Presentations and Special Recognitions
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
19-00615 Approval and adoption of minutes of the Metropolitan Council Meeting of May 22, 2019, and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of June 4, 2019. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS 2. 19-00601 To amend the 2019 Current Expense Budget for Emergency Medical Services to appropriate $7,000,000 from Fund Balance to provide for intergovernmental transfers to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals for the Upper Payment Limit (UPL) Medicaid reimbursement program ($5,000,000), construction of EM-9 that will be built on the Baton Rouge Police Department property located at 9000 Airline Hwy ($2,000,000). By Emergency Medical Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 3. 19-00602 To amend the 2019 Current Expense Budget for Emergency Medical Services to appropriate $845,000 from the Medicaid Supplemental Payments for projects the department is requesting. By Emergency Medical Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 4. 19-00603 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into an agreement with Degan, Blanchard, and Nash for legal assistance for a Health Care Compliance Review with Medicare, Medicare Secondary Payor, Medicaid, Tricare and Insurers for Transport Services in an amount not to exceed $100,000; and appropriating $100,000 for said purpose. By Emergency Medical Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 5. 19-00625 Amending the 2019 current expense budget for the District 1 Volunteer Fire Protection District to appropriate $127,949.65 from the fire district's fund balance. This will provide funding for contractual obligations payable to the Zachary fire department for fire services provided in 2018. (Budget Supplement 8714). By District 1 Fire Protection District. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 6. 19-00628 Amending the 2019 current expense budget so as to appropriate $800,000 to provide funding for building repairs and improvements at the Raising Cane’s River Center. (BS No. 8716). By Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 7. 19-00639 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Louisiana State University (referred to as "Service Provider" or "LSU") to extend the term of service through September 30, 2019; and, to increase the compensation to an amount not to exceed $418,092.00.". By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 8. 19-00644 Amending Title 10. - Transportation; so as to add Chapter 5, "Use of Baton Rouge City Dock", Section 10:300, "Docking of Vessels at Baton Rouge City Dock". By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 9. 19-00659 Authorizing the Mayor-President to approve the Environmental Services Director to hire (1) Chief of Engineering & Technology/Wastewater, job code 1050, Pay Grade 2330 ($70,320 – $117,517) at step 12 ($97,340), effective June 27, 2019. By Human Resources Director & Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 10. 19-00608 Open Succession of Joseph Clark and Colleen Spears Clark 4908 Glen Oaks Drive, Lot 30 Glen Oaks Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 11. 19-00623 Charles Edward Bowers 7522 Maplewood Drive (House and Rear Shed), Lot 272 Greendale Subdivision (1st Sec 2nd Filing) - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 12. 19-00624 Sabra Desiree Pope 5566 George Street, Lot 5 Fairfax Heights Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 13. 19-00592 Authorizing the Mayor President, on behalf of the Department of Buildings and Grounds to execute a supplemental agreement to the Operational Service Contract 2019, with Johnson Controls Inc. Preventive maintenance on various building equipment and annual testing for fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and sprinkle systems for the 19th Judicial Court building in the amount of $45,000.00 to cover increased cost. By Buildings and Grounds Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 14. 19-00594 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an exclusive contract with Butler Snow LLP for bond counsel services for a term of two years with an option to renew the contract for one year. By Councilman Dwight Hudson. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 15. 19-00595 Directing the Bond Services Committee and the Purchasing Department to formulate and issue an RFP for a legal firm to perform exclusive bond counsel duties. By Councilman Dwight Hudson. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 16. 19-00596 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract for professional legal services with Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson, L.L.P., for services as comprehensive Bond Counsel for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Councilman LaMont Cole. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 17. 19-00600 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with ADG Baton Rouge, LLC, for Professional Services in connection with the Main Central Plant Boiler Replacement Design, being City-Parish Project No. 19-ASD-CP-1156, in an amount not to exceed $28,700.00. (Account No. 1000-7800-10-7830-7832-0000-000000-647200-40000). By Buildings and Grounds Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 18. 19-00597 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on May 10, 2019 at Original 938 of Bundle 12956 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Eloisa Sanchez" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10036 (7688 Maplewood Drive (House and Rear Shed), Lot 76, East Glen Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Work is in progress. By Councilwoman Erika Green. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 19. 19-00599 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 29, 2019 at Original 106 of Bundle 12949 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Sandra J. Ortega, Alicia Rivera, and Silvino Rivera" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10018 (11370 East Black Oak Drive, Lot 196, Forest Oaks Subdivision (Fifth Filing)). Reason for rescission: Property owner needs an updated permit in order to make repairs. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 20. 19-00626 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Consent to Assignment and Assumption of the Lease Agreement from PAI Aero Incorporated to CNAK Consulting, L.L.C., and its assignee, Dawson Management, L.L.C., and its sub-lessee, Dawson Aero, L.L.C. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 21. 19-00627 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the Forte & Tablada Engineering Services Agreement for additional surveying services associated with the North General Aviation Development Project in an amount not to exceed $26,656.15. (Account No. 5821-0900-30-0910-0919-0000-000000-653000-A0076 E 9800000076-5821000000-0000000000-653100). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 22. 19-00629 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 22, 2017 at Original 136 of Bundle 12801 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Timothy Benard Holland and Shaneka Lynell Holland" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9683 (Rear of 1241 North 44th Street, Lots 18 and 19, Square 34, Greenville Extension Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The owners are selling the property, and the new owners have plans to renovate. By Councilman LaMont Cole. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 23. 19-00632 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a transfer of all interest in the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto without warranty of any nature or kind, said transfer being from the EAST BATON ROUGE SEWERAGE COMMISSION (the Commission) and to the Bank of Zachary (the Bank), to include a revocation of all servitudes contained in the SALE AND SERVITUDE AGREEMENT recorded in the office of the clerk as original 679 of bundle 10341, as the property and the servitudes are no longer needed for a public purpose. By Councilman Trae Welch. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 24. 19-00598 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute and file an application with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, for a grant in the amount of $97,517.00, to provide funding for the Alcoholic Beverage Control and the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) Task Force; approving the line item budget for the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) Task Force; and authorizing execution of all documents required in connection therewith. By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 25. 19-00617 Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the Division of Human Development & Services, EBRP Head Start and Early Start Program to submit a supplemental budget to the Administration of Children & Families in the amount of $921,753 for Head Start and $183,868 for Early Head Start for facilities improvement, equipment replacements and supplies as result of the most recent implementation of the Preventative Maintenance System as required by the Head Start Performance Standards and to sign all document connected therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 19, 2019 26. 