Presentations and Special Recognitions
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
19-00440 Approval and adoption of the minutes of the April 10, 2019 Regular Metropolitan Council meeting and the April 17, 2019 Metropolitan Council Zoning meeting. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
INTRODUCTIONS SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 2. 19-00420 Tony Hamilton 1874 Rosenwald Road (House and Rear Shed), Lot 86-A, Square 86 North Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 3. 19-00421 Lucille Roberts 1436 Teal Street (House and Rear Shed), Lot 3, Square 10 North Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 4. 19-00422 El Aposento Alto Asambla De Deios Hispana, Inc. 8613 Rush Avenue, Lot 11 Gardere View Subdivision - Council District 3 - Loupe Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 5. 19-00423 Eloisa Sanchez 7688 Maplewood Drive (House and Rear Shed), Lot 76 East Glen Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 6. 19-00424 Marvin E. Morgan 2281 Capri Drive, Lot 795 Villa Del Rey Subdivision (8th Filing) - Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 7. 19-00425 Shannon V. Batiste 3004 Mission Drive (House and Rear Garage), Lot 18+ (Lot 18 and South ½ of Lot 17) Berkeley Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 8. 19-00426 Elmo Brown, Sr. and Mary N. Brown 3130 Dalton Street (House and Front Carport), Lot 13, Square B Crawford Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 9. 19-00427 Options Foundation Inc. 2386 Convention Street, Lot 18 and 20, Square 23 Hickey Town Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 10. 19-00428 Kenyatta Powell Jackson 1827 Arizona Street, Lot 8, Square 7 South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 11. 19-00429 Timmy A. Tiner 6740 Cambridge Street, Lot 11-A Airline Terrace Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS 12. 19-00407 PA-3-19 2615 Spain Street To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood to Mixed Use on property located on the south side of Spain Street, on Lots B and C, of the Prince Taylor Tract. Section. 74, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon an examination of the area in a greater level of detail than was done at the time of plan approval COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Related to Case 23-19 13. 19-00408 Case 23-19 2623 Government Street To rezone from Transition (B1) and Light Commercial (C1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (C-AB-1) on property located on the north side of Government Street, to the west of South Eugene Street, on the Frame Shop Lot, and a portion of Lots B, C, all of the Prince Taylor Tract. Section. 74, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Related to PA-3-19 14. 19-00409 TA-7-19 Chapter 4, Site Plans and Plats To repeal Chapter 4, Permits and Final Plat Approval, and replace with new Chapter 4, Site Plans and Plats. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 15. 19-00410 TA-8-19 Chapter 1, General Processes To revise Chapter 1, Processes deleting provisions that deal with the subdivision of land that are being incorporated into Chapter 4, Site Plans and Plats, and adding provisions regarding interpretation of the UDC that are being relocated from Chapter 6, Enforcement. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 16. 19-00411 TA-9-19 Chapter 6, Enforcement To repeal Chapter 6, Enforcement and Review, and replaces it with a new Chapter 6, Enforcement. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 17. 19-00412 TA-10-19 Section 3.1.4 Coordination with Others To require projects within the Zachary and Central School Districts to receive recommendations from the municipalities Planning and Zoning Commission. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 18. 19-00413 Case 19-19 1683 O’Neal Lane To rezone from Rural to Commercial Warehousing Three (CW3) on property located on the east side of O’Neal Lane, to the north of Interstate 12, on Tract HB-1 of Robert B. Aldrich Property. Section 10, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 9 - Hudson) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer to June 17 carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 19. 19-00414 Case 22-19 14161 Florida Boulevard To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) and Light Industrial (M1) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located on the north side of Florida Boulevard, to the east of North Flannery Road, on Lot 35 of Florida Highway Acres Subdivision. Section 5, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 4 - Wilson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 20. 19-00415 Case 24-19 15911 Tiger Bend Road To rezone from Rural to Zero Lot Line (A2.6) on property located on the north side of Tiger Bend Road, to the west of Antioch Road on Tract 1-A of the J. A. Redhead Tract. Section 61, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 21. 19-00417 ISPUD-3-19 Mid City Redevelopment Alliance Proposed four single family residential lots on property located south of Main Street, north of Laurel Street and west side of N 24th Street, on Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, of the Parkview Subdivision. Section 47, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 22. 19-00418 ISPUD-4-19 Hotel Lincoln Proposed mixed use development on an existing building that includes multifamily residential, restaurant with alcohol consumption and retail sales on property located on the southwest quadrant of Spain Street and Eddie Robinson Sr. Drive, to the north of Government Street on the N ½ of Lot 5, Square 215 or 4, Lorente Town Subdivision. Section 49, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent w,th the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 23. 19-00433 PUD-1-14 River District Concept Plan Extension Request to extend the current concept plan for 12 months, on property located west and east of Nicholson Drive, on Lots 1 through 24, Square 308 of the Nicholson Drive Estates Subdivision; Lots 36, 37-A-1, 38-A of the Magnolia Terrace Subdivision; Lots A through E, F-1-1-2, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, Estate D, Square 108; Lots 30 and 30, Square 156; Lots 1-A, East ½ of 6, 7 through 23, 24-A, 26 and Tract E.B. Moore et al, Square 300; Lots 10 through 21, Square 301; Lots A, B, 2-A, 2-B, Square 307; and Tract 153-A and an Undesignated Tract of the South Baton Rouge Subdivision (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 8.216.H.4.a Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 24. 19-00436 RV-6-19 Highlandia Revocation A request to revoke a 30 foot servitude, located north of Highlandia Drive and east of Lavo Lane, on Lots 29-A-1 and 31-A of the Highlandia Subdivision (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 25. 19-00437 RV-7-19 Meadow Lea Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 15 foot servitude, located north of the intersection of Belvedere Drive and Bluebell Drive, on Lots 55, 56 and 57 of the Meadow Lea Subdivision, 2nd Filing (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 26. 19-00419 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant from the East Baton Rouge Law Enforcement Support Fund of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation(BRAF) in the amount of $75,000.00. The grant funds will be used to purchase software/equipment for the Baton Rouge Police Department's / Real Time Crime Center (RTCC) camera interface. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 27. 19-00432 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute the first lease amendment to renew the River Center Branch Library lease for eleven (11) one month periods, and one (1) one and one-half month period, for the rental amount of $16,898.43 per month, for Library use until the new building construction is completed. Renewals to begin on July 16, 2019, and extend through June, 2020, at 447 Third Street, Suite A, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. By Library Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 28. 19-00435 Amending the existing Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for expedited plan review services between the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge and South Central Planning and Development Commission to add the review for compliance with Unified Development Code and all other applicable ordinances. By Development Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 29. 19-00438 Receiving a report from the Parish Attorney regarding the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the children of Alton Sterling against the City of Baton Rouge, the Baton Rouge Police Department, the former police chief, and the two officers involved in the deadly encounter. (Williams et al. v. City of Baton Rouge, et al., No. 659,090, Nineteenth Judicial District Court, Div. E) *This item may be discussed in Executive Session*. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019
30. 19-00098 Patricia E. Baranco 1210 Maximillian Street, Lot 1 PT and Lot 2 PT, Square 264 Swart Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker This item was deferred from February 13, 2019 and February 27, 2019 31. 19-00171 Liz Hayes-Roberson 4032 Shelley Street, Lot 181 PT+ (Lots 181,182,183) North Highlands Estates Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green This item was deferred from February 27, 2019 32. 19-00172 George E. Gilmore, Sr. 3040 Midway Avenue (House and Rear Garage), Lot 14, Square 3 Midway Place Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from February 27, 2019 33. 19-00173 Leonard Alvin Robinson and Leonard Alvin Robinson 1684 North 40th Street, Lot 74, Parcel ID No. 406422 Park Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from February 27, 2019 and March 27, 2019 34. 19-00282 Kinchen Properties, LLC (Krystal L. Kinchen) 3845 Ozark Street, Lot 28, Square 15 New Dayton Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from March 27, 2019 35. 19-00372 Perrie D. Alonzo and Barbara J. Dedon Alonzo 5389 Annette Street, Lot 20 Brookstown Place Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green 36. 19-00373 Lugene Realty 4945 Bank Street, Lot 11, Square 8 White Plains Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 37. 19-00374 Selwyn D. Jones, Jacqueline L. Jones, Gregory C. Jones, and Harold H. Jones 3961 Gus Young Avenue, Lot 15 Park Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 38. 19-00375 Loyetta Z. Collins 2769 Cedar Avenue, Lot 7, Square 10 Standard Heights Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 39. 19-00376 Gerald Charlet 2643 Galvez Street (House and Rear Building), Lot 16, Square 35 East Garden City Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 40. 19-00377 The Estate of Eva Richard Legard 1237 Napoleon Street, Lot 6, Square 262 Swart Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 41. 19-00378 The Estate of Senoria Thompson Franklin 3846 Plum Broque Drive, Lot 8 Plum Broque Subdivision - Council District 12 - Freiberg
PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING 19-00363 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend that certain contract for professional legal services with Walters, Papillion, Thomas, Cullens, LLC for legal representation of the City-Parish in litigation regarding the Downtown Library to increase the allowable compensation to a sum not to exceed $67,500.00. *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. By Library Director.
