addition, ID 811882 Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: 739 Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 2,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,505.37 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 113. 17-01756 Lot: 3 Subdivision: Swart Addition, ID 875821 Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 2,300.00 Taxes Due: $ 690.44 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 114. 17-01757 Lot: H Subdivision: Swart Addition Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: 575 Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 850.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,217.41 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 115. 17-01758 Lot: 30 Subdivision: Swart Place Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,889.75 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 116. 17-01759 Lot: 34 (part) Subdivision: Swart Place, ID 568473 Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 2,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 591.38 Bids Received: 1/17/2018
18-00093 Florida Boulevard Sidewalk Improvements (Melrose Blvd to Waverly Dr.) Project Number: 15-SW-HC-0024 Original Estimated Cost: $ 193,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO170802 Account Number: 146.7210042.652360.2045614 Council Award Date: 5/24/2017 Contractor: Grady Crawford Construction Co. LLC Change Order Number: One (1) (Final) Change Order Amount: $ (4,820.45) Original Contract Amount: $ 138,283.15 Net Previous Changes: $ -0- New Contract Amount: $ 133,462.70 Description: Reconciliation of Quantities Why Required: Reconciliation of Quantities for final change order Change Order Back Up
118. 18-00051 Council on Aging Abatement, Remediation and Demolition Project Number: 17-ASC-CP-1033 Account Number: 2800-6100-70-6120-6101-YR14-000000-643500-61001 Council Award Date: 6/28/2017 Contractor: LLJ Environmental Construction, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 160,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 152,300.00 Total Change Orders: (One): $ 9,826.16 Final Cost: $ 162,126.16 Days Allocated: 59 Days Used: 58 Liquidated Damages: $ None Cover Letter Other 119. 18-00094 Florida Boulevard Sidewalk Improvements (Melrose Blvd to Waverly Dr.) Project Number: 15-SW-HS-0024 Account Number: 146.7210042.652360.2045614 Council Award Date: 5/24/2017 Contractor: Grady Crawfor Construction Co. LLC Estimated Cost: $ 193,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 138,238.15 Total Change Orders: (One (1)): $ (4,820.45) Final Cost: $ 133,462.70 Days Allocated: 105 Days Used: 101 Liquidated Damages: $ None Final Acceptance Back Up
18-00091 Authorization to amend Resolution No. 53314, Adopted December 13, 2017 in order to add parcel 57-A to the list of property being sold that was omitted from the resolution and to correct the subdivision title from East Pryce Place Subdivision to Pryce Place Subdivision. By Interim Aviation Director. Reason for emergency: This emergency item is needed to correct Resolution No. 53314, in order to complete closing documents for the pending sale of this property. Cover Letter
18-00102 Expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council to the proposal by the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") to charge rent of eligible occupants who remain in FEMA Temporary Housing Units ("THU's") during the extension period until May 15, 2018. By Office of the Mayor-President. Reason for emergency: Direct housing assistance for occupants who reside in FEMA THU's will end on February 14, 2018. Draft - Resolution
OTHER ITEMS 17-01352 Receiving a report from Columbia Telecommunications Corporation on the results of the development of a strategic fiber plan. By Information Services Director. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 COUNCIL MEETING DUE TO THE EXPIRATION OF TIME AND DEFERRED FROM THE NOVEMBER 21, 2017 MEETING TO THE JANUARY 24, 2018 MEETING. Memo to Council Members
Presentations and Special Recognition
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
1. 18-00077 Approval and adoption of the minutes of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of January 9, 2018 and the Regular Metropolitan Council Meeting of January 10, 2018. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS 2. 18-00050 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Kayla Robinson v. Nathaniel S. Williams, et al.", Suit No. C652,270, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $84,225.21, plus court costs in the amount of $252.00, for a total amount of $84,477.21; and appropriating $84,477.21 for such purpose. *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is J. Thaddeus Westholtz of Gallagher, Westholtz & Potter, LLC). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered. 3. 18-00053 A resolution approving the calling of a special election by the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2, Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 28, 2018, for the purpose of authorizing the extension of the levy and collection of a 2.00 mills ad valorem tax on all property subject to taxation within the boundaries of the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2, presently authorized to be levied by the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2 through December 31, 2024 pursuant to an election on May 2, 2015, for an additional period of ten (10) years, to and including the year 2034, to provide funds for capital improvements for, and the general operation of the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2. By Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 4. 