19-00633 Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of sales and use taxes to Ralph’s Pharmacy, II in the amount of $167,274.74 for remitting duplicate sales tax on prescription drugs for the audit period of April 1, 2015 through August 31, 2018, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 27. 19-00634 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the East Baton Rouge Parish CDBG-DR Gustav/Ike Recovery Proposal. The amendment allocates the current $2,074,980.84 in unallocated Gustav/Ike Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funds to the following new programs: healthy food retail initiative $795,000.00 and Ardendale Housing Development $1,279,980.84. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 28. 19-00635 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Hope Enterprise Corporation of the Mid-South, in an amount not to exceed $750,000, for purposes of instituting a Healthy Food Retail Initiative (HFRI) program to increase access to fresh foods in traditionally underserved neighborhoods in the City-Parish, provide quality employment opportunities in such neighborhoods, and serve as a catalyst for revitalization of such neighborhoods. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 29. 19-00636 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Charlita Key for damages resulting from an auto accident caused by a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $17,500.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000. 0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Carlton J. Allen of The Law Office of C. Jack Allen). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 30. 19-00637 Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to execute an Inter-agency Agreement/Contract with the Juvenile Court of East Baton Rouge Parish, in the amount of $63,468.00, to continue to offset the cost associated with operating the FINS Program for the Department of Juvenile Services for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. By Juvenile Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 31. 19-00638 Amending the Title IV-E reimbursement fund budget so as to appropriate $189,010.05 received from the state Office of Juvenile Justice, representing reimbursements for certain expenditures eligible under the federal foster care reimbursement program (social security act, as amended, title IV-E, section 470, et seq.). These funds will be used for needs of the Department of Juvenile Services including personnel costs, fiscal management fees, and other associated costs. By Juvenile Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 32. 19-00640 Authorize the Director of Transportation and Drainage to issue a permit to Locale Provisions, LLC, d/b/a Cocha Restaurant for the installation of a temporary platform and furnishings to create a Parklet on a portion of the 400 block of North 6th Street, subject to the provisions of Section 2:50 of the City-Parish Code of Ordinances. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 33. 19-00643 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of Baton Rouge and BREC for the construction of a temporary detour road in the Forest Park Recreation Area. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 34. 19-00650 A discussion regarding illegal dumping in East Baton Rouge Parish, including the criminal and civil penalties for illegal dumping and the City-Parish responsibility for removing illegally dumped materials. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 35. 19-00651 A discussion regarding security in the City Hall building. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 36. 19-00652 A discussion regarding small cell/5G cell towers in East Baton Rouge Parish. By Councilman Trae Welch. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 37. 19-00657 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to the Contract for Engineering Services with SJB Group, LLC / Owen & White, Inc., A Joint Venture, for additional engineering services in connection with Central Consolidation PS 42 Forcemain, being Project No. 09-FM-MS-0036, for a fee not to exceed $325,516.16 and extending the contract time through December 31, 2020 (Account No. 80877-5110000003-SSO2RCP120-653250). By Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 38. 19-00658 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, under Section 219 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992, for the design of sewer and construction of landfill infrastructure improvements by authorizing a local match appropriation of $583,334.00 for said agreement (Account Nos. 9007700004-5510 00000-0000000000-653400 and 80401-5110000003- NCDPSATP01-653250). By Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 39. 19-00660 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with CSRS, Inc. to provide professional program management services in association with the MovEBR New Capacity Improvement Projects, being City-Parish Project No. 19-CS-HC-0001, in an amount not to exceed $7,467,736.00 (Account No. 9217100062-4370000000-0000000000-653140). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 40. 19-00661 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to provide professional program management services in association with the MovEBR Community Enhancement, Improving Existing Corridors, and Traffic Management Projects, being City-Parish Project No. 19-CS-HC-0005, in an amount not to exceed $5,602,447.00 (Account No. 9217100062-4370000000-0000000000-653140). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 41. 19-00662 To recognize and reaffirm that under federal and state law, all Louisiana residents with potential discrimination claims are afforded legal remedies, and to express that the East Baton Rouge Parish Metropolitan Council finds discrimination of any kind abhorrent and contrary to what our nation, state, and parish stand for; and further that the Metropolitan Council finds prudent and vital that all residents of East Baton Rouge Parish be aware of their protections under applicable and current state and federal law and applicable Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rulings. By Councilman Matt Watson and Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019
42. 18-01474 The Estate of Josephine A. Pogue and The Estate of Randolph Pogue 1641 Olive Street (House and Rear Garage), Lot 2, Square 1 O’Connor Place Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker This item was deferred from January 9, 2019 and March 13, 2019 43. 19-00205 Beverly Ann Alexander 1841 Gracie Street, Lot 3, Square 28 Gracie Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker This item was deferred from March 13, 2019 44. 18-01469 John H. Green 9660 Lewis Street, Lot 3 Kelly Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks This item was deferred from January 9, 2019 and April 10, 2019 45. 19-00282 Kinchen Properties, LLC (Krystal L. Kinchen) 3845 Ozark Street, Lot 28, Square 15 New Dayton Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from March 27, 2019, April 24, 2019, and May 8, 2019 46. 19-00425 Shannon V. Batiste 3004 Mission Drive (House and Rear Garage), Lot 18+ (Lot 18 and South ½ of Lot 17) Berkeley Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from May 8, 2019 47. 19-00573 John Davis Thomas and Alice W. Thomas 2952 75th Avenue, Lot 196 Woodaire Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks 48. 19-00574 Theresa Poche Cook 3010 Woodglynn Drive (Rear Garage Only), Lot 227 East Oakcrest Subdivision, First Filing - Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis 49. 19-00575 Muhammad Abdul Salaam and Felton Warren Quiett Rear of 1241 North 44th Street, Lots 18 and 19, Square 34 Greenville Extension Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 50. 19-00576 Alvin Ray Floyd and Ashley Nicole Williams Floyd 6522 Kerr Street, Lot 26 Airline Terrace Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 51. 19-00577 Jerry Lee Woodall 3311 Wenonah Street, Lot 9, Square 90 Suburb Istrouma Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 52. 19-00578 Angel Torres Galvan 10422 Old Hammond Highway, Lot 114 Cedarcrest Subdivision - Council District 11 - Watson
PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING 19-00462 Considering approval of the application for an Industrial Tax Exemption by Super Insulation, LLC for a project located in East Baton Rouge Parish. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00512 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $2,794,1 87.00 under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program-Generators. This project will acquire and install 11 permanent generators and acquire 3 portable generators. By Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director.