19-00370 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract for professional legal services with Butler Snow, LLP, for exclusive services as comprehensive Bond Counsel for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Council Administrator
19-00391 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Shala Tillman v. City/Parish and Joseph Powell," Suit No. 675,185 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $50,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,023.94, for a total amount of $51,023.94, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Adras Paul Laborde, III of Dudley Debosier Injury Lawyers). By Parish Attorney.
19-00394 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the East Baton Rouge Department of Emergency Services, to enter into a license agreement to film/tape activities and personnel and related activities for a series/television program with the working title "First Responders Live". By Council Administrator.
19-00364 Receiving a report from the Mayor's Office on the status of the Police Pay Study. By Councilman Matt Watson.
46. 19-00402 Amend the 2019 allotment of positions for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #16953, dated 12/11/2018, so as to change the allotment of the Departments of Development and Maintenance as follows, effective April 27, 2019. DEVELOPMENT – ADMINISTRATION ADD: (1) Code Enforcement Manager, job code 1722 MAINTENANCE – ADMINISTRATION DELETE: (1) Professional Engineer IV, job code 1042 MAINTENANCE – DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE DELETE: (1) Maintenance Worker I, job code 1158. By Assistant Chief Administrative Officer & Human Resources Director. 47. 19-00403 Amend the 2019 pay plan for the Classified, Unclassified, Non-classified, Contract, and Fire, and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #16954, dated 12/11/2018, so as to make the following changes, effective April 27, 2019. AMEND CLASSIFIED/UNCLASSIFIED APPENDIX I, ITEM # 14 (a) ADD the following classification: Chief Development Engineer AMEND CLASSIFIED/UNCLASSIFIED APPENDIX I, ITEM # 14 (b) ADD the following classification: Chief Development Engineer. By Assistant Chief Administrative Officer & Human Resources Director.
19-00416 A resolution recognizing National Economic Development Week from May 6-11, 2019 in the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks, Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis, Councilwoman Erika Green, Councilman Lamont Cole & Councilwoman Tara Wicker
19-00404 A resolution of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge calling on the Louisiana State Legislature to repeal state overreach into local control of worker protection policies. By Councilwoman Erika Green.
19-00387 Approving the responses provided to the annual Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for the year 2018 as required by the Legislative Auditor of the State of Louisiana. By Interim Finance Director.
19-00368 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute the contract for Courier Services for the East Baton Rouge Parish Library System to Express Delivery, LLC, for the period May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020 at the rate of $4,500 per month, or $54,000 annually. In addition, allowing for extra or special pickups or deliveries, as needed, at the rate of $1.95 per mile, not to exceed $6,000 total. By Library Director.
19-00369 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute the contract for Library Cash Handling Services for the pickup of fines and copier revenues to Express Delivery, LLC, for the period May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020, at the rate of $1,850 per month, or $22,200 annually. By Library Director.
19-00381 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with Mougeot Architecture, LLC, for Professional Services in connection with the Pride Volunteer Fire Station #10 - Design, being City-Parish Project No. 19-ASD-CP-1132, in an amount not to exceed $47,900.00. (Account No. 4610-1000-20-1008-0000-0000-000000-652000). By Buildings and Grounds Director.
19-00383 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Non-Federal Limited Design and Implementation Reimbursable Agreement #AJW-FN-CSA-19-SW-003017 between the Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration and the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge on behalf of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District in the amount of $97,445.18 for the Runway 13/31 RSA/RPZ Improvements Project (Plank Road Relocation) (Account No. 5821-0900-30-0910-0918-0000-000000-653000-A0096 E 9800000096- 5821000000-0000000000-653100). By Aviation Director.
19-00385 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a joint funding agreement with the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey for Water Resource Investigations for the period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $91,340.00. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00386 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the contract with G.E.C. Inc., with subconsultants: Gotech Inc., Stantec Consulting Services Inc., and Southern Earth Sciences Inc. for engineering services in connection with City-Parish Project No. 15-CE-ST-0001, Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Construction Supervision and Inspection – Phase 16-2 in an amount not to exceed $2,293,463.00. (Account No. 9237100042-2341 00001-0000000000-647100). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00388 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Duplantis Design Group, PC, for engineering services associated with Pedestrian Improvements Marquette Ave (Government Street to Esplanade Ave.), being City-Parish Project No. 17-SW-HC-0007, in an amount not to exceed $2,700.00. (Account No. 2331-7100-30-7130-000-000000-653000). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00389 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, and the Capital Region Planning Commission in connection with State Project No. H.013542, Federal Aid Project No. H013542, Chevelle and Sarasota Dr BR Replacements, being City-Parish project number 18-BR-US-0016. Funding for construction of this project will be at an 80% Federal, 20% local cost share. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00401 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Helen Frink as a project coordinator for the AmeriCorps VISTA Grant in amount not to exceed $30,000. By Mayor-President.
19-00392 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the cooperative endeavor agreement dated August 8, 2016 between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and the East Baton Rouge (EBR) Council on Aging, Inc. for equipment and improvements to the building located at 1701 Main Street and appropriating $580,000 from the EBR Council on Aging for said purpose. (Budget Supplement 8725). By Building and Grounds Director.