18-00054 A resolution approving the calling of a special election by the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2, Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on April 28, 2018, for the purpose of authorizing the extension of the levy and collection of a 1.25 mills ad valorem tax on all property subject to taxation within the boundaries of the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2, presently authorized to be levied by the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2 through December 31, 2024 pursuant to an election on May 2, 2015, for an additional period of ten (10) years, to and including the year 2034, to provide funds for capital improvements for, and the general operation of the St. George Fire Protection District No. 2. By Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 5. 18-00095 Enacting a policy that applicants not hired because of a failed drug test for marijuana, and former employees of the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge that have been dismissed for a failed drug test for marijuana be eligible to apply for subsequent employment after one year from the failed pre-employment drug test or one year following dismissal from employment. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Draft - Ordinance CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 6. 18-00078 One Hundred Fold II, LLC 4188 Mohican Street, Lot 62, Square 2 Babin Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 7. 18-00079 William Thomas, Jr. and Ericka T. Thomas 3548 Webb Drive, Lot 46, Square 2 Babin Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 8. 18-00080 Leonard Jack, Dorothy Jack Lewis, Joanell Jack Kado, Susie Jack Goodson, Darryl Lamont Jack, Beatrice Yvett Jack, David Jack, Sr., Nathaniel Ervin Jack, Jennifer Nicole Jack, and Jeremy Joseph Jack 1752 North 38th Street (House and Rear Shed), Lot 16, Square 18 Eden Park Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 9. 18-00082 Tasha Walker 1445 North 35th Street, Lots 31 & 32, Square 11 Eden Park Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 10. 18-00083 Levell Jones, Jr. 1442 North 44th Street, Lot 25, Square 35 Greenville Extension Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 11. 18-00084 TOE Properties, LLC 2404 Monroe Avenue (House and Rear Building), Lot 26, Square 22 Istrouma Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 12. 18-00085 Gas Ventures, LLC 247 Sonora Street, Lot 11, Square 22 South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 13. 18-00088 Ola Mae Davis 1840 Birch Street, Lot 21, Square 2 Northdale Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 14. 18-00089 William Thomas 2524 Delta Street, Lot 12, Square 4 Valley Park Annex Subdivision - Council District 12 - Freiberg Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Picture Picture Inspector's Report ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS 15. 17-01553 Case 92-17 505, 507, 515, 517 Roselawn Avenue; 504, 506 Live Oak Boulevard To rezone from Light Industrial (M1) to Limited Residential (A3.3) on property located on the west side of Roselawn Avenue, and the east side of Live Oak Boulevard, on Lots 34, 35, 36, 37, 56, and 57, Block 4 of Buffinton Heights Subdivision. Section 96, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer for 60 days to January 16, 2018 carried, 6-2 This item was deferred from December 6, 2017 Application Staff Report 16. 17-01474 Case 80-17 Medical Center Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC2) on property located on the east side of O’Neal Lane and south of Interstate 12, on Lots 1-A, 1-B-1, 1-B-2, 2-A, 2-B, 3, 4, 5-B and Parcel A of Medical Center Park. Section 10 and 46, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 17. 17-01702 PA-19-17 Templeton Ridge To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Agricultural/Rural (AG/RU) to Residential Neighborhood (RN) on property located on the west side of Old Scenic Highway (Hwy 964) and east side of Samuels Road (Hwy 61), on Lot Jennie C Jean of the Sidney Robands Bowden, Jr. Property (Council District 1 - Welch) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon changing conditions in the area COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 9-0 Related to PUD-2-17 Application Staff Report 18. 17-01703 PUD-2-17 Templeton Ridge Concept Plan A proposed residential development for low density residential units ranging in lot sizes, on property located on the west side of Old Scenic Highway (Hwy 964) and east side of Samuels Road (Hwy 61), on Lot Jennie C Jean of the Sidney Robands Bowden, Jr. Property (Council District 1 - Welch) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request will meet the minimum criteria for a Planned Unit Development, if the companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Related to PA-19-17 Application Staff Report Plans 19. 17-01704 PA-20-17 2569 Gardere Lane To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Compact Neighborhood (CN) to Commercial (C) on property located on the southeast side of Gardere Lane, between Leake Avenue and Rush Avenue, on Lot A-3 of the Verdie Reece Perkins Tract. Section 43, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon an examination of the area in a greater level of detail than performed at the creation of the plan and compatibility with adjacent land use along Gardere Lane COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 8-0-1 Related to 105-17 Application Staff Report 20. 17-01705 Case 105-17 2569 Gardere Lane To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the southeast side of Gardere Lane, between Leake Avenue and Rush Avenue, on Lot A-3 of the Verdie Reece Perkins Tract. Section 43, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion comprehensive plan amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 8-0-1 Related to PA-20-17 Application Staff Report 21. 