19-00539 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and G.R.O.W.T.H. Services of Louisiana (referred to as “Service Provider” or “G.R.O.W.T.H.”), to target and engage 50-60 vulnerable youth and their adult parents - in and around the North Baton Rouge area - in healthy therapeutic interventions through the arts while incorporating concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) program elements in addition to involving a Provisional licensed Professional Counselor (PLPC) to train GROWTH staff on therapeutic techniques, assessments and group therapy sessions extended to at-risk youth and their families, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $48,860.00 for the term commencing May 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office .
19-00540 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 26, 2019 at Original 156 of Bundle 12954 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. George E. Gilmore, Sr." - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10027 (3040 Midway Avenue (House and Rear Garage), Lot 14, Square 3, Midway Place Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Other compelling reason as determined by the council (The owner would like to obtain a permit to remodel). By Councilman LaMont Cole.
19-00541 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 26, 2019 at Original 155 of Bundle 12954 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Patricia E. Baranco" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10026 (1210 Maximillian Street; House is situated on a Portion of Lot 1 and Portion of Lot 2, Square 264, Sub Swart). Reason for rescission: Other compelling reason as determined by the council (The owner will be renovating the property into a family rental property). By Councilwoman Tara Wicker.
19-00579 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on October 26, 2018 at Original 091 of Bundle 12922 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Winton Shorter, Georgetta Shorter, & Leon Covington" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9960 (813 North Acadian Thwy. West; Lot 41, Colonial Hill Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Other compelling reason as determined by the council (The owner has plans to repair as the property is the only legacy she has of her mother). By Councilman LaMont Cole.
19-00562 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Crystal Robinson v. Brandon Boudreaux and City/Parish," Suit No. 661,542 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $25,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $827.50, for a total amount of $25,827.50, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorneys of record are John Smith and Loren Shanklin of Smith, Shanklin, Sosa). By Parish Attorney.
19-00549 Amend the 2019 allotment of positions for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #16953, dated 12/11/2018, so as to change the allotment of the Office of Business Operations and Capital Programs as follows, effective June 13, 2019 for added positions and June 22, 2019 for the deleted position. OFFICE OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL PROGRAMS – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ADD: (1) Public Works Safety, Health, and Training Coordinator, job code 1919 (1) Public Works Employee Relations Analyst, job code 1580 DELETE: (1) Assistant Public Works Director of Workforce Development, job code 1918. By Human Resources Director.
19-00550 Amend the 2019 pay plan for the Classified, Unclassified, Non-classified, Contract, and Fire, and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #16954, dated 12/11/2018, so as to make the following changes, effective June 13, 2019 for the added classification and June 22, 2019 for the deleted classification. ADD: Public Works Safety, Health, and Training Coordinator, Job code 1919, Pay Grade 2280 ($55,098 - $92,726) DELETE: Assistant Public Works Director of Workforce Development, Job code 1918, Pay Grade 2310 ($63,783 - $106,870). By Human Resources Director.
19-00588 Rescinding the Awarding of the Contract for South Bluebonnet Blvd. Sidewalk Improvement (Fairhill Bluebonnet Highland Subd. To Walmart), Being Project No. 18-SW-HC-0042, to the Lowest Bidder Therefor, Kort’s Construction Services Inc. as provided in Resolution 54241, dated May 8, 2019. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00581 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with Domain Architecture, LLC, for Professional Services in connection with the River Center Exhibition Hall Flooring Replacement Design, being City-Parish Project No. 19-ASD-CP-1154, in an amount not to exceed $22,472.00. (Account No. 5751-5500-60-5550-0000-0000-000000-652000-92031). By Buildings and Grounds Director.
19-00587 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Hold Harmless Agreeement between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and the Woodland Ridge Homeowners Association to construct a subdivision sign in the Woodland Ridge Blvd right-of-way in accordance with terms set forth. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00589 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute a contract for engineering services with Manchac Consulting Group, Inc. in connection with Biological Odor Control for Wastewater Pump Stations for an amount not to exceed 98,311.93 (Account Nos. 80872-5110000003-SSO2RC0018-653250 and 80872-5110000003-SSO2RC0034-653250). By Environmental Services Director.
19-00590 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a grant application to the Federal Aviation Administration and State of Louisiana for the Runway 13/31 Safety Area (RSA) Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) Improvements Project – Relocation of Plank Road in the amount of $38,888,889.00; and authorization to accept and execute the grant agreement and any and all necessary documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. (Funding Source: Federal $35,000,000.00; State $3,888,889.00; Total $38,888,889.00). By Aviation Director.
19-00591 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to amend Metropolitan Council Resolution # 53890, Adopted October 24, 2018 in order to increase the funding source for the Runway 13-31 RSA/RPZ Improvements – Phase II (Construction) project as follows: From: Federal $5,900,000.00; State: $3,655,556; Airport $20,000; Total: $9,575,556.00 to Federal $7,300,000.00; State: $3,311,111; Airport $20,000; Total $10,631,111.00. By Aviation Director.
19-00593 Amending Resolution 51443 to authorize a change in the boundaries of an Enterprise Zone so as to swap one block of the zone for another block to facilitate development in the zone. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis.