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES 62. 19-00315 Lot: 20, Square 7 Subdivision: Greenville Extension Applicant: Rock Zion Baptist Church Address: Billops Street Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $855.00 Appraised Value: $2,500.00 Taxes Due: $1,000.64 Adjudicated for 2001 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 63. 19-00316 Lot: 165 Subdivision: Baker Estates Applicant: Blaine Muse Address: Burgess Drive (4416) Metro Council District: 1 - Welch Initial Bid Amount $300.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $500.00 Appraised Value: $25,000.00 Taxes Due: $4,908.51 Adjudicated for 2013 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 64. 19-00317 Lot: 34, Square 28 Subdivision: Greenville Extension Applicant: Albert Boyd Address: Columbus Dunn Drive Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $850.00 Appraised Value: $2,500.00 Taxes Due: $7,082.97 Adjudicated for 2007 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 65. 19-00318 Lot: 135 Subdivision: Fairwoods Applicant: Robert Rogers Address: Beechwood Drive (3925) Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $905.00 Appraised Value: $20,000.00 Taxes Due: $5,803.88 Adjudicated for 2009 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 66. 19-00319 Lot: 44, Square 4 Subdivision: Eaton Place Applicant: Dominic Plain Address: Mission Drive Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $905.00 Appraised Value: $5,000.00 Taxes Due: $2,325.40 Adjudicated for 2011 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 67. 19-00320 Lot: 50, Square 101 Subdivision: South Baton Rouge Applicant: Sandra Henderson Address: West Garfield Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $905.00 Appraised Value: $1,500.00 Taxes Due: $1,700.25 Adjudicated for 2009 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019
Administrative Matters (Part 1 of 2)
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER INTRODUCTIONS A. 19-00441 Lot: B, Tract B Subdivision: Aaron Barnes Tract Applicant: Lewis Wallace Address: Old Rafe Meyer Road Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 885.00 Appraised Value: $ 13,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,759.46 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 B. 19-00442 Lot: 13-A Subdivision: Lutschg (Zachary) Applicant: Mazen Helwani Address: Donnie Drive Metro Council District: 1 - Welch Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 850.00 C. 19-00443 Lot: 4, Square 6 Subdivision: Mound City Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Delphine Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 2,922.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,306.79 (Adjudicated for 2010 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 D. 19-00444 Lot: 16 Subdivision: Oak Park Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Harvey Drive Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,636.39 (Adjudicated for 2010 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 E. 19-00445 Lot: 18, Square 8 Subdivision: Mound City Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Evergreen Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 885.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,004.29 (Adjudicated for 1996 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 F. 19-00446 Lot: 14 Subdivision: Clark Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: South 17th Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,767.10 (Adjudicated for 1988 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 G. 19-00447 Lot: 22-B, Square 2 Subdivision: Dayton Applicant: Celeste A. Smith Address: Pawtucket Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 800.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 4,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 3,085.95 (Adjudicated for 2013 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 H. 19-00448 Lot: 208 Subdivision: Woodlawn Applicant: Mayouwaita Joseph Address: Beechwood Drive Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 911.36 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 I. 19-00449 Lot: 2, Square 10 Subdivision: South Baton Rouge Applicant: Sherell T. Johnson Address: East Washington Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,183.20 (Adjudicated for 2003 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 J. 19-00450 Lot: 445 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Signature Properties, LLC Address: Cezanne Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 2,019.82 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 K. 19-00451 Lot: 446 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Signature Properties, LLC Address: Cezanne Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 9,371.64 (Adjudicated for 1999 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 L. 19-00453 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor-President to execute any and all documents necessary to transfer certain properties to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and to accept certain properties from the Department of Transportation and Develop in association with a project the re-align portions of State Route LA 67 (Plank Road) being State Project No. H.001346/060-01- 0037. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 M. 19-00454 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and teh Woodland Ridge Homeowners Association to construct a subdivision sign int he Woodland Ridge Blvd right-of-way in accordance with terms set forth. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 N. 19-00452 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into lease agreement on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/EBRP Head Start Program, with the congregation of St. Francis Xavier's Roman Catholic Church, for the facility located at 1145 Terrace Street, in the amount of $3,000.00 month, excluding the months of June, July and August where the monthly rate will be $700.00 a month and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. The contract shall not exceed $29,100 for the period of January 1, 2019 thru December 31, 2019. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 O. 19-00456 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of Local Workforce Development Board 21, Ochsner Clinic Foundation and Baton Rouge Community College in an amount not to exceed $169,806.20, to provide customized training and employment through the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Program for the period beginning June 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 P. 19-00458 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into an amendment to the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement dated August 8, 2016 between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and the East Baton Rouge Council on Aging, Inc. (EBRCOA), wherein EBRCOA contributes $580,000 to allow the award of the contract to remodel to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder for equipment and improvements to the building at 1701 Main Street; and appropriating $580,000 from the EBR Council on Aging for said purpose, and further amending the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement so that upon completion of the project and acceptance by the Metropolitan Council, title to the property will transfer to EBRCOA as improved. By Director of Buildings and Grounds. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 Q. 19-00455 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Kimberly West, individual and on behalf of the minors Joshua West and John C. West vs. Patricia Veazy, Safeco Insurance Company of Oregon and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company," Suit No. 626,941, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $35,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $957.16, for a total amount of $35,957.16, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644110). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorneys of record are David deBlieux of Spencer Calahan Injury Attorneys, Renee Credeur of the Law Offices of Keith Giardina, and David Bateman). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 R. 19-00460 Amending Title 13 (Criminal Law), so as to add Section 13:39.2 "Driving through funeral or other procession", and Title 11 (Traffic Code) to repeal Section 11:270 relative to City Court Traffic Division. By Councilman Trae Welch. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER ITEMS S. 19-00457 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 12, 2019 at Original 806 of Bundle 12951 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Kermas Anthony Patterson as Trustee of the 3 Sons Wealth 2013 Revocable Living Trust" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10023 (1144 Stilt Street, Lot 9-A, Square 13, North Baton Rouge Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Building has been repaired. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Reason for administrative matter: This property was mistakenly condemned at the last Council meeting. T. 19-00459 SWWTP Laboratory Facility Project: 14-TP-MS-016C Account: 5110-7700-40-7710-7700-0000-000000-653000-80502 Estimate: $900,000.00 *Local **In State **McInnis Brothers Construction, Inc. $ 1,169,002.40 *Guy Hopkins Construction Company, Inc. $ 1,171,700.00 *J. Reed Constructors, Inc. $ 1,257,240.00 *Capitol Construction, LLC $ 1,331,746.00 *NCMC, LLC $ 1,329,180.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $ 1,407,680.00 Reason for administrative matter: Bid verification was delayed due to adverse weather last week
19-00392 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the cooperative endeavor agreement dated August 8, 2016 between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and the East Baton Rouge (EBR) Council on Aging, Inc. for equipment and improvements to the building located at 1701 Main Street and appropriating $580,000 from the EBR Council on Aging for said purpose. (Budget Supplement 8725). By Building and Grounds Director.