17-01706 PA-21-17 7800-8000 UND Burbank Drive To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood (RN) to Commercial (C) on property located on the northeast side of Burbank Drive, west of Cordova Avenue, on Tract A-3-2-J-1-A, A-3-2-J-1-B, and A-3-2-J-1-C of Chatsworth Plantation. Section 5 and 76, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon changing development activity in the area and compatibility with surrounding higher intensity land use designations COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve failed, 0-9 Related to 108-17 Application Staff Report 22. 17-01707 Case 108-17 7800-8000 UND Burbank Drive To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the northeast side of Burbank Drive, west of Cordova Avenue, on Tract A-3-2-J-1-A, A-3-2-J-1-B, and A-3-2-J-1-C of Chatsworth Plantation. Section 5 and 76, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion comprehensive plan amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve failed, 0-9 Related to PA-21-17 Application Staff Report 23. 17-01708 Case 100-17 Airline J-V (11410 Airline Highway) To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Siegen Lane and Airline Highway, on Lot 1-A of Airline J-V Subdivision. Section 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 24. 17-01709 Case 101-17 American Bank Operations Center (3854 American Way) To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC3) on property located on the west side of American Way, on Lot AB-1-A of American Bank Operations Center. Section 50, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 25. 17-01710 Case 102-17 Cloverland, Cloverland Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located to the east side of Siegen Lane and to the west of Airline Highway on properties within Cloverland 1st and 2nd Filing and Cloverland Park. Section 38, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA and Section 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 26. 17-01711 Case 103-17 Industriplex Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located to the west side of Exchequer Drive on Lots fronting Complex Drive, Dunlay Avenue, Langley Drive, and Boylan Avenue within Industriplex Park. Section 48, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 27. 17-01712 Case 104-17 Interstate Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located to the north side of Rieger Road, south of Industriplex Boulevard along Exchequer Drive on properties within Interstate Park. Section 48, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Staff Report 28. 17-01713 Case 106-17 3986 North Boulevard To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) and Transition (B1) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the south side of North Boulevard at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of North Boulevard and Richland Drive, on Lot 35 and 36 of Block 4, Bernard Terrace Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Application Staff Report 29. 17-01714 Case 109-17 9800-9900 UND Old Hammond Highway To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) and Single Family Residential (A1) to Zero Lot Line Residential (A2.1) on property located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway, east of Airline Highway on Lot B of the Beulah Williams Property. Section 87, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Application Staff Report 30. 17-01726 RV-14-17 Sherwood Forest, 16th Filing Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 15 foot drainage servitude, located east of Buckingham Avenue and south of Pelham Drive, on Lot 1636 of Sherwood Forest, 16th Filing, Part 2 (Council District 4 - Wilson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D LONO from Dept of Development Aerial Map Zoning Map RV-14-17 MC Report Memo to Metro Council Revised Exhibit 31. 18-00052 RV-1-18 Knollwood Revocation A request to revoke a 15 foot servitude, located east of Knollwood Drive and south of Whitehaven Street, on Lot 1 of Knollwood Subdivision (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Exhibit LONO from Dept of Development Aerial Map Zoning Map 32. 18-00055 PA-22-17 Jeffaire Commercial Park (6638 Pecue Lane) To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Commercial (C) to Employment Center (EC) on property located on the west of Pecue Lane, south of Jefferson Highway, on Lots 2 and 3 and Tract A-3-B of Jeffaire Commercial Park. Section 57, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based on a change in conditions created by changes to the provisions of the UDC governing Rural zoning and compatibility with adjacent land use Related to Case 110-17 Staff Report 33. 18-00056 Case 110-17 Jeffaire Commercial Park (6638 Pecue Lane) To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located on the west of Pecue Lane, south of Jefferson Highway, on Lots 2 and 3 and Tract A-3-B of Jeffaire Commercial Park. Section 57, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion comprehensive plan amendment is approved, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Related to PA-22-17 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 34. 18-00057 PA-23-17 3940, 3950 Prescott Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Institutional (INST) to Neighborhood Center (NC) on property located on the south side of Prescott Road, between Delaware Street and Tunica Street, on Lot 12-A-1 of Plank Road Subdivision. Section 57, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based on an error in the existing designation of the plan and compatibility with the surrounding area Related to Case 120-17 Application Staff Report 35. 18-00058 Case 120-17 3940, 3950 Prescott Road To rezone from Single Family Residential (A2) to General Office Low Rise (GOL) on property located on the south side of Prescott Road, east of Plank Road, on Lot 12-A-1 of Plank Road Subdivision. Section 57, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion Comprehensive Plan amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Related to PA-23-17 Application Staff Report 36. 