APPOINTMENTS 19-00645 EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Consideration of reappointing or replacing Junior Shelton. This is a two (2) year term. This term will expire on June 12, 2021. Current Ballot David R. Barrow
70. 19-00646 HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMM (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Consideration of reappointing or replacing C. Jordan Chalet. This is a four (4) year term. This term will expire on June 23, 2023. (Must live in Hospital Service District No. 1-Lane Regional Medical Center) Current Ballot C. Jordan Chalet David W. Bowman Deborah M. Brian Jessica A. Canning Soileau Darnell Waites 71. 19-00647 HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMM (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Consideration of reappointing or replacing Darnell Waites. This is a four (4) year term. This term will expire on June 25, 2023. (Must live in Hospital Service District No. 1-Lane Regional Medical Center) Current Ballot C. Jordan Chalet David W. Bowman Deborah M. Brian Jessica A. Canning Soileau Darnell Waites 72. 19-00648 HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMM (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Recommending a replacement for Patricia Gauthier term limited and not eligible to serve another term). This term will expire on June 25, 2023. This is a four (4) year term. (Must live in Hospital Service District No. 1-Lane Regional Medical Center) Current Ballot C. Jordan Chalet David W. Bowman Deborah M. Brian Jessica A. Canning Soileau Darnell Waites 73. 19-00649 HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMM (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Recommending a replacement for Mark Thompson, term limited and not eligible to serve another term). This term will expire on June 25, 2023. This is a four (4) year term. (Must live in Hospital Service District No. 1-Lane Regional Medical Center) Current Ballot C. Jordan Chalet David W. Bowman Deborah M. Brian Jessica A. Canning Soileau Darnell Waites
ITEMS CHANGE ORDERS 74. 19-00630 Airpark Boulevard Extension Project Number: H.011976 Original Estimated Cost: $ 2,360,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 800000548 Account Number: 5821-0900-30-0910-0919-0000-000000-653000-A0076 E 98000000765821000000-0000000000-653100 Council Award Date: 8/23/2017 Contractor: Magee Excavation and Development Change Order Number: 2 Change Order Amount: $ (33,650.22) Extend contract by 32 days Original Contract Amount: $ 2,101,211.80 Net Previous Changes: $ 230,397.90 New Contract Amount: $ 2,297,959.48 Description: Eliminated subgrade treatment and hay bales and added markers and fencing. Why Required: FAA required changes to road subgrade due to unknown soils. 75. 19-00653 NWWTP Master Plan: Odor Control and Sodium Hypochlorite Project Number: 13-TP-MS-047A Original Estimated Cost: $ 8,800,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 170365 Account Number: 81413-5110000004-SSO2RMP014-653400 Council Award Date: 3/8/2017 Contractor: M. R. Pittman Group, LLC Change Order Number: Three Change Order Amount: $ 98,000.00 Original Contract Amount: $ 9,990,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 299,580.99 New Contract Amount: $ 10,387,580.99 Description: New lump sum item for the redesign of the odor control foundation and closeout the project. Why Required: To facilitate closeout of the project. 76. 19-00654 NWWTP Master Plan: General Electrical Rehabilitation Project Number: 13-TP-MS-047B Original Estimated Cost: $ 11,000,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 170744 Account Number: 81413-5110000004-SSO2RMP015-653400 Council Award Date: 4/26/2017 Contractor: Ernest P. Breaux Electrical, LLC Change Order Number: Four Change Order Amount: $ 113,116.57 Original Contract Amount: $ 9,989,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 499,509.58 New Contract Amount: $ 10,601,626.15 Description: New lump sum item to provide battery backup for generator controls. Why Required: In the event of power loss the switchgear requires battery backup to automate the automatic switchover to generator power. 77. 19-00655 NWWTP Master Plan: Pretreatment and Grit Removal Rehabilitation Project Number: 13-TP-MS-047D Original Estimated Cost: $ 8,600,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 171011 Account Number: 81413-5110000004-SSO2RMP017-653400 Council Award Date: 6/28/2017 Contractor: Wharton-Smith, Inc. Change Order Number: Four Change Order Amount: $ 824,790.00 Original Contract Amount: $ 7,116,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 517,689.16 New Contract Amount: $ 8,458,479.16 Description: New lump sum items for force main building effluent pipe repairs and project modifications. Why Required: To facilitate the project.
FINAL ACCEPTANCES 78. 19-00631 Airpark Boulevard Extension Project Number: H.011976 Account Number: 5821-0900-30-0910-0919-0000-000000-653000-A0076 E 98000000765821000000-0000000000-653100 Council Award Date: 8/23/2017 Contractor: Magee Excavation and Development Estimated Cost: $ 2,360,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 2,101,211.80 Total Change Orders: (2): $ 196,747.68 Final Cost: $ 2,297,959.48 Days Allocated: 392 Days Used: 391 Liquidated Damages: $ 0.00 79. 19-00656 NWWTP Master Plan: Odor Control and Sodium Hypochlorite Project Number: 13-TP-MS-047A Account Number: 81413-5110000004-SSO2RMP014-653400 Council Award Date: 3/8/2017 Contractor: M. R. Pittman Group, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 8,800,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 9,990,000.00 Total Change Orders: (Three): $ 397,580.99 Final Cost: $ 10,387,580.99 Days Allocated: 744 Days Used: 744 Liquidated Damages: $ 0.00
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS 19-00606 Electrical Maintenance and Repair Heavy Industrial Electrician - Rebid Awarded to Buffalo Electric Inc. Project: A19-0870 Account: Account 1000-7800-10-7830-0000-0000-000000-643500 Buildings and Grounds $100,000.00 Account 5810-0900-30-0920-0000-0000-000000-647900 Metro Airport $148,506.00 Account 5810-0900-30-0920-0000-0000-000000-647900 Metro Airport $49,125.00 Account 2002-1200-60-1200-0000-0000-000000-647200 Library $50,000.00 Estimate: *Local **In State *Buffalo Electric Inc. $ 396,137.50 *WLR Electric, LLC $ 295,980.00 (Non-Responsive for failure to sign the bid document) **EP Breaux Electrical, LLC $ 298,900.00 (Non-Responsive for failure to submit a copy of the local license with bid.) Core Electrical Contractors LLC $ 345,390.00 (Non-Responsive for lacking five years of continuous commercial experience proving the level of complexity as the scope of services outlined in the bid. In additions, lacking five continuous year of experience inspection, maintaining and repairing medium and high voltage switchgear systems including testing and calibration. Moreover, they do not have any Airport Airfield experience.)