Administrative Matters (Part 2 of 2)
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER INTRODUCTIONS A. 19-00441 Lot: B, Tract B Subdivision: Aaron Barnes Tract Applicant: Lewis Wallace Address: Old Rafe Meyer Road Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 885.00 Appraised Value: $ 13,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,759.46 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 B. 19-00442 Lot: 13-A Subdivision: Lutschg (Zachary) Applicant: Mazen Helwani Address: Donnie Drive Metro Council District: 1 - Welch Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 850.00 C. 19-00443 Lot: 4, Square 6 Subdivision: Mound City Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Delphine Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 2,922.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,306.79 (Adjudicated for 2010 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 D. 19-00444 Lot: 16 Subdivision: Oak Park Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Harvey Drive Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,636.39 (Adjudicated for 2010 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 E. 19-00445 Lot: 18, Square 8 Subdivision: Mound City Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Evergreen Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 885.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,004.29 (Adjudicated for 1996 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 F. 19-00446 Lot: 14 Subdivision: Clark Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: South 17th Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,767.10 (Adjudicated for 1988 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 G. 19-00447 Lot: 22-B, Square 2 Subdivision: Dayton Applicant: Celeste A. Smith Address: Pawtucket Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 800.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 4,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 3,085.95 (Adjudicated for 2013 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 H. 19-00448 Lot: 208 Subdivision: Woodlawn Applicant: Mayouwaita Joseph Address: Beechwood Drive Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 911.36 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 I. 19-00449 Lot: 2, Square 10 Subdivision: South Baton Rouge Applicant: Sherell T. Johnson Address: East Washington Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,183.20 (Adjudicated for 2003 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 J. 19-00450 Lot: 445 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Signature Properties, LLC Address: Cezanne Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 2,019.82 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 K. 19-00451 Lot: 446 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Signature Properties, LLC Address: Cezanne Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 9,371.64 (Adjudicated for 1999 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 L. 19-00453 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor-President to execute any and all documents necessary to transfer certain properties to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and to accept certain properties from the Department of Transportation and Develop in association with a project the re-align portions of State Route LA 67 (Plank Road) being State Project No. H.001346/060-01- 0037. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 M. 19-00454 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and teh Woodland Ridge Homeowners Association to construct a subdivision sign int he Woodland Ridge Blvd right-of-way in accordance with terms set forth. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 N. 19-00452 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into lease agreement on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/EBRP Head Start Program, with the congregation of St. Francis Xavier's Roman Catholic Church, for the facility located at 1145 Terrace Street, in the amount of $3,000.00 month, excluding the months of June, July and August where the monthly rate will be $700.00 a month and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. The contract shall not exceed $29,100 for the period of January 1, 2019 thru December 31, 2019. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 O. 19-00456 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of Local Workforce Development Board 21, Ochsner Clinic Foundation and Baton Rouge Community College in an amount not to exceed $169,806.20, to provide customized training and employment through the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Program for the period beginning June 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 P. 19-00458 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into an amendment to the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement dated August 8, 2016 between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and the East Baton Rouge Council on Aging, Inc. (EBRCOA), wherein EBRCOA contributes $580,000 to allow the award of the contract to remodel to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder for equipment and improvements to the building at 1701 Main Street; and appropriating $580,000 from the EBR Council on Aging for said purpose, and further amending the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement so that upon completion of the project and acceptance by the Metropolitan Council, title to the property will transfer to EBRCOA as improved. By Director of Buildings and Grounds. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 Q. 19-00455 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Kimberly West, individual and on behalf of the minors Joshua West and John C. West vs. Patricia Veazy, Safeco Insurance Company of Oregon and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company," Suit No. 626,941, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $35,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $957.16, for a total amount of $35,957.16, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644110). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorneys of record are David deBlieux of Spencer Calahan Injury Attorneys, Renee Credeur of the Law Offices of Keith Giardina, and David Bateman). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 R. 19-00460 Amending Title 13 (Criminal Law), so as to add Section 13:39.2 "Driving through funeral or other procession", and Title 11 (Traffic Code) to repeal Section 11:270 relative to City Court Traffic Division. By Councilman Trae Welch. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER ITEMS S. 19-00457 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 12, 2019 at Original 806 of Bundle 12951 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Kermas Anthony Patterson as Trustee of the 3 Sons Wealth 2013 Revocable Living Trust" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10023 (1144 Stilt Street, Lot 9-A, Square 13, North Baton Rouge Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Building has been repaired. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Reason for administrative matter: This property was mistakenly condemned at the last Council meeting. T. 19-00459 SWWTP Laboratory Facility Project: 14-TP-MS-016C Account: 5110-7700-40-7710-7700-0000-000000-653000-80502 Estimate: $900,000.00 *Local **In State **McInnis Brothers Construction, Inc. $ 1,169,002.40 *Guy Hopkins Construction Company, Inc. $ 1,171,700.00 *J. Reed Constructors, Inc. $ 1,257,240.00 *Capitol Construction, LLC $ 1,331,746.00 *NCMC, LLC $ 1,329,180.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $ 1,407,680.00 Reason for administrative matter: Bid verification was delayed due to adverse weather last week
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS 19-00430 East Baton Rouge Council on Aging Project: 19-ASC-CP-1133 Account: 2710-6100-70-6120-0000-YR09-000000-643500-40002 Estimate: $2,300,000.00 *Local **In State **Blount General Contractor, L.L.C. $2,830,000.00 *Sienna Construction, L.L.C. $ 2,834,000.00 *Deumite Construction, L.L.C. $ 3,083,000.00 *Guy Hopkins Construction Co., Inc. $3,087,000.00 *Charles Carter Construction Company, Inc. $3,088,200.00 *J. Reed Constructors, Inc. $3,381,000.00 *Epic Construction, LLC $3,397,751.00
19-00431 Acceptance of a low bid by Automatic Storage and Retrieval, LLC, for the purchase of 6 high density vertical lift storage devices, at $79,550.27 each, for use by the Library System to store books and other materials as branches are remodeled and updated. Project: Account: 2002-1200-60-1200-0000-0000-000000-654200- Estimate: *Local **In State
19-00439 Annual Fence Repair and Replacement Project Project: 19-FR-MS-0004 Account: 5100-7700-40-7710-7742-0000-000000-647600 Estimate: $150,000.00 *Local **In State *Corporate Green, LLC $108,413.53 **EBE Fence Company, Inc. $116,124.70 *Scott Fence USA, LLC $150,000.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $216,524.00 *Automatic Access Gates, LLC $236,094.50
19-00390 Providing a quarterly update, as required in the Third Amended and Restated Cooperative Endeavor and Intergovernmental Agreement adopted October 24, 2018, on the current status of the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority’s Land Bank and efforts related to target areas of redevelopment. By East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority
Presentations and Special Recognitions
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
19-00440 Approval and adoption of the minutes of the April 10, 2019 Regular Metropolitan Council meeting and the April 17, 2019 Metropolitan Council Zoning meeting. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