18-00059 PA-24-17 9163, 8900-10600 UND South Tiger Bend Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Agricultural/Rural (AG/R) to Industrial (I) on property located on the east side of South Tiger Bend Road, south of Womack Road, on Tract P and Q of the Alpha Land Company, Inc. Property. Section 42, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend denial, based upon the land use designation of Agricultural/Rural appearing appropriate Related to Case 123-17 Application Staff Report 37. 18-00060 Case 123-17 9163, 8900-10600 UND South Tiger Bend Road To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located on the east side of South Tiger Bend Road, south of Womack Road, on Tract P and Q of the Alpha Land Company, Inc. Property. Section 42, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff cannot certify the proposed change in zoning, even if the companion Comprehensive Plan amendment is approved. The abutting industrial use is a nonconforming use and all legal conforming uses in the area are low density single family residential, meaning that the request does not conform to ordinance requirements, suggesting spot zoning and the expansion of a nonconforming use, and is not compatible with the surrounding zoning. Related to PA-24-17 Application Staff Report 38. 18-00061 Case 93-17 1221 Gardere Lane, Suite E To rezone from Heavy Commercial (HC1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located on the east side of Gardere Lane, south of Coy Avenue, on a portion of Lot 27 of Plantation Plaza Subdivision. Section 73, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 39. 18-00062 Case 111-17 Jeffaire Commercial Park (12400 Jefferson Highway) To rezone from Rural (R) to Limited Residential (A3.3) on property located on the south side of Jefferson Highway, west of Pecue Lane, on Tract A-3-A-1-A and A-3-A-1- B of Jeffaire Commercial Park. Section 57 and 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 40. 18-00063 Case 112-17 Jeffaire Commercial Park (6414 Pecue Lane; 12442, 12544– 12758 Jefferson Highway) To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located on the south side of Jefferson Highway, and on the west side of Pecue Lane, on Lots 11, 13 thru 20, 21-A, 23-A, 24-A, 26-A, 27, 28, and 34-A-1 of Jeffaire Commercial Park. Section 57 and 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 41. 18-00064 Case 113-17 Lakeland Park (12021 Lakeland Park Boulevard) To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located on the west of Pecue Lane, south of Jefferson Highway, on Lot A-4 of Lakeland Park. Section 31, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 42. 18-00065 Case 114-17 Westfork Office Park (11555 Southfork Avenue) To rezone from Rural (R) to Limited Residential (A3.3) on property located on the north side of Southfork Avenue, to the west of Westfork Drive, on Tract C-3 of Westfork Office Park. Section 51 and 79, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 43. 18-00066 Case 115-17 Westfork Office Park To rezone from Rural (R) to General Office High Rise (GOH) on property to the east and west sides of Southfork Avenue, and on the south side of Southfork Drive, on Lots B-1-A, B-2-A, D, E-1, F-1, F-2, F-3-1, F-3-2, and J of Westfork Office Park. Section 51 and 79, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council Staff Report 44. 18-00067 Case 116-17 4150 South Sherwood Forest To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located on the west side of South Sherwood Forest Boulevard, to the south of Lake Sherwood Avenue, on Tract D-2-2-A-2 of the O.C. Harrell Tract. Section 51, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 45. 18-00068 Case 117-17 7474 Corporate Boulevard, Suite 206 To rezone from Light Commercial (LC1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located on the south side of Corporate Boulevard, to the west of Jefferson Highway, on a portion of Tract A-1-B-1 of Cedar Lodge Plantation. Section 91, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 46. 18-00069 Case 118-17 6401 Bluebonnet Boulevard, Suite 2011 To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located on the north side of Mall of Louisiana Boulevard, and south of Interstate 10, on a portion of Lot M-L of the Mall of Louisiana. Section 57, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 47. 18-00070 Case 119-17 7925 Owen Street To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Zero Lot Line Residential (A2.6) on property located on the north side of Owen Street, southwest of Jefferson Highway on Lot 8 of Jefferson Place East Subdivision. Section 83, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application 48. 18-00071 Case 121-17 9150 Bereford Drive and 3488 Partridge Lane To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Two Family Residential (A2.9) on property located to the west side of Partridge Lane, to the north of Bereford Drive, on Tract 3-A-1 of the S.D. Porter Tract and Lot 1 of Partridge Lane Heights Subdivision. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 49. 18-00072 Case 122-17 2340 Thomas H Delphit Drive To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.1) to Two Family Residential (A2.9) on property located to the west side of Thomas H Delphit Road, at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Thomas H Delphit Road and East Harding Street, on Lot 70, Block 35 of South Baton Rouge. Section 75, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report 50. 18-00073 ISPUD-5-17 Brentwood Park A proposed low-density single family residential development located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway, to the east of Brentwood Drive, on Lots 8-A of the David Davis Tract and a portion of Lot 12, 13-A-1-A, 13-A-1-B of Country Club Terrace Subdivision. Section 88, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report Plans 51. 