Presentations and Special Recognitions
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
19-00615 Approval and adoption of minutes of the Metropolitan Council Meeting of May 22, 2019, and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of June 4, 2019. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS 2. 19-00601 To amend the 2019 Current Expense Budget for Emergency Medical Services to appropriate $7,000,000 from Fund Balance to provide for intergovernmental transfers to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals for the Upper Payment Limit (UPL) Medicaid reimbursement program ($5,000,000), construction of EM-9 that will be built on the Baton Rouge Police Department property located at 9000 Airline Hwy ($2,000,000). By Emergency Medical Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 3. 19-00602 To amend the 2019 Current Expense Budget for Emergency Medical Services to appropriate $845,000 from the Medicaid Supplemental Payments for projects the department is requesting. By Emergency Medical Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 4. 19-00603 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into an agreement with Degan, Blanchard, and Nash for legal assistance for a Health Care Compliance Review with Medicare, Medicare Secondary Payor, Medicaid, Tricare and Insurers for Transport Services in an amount not to exceed $100,000; and appropriating $100,000 for said purpose. By Emergency Medical Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 5. 19-00625 Amending the 2019 current expense budget for the District 1 Volunteer Fire Protection District to appropriate $127,949.65 from the fire district's fund balance. This will provide funding for contractual obligations payable to the Zachary fire department for fire services provided in 2018. (Budget Supplement 8714). By District 1 Fire Protection District. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 6. 19-00628 Amending the 2019 current expense budget so as to appropriate $800,000 to provide funding for building repairs and improvements at the Raising Cane’s River Center. (BS No. 8716). By Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 7. 19-00639 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Louisiana State University (referred to as "Service Provider" or "LSU") to extend the term of service through September 30, 2019; and, to increase the compensation to an amount not to exceed $418,092.00.". By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 8. 19-00644 Amending Title 10. - Transportation; so as to add Chapter 5, "Use of Baton Rouge City Dock", Section 10:300, "Docking of Vessels at Baton Rouge City Dock". By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 9. 19-00659 Authorizing the Mayor-President to approve the Environmental Services Director to hire (1) Chief of Engineering & Technology/Wastewater, job code 1050, Pay Grade 2330 ($70,320 – $117,517) at step 12 ($97,340), effective June 27, 2019. By Human Resources Director & Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 10. 19-00608 Open Succession of Joseph Clark and Colleen Spears Clark 4908 Glen Oaks Drive, Lot 30 Glen Oaks Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 11. 19-00623 Charles Edward Bowers 7522 Maplewood Drive (House and Rear Shed), Lot 272 Greendale Subdivision (1st Sec 2nd Filing) - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 12. 19-00624 Sabra Desiree Pope 5566 George Street, Lot 5 Fairfax Heights Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 13. 19-00592 Authorizing the Mayor President, on behalf of the Department of Buildings and Grounds to execute a supplemental agreement to the Operational Service Contract 2019, with Johnson Controls Inc. Preventive maintenance on various building equipment and annual testing for fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and sprinkle systems for the 19th Judicial Court building in the amount of $45,000.00 to cover increased cost. By Buildings and Grounds Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 14. 19-00594 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an exclusive contract with Butler Snow LLP for bond counsel services for a term of two years with an option to renew the contract for one year. By Councilman Dwight Hudson. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 15. 19-00595 Directing the Bond Services Committee and the Purchasing Department to formulate and issue an RFP for a legal firm to perform exclusive bond counsel duties. By Councilman Dwight Hudson. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 16. 19-00596 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract for professional legal services with Breazeale, Sachse and Wilson, L.L.P., for services as comprehensive Bond Counsel for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Councilman LaMont Cole. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 17. 19-00600 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with ADG Baton Rouge, LLC, for Professional Services in connection with the Main Central Plant Boiler Replacement Design, being City-Parish Project No. 19-ASD-CP-1156, in an amount not to exceed $28,700.00. (Account No. 1000-7800-10-7830-7832-0000-000000-647200-40000). By Buildings and Grounds Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 18. 19-00597 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on May 10, 2019 at Original 938 of Bundle 12956 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Eloisa Sanchez" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10036 (7688 Maplewood Drive (House and Rear Shed), Lot 76, East Glen Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Work is in progress. By Councilwoman Erika Green. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 19. 19-00599 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 29, 2019 at Original 106 of Bundle 12949 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Sandra J. Ortega, Alicia Rivera, and Silvino Rivera" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10018 (11370 East Black Oak Drive, Lot 196, Forest Oaks Subdivision (Fifth Filing)). Reason for rescission: Property owner needs an updated permit in order to make repairs. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 20. 19-00626 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Consent to Assignment and Assumption of the Lease Agreement from PAI Aero Incorporated to CNAK Consulting, L.L.C., and its assignee, Dawson Management, L.L.C., and its sub-lessee, Dawson Aero, L.L.C. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 21. 19-00627 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the Forte & Tablada Engineering Services Agreement for additional surveying services associated with the North General Aviation Development Project in an amount not to exceed $26,656.15. (Account No. 5821-0900-30-0910-0919-0000-000000-653000-A0076 E 9800000076-5821000000-0000000000-653100). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 22. 19-00629 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 22, 2017 at Original 136 of Bundle 12801 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Timothy Benard Holland and Shaneka Lynell Holland" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9683 (Rear of 1241 North 44th Street, Lots 18 and 19, Square 34, Greenville Extension Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The owners are selling the property, and the new owners have plans to renovate. By Councilman LaMont Cole. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 23. 19-00632 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a transfer of all interest in the property described on Exhibit A attached hereto without warranty of any nature or kind, said transfer being from the EAST BATON ROUGE SEWERAGE COMMISSION (the Commission) and to the Bank of Zachary (the Bank), to include a revocation of all servitudes contained in the SALE AND SERVITUDE AGREEMENT recorded in the office of the clerk as original 679 of bundle 10341, as the property and the servitudes are no longer needed for a public purpose. By Councilman Trae Welch. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 24. 19-00598 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute and file an application with the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission, for a grant in the amount of $97,517.00, to provide funding for the Alcoholic Beverage Control and the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) Task Force; approving the line item budget for the Juvenile and Underage Drinking Enforcement (JUDE) Task Force; and authorizing execution of all documents required in connection therewith. By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 25. 19-00617 Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the Division of Human Development & Services, EBRP Head Start and Early Start Program to submit a supplemental budget to the Administration of Children & Families in the amount of $921,753 for Head Start and $183,868 for Early Head Start for facilities improvement, equipment replacements and supplies as result of the most recent implementation of the Preventative Maintenance System as required by the Head Start Performance Standards and to sign all document connected therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 19, 2019 26. 19-00633 Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of sales and use taxes to Ralph’s Pharmacy, II in the amount of $167,274.74 for remitting duplicate sales tax on prescription drugs for the audit period of April 1, 2015 through August 31, 2018, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By Finance Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 27. 19-00634 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the East Baton Rouge Parish CDBG-DR Gustav/Ike Recovery Proposal. The amendment allocates the current $2,074,980.84 in unallocated Gustav/Ike Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funds to the following new programs: healthy food retail initiative $795,000.00 and Ardendale Housing Development $1,279,980.84. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 28. 19-00635 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with Hope Enterprise Corporation of the Mid-South, in an amount not to exceed $750,000, for purposes of instituting a Healthy Food Retail Initiative (HFRI) program to increase access to fresh foods in traditionally underserved neighborhoods in the City-Parish, provide quality employment opportunities in such neighborhoods, and serve as a catalyst for revitalization of such neighborhoods. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 29. 19-00636 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Charlita Key for damages resulting from an auto accident caused by a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $17,500.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000. 0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Carlton J. Allen of The Law Office of C. Jack Allen). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 30. 19-00637 Authorizing the Mayor-President on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to execute an Inter-agency Agreement/Contract with the Juvenile Court of East Baton Rouge Parish, in the amount of $63,468.00, to continue to offset the cost associated with operating the FINS Program for the Department of Juvenile Services for the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. By Juvenile Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 31. 19-00638 Amending the Title IV-E reimbursement fund budget so as to appropriate $189,010.05 received from the state Office of Juvenile Justice, representing reimbursements for certain expenditures eligible under the federal foster care reimbursement program (social security act, as amended, title IV-E, section 470, et seq.). These funds will be used for needs of the Department of Juvenile Services including personnel costs, fiscal management fees, and other associated costs. By Juvenile Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 32. 19-00640 Authorize the Director of Transportation and Drainage to issue a permit to Locale Provisions, LLC, d/b/a Cocha Restaurant for the installation of a temporary platform and furnishings to create a Parklet on a portion of the 400 block of North 6th Street, subject to the provisions of Section 2:50 of the City-Parish Code of Ordinances. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 33. 19-00643 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the City of Baton Rouge and BREC for the construction of a temporary detour road in the Forest Park Recreation Area. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 34. 19-00650 A discussion regarding illegal dumping in East Baton Rouge Parish, including the criminal and civil penalties for illegal dumping and the City-Parish responsibility for removing illegally dumped materials. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 35. 19-00651 A discussion regarding security in the City Hall building. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 36. 19-00652 A discussion regarding small cell/5G cell towers in East Baton Rouge Parish. By Councilman Trae Welch. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 37. 19-00657 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to the Contract for Engineering Services with SJB Group, LLC / Owen & White, Inc., A Joint Venture, for additional engineering services in connection with Central Consolidation PS 42 Forcemain, being Project No. 09-FM-MS-0036, for a fee not to exceed $325,516.16 and extending the contract time through December 31, 2020 (Account No. 80877-5110000003-SSO2RCP120-653250). By Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 38. 19-00658 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, under Section 219 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1992, for the design of sewer and construction of landfill infrastructure improvements by authorizing a local match appropriation of $583,334.00 for said agreement (Account Nos. 9007700004-5510 00000-0000000000-653400 and 80401-5110000003- NCDPSATP01-653250). By Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 39. 19-00660 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with CSRS, Inc. to provide professional program management services in association with the MovEBR New Capacity Improvement Projects, being City-Parish Project No. 19-CS-HC-0001, in an amount not to exceed $7,467,736.00 (Account No. 9217100062-4370000000-0000000000-653140). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 40. 19-00661 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to provide professional program management services in association with the MovEBR Community Enhancement, Improving Existing Corridors, and Traffic Management Projects, being City-Parish Project No. 19-CS-HC-0005, in an amount not to exceed $5,602,447.00 (Account No. 9217100062-4370000000-0000000000-653140). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019 41. 19-00662 To recognize and reaffirm that under federal and state law, all Louisiana residents with potential discrimination claims are afforded legal remedies, and to express that the East Baton Rouge Parish Metropolitan Council finds discrimination of any kind abhorrent and contrary to what our nation, state, and parish stand for; and further that the Metropolitan Council finds prudent and vital that all residents of East Baton Rouge Parish be aware of their protections under applicable and current state and federal law and applicable Equal Employment Opportunity Commission rulings. By Councilman Matt Watson and Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on June 26, 2019
42. 18-01474 The Estate of Josephine A. Pogue and The Estate of Randolph Pogue 1641 Olive Street (House and Rear Garage), Lot 2, Square 1 O’Connor Place Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker This item was deferred from January 9, 2019 and March 13, 2019 43. 19-00205 Beverly Ann Alexander 1841 Gracie Street, Lot 3, Square 28 Gracie Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker This item was deferred from March 13, 2019 44. 18-01469 John H. Green 9660 Lewis Street, Lot 3 Kelly Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks This item was deferred from January 9, 2019 and April 10, 2019 45. 19-00282 Kinchen Properties, LLC (Krystal L. Kinchen) 3845 Ozark Street, Lot 28, Square 15 New Dayton Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from March 27, 2019, April 24, 2019, and May 8, 2019 46. 19-00425 Shannon V. Batiste 3004 Mission Drive (House and Rear Garage), Lot 18+ (Lot 18 and South ½ of Lot 17) Berkeley Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from May 8, 2019 47. 19-00573 John Davis Thomas and Alice W. Thomas 2952 75th Avenue, Lot 196 Woodaire Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks 48. 19-00574 Theresa Poche Cook 3010 Woodglynn Drive (Rear Garage Only), Lot 227 East Oakcrest Subdivision, First Filing - Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis 49. 19-00575 Muhammad Abdul Salaam and Felton Warren Quiett Rear of 1241 North 44th Street, Lots 18 and 19, Square 34 Greenville Extension Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 50. 19-00576 Alvin Ray Floyd and Ashley Nicole Williams Floyd 6522 Kerr Street, Lot 26 Airline Terrace Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 51. 19-00577 Jerry Lee Woodall 3311 Wenonah Street, Lot 9, Square 90 Suburb Istrouma Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 52. 19-00578 Angel Torres Galvan 10422 Old Hammond Highway, Lot 114 Cedarcrest Subdivision - Council District 11 - Watson
PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING 19-00462 Considering approval of the application for an Industrial Tax Exemption by Super Insulation, LLC for a project located in East Baton Rouge Parish. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00512 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $2,794,1 87.00 under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program-Generators. This project will acquire and install 11 permanent generators and acquire 3 portable generators. By Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director.