INTRODUCTIONS SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 2. 19-00420 Tony Hamilton 1874 Rosenwald Road (House and Rear Shed), Lot 86-A, Square 86 North Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 3. 19-00421 Lucille Roberts 1436 Teal Street (House and Rear Shed), Lot 3, Square 10 North Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 4. 19-00422 El Aposento Alto Asambla De Deios Hispana, Inc. 8613 Rush Avenue, Lot 11 Gardere View Subdivision - Council District 3 - Loupe Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 5. 19-00423 Eloisa Sanchez 7688 Maplewood Drive (House and Rear Shed), Lot 76 East Glen Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 6. 19-00424 Marvin E. Morgan 2281 Capri Drive, Lot 795 Villa Del Rey Subdivision (8th Filing) - Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 7. 19-00425 Shannon V. Batiste 3004 Mission Drive (House and Rear Garage), Lot 18+ (Lot 18 and South ½ of Lot 17) Berkeley Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 8. 19-00426 Elmo Brown, Sr. and Mary N. Brown 3130 Dalton Street (House and Front Carport), Lot 13, Square B Crawford Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 9. 19-00427 Options Foundation Inc. 2386 Convention Street, Lot 18 and 20, Square 23 Hickey Town Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 10. 19-00428 Kenyatta Powell Jackson 1827 Arizona Street, Lot 8, Square 7 South Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 11. 19-00429 Timmy A. Tiner 6740 Cambridge Street, Lot 11-A Airline Terrace Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS 12. 19-00407 PA-3-19 2615 Spain Street To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood to Mixed Use on property located on the south side of Spain Street, on Lots B and C, of the Prince Taylor Tract. Section. 74, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon an examination of the area in a greater level of detail than was done at the time of plan approval COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Related to Case 23-19 13. 19-00408 Case 23-19 2623 Government Street To rezone from Transition (B1) and Light Commercial (C1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (C-AB-1) on property located on the north side of Government Street, to the west of South Eugene Street, on the Frame Shop Lot, and a portion of Lots B, C, all of the Prince Taylor Tract. Section. 74, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Related to PA-3-19 14. 19-00409 TA-7-19 Chapter 4, Site Plans and Plats To repeal Chapter 4, Permits and Final Plat Approval, and replace with new Chapter 4, Site Plans and Plats. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 15. 19-00410 TA-8-19 Chapter 1, General Processes To revise Chapter 1, Processes deleting provisions that deal with the subdivision of land that are being incorporated into Chapter 4, Site Plans and Plats, and adding provisions regarding interpretation of the UDC that are being relocated from Chapter 6, Enforcement. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 16. 19-00411 TA-9-19 Chapter 6, Enforcement To repeal Chapter 6, Enforcement and Review, and replaces it with a new Chapter 6, Enforcement. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 17. 19-00412 TA-10-19 Section 3.1.4 Coordination with Others To require projects within the Zachary and Central School Districts to receive recommendations from the municipalities Planning and Zoning Commission. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 18. 19-00413 Case 19-19 1683 O’Neal Lane To rezone from Rural to Commercial Warehousing Three (CW3) on property located on the east side of O’Neal Lane, to the north of Interstate 12, on Tract HB-1 of Robert B. Aldrich Property. Section 10, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 9 - Hudson) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer to June 17 carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 19. 19-00414 Case 22-19 14161 Florida Boulevard To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) and Light Industrial (M1) to Light Industrial (M1) on property located on the north side of Florida Boulevard, to the east of North Flannery Road, on Lot 35 of Florida Highway Acres Subdivision. Section 5, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 4 - Wilson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 20. 19-00415 Case 24-19 15911 Tiger Bend Road To rezone from Rural to Zero Lot Line (A2.6) on property located on the north side of Tiger Bend Road, to the west of Antioch Road on Tract 1-A of the J. A. Redhead Tract. Section 61, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 21. 19-00417 ISPUD-3-19 Mid City Redevelopment Alliance Proposed four single family residential lots on property located south of Main Street, north of Laurel Street and west side of N 24th Street, on Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, of the Parkview Subdivision. Section 47, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 22. 19-00418 ISPUD-4-19 Hotel Lincoln Proposed mixed use development on an existing building that includes multifamily residential, restaurant with alcohol consumption and retail sales on property located on the southwest quadrant of Spain Street and Eddie Robinson Sr. Drive, to the north of Government Street on the N ½ of Lot 5, Square 215 or 4, Lorente Town Subdivision. Section 49, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent w,th the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 23. 19-00433 PUD-1-14 River District Concept Plan Extension Request to extend the current concept plan for 12 months, on property located west and east of Nicholson Drive, on Lots 1 through 24, Square 308 of the Nicholson Drive Estates Subdivision; Lots 36, 37-A-1, 38-A of the Magnolia Terrace Subdivision; Lots A through E, F-1-1-2, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, Estate D, Square 108; Lots 30 and 30, Square 156; Lots 1-A, East ½ of 6, 7 through 23, 24-A, 26 and Tract E.B. Moore et al, Square 300; Lots 10 through 21, Square 301; Lots A, B, 2-A, 2-B, Square 307; and Tract 153-A and an Undesignated Tract of the South Baton Rouge Subdivision (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 8.216.H.4.a Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 24. 19-00436 RV-6-19 Highlandia Revocation A request to revoke a 30 foot servitude, located north of Highlandia Drive and east of Lavo Lane, on Lots 29-A-1 and 31-A of the Highlandia Subdivision (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 25. 19-00437 RV-7-19 Meadow Lea Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 15 foot servitude, located north of the intersection of Belvedere Drive and Bluebell Drive, on Lots 55, 56 and 57 of the Meadow Lea Subdivision, 2nd Filing (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 15, 2019 OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 26. 19-00419 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant from the East Baton Rouge Law Enforcement Support Fund of the Baton Rouge Area Foundation(BRAF) in the amount of $75,000.00. The grant funds will be used to purchase software/equipment for the Baton Rouge Police Department's / Real Time Crime Center (RTCC) camera interface. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 27. 19-00432 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute the first lease amendment to renew the River Center Branch Library lease for eleven (11) one month periods, and one (1) one and one-half month period, for the rental amount of $16,898.43 per month, for Library use until the new building construction is completed. Renewals to begin on July 16, 2019, and extend through June, 2020, at 447 Third Street, Suite A, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. By Library Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 28. 19-00435 Amending the existing Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for expedited plan review services between the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge and South Central Planning and Development Commission to add the review for compliance with Unified Development Code and all other applicable ordinances. By Development Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 29. 19-00438 Receiving a report from the Parish Attorney regarding the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the children of Alton Sterling against the City of Baton Rouge, the Baton Rouge Police Department, the former police chief, and the two officers involved in the deadly encounter. (Williams et al. v. City of Baton Rouge, et al., No. 659,090, Nineteenth Judicial District Court, Div. E) *This item may be discussed in Executive Session*. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019
30. 19-00098 Patricia E. Baranco 1210 Maximillian Street, Lot 1 PT and Lot 2 PT, Square 264 Swart Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker This item was deferred from February 13, 2019 and February 27, 2019 31. 19-00171 Liz Hayes-Roberson 4032 Shelley Street, Lot 181 PT+ (Lots 181,182,183) North Highlands Estates Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green This item was deferred from February 27, 2019 32. 19-00172 George E. Gilmore, Sr. 3040 Midway Avenue (House and Rear Garage), Lot 14, Square 3 Midway Place Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from February 27, 2019 33. 19-00173 Leonard Alvin Robinson and Leonard Alvin Robinson 1684 North 40th Street, Lot 74, Parcel ID No. 406422 Park Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from February 27, 2019 and March 27, 2019 34. 19-00282 Kinchen Properties, LLC (Krystal L. Kinchen) 3845 Ozark Street, Lot 28, Square 15 New Dayton Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from March 27, 2019 35. 19-00372 Perrie D. Alonzo and Barbara J. Dedon Alonzo 5389 Annette Street, Lot 20 Brookstown Place Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green 36. 19-00373 Lugene Realty 4945 Bank Street, Lot 11, Square 8 White Plains Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 37. 19-00374 Selwyn D. Jones, Jacqueline L. Jones, Gregory C. Jones, and Harold H. Jones 3961 Gus Young Avenue, Lot 15 Park Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 38. 19-00375 Loyetta Z. Collins 2769 Cedar Avenue, Lot 7, Square 10 Standard Heights Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 39. 19-00376 Gerald Charlet 2643 Galvez Street (House and Rear Building), Lot 16, Square 35 East Garden City Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 40. 19-00377 The Estate of Eva Richard Legard 1237 Napoleon Street, Lot 6, Square 262 Swart Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 41. 19-00378 The Estate of Senoria Thompson Franklin 3846 Plum Broque Drive, Lot 8 Plum Broque Subdivision - Council District 12 - Freiberg
PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING 19-00363 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend that certain contract for professional legal services with Walters, Papillion, Thomas, Cullens, LLC for legal representation of the City-Parish in litigation regarding the Downtown Library to increase the allowable compensation to a sum not to exceed $67,500.00. *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. By Library Director.