18-00074 SPUD-3-17 Arless A proposed low-density single family residential development located on the northeast corner of Carter Avenue and Old Hammond Highway, on Lots 1, 2, 3-A, 4-A, 5 and Tract A of the Fair Day Estates Subdivision, and Lots 6 and 7 of the Hutchinson and Day Subdivision. Section 83, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application 52. 18-00075 SPUD-7-06 Artisan Hill, Revision 2 A proposed low density single family residential development with townhomes and zero lot line units on property located on the north side of Jefferson Highway and west of Bluebonnet Boulevard, on Lots 1-30, Tract A, and Tract B of the Artisan Hill Subdivision, S.D. Porter Property. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: •Staff recommends approval of the sidewalk location waiver and the alternative pedestrian system that is focused on the open space •Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, and meets the minimum requirements of the Unified Development Code for Planning Commission consideration Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application Staff Report Plans 53. 18-00076 Case 8-18 8416 Cumberland Place To rezone from Transition (B1) to Light Commercial (LC1) on property located on the southwest side of Cumberland Place, to the west of Westfork Drive, on Lot 32-A of Connell’s Park, 1st Filing. Section 88, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 21, 2018 Application OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 54. 17-01694 Cancelling and rescheduling certain Metropolitan Council meetings and calling for a special meeting for 2018. Cancelling the July 11, 2018 Metropolitan Council meeting; rescheduling the November 21, 2018 Council Zoning meeting to Tuesday, November 20, 2018, and the December 19, 2018 Council Zoning meeting to December 5, 2018; cancelling the December 26, 2018 Metropolitan Council meeting; and calling for a Special Metropolitan Council meeting on December 11, 2018 for the purpose of considering the 2019 City-Parish Budget and items related to the 2019 Budget. By Council Administrator/Treasurer. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 memo 55. 18-00048 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 29, 2017 at Original 918 of Bundle 12802 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Charley Payne and Willie Mae Goings Payne" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9694 (1717 Kaufman Street; Lot 50, Square 61, Monte Sano Highland Farms Subdivision). By Councilwoman Tara Wicker. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Supporting Documentation 56. 18-00049 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Lynn Carter Toler for damages resulting from an automobile accident, in the amount of $13,391.70, which amount shall be paid from the account designated “Insurance – Auto Liability” (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered. 57. 18-00081 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG/HUD) enter into contract with Jedediah Reed in an amount not to exceed $40,000.00 to ensure HOPWA and ESG sub-recipeints comply with technical requirements of their contracts for the period January 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 58. 18-00086 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Cockfield-Jackson Architects, A Professional Architectural Corporation, for additional design services in connection with their contract for the Renovations to Jones Creek Branch Library, Project No. 16-ASD-CP-1004, in an amount not to exceed $59,825.00. (Account No. 4610-1200-60-1200-0000-0000-000000-65200). By Buildings and Grounds Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter Other 59. 18-00087 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG/HUD) enter into Professional Services contract with Jennifer L. Robin to ensure HOPWA and ESG sub-recipients comply with fiscal requirements of their contracts in an amount not to exceed $23,333.28 for the contract period February 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 60. 18-00090 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the contract with G.E.C. Inc., with subconsultants: Gotech Inc,. Stantec Consulting Services Inc., and Southern Earth Sciences Inc. for engineering services in connection with City-Parish Project no. 15-CE-ST-0001, Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Construction Supervision and Inspection - Phase 16-1 in an amount not to exceed $1,631,000.00. (Account No. 9237100042-2341 00001-000000000-647100. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Agenda Backup 61. 18-00092 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement with the Office of the Public Defender Baton Rouge for social services in the amount not to exceed $130,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Metro Council Agenda Request - ReCAST OPDBR 62. 18-00096 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional service agreement with Leslie T. Grover, PhD, for consulting and evaluation services in an amount not to exceed $39,500. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 63. 18-00097 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional service agreement with the Capital Area Human Services District for social services in the amount not to exceed$136,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 64. 18-00099 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional service agreement with Hearts of Fire Ministries for community capacity building services in the amount not to exceed $45,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 65. 18-00100 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement with The 821 Project for social services in the amount not to exceed $45,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter 66. 18-00101 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement with the Louisiana Center for Health Equity for consulting services in the amount not to exceed $120,000. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on February 14, 2018 Cover Letter