19-00539 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and G.R.O.W.T.H. Services of Louisiana (referred to as “Service Provider” or “G.R.O.W.T.H.”), to target and engage 50-60 vulnerable youth and their adult parents - in and around the North Baton Rouge area - in healthy therapeutic interventions through the arts while incorporating concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) program elements in addition to involving a Provisional licensed Professional Counselor (PLPC) to train GROWTH staff on therapeutic techniques, assessments and group therapy sessions extended to at-risk youth and their families, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $48,860.00 for the term commencing May 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office .
19-00540 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 26, 2019 at Original 156 of Bundle 12954 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. George E. Gilmore, Sr." - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10027 (3040 Midway Avenue (House and Rear Garage), Lot 14, Square 3, Midway Place Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Other compelling reason as determined by the council (The owner would like to obtain a permit to remodel). By Councilman LaMont Cole.
19-00541 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on April 26, 2019 at Original 155 of Bundle 12954 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Patricia E. Baranco" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10026 (1210 Maximillian Street; House is situated on a Portion of Lot 1 and Portion of Lot 2, Square 264, Sub Swart). Reason for rescission: Other compelling reason as determined by the council (The owner will be renovating the property into a family rental property). By Councilwoman Tara Wicker.
19-00579 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on October 26, 2018 at Original 091 of Bundle 12922 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Winton Shorter, Georgetta Shorter, & Leon Covington" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 9960 (813 North Acadian Thwy. West; Lot 41, Colonial Hill Subdivision). Reason for rescission: Other compelling reason as determined by the council (The owner has plans to repair as the property is the only legacy she has of her mother). By Councilman LaMont Cole.
19-00562 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Crystal Robinson v. Brandon Boudreaux and City/Parish," Suit No. 661,542 on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $25,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $827.50, for a total amount of $25,827.50, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorneys of record are John Smith and Loren Shanklin of Smith, Shanklin, Sosa). By Parish Attorney.
19-00549 Amend the 2019 allotment of positions for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #16953, dated 12/11/2018, so as to change the allotment of the Office of Business Operations and Capital Programs as follows, effective June 13, 2019 for added positions and June 22, 2019 for the deleted position. OFFICE OF BUSINESS OPERATIONS AND CAPITAL PROGRAMS – WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ADD: (1) Public Works Safety, Health, and Training Coordinator, job code 1919 (1) Public Works Employee Relations Analyst, job code 1580 DELETE: (1) Assistant Public Works Director of Workforce Development, job code 1918. By Human Resources Director.
19-00550 Amend the 2019 pay plan for the Classified, Unclassified, Non-classified, Contract, and Fire, and Police employees of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, adopted by Ordinance #16954, dated 12/11/2018, so as to make the following changes, effective June 13, 2019 for the added classification and June 22, 2019 for the deleted classification. ADD: Public Works Safety, Health, and Training Coordinator, Job code 1919, Pay Grade 2280 ($55,098 - $92,726) DELETE: Assistant Public Works Director of Workforce Development, Job code 1918, Pay Grade 2310 ($63,783 - $106,870). By Human Resources Director.
19-00588 Rescinding the Awarding of the Contract for South Bluebonnet Blvd. Sidewalk Improvement (Fairhill Bluebonnet Highland Subd. To Walmart), Being Project No. 18-SW-HC-0042, to the Lowest Bidder Therefor, Kort’s Construction Services Inc. as provided in Resolution 54241, dated May 8, 2019. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00581 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with Domain Architecture, LLC, for Professional Services in connection with the River Center Exhibition Hall Flooring Replacement Design, being City-Parish Project No. 19-ASD-CP-1154, in an amount not to exceed $22,472.00. (Account No. 5751-5500-60-5550-0000-0000-000000-652000-92031). By Buildings and Grounds Director.
19-00587 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Hold Harmless Agreeement between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and the Woodland Ridge Homeowners Association to construct a subdivision sign in the Woodland Ridge Blvd right-of-way in accordance with terms set forth. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00589 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute a contract for engineering services with Manchac Consulting Group, Inc. in connection with Biological Odor Control for Wastewater Pump Stations for an amount not to exceed 98,311.93 (Account Nos. 80872-5110000003-SSO2RC0018-653250 and 80872-5110000003-SSO2RC0034-653250). By Environmental Services Director.
19-00590 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a grant application to the Federal Aviation Administration and State of Louisiana for the Runway 13/31 Safety Area (RSA) Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) Improvements Project – Relocation of Plank Road in the amount of $38,888,889.00; and authorization to accept and execute the grant agreement and any and all necessary documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. (Funding Source: Federal $35,000,000.00; State $3,888,889.00; Total $38,888,889.00). By Aviation Director.
19-00591 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to amend Metropolitan Council Resolution # 53890, Adopted October 24, 2018 in order to increase the funding source for the Runway 13-31 RSA/RPZ Improvements – Phase II (Construction) project as follows: From: Federal $5,900,000.00; State: $3,655,556; Airport $20,000; Total: $9,575,556.00 to Federal $7,300,000.00; State: $3,311,111; Airport $20,000; Total $10,631,111.00. By Aviation Director.
19-00593 Amending Resolution 51443 to authorize a change in the boundaries of an Enterprise Zone so as to swap one block of the zone for another block to facilitate development in the zone. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis.