19-00370 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract for professional legal services with Butler Snow, LLP, for exclusive services as comprehensive Bond Counsel for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Council Administrator
19-00391 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Shala Tillman v. City/Parish and Joseph Powell," Suit No. 675,185 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $50,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,023.94, for a total amount of $51,023.94, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Adras Paul Laborde, III of Dudley Debosier Injury Lawyers). By Parish Attorney.
19-00394 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the East Baton Rouge Department of Emergency Services, to enter into a license agreement to film/tape activities and personnel and related activities for a series/television program with the working title "First Responders Live". By Council Administrator.
19-00364 Receiving a report from the Mayor's Office on the status of the Police Pay Study. By Councilman Matt Watson.
46. 19-00402 Amend the 2019 allotment of positions for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #16953, dated 12/11/2018, so as to change the allotment of the Departments of Development and Maintenance as follows, effective April 27, 2019. DEVELOPMENT – ADMINISTRATION ADD: (1) Code Enforcement Manager, job code 1722 MAINTENANCE – ADMINISTRATION DELETE: (1) Professional Engineer IV, job code 1042 MAINTENANCE – DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE DELETE: (1) Maintenance Worker I, job code 1158. By Assistant Chief Administrative Officer & Human Resources Director. 47. 19-00403 Amend the 2019 pay plan for the Classified, Unclassified, Non-classified, Contract, and Fire, and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #16954, dated 12/11/2018, so as to make the following changes, effective April 27, 2019. AMEND CLASSIFIED/UNCLASSIFIED APPENDIX I, ITEM # 14 (a) ADD the following classification: Chief Development Engineer AMEND CLASSIFIED/UNCLASSIFIED APPENDIX I, ITEM # 14 (b) ADD the following classification: Chief Development Engineer. By Assistant Chief Administrative Officer & Human Resources Director.
19-00416 A resolution recognizing National Economic Development Week from May 6-11, 2019 in the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks, Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis, Councilwoman Erika Green, Councilman Lamont Cole & Councilwoman Tara Wicker
19-00404 A resolution of the Metropolitan Council of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge calling on the Louisiana State Legislature to repeal state overreach into local control of worker protection policies. By Councilwoman Erika Green.
19-00387 Approving the responses provided to the annual Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for the year 2018 as required by the Legislative Auditor of the State of Louisiana. By Interim Finance Director.
19-00368 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute the contract for Courier Services for the East Baton Rouge Parish Library System to Express Delivery, LLC, for the period May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020 at the rate of $4,500 per month, or $54,000 annually. In addition, allowing for extra or special pickups or deliveries, as needed, at the rate of $1.95 per mile, not to exceed $6,000 total. By Library Director.
19-00369 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute the contract for Library Cash Handling Services for the pickup of fines and copier revenues to Express Delivery, LLC, for the period May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2020, at the rate of $1,850 per month, or $22,200 annually. By Library Director.
19-00381 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with Mougeot Architecture, LLC, for Professional Services in connection with the Pride Volunteer Fire Station #10 - Design, being City-Parish Project No. 19-ASD-CP-1132, in an amount not to exceed $47,900.00. (Account No. 4610-1000-20-1008-0000-0000-000000-652000). By Buildings and Grounds Director.
19-00383 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Non-Federal Limited Design and Implementation Reimbursable Agreement #AJW-FN-CSA-19-SW-003017 between the Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration and the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge on behalf of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District in the amount of $97,445.18 for the Runway 13/31 RSA/RPZ Improvements Project (Plank Road Relocation) (Account No. 5821-0900-30-0910-0918-0000-000000-653000-A0096 E 9800000096- 5821000000-0000000000-653100). By Aviation Director.
19-00385 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a joint funding agreement with the U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey for Water Resource Investigations for the period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $91,340.00. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00386 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the contract with G.E.C. Inc., with subconsultants: Gotech Inc., Stantec Consulting Services Inc., and Southern Earth Sciences Inc. for engineering services in connection with City-Parish Project No. 15-CE-ST-0001, Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Construction Supervision and Inspection – Phase 16-2 in an amount not to exceed $2,293,463.00. (Account No. 9237100042-2341 00001-0000000000-647100). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00388 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Duplantis Design Group, PC, for engineering services associated with Pedestrian Improvements Marquette Ave (Government Street to Esplanade Ave.), being City-Parish Project No. 17-SW-HC-0007, in an amount not to exceed $2,700.00. (Account No. 2331-7100-30-7130-000-000000-653000). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00389 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, and the Capital Region Planning Commission in connection with State Project No. H.013542, Federal Aid Project No. H013542, Chevelle and Sarasota Dr BR Replacements, being City-Parish project number 18-BR-US-0016. Funding for construction of this project will be at an 80% Federal, 20% local cost share. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00401 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Helen Frink as a project coordinator for the AmeriCorps VISTA Grant in amount not to exceed $30,000. By Mayor-President.
19-00392 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the cooperative endeavor agreement dated August 8, 2016 between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and the East Baton Rouge (EBR) Council on Aging, Inc. for equipment and improvements to the building located at 1701 Main Street and appropriating $580,000 from the EBR Council on Aging for said purpose. (Budget Supplement 8725). By Building and Grounds Director.