67. 17-01414 Milk Products LLC 4743 Florida Boulevard, Lot: Sec 3, Square: WD 1, 2.07 Acres (Property ID No. 528943) - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from October 25, 2017 Picture Picture Inspector's Report Picture Picture 69. 18-00004 Orelando Jermaine Palmer 8341 Ned Avenue, Lot 29 Sable Chase Subdivision - Council District 3 - Loupe Picture Picture Inspector's Report 70. 18-00011 LaFleur Industries, LLC 5331 Peerless Street, Lot 12-A, Square 35 Fortune Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Picture Picture Inspector's Report 71. 18-00014 Olivia Hardy 6721 Silverleaf Avenue, Lot 66 North Merrydale Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Picture Picture Inspector's Report 72. 18-00015 Modern Day Management, LLC 6457 Nellie Avenue, Lot 288 Bird Station Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Picture Picture Inspector's Report 73. 18-00016 Eddie Smith 6337 Kincaid Avenue, Lot 368 Bird Station Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Picture Picture Inspector's Report 74. 18-00017 Elmo Brown, Sr. and Mary N. Brown 3130 Dalton Street (House and Carport), Lot 13, Square B Crawford Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Picture Picture Inspector's Report 75. 18-00018 Michael D. Doiron, Terrell Anne Bannan, Thomas Adrain Doiron, and Marian Doiron Gleason 2055 Alabama Street, Lot 50, Square 11 South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Picture Picture Inspector's Report 76. 18-00019 Kerry Richard Benton and Sharon T. Benton 2812 Evangeline Street, Lot 1-Pt.+, Square 8 Delmont Place Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Picture Picture Inspector's Report
17-01657 Amending the 2017 Annual Operating Budget so as to appropriate $300,000 from excess sales tax collections to fund a Disparity Study. (Budget Supplement 8622). By Mayor-President. This item was deferred from December 13, 2017 Legislation Supporting Documentation Other
17-01629 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a temporary construction servitude for a three year term in favor of Electric Depot, LLC for unused City lots underneath and adjacent to the North Boulevard Overpass in consideration of the construction of a permanent fence enclosing the property. By Director of Transportation and Drainage. This item was deferred from December 13, 2017 and January 10, 2018 Legislation Supporting Documentation
17-01691 Amending Title 13 (Criminal Law), Section 13:966 (Marijuana), so as to amend the penalties for possession of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol, or chemical derivatives, as well as synthetic cannabinoids. By Councilman Chandler Loupe and Councilman Lamont Cole. Legislation Draft - Ordinance
17-01798 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant award, "Law Enforcement and the Communities They Serve: Supporting Collective Healing in the Wake of Harm", from the U.S. Department of Justice/Office for Victims of Crime. The grant is a 3 year program with a $750,000.00 budget set to begin 1/1/18 through 12/31/2020. The Baton Rouge Police Department would be collaborating with community partners in developing , implementing, and accessing the practical tools necessary for building essential and joint strategies to reduce tensions, maximize communications, and promote trauma-informed interventions, problem-solving, and facilitate healing between law enforcement and the communities they serve. This grant is 100% federally funded with no match required. By Police Chief. Legislation Cover Letter
17-01803 Authorization for the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Richard Disposal, Inc., to provide waste debris hauling services in conjunction with the City Parish condemnation and demolition efforts. RFP # 20008-17. Funding for this contract was previously approved in the 2018 Budget. By Development Director. Legislation Cover Letter
17-01810 Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to Contract renewal with Justice Benefits, Inc. January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2020 for administering the Title IV-E Federal Foster Care Reimbursement Program. By Juvenile Services Director. Legislation Supporting Documentaton
17-01811 Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the Department of Juvenile Services to execute Amendment Number One to the contract with the State of Louisiana Office of Juvenile Justice for Title IV-E Foster Care Enhanced Reimbursement Funding, so as the maximum contract amount be increased to $760,259.82; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Juvenile Services Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation
18-00001 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 22, 2017 at Original 134 of Bundle 12801 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Collis B. Temple, Jr. and Soundra T. Johnson" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9681 (742 North 18th Street; Lot 7, Square 26, Gracie Subdivision). By Councilwoman Tara Wicker. Legislation Supporting Documentation
18-00022 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on December 18, 2017 at Original 139 of Bundle 12859 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Alan W. Juderjahn" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9843 (5633 Douglas Avenue (House and Garage); Lot 178, Legion Village Subdivision). By Councilwoman Erika L. Green. Legislation Supporting Documentation
18-00002 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Patrick Joseph, Jr. for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $23,500.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Timothy J. McCrary of Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys). By Parish Attorney. Legislation Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered.