APPOINTMENTS 19-00645 EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Consideration of reappointing or replacing Junior Shelton. This is a two (2) year term. This term will expire on June 12, 2021. Current Ballot David R. Barrow
70. 19-00646 HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMM (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Consideration of reappointing or replacing C. Jordan Chalet. This is a four (4) year term. This term will expire on June 23, 2023. (Must live in Hospital Service District No. 1-Lane Regional Medical Center) Current Ballot C. Jordan Chalet David W. Bowman Deborah M. Brian Jessica A. Canning Soileau Darnell Waites 71. 19-00647 HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMM (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Consideration of reappointing or replacing Darnell Waites. This is a four (4) year term. This term will expire on June 25, 2023. (Must live in Hospital Service District No. 1-Lane Regional Medical Center) Current Ballot C. Jordan Chalet David W. Bowman Deborah M. Brian Jessica A. Canning Soileau Darnell Waites 72. 19-00648 HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMM (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Recommending a replacement for Patricia Gauthier term limited and not eligible to serve another term). This term will expire on June 25, 2023. This is a four (4) year term. (Must live in Hospital Service District No. 1-Lane Regional Medical Center) Current Ballot C. Jordan Chalet David W. Bowman Deborah M. Brian Jessica A. Canning Soileau Darnell Waites 73. 19-00649 HOSPITAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOARD OF COMM (LANE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) Recommending a replacement for Mark Thompson, term limited and not eligible to serve another term). This term will expire on June 25, 2023. This is a four (4) year term. (Must live in Hospital Service District No. 1-Lane Regional Medical Center) Current Ballot C. Jordan Chalet David W. Bowman Deborah M. Brian Jessica A. Canning Soileau Darnell Waites
ITEMS CHANGE ORDERS 74. 19-00630 Airpark Boulevard Extension Project Number: H.011976 Original Estimated Cost: $ 2,360,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 800000548 Account Number: 5821-0900-30-0910-0919-0000-000000-653000-A0076 E 98000000765821000000-0000000000-653100 Council Award Date: 8/23/2017 Contractor: Magee Excavation and Development Change Order Number: 2 Change Order Amount: $ (33,650.22) Extend contract by 32 days Original Contract Amount: $ 2,101,211.80 Net Previous Changes: $ 230,397.90 New Contract Amount: $ 2,297,959.48 Description: Eliminated subgrade treatment and hay bales and added markers and fencing. Why Required: FAA required changes to road subgrade due to unknown soils. 75. 19-00653 NWWTP Master Plan: Odor Control and Sodium Hypochlorite Project Number: 13-TP-MS-047A Original Estimated Cost: $ 8,800,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 170365 Account Number: 81413-5110000004-SSO2RMP014-653400 Council Award Date: 3/8/2017 Contractor: M. R. Pittman Group, LLC Change Order Number: Three Change Order Amount: $ 98,000.00 Original Contract Amount: $ 9,990,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 299,580.99 New Contract Amount: $ 10,387,580.99 Description: New lump sum item for the redesign of the odor control foundation and closeout the project. Why Required: To facilitate closeout of the project. 76. 19-00654 NWWTP Master Plan: General Electrical Rehabilitation Project Number: 13-TP-MS-047B Original Estimated Cost: $ 11,000,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 170744 Account Number: 81413-5110000004-SSO2RMP015-653400 Council Award Date: 4/26/2017 Contractor: Ernest P. Breaux Electrical, LLC Change Order Number: Four Change Order Amount: $ 113,116.57 Original Contract Amount: $ 9,989,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 499,509.58 New Contract Amount: $ 10,601,626.15 Description: New lump sum item to provide battery backup for generator controls. Why Required: In the event of power loss the switchgear requires battery backup to automate the automatic switchover to generator power. 77. 19-00655 NWWTP Master Plan: Pretreatment and Grit Removal Rehabilitation Project Number: 13-TP-MS-047D Original Estimated Cost: $ 8,600,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 171011 Account Number: 81413-5110000004-SSO2RMP017-653400 Council Award Date: 6/28/2017 Contractor: Wharton-Smith, Inc. Change Order Number: Four Change Order Amount: $ 824,790.00 Original Contract Amount: $ 7,116,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 517,689.16 New Contract Amount: $ 8,458,479.16 Description: New lump sum items for force main building effluent pipe repairs and project modifications. Why Required: To facilitate the project.
FINAL ACCEPTANCES 78. 19-00631 Airpark Boulevard Extension Project Number: H.011976 Account Number: 5821-0900-30-0910-0919-0000-000000-653000-A0076 E 98000000765821000000-0000000000-653100 Council Award Date: 8/23/2017 Contractor: Magee Excavation and Development Estimated Cost: $ 2,360,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 2,101,211.80 Total Change Orders: (2): $ 196,747.68 Final Cost: $ 2,297,959.48 Days Allocated: 392 Days Used: 391 Liquidated Damages: $ 0.00 79. 19-00656 NWWTP Master Plan: Odor Control and Sodium Hypochlorite Project Number: 13-TP-MS-047A Account Number: 81413-5110000004-SSO2RMP014-653400 Council Award Date: 3/8/2017 Contractor: M. R. Pittman Group, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 8,800,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 9,990,000.00 Total Change Orders: (Three): $ 397,580.99 Final Cost: $ 10,387,580.99 Days Allocated: 744 Days Used: 744 Liquidated Damages: $ 0.00
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS 19-00606 Electrical Maintenance and Repair Heavy Industrial Electrician - Rebid Awarded to Buffalo Electric Inc. Project: A19-0870 Account: Account 1000-7800-10-7830-0000-0000-000000-643500 Buildings and Grounds $100,000.00 Account 5810-0900-30-0920-0000-0000-000000-647900 Metro Airport $148,506.00 Account 5810-0900-30-0920-0000-0000-000000-647900 Metro Airport $49,125.00 Account 2002-1200-60-1200-0000-0000-000000-647200 Library $50,000.00 Estimate: *Local **In State *Buffalo Electric Inc. $ 396,137.50 *WLR Electric, LLC $ 295,980.00 (Non-Responsive for failure to sign the bid document) **EP Breaux Electrical, LLC $ 298,900.00 (Non-Responsive for failure to submit a copy of the local license with bid.) Core Electrical Contractors LLC $ 345,390.00 (Non-Responsive for lacking five years of continuous commercial experience proving the level of complexity as the scope of services outlined in the bid. In additions, lacking five continuous year of experience inspection, maintaining and repairing medium and high voltage switchgear systems including testing and calibration. Moreover, they do not have any Airport Airfield experience.)