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES 62. 19-00315 Lot: 20, Square 7 Subdivision: Greenville Extension Applicant: Rock Zion Baptist Church Address: Billops Street Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $855.00 Appraised Value: $2,500.00 Taxes Due: $1,000.64 Adjudicated for 2001 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 63. 19-00316 Lot: 165 Subdivision: Baker Estates Applicant: Blaine Muse Address: Burgess Drive (4416) Metro Council District: 1 - Welch Initial Bid Amount $300.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $500.00 Appraised Value: $25,000.00 Taxes Due: $4,908.51 Adjudicated for 2013 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 64. 19-00317 Lot: 34, Square 28 Subdivision: Greenville Extension Applicant: Albert Boyd Address: Columbus Dunn Drive Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $850.00 Appraised Value: $2,500.00 Taxes Due: $7,082.97 Adjudicated for 2007 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 65. 19-00318 Lot: 135 Subdivision: Fairwoods Applicant: Robert Rogers Address: Beechwood Drive (3925) Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $905.00 Appraised Value: $20,000.00 Taxes Due: $5,803.88 Adjudicated for 2009 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 66. 19-00319 Lot: 44, Square 4 Subdivision: Eaton Place Applicant: Dominic Plain Address: Mission Drive Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $905.00 Appraised Value: $5,000.00 Taxes Due: $2,325.40 Adjudicated for 2011 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019 67. 19-00320 Lot: 50, Square 101 Subdivision: South Baton Rouge Applicant: Sandra Henderson Address: West Garfield Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $500.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $905.00 Appraised Value: $1,500.00 Taxes Due: $1,700.25 Adjudicated for 2009 taxes Bids Received: 4/17/2019
Administrative Matters (Part 1 of 2)
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER INTRODUCTIONS A. 19-00441 Lot: B, Tract B Subdivision: Aaron Barnes Tract Applicant: Lewis Wallace Address: Old Rafe Meyer Road Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 885.00 Appraised Value: $ 13,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,759.46 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 B. 19-00442 Lot: 13-A Subdivision: Lutschg (Zachary) Applicant: Mazen Helwani Address: Donnie Drive Metro Council District: 1 - Welch Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 850.00 C. 19-00443 Lot: 4, Square 6 Subdivision: Mound City Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Delphine Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 2,922.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,306.79 (Adjudicated for 2010 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 D. 19-00444 Lot: 16 Subdivision: Oak Park Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Harvey Drive Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,636.39 (Adjudicated for 2010 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 E. 19-00445 Lot: 18, Square 8 Subdivision: Mound City Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Evergreen Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 885.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,004.29 (Adjudicated for 1996 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 F. 19-00446 Lot: 14 Subdivision: Clark Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: South 17th Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,767.10 (Adjudicated for 1988 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 G. 19-00447 Lot: 22-B, Square 2 Subdivision: Dayton Applicant: Celeste A. Smith Address: Pawtucket Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 800.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 4,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 3,085.95 (Adjudicated for 2013 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 H. 19-00448 Lot: 208 Subdivision: Woodlawn Applicant: Mayouwaita Joseph Address: Beechwood Drive Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 911.36 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 I. 19-00449 Lot: 2, Square 10 Subdivision: South Baton Rouge Applicant: Sherell T. Johnson Address: East Washington Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,183.20 (Adjudicated for 2003 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 J. 19-00450 Lot: 445 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Signature Properties, LLC Address: Cezanne Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 2,019.82 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 K. 19-00451 Lot: 446 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Signature Properties, LLC Address: Cezanne Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 9,371.64 (Adjudicated for 1999 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 L. 19-00453 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor-President to execute any and all documents necessary to transfer certain properties to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and to accept certain properties from the Department of Transportation and Develop in association with a project the re-align portions of State Route LA 67 (Plank Road) being State Project No. H.001346/060-01- 0037. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 M. 19-00454 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and teh Woodland Ridge Homeowners Association to construct a subdivision sign int he Woodland Ridge Blvd right-of-way in accordance with terms set forth. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 N. 19-00452 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into lease agreement on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/EBRP Head Start Program, with the congregation of St. Francis Xavier's Roman Catholic Church, for the facility located at 1145 Terrace Street, in the amount of $3,000.00 month, excluding the months of June, July and August where the monthly rate will be $700.00 a month and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. The contract shall not exceed $29,100 for the period of January 1, 2019 thru December 31, 2019. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 O. 19-00456 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of Local Workforce Development Board 21, Ochsner Clinic Foundation and Baton Rouge Community College in an amount not to exceed $169,806.20, to provide customized training and employment through the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Program for the period beginning June 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 P. 19-00458 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into an amendment to the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement dated August 8, 2016 between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and the East Baton Rouge Council on Aging, Inc. (EBRCOA), wherein EBRCOA contributes $580,000 to allow the award of the contract to remodel to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder for equipment and improvements to the building at 1701 Main Street; and appropriating $580,000 from the EBR Council on Aging for said purpose, and further amending the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement so that upon completion of the project and acceptance by the Metropolitan Council, title to the property will transfer to EBRCOA as improved. By Director of Buildings and Grounds. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 Q. 19-00455 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Kimberly West, individual and on behalf of the minors Joshua West and John C. West vs. Patricia Veazy, Safeco Insurance Company of Oregon and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company," Suit No. 626,941, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $35,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $957.16, for a total amount of $35,957.16, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644110). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorneys of record are David deBlieux of Spencer Calahan Injury Attorneys, Renee Credeur of the Law Offices of Keith Giardina, and David Bateman). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 R. 19-00460 Amending Title 13 (Criminal Law), so as to add Section 13:39.2 "Driving through funeral or other procession", and Title 11 (Traffic Code) to repeal Section 11:270 relative to City Court Traffic Division. By Councilman Trae Welch. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER ITEMS S. 19-00457 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 12, 2019 at Original 806 of Bundle 12951 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Kermas Anthony Patterson as Trustee of the 3 Sons Wealth 2013 Revocable Living Trust" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10023 (1144 Stilt Street, Lot 9-A, Square 13, North Baton Rouge Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Building has been repaired. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Reason for administrative matter: This property was mistakenly condemned at the last Council meeting. T. 19-00459 SWWTP Laboratory Facility Project: 14-TP-MS-016C Account: 5110-7700-40-7710-7700-0000-000000-653000-80502 Estimate: $900,000.00 *Local **In State **McInnis Brothers Construction, Inc. $ 1,169,002.40 *Guy Hopkins Construction Company, Inc. $ 1,171,700.00 *J. Reed Constructors, Inc. $ 1,257,240.00 *Capitol Construction, LLC $ 1,331,746.00 *NCMC, LLC $ 1,329,180.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $ 1,407,680.00 Reason for administrative matter: Bid verification was delayed due to adverse weather last week
19-00392 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the cooperative endeavor agreement dated August 8, 2016 between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and the East Baton Rouge (EBR) Council on Aging, Inc. for equipment and improvements to the building located at 1701 Main Street and appropriating $580,000 from the EBR Council on Aging for said purpose. (Budget Supplement 8725). By Building and Grounds Director.