18-00003 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a contract with Thomas J. Hickey for an increase in the amount of $10,000.00 for a total amount not to exceed $32,900.00 for the contract period March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018. To conduct quality management training and direction for the first Lean Six Sigma QM cycle; and provide additional technical assistance in the area of 340B covered entity oversight for the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
90. 18-00005 Authorizing the Mayor President to accept funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program which includes Part A and the Minority AIDS Initiative in an amount of $4,744,981.00 for the grant period of March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 91. 18-00006 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Family Service of Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $27,027.00 for a total amount not to exceed $632,871.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 92. 18-00007 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $88,284.00 for a total amount of $1,056,042.00 funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 93. 18-00008 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with the HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region 2 for an increase in the amount of $2,573.00 for a total amount not to exceed $52,074.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 94. 18-00009 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with NOAIDS Task Force for an increase in the amount of $14,483.00 for a total amount not to exceed $154,483.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 95. 18-00010 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Our Lady of the Lake, Inc. for an increase in the amount of $820.00 for a total amount not to exceed $36,715.00 total funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 96. 18-00012 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $31,350.00 for a total amount of $797,458.00 of funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White Program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter 97. 18-00013 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend a subrecipient contract with Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge for an increase in the amount of $21,505.00 for a total amount of $250,288.00 of funding awarded under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Minority AIDS Initiative, for the grant period March 1, 2017 through February 28, 2018 and to amend the subrecipient contract if additional funding becomes available; and authorizing the Director of the DHDS to adjust the subrecipient contract budget and reallocate funding between service providers during the course of the program year to advance the purposes of the Ryan White program; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00029 Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of sales taxes to Woman's Hospital in the amount of $106,851.31 for remitting sales tax on nontaxable services and paid or accrued sales tax at the incorrect rate for medical devices for the audit period of January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation
18-00031 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract with Solid Ground Innovations, LLC for consulting and project management to support the deployment of digital platforms and strategies focused on enhanced citizen engagement in the amount of $75,000. By Information Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00032 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the contract with Grace Hebert Architects, APAC + Moffatt & Nichol, A Joint Venture, for additional services in connection with their contract for The City of Baton Rouge Dock Expansion, Project No. 15-ASD-CP-0904, in an amount not to exceed $55,000.00. (Account No. 4620-7100-60-7120-0000-0000-000000-653000). By Buildings and Grounds Director. Legislation Cover Letter Other
18-00033 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Agreement to Relocate Sewer Servitude Obtained Pursuant to Order of Expropriation. By Director of Environmental Services. Legislation Supporting Documentation Exhibit B
18-00034 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract with SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP. in the amount of $109,474.92 for software licensing and maintenance support of VMWare software used throughout the City-Parish datacenters. By Information Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00035 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an extension of the contract with Stericycle Environmental Solutions, Inc. (formerly PSC Environmental Services, LLC) for the Spring 2018 Household Hazardous Materials collection event for an amount not to exceed $125,000 (Account No. 5510-7700-40-7760-7765-0000-000000-649000). By Environmental Services Director. Legislation Council Memo
18-00036 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the Stein-Lasseigne, Inc. contract for construction administration services for the Parking Garage Repairs and Improvements Project in an amount not to exceed $37,445.00. (Account 5810-0900- 30-0910-0000-0000-000000-643540). By Interim Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00037 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to the Architects+ LLC., contract for additional construction administration services for the Northern Development Facilities in an amount not to exceed of $13,972.00. (Account - 5821-0900-30-0910- 0920-0000-000000-652000-A0044 E9800000044-5821000000-0000000000-652400. By Interim Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
18-00040 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, Title 13 (Criminal Law), Section 13:1062 so as to add a requirement for proof of identity, and Title 9 (Licensing and Regulation of Trades and Occupations) so as to add Chapter 23 (Hotel and Motel Registration), relative to deterring drug and prostitution related criminal activity by creating the requirement of a hotel and motel permit; to ensure the health, safety and welfare of residents and visitors to the City and Parish. By Councilman Matt Watson, Councilwoman Erika Green, and Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg. Legislation Draft - Ordinance
18-00041 Amending Title 6 (Public Health), Chapter 4 (Disposal of Garbage and Other Waste Matter) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to amend the penalties for violation of the sections prohibiting the accumulation of junk, trash, and debris. By Councilman Matt Watson and Councilman Lamont Cole. Legislation Draft - Ordinance
18-00042 Authorization to appropriate $40,000 from the Airport’s Cash in Pool for Discretionary Account (5810-0000-00-0000-0000-0000-000000-100006-) to be placed in the Administration’s Other Professional Services Account (5810-0900-30-0910-0000-0000-000000-643450-) for the purpose of funding a professional services contract to conduct a national search for a director for the Metropolitan Airport. By Councilwoman Freiberg & Councilwoman Banks. Legislation cover memo
109. 17-01741 Lot: 9 Subdivision: Elm Grove Garden Applicant: Theodore Beverly, Jr. Address: Elm Grove Garden Drive Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 7,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 20,551.81 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 110. 17-01743 Lot: 13, Square 33 Subdivision: East Garden City Applicant: Monique Thomas Address: 2642 Iberia Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 250.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 5,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 2,732.22 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 111. 17-01747 Lot: 265 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Lloyd E. Walker, Jr. Address: Van Gogh Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 20,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 781.38 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 112. 17-01755 Lot: 3 Subdivision: Swart Addition, ID 811882 Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: 739 Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 2,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,505.37 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 113. 17-01756 Lot: 3 Subdivision: Swart Addition, ID 875821 Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 2,300.00 Taxes Due: $ 690.44 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 114. 17-01757 Lot: H Subdivision: Swart Addition Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: 575 Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 850.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,217.41 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 115. 17-01758 Lot: 30 Subdivision: Swart Place Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,889.75 Bids Received: 1/17/2018 116. 17-01759 Lot: 34 (part) Subdivision: Swart Place, ID 568473 Applicant: Louisiana Community Development Corp. Address: Cotton Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 2,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 591.38 Bids Received: 1/17/2018
18-00093 Florida Boulevard Sidewalk Improvements (Melrose Blvd to Waverly Dr.) Project Number: 15-SW-HC-0024 Original Estimated Cost: $ 193,000.00 Purchase Order Number: PO170802 Account Number: 146.7210042.652360.2045614 Council Award Date: 5/24/2017 Contractor: Grady Crawford Construction Co. LLC Change Order Number: One (1) (Final) Change Order Amount: $ (4,820.45) Original Contract Amount: $ 138,283.15 Net Previous Changes: $ -0- New Contract Amount: $ 133,462.70 Description: Reconciliation of Quantities Why Required: Reconciliation of Quantities for final change order Change Order Back Up
118. 18-00051 Council on Aging Abatement, Remediation and Demolition Project Number: 17-ASC-CP-1033 Account Number: 2800-6100-70-6120-6101-YR14-000000-643500-61001 Council Award Date: 6/28/2017 Contractor: LLJ Environmental Construction, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 160,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 152,300.00 Total Change Orders: (One): $ 9,826.16 Final Cost: $ 162,126.16 Days Allocated: 59 Days Used: 58 Liquidated Damages: $ None Cover Letter Other 119. 18-00094 Florida Boulevard Sidewalk Improvements (Melrose Blvd to Waverly Dr.) Project Number: 15-SW-HS-0024 Account Number: 146.7210042.652360.2045614 Council Award Date: 5/24/2017 Contractor: Grady Crawfor Construction Co. LLC Estimated Cost: $ 193,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 138,238.15 Total Change Orders: (One (1)): $ (4,820.45) Final Cost: $ 133,462.70 Days Allocated: 105 Days Used: 101 Liquidated Damages: $ None Final Acceptance Back Up
18-00091 Authorization to amend Resolution No. 53314, Adopted December 13, 2017 in order to add parcel 57-A to the list of property being sold that was omitted from the resolution and to correct the subdivision title from East Pryce Place Subdivision to Pryce Place Subdivision. By Interim Aviation Director. Reason for emergency: This emergency item is needed to correct Resolution No. 53314, in order to complete closing documents for the pending sale of this property. Cover Letter
18-00102 Expressing the opposition of the Metropolitan Council to the proposal by the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") to charge rent of eligible occupants who remain in FEMA Temporary Housing Units ("THU's") during the extension period until May 15, 2018. By Office of the Mayor-President. Reason for emergency: Direct housing assistance for occupants who reside in FEMA THU's will end on February 14, 2018. Draft - Resolution
OTHER ITEMS 17-01352 Receiving a report from Columbia Telecommunications Corporation on the results of the development of a strategic fiber plan. By Information Services Director. THIS ITEM WAS DEFERRED FROM THE SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 COUNCIL MEETING DUE TO THE EXPIRATION OF TIME AND DEFERRED FROM THE NOVEMBER 21, 2017 MEETING TO THE JANUARY 24, 2018 MEETING. Memo to Council Members