Administrative Matters (Part 2 of 2)
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER INTRODUCTIONS A. 19-00441 Lot: B, Tract B Subdivision: Aaron Barnes Tract Applicant: Lewis Wallace Address: Old Rafe Meyer Road Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 885.00 Appraised Value: $ 13,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,759.46 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 B. 19-00442 Lot: 13-A Subdivision: Lutschg (Zachary) Applicant: Mazen Helwani Address: Donnie Drive Metro Council District: 1 - Welch Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 850.00 C. 19-00443 Lot: 4, Square 6 Subdivision: Mound City Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Delphine Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 2,922.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,306.79 (Adjudicated for 2010 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 D. 19-00444 Lot: 16 Subdivision: Oak Park Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Harvey Drive Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,636.39 (Adjudicated for 2010 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 E. 19-00445 Lot: 18, Square 8 Subdivision: Mound City Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: Evergreen Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 885.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,004.29 (Adjudicated for 1996 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 F. 19-00446 Lot: 14 Subdivision: Clark Applicant: Susan M. Kaufman Address: South 17th Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,767.10 (Adjudicated for 1988 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 G. 19-00447 Lot: 22-B, Square 2 Subdivision: Dayton Applicant: Celeste A. Smith Address: Pawtucket Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 800.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 4,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 3,085.95 (Adjudicated for 2013 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 H. 19-00448 Lot: 208 Subdivision: Woodlawn Applicant: Mayouwaita Joseph Address: Beechwood Drive Metro Council District: 7 - Cole Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 911.36 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 I. 19-00449 Lot: 2, Square 10 Subdivision: South Baton Rouge Applicant: Sherell T. Johnson Address: East Washington Street Metro Council District: 10 - Wicker Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 905.00 Appraised Value: $ 3,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,183.20 (Adjudicated for 2003 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 J. 19-00450 Lot: 445 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Signature Properties, LLC Address: Cezanne Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 2,019.82 (Adjudicated for 2008 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 K. 19-00451 Lot: 446 Subdivision: Melrose East Applicant: Signature Properties, LLC Address: Cezanne Avenue Metro Council District: 6 - Collins-Lewis Initial Bid Amount $ 1,000.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 855.00 Appraised Value: $ 8,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 9,371.64 (Adjudicated for 1999 taxes) Bids Received: 5/15/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 22, 2019 L. 19-00453 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor-President to execute any and all documents necessary to transfer certain properties to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and to accept certain properties from the Department of Transportation and Develop in association with a project the re-align portions of State Route LA 67 (Plank Road) being State Project No. H.001346/060-01- 0037. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 M. 19-00454 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and teh Woodland Ridge Homeowners Association to construct a subdivision sign int he Woodland Ridge Blvd right-of-way in accordance with terms set forth. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 N. 19-00452 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into lease agreement on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/EBRP Head Start Program, with the congregation of St. Francis Xavier's Roman Catholic Church, for the facility located at 1145 Terrace Street, in the amount of $3,000.00 month, excluding the months of June, July and August where the monthly rate will be $700.00 a month and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. The contract shall not exceed $29,100 for the period of January 1, 2019 thru December 31, 2019. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 O. 19-00456 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement on behalf of Local Workforce Development Board 21, Ochsner Clinic Foundation and Baton Rouge Community College in an amount not to exceed $169,806.20, to provide customized training and employment through the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Program for the period beginning June 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 P. 19-00458 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into an amendment to the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement dated August 8, 2016 between the City of Baton Rouge - Parish of East Baton Rouge and the East Baton Rouge Council on Aging, Inc. (EBRCOA), wherein EBRCOA contributes $580,000 to allow the award of the contract to remodel to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder for equipment and improvements to the building at 1701 Main Street; and appropriating $580,000 from the EBR Council on Aging for said purpose, and further amending the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement so that upon completion of the project and acceptance by the Metropolitan Council, title to the property will transfer to EBRCOA as improved. By Director of Buildings and Grounds. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 Q. 19-00455 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Kimberly West, individual and on behalf of the minors Joshua West and John C. West vs. Patricia Veazy, Safeco Insurance Company of Oregon and State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company," Suit No. 626,941, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $35,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $957.16, for a total amount of $35,957.16, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644110). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorneys of record are David deBlieux of Spencer Calahan Injury Attorneys, Renee Credeur of the Law Offices of Keith Giardina, and David Bateman). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 R. 19-00460 Amending Title 13 (Criminal Law), so as to add Section 13:39.2 "Driving through funeral or other procession", and Title 11 (Traffic Code) to repeal Section 11:270 relative to City Court Traffic Division. By Councilman Trae Welch. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on May 8, 2019 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER ITEMS S. 19-00457 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 12, 2019 at Original 806 of Bundle 12951 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Kermas Anthony Patterson as Trustee of the 3 Sons Wealth 2013 Revocable Living Trust" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10023 (1144 Stilt Street, Lot 9-A, Square 13, North Baton Rouge Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Building has been repaired. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Reason for administrative matter: This property was mistakenly condemned at the last Council meeting. T. 19-00459 SWWTP Laboratory Facility Project: 14-TP-MS-016C Account: 5110-7700-40-7710-7700-0000-000000-653000-80502 Estimate: $900,000.00 *Local **In State **McInnis Brothers Construction, Inc. $ 1,169,002.40 *Guy Hopkins Construction Company, Inc. $ 1,171,700.00 *J. Reed Constructors, Inc. $ 1,257,240.00 *Capitol Construction, LLC $ 1,331,746.00 *NCMC, LLC $ 1,329,180.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $ 1,407,680.00 Reason for administrative matter: Bid verification was delayed due to adverse weather last week
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS 19-00430 East Baton Rouge Council on Aging Project: 19-ASC-CP-1133 Account: 2710-6100-70-6120-0000-YR09-000000-643500-40002 Estimate: $2,300,000.00 *Local **In State **Blount General Contractor, L.L.C. $2,830,000.00 *Sienna Construction, L.L.C. $ 2,834,000.00 *Deumite Construction, L.L.C. $ 3,083,000.00 *Guy Hopkins Construction Co., Inc. $3,087,000.00 *Charles Carter Construction Company, Inc. $3,088,200.00 *J. Reed Constructors, Inc. $3,381,000.00 *Epic Construction, LLC $3,397,751.00
19-00431 Acceptance of a low bid by Automatic Storage and Retrieval, LLC, for the purchase of 6 high density vertical lift storage devices, at $79,550.27 each, for use by the Library System to store books and other materials as branches are remodeled and updated. Project: Account: 2002-1200-60-1200-0000-0000-000000-654200- Estimate: *Local **In State
19-00439 Annual Fence Repair and Replacement Project Project: 19-FR-MS-0004 Account: 5100-7700-40-7710-7742-0000-000000-647600 Estimate: $150,000.00 *Local **In State *Corporate Green, LLC $108,413.53 **EBE Fence Company, Inc. $116,124.70 *Scott Fence USA, LLC $150,000.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $216,524.00 *Automatic Access Gates, LLC $236,094.50
19-00390 Providing a quarterly update, as required in the Third Amended and Restated Cooperative Endeavor and Intergovernmental Agreement adopted October 24, 2018, on the current status of the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority’s Land Bank and efforts related to target areas of redevelopment. By East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority