Presentations and Special Recognitions
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
Approval and adoption of minutes of the Metropolitan Council Meeting of July 24, 2019, and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of August 6, 2019. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS 2. 19-00836 Granting a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $25,075.36 per year for Hotel Lincoln, LLC, located at 400 Eddie Robinson Sr. Drive. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA application #2019-0020 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 3. 19-00852 A resolution making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue Not to Exceed $200,000,000 MovEBR Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge Capital Improvements District, for the purpose of (A) (i) constructing or improving roads, including drainage projects and traffic synchronization, within the cities of Baton Rouge, Baker, Central and Zachary and the Parish, (ii) improving existing corridors to increase mobility, including signal synchronization and sidewalks, and (iii) constructing community enhancement projects, including drainage, lights and sidewalks, within the cities of Baton Rouge, Baker, Central and Zachary and the Parish, (B) improving the Advance Traffic Management Center, such improvements prioritized (i) within the Parish and the City of Baton Rouge as described in the MovEBR Plan dated August 8, 2018, and (ii) within the cities of Baker, Zachary and Central, as determined by the applicable governing authority, and (C) paying the Costs of Issuance of the Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, one or more credit enhancement devices, and any and all other documents required in connection with the issuance of the Bonds; authorizing the selection of the Underwriters in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds; and authorizing the preparation and distribution of the Official Statement relating to the Bonds. By Bond Counsel Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 4. 19-00853 A General Sales Tax Bond Resolution authorizing and providing for the issuance from time to time of MovEBR Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, of the Parish of East Baton Rouge Capital Improvements District, payable from the proceeds of the one half of one percent (½%) sales and use tax authorized at an election held on December 8, 2018; prescribing the form, fixing the details and providing for the payment of principal of and interest on such Bonds and for the rights of the registered owners thereof; and providing for other matters with respect to the foregoing. By Bond Counsel Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 5. 19-00901 A resolution making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue not to exceed $10,000,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Series 2019 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of drainage improvements within the Parish of East Baton Rouge, and paying the costs of issuance of the Series 2019 Bonds; authorizing the preparation an distribution of the solicitation for offers from direct purchasers of the Series 2019 Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, and any and all other documents required in connection with the issuance of the Series 2019 Bonds; and providing for other matters related thereto. By Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 6. 19-00901 A resolution making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue not to exceed $10,000,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Series 2019 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of drainage improvements within the Parish of East Baton Rouge, and paying the costs of issuance of the Series 2019 Bonds; authorizing the preparation an distribution of the solicitation for offers from direct purchasers of the Series 2019 Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, and any and all other documents required in connection with the issuance of the Series 2019 Bonds; and providing for other matters related thereto. By Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 7. 19-00865 Kathryn Candia DeLaFuente 15659 Plank Road, 2.44 Acres, Pt. of the Mrs. Ethel B. Tenant & Mrs. E. B. Stroube 411 AC. Tract Located on Secs. 20, 21, 28, & 29 T5S, R1E White Hills Subdivision - Council District 1 - Welch Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 8. 19-00866 Moniqua Magee Young 630 Elmer Avenue, Lot 16, Square 8 University Place Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 9. 19-00867 Charles Williams and Vanessa Price Williams 5524 Johnette Drive, Lot 23 Merrydale Place Subdivision (1st Filing) - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 10. 19-00868 Adolph J. Smith and Jackie E. Anfield-Smith 1325 Progress Road, Lot 1, Square 12 Progress Park Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 11. 19-00869 CCHARLEE C, L.L.C. (Previously, J 3 Rentals, L.L.C.) 140 East State Street, Lot 8, Square E Arbour Place Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 12. 19-00849 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $59,719.41 under the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), FY2019 Program for East Baton Rouge Parish. EMPG is a 100% federally funded grant program through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). By Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 13. 19-00837 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on May 24, 2019 at Original 513 of Bundle 12959 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Leonard Alvin Robinson and Leonard Alvin Robinson" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10041 (1684 North 40th Street, Lot 74, Park Addition Subdivision (Parcel ID No. 406422)). Reason for rescission: The property will have a new owner. By Councilman Cole. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 14. 19-00839 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on June 13, 2014 at Original 809 of Bundle 12584 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Leonard Michael Jones" - Abatement Proceeding No. AB-07-2014-06-11 (3534 Lanier Drive, Lot 246, Kildare Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The property has been cleaned up. By Councilwoman Erika Green. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 15. 19-00870 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Michael J. DeFelice, for appraisal services associated with Green Light Project Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, RFQ No. 09-ES-US-021, State Project (DOTD) No. H.004104, Federal Aid No. IM-1709(507), not to exceed $8,050.00. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 16. 19-00871 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Roberto J Aguilar, for appraisal services associated with Green Light Project Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, RFQ No. 09-ES-US-021, State Project (DOTD) No. H.004104, Federal Aid No. IM- 1709(507), not to exceed $17,000.00. (Account No. 4304-7100-30-7120-7150-*-*- 651000-92019). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 17. 19-00872 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with The Lakvold Group, LLC., for appraisal services associated with Green Light Project Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US- 0041, RFQ No. 09-ES-US-021, State Project (DOTD) No. H.004104, Federal Aid No. IM- 1709(507), not to exceed $17,000.00. (Account No.4304-7100-30-7120-7150-*-*- 651000-92019). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 18. 19-00873 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute an agreement to contract with Entergy Louisiana, LLC for Utility Relocations associated with MovEBR Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, State Project (DOTD) No. H.003047, Federal Aid No. H003047 in an amount not to exceed $1,924,532 based on the Class 5 Cost Estimate with -50%, +100% accuracy. (Account No. 9217100032- 4650-*-*-653580 ). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 19. 19-00877 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute a contract for professional services with TruePoint Solutions, LLC in connection with an upgrade of the computerized maintenance management system, Hansen, for an amount not to exceed $48,520.00 (Account No. 5100-7700-40-7710-7750-7711-000000-647300). By Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 20. 19-00880 Granting special permission as required under Section 8:400 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to Sun Coast Resources located at 9250 Wilbur Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 for the construction or installation and maintenance of an electric fence. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 21. 19-00882 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Non-Federal Limited Design and Implementation Reimbursable Agreement #AJW-FN-CSA-19-SW-003049 between the Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration and the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge on behalf of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District in the amount of $99,014.45 for an Impact Assessment for the Relocation/Replacement of the (1) Localizer (LOC), (2) Approach Lights, (MALS), (3) Glideslope (GS) and (4) Threshold Lights and all associated cables/equipment on Runway 31. (Account # 5821-0900-30-0910-0918- 0000-000000-653000-A0096 E 9800000096-5821000000-0000000000-653100). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 22. 19-00883 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Work Authorization No. 4 to the contract with Airport Management Group, LLC (AMG) for Program Management Services at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport for the period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 in amount not to exceed $2,105,501.28. (Contingent on adequate funding). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 23. 19-00884 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Lease Agreement with Calvin McMorris d/b/a/ Mac’s Shoe Shine for a period of One (1) year, with Two (2), One (1) year options to renew at a rental rate of $100.00 per month. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 24. 19-00885 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Fuel Farm Lease Agreement with Ross Baton Rouge, LLC d/b/a Signature Flight Support Corporation to extend the primary term of the lease agreement for a period of one (1) year, with a one (1) year option to renew. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 25. 19-00886 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Agreement with the Department of Homeland Security/ Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to reimburse the Airport the cost of utilities and janitorial services used in the baggage and passenger screening areas at the Airport. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 26. 19-00887 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a lease agreement with Helix Community Schools to lease the Airport Multiplex Facility to operate Helix Community Schools, Helix Aviation Academy and any other school related activities for a primary term of five (5) years, with seven (7), five (5) year mutual options to renew at a rental rate of $201,600.00 per year. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 27. 19-00891 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute a Project Partnership Agreement between the Department of Army, City of Central, and City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, for the Amite River and Tributaries, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge Parish Watershed (Flood Risk Management Project) at a cost not to exceed $65,593,304.80 (Account No. 9307100012-4620 00000-0000000000-653240). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 28. 19-00897 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Kristopher Stagg for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Department of Public Works (DPW) Code Enforcement Officer, in the amount of $24,436.12, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000. 0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Tim McCrary of Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 29. 19-00898 Authorizing settlement of the claim of State Farm Insurance Company as Subrogee of Patricia Ho for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Department of Public Works (DPW) Traffic Engineering employee, in the amount of $11,524.86, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000. 0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 30. 19-00899 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Patricia Fox for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's house, for a total amount of $18,441.15, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644110). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019
31. 19-00426 Elmo Brown, Sr. and Mary N. Brown 3130 Dalton Street (House and Front Carport), Lot 13, Square B Crawford Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from May 8, 2019 32. 19-00303 James B. Hamilton and Verna Wade Hamilton 2624 Fairchild Street, Lot 9, Square 7 Roosevelt Place Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks This item was deferred from April 10, 2019 and July 24, 2019 33. 19-00420 Tony Hamilton 1874 Rosenwald Road (House and Rear Shed), Lot 86-A, Square 86 North Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks This item was deferred from May 8, 2019 and July 24, 2019 34. 19-00508 Provincial Properties, LLC 2127 Sherwood Meadow Drive, Lot 9 Sherwood Meadow Subdivision - Council District 8 - Amoroso This item was deferred from May 22, 2019 and July 24, 2019 35. 19-00753 Brown Hien Nguyen 4643 Airline Highway Tract B, C.W. Lemar Tract, 0.39 of an acre on the North Side of Airline Highway, as designated on a map by A.G Mundinger, dated September 27, 1946 (Parcel ID #362506) - Council District 5 - Green 36. 19-00754 One Hundred Fold II, LLC 3965 Sycamore Street, Lot 16, Square 7 Schorten Place Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green 37. 19-00755 Gerald Tonguis 10566 Red Oak Drive (House, Carport, and Shed), Lot 39 Red Oak Subdivision - Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis 38. 19-00756 Anderson Lee White House on North 44th Street, Either Lot 30 or the North ½ of Lot 31, Square 35 Greenville Extension Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 39. 19-00757 Lizzie Marshall Governor and The Estate of James Joseph Governor 1918 Martin Avenue, Lot 535 Belfair Homes Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 40. 19-00758 Virginia Robertson 1347 North 31st Street (House and Two Rear Sheds), Lot 80, Square 1 Richmond Park Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 41. 19-00759 Falcolm Exoe Hull and Donnie Faye Hull 2303 North Boulevard, Lot 5, Square 23 Hickey Town Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 42. 19-00760 Felicia D. Williams and Nicholas Jordan 1469 Monte Sano Avenue, Lot 34, Square 60 Monte Sano Highland Farms Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker
PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING 19-00697 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Professional Services contract with Fontenot Benefits & Actuarial Consulting (FBAC), LLC in the amount of $196,000 to provide consulting services for City-Parish Employee Benefits, effective July 25, 2019 for a period of five years, with the option of two, one-year extensions thereafter. By Human Resources Director. This item was deferred from July 24, 2019
19-00722 Appointing a Parish Attorney for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Councilman Chandler Loupe. **This item may be discussed in Executive Session **
19-00815 Consideration of approval of an application for Industrial Tax Exemption for a project in East Baton Rouge Parish by Stupp Bros., Inc. dba Stupp Corporation Project Name: 2019-2021 Capital Upgrades / Expansion. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00817 Consideration of approval of an application for Industrial Tax Exemption for a project in East Baton Rouge Parish by International Mezzo Technologies, Inc. Project Name: 2018 Additions. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00725 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on May 24, 2019 at Original 517 of Bundle 12959 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Lester Paul Galt" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10044 (2701 Boyd Avenue, Lot 7-A, Square 10, Suburb Abramson Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The property has been sold. By Councilman LaMont Cole.
19-00726 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 6, 2019 at Original 377 of Bundle 12944 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Manna Outreach Foundation" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10007 (2127 Sherwood Meadow Drive, Lot 9, Sherwood Meadow Subdivision). Reason for rescission: There is a potential transfer of ownership, and the new owner has plans to rehab the structure. By Councilwoman Denise Amoroso.
19-00739 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on June 14, 2019 at Original 520 of Bundle 12963 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Jerry Lee Woodall" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10051 (3311 Wenonah Street, Lot 9, Square 90, Suburb Istrouma Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The property owner would like to renovate the property and use it as rental property. By Councilwoman Tara Wicker.
19-00730 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "J.J.Y. v. Isaac Bolden, et al," Suit No. 636,699, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $30,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $445.62, for a total amount of $30,445.62; and appropriating $30,445.62 for such purpose. *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Carl E. Babin). By Parish Attorney.
19-00777 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Justin Nugent for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's house, for a total amount of $10,930.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644110). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney.
19-00778 Authorizing settlement of the claim of the MetLife Insurance Company as Subrogee of Allison Aaron for damages resulting from an auto accident caused by a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $12,664.24, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000. 0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney.
19-00751 Authorizing an increase in the annual compensation of the City Judges of Baton Rouge City Court so that their overall annual salary is equivalent to the salary of the East baton Rouge Parish District Judges in accordance with Ordinance 16612, adopted August 9, 2017. Annual compensation from the City General Fund will increase from $104,623.80 to $105,931.46. By Clerk of Court/Judicial Administrator.
19-00749 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $17,500 from the Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation within the Office of Cultural Development. The funds from this grant will allow the Planning Commission to develop design guidelines and update the standing structures survey for Beauregard Town in preparation for potential designation as a local historic district. By Planning Director.
19-00750 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with ADG Baton Rouge, LLC, for Professional Services in connection with the Delmont Branch Library Mechanical Improvements Design, being City-Parish Project No. 19-ASD-CP-1163, in an amount not to exceed $21,500.00. (Account No. 2002-1200-60-1200-0000-0000-000000-643540). By Buildings and Grounds Director.
19-00771 A Resolution authorizing the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission to make application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue (a) not to exceed $350,000,000 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019A of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, for the purpose of providing funds to refund, or defease, all of the outstanding principal amount of the Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B (Taxable Direct Pay Build America Bonds) of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, and to pay the costs of issuance of the Series 2019A Refunding Bonds; and (b) not to exceed $90,000,000 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019B of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, for the purpose of providing funds to current refund a portion of the outstanding principal amount of the Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A (LIBOR Index) of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, to pay the termination payment in connection with the termination of the Swap Transaction between the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission and Deutsche Bank, and to pay the cost of issuance of the series 2019B Refunding Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, and any and all other documents required in connection with the issuance of the series 2019A Refunding Bonds and the Series 2019B Refunding Bonds; authorizing the selection of the Underwriters in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the series 2019A Refunding Bonds and the Series 2019B Refunding Bonds; authorizing the preparation and distribution of the Official Statement relating to the Series 2019A Refunding Bonds and the Series 2019B Refunding Bonds; and providing for other matters related thereto. By Bond Counsel.
19-00772 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract with Tyler Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $38,052 for the annual maintenance and support of the Open Data BR platform. By Information Services Director.
19-00774 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the cooperative endeavor agreement with Big Buddy Program for the Mayor’s Youth Workforce Experience (MYWE) initiative in the amount of $168,000 for the 2019 calendar year. By Mayor's Office. This item will be deleted if the emergency item on the 07/24/2019 agenda is approved (Legislation ID R-19-00752).
19-00776 Amending the 2019 current expense budget for the Alsen/St. Irma Lee Fire Protection District so as to appropriate $338,111 for the purchase of a new fire truck and rescue tools from the District’s Fund Balance-Unassigned. (Budget Supplement 8717). By Alsen/St. Irma Lee Fire Chief .
19-00780 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into contract with Tierra Small not to exceed $30,000.00 annually for the period beginning September 1, 2019 until terminated pursuant to the terms of the contract. To provide services for Local Workforce Development Board 21 and Employ BR, an American Job Center Network Partner, for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Workforce Investment Director.
19-00793 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and River Parishes Community College to provide a basic access, industrial scaffolding class funded through the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education for implementation of the Baton Rouge Performance Partnership Pilot Program (BRP3) in an amount not to exceed $18,000.00, for the term commencing June 1, 2019, and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 30, 2019. By Mayor's Office.
19-00794 Amending the 2019 current expense budget for the Chaneyville Fire Protection District so as to appropriate $60,000 for the purchase of a rescue boat, a new service truck, a generator for Station 42, a storage building, and to also provide funding to repair a fire truck. This will be funded from the District’s Fund Balance-Unassigned. (Budget Supplement 8718). By Chaneyville Fire Chief & Councilman Welch.
19-00801 Amending the Code of Ordinances for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge Title 1 Municipal and Parish Organization, Chapter 3 Personnel, Part IV Employees' Retirement System, Subpart 2 Pension Plan, Section 1.264 Method of Financing so as to enact (1) Subsection F Withdrawal Liability Payments to establish a method for computing and allocating withdrawal liability payments to the Retirement System for any geographical area successfully removing itself from the management of the City-Parish, and (2) Subsection G to establish a method for the collection of withdrawal liability payments owed to the Retirement System. By Retirement Administrator.
19-00802 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development in connection with State Project No. H.013073, Federal Aid Project No. H013073, LA 37 & Wooddale Blvd: Ped Imp (BR), being City-Parish project number 19-SW-US-0009. Funding for construction of this project will be at a 68.8% Federal, 31.2% local cost share, subject to inclusion in the FY2020 budget. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00803 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 7 to the contract with Shread-Kuyrkendall & Associates, Inc., for engineering and land surveying services associated with Green Light Project Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, RFQ No. 09-ES-US-021, State Project (DOTD) No. H.004104, Federal Aid No. IM-1709(507), in an amount not to exceed $416,028.14. (Account No. 4650-7100-30-7120-X-X-653000-92019). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00804 Authorize the Mayor-President to grant approval to the Director of Transportation and Drainage to submit certification to the Louisiana Office Of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit to provide for funding under the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Infrastructure Program (CDBG-DR) for urgent funding needs for bridge replacements in association with Hurricane Gustav. (Account No. 93171000-17-4630-00000-0000000000-653300 / 4630-7100-30-7120-0000-0000-000000-653000). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00805 Authorizing the Mayor-President to extend a contract with Gulf Safety Products/Pavement Markings, for a contract in the amount of $220,000 for the restriping of city and parish roads. (Account No. 1000-7100-30-7140-0000-0000-000000-643500). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00809 Amending Resolution 54275/EBROSCO Resolution 8389 adopted on May 22, 2019 to revise Section 2 of the resolution to read as follows: The lowest bid of Grady Crawford Construction Company Inc. of Baton Rouge, in the sum of $2,260,215.00, for Annual Parishwide Wastewater Collection System Emergency Repairs Project, being Project No. 19-ER-WC-0006, is hereby accepted as the basis for award of the contract; however, the maximum amount is hereby authorized for the $2,000,000.00 annual budget. This is an annual contract and will remain in effect from the date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed, until June 30, 2020, with an option to extend for up to two additional one-year periods, provided all prices, terms and conditions remain the same, upon mutual agreement of the contracting parties (Account No. 5100-7700-40-7710-7752-0000-000000-647600). By Environmental Services Director.
19-00810 Authorizing the Director of Transportation and Drainage to issue a permit to First United Methodist Church, for the installation of a canopy on T.J. Jemison Blvd., subject to the provisions of Section 2:50 of the City-Parish Code of Ordinances. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00811 Amending Resolution 54276/EBROSCO Resolution 8390 adopted on May 22, 2019 to revise Section 2 of the resolution to read as follows: The lowest bid of J&W Contractors, Inc., in the sum of $584,000.00, for Annual Parishwide Homeowners Sewage Pump Installation and Maintenance Project, being Project No. 19-LP-WC-0007, is hereby accepted as the basis for award of the contract; however, the maximum amount is hereby authorized for the $500,000.00 annual budget. This is an annual contract and will remain in effect from the date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed, until June 30, 2020, with an option to extend for up to two additional one-year periods, provided all prices, terms and conditions remain the same, upon mutual agreement of the contracting parties (Account No. 80704-5110000004-NCDPGP0001-653400; 5100-7700-40-7710-7755-0000-000000-647600). By Environmental Services Director.
19-00812 A resolution appointing a representative on behalf of the East Baton Rouge Parish Sewerage Commission to the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00813 A resolution appointing a representative on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
73. 19-00814 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Faith, Hope & Love Worship Center (referred to as “Service Provider” or “Faith, Hope & Love Worship Center”), to offer a mentoring and peer support program to promote healing and resilience in zip code 70805 by assisting 100 high risk and vulnerable youth and 25-50 families using a SAMHSA-approved curriculum to help minimize and/or alleviate negative emotions that induce anger, violence, anxiety, and depression, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) program in the sum not to exceed $25,000.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 74. 19-00816 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and A Kingdom Connection Changing Lives (referred to as “Service Provider” or “AKCCL”), to operate a Math and Reading Boot Camp, July 1, 2019 through July 29, 2018, servicing children kindergarten through 8th grade, to keep children and youth out of trouble and engaged in educational activities to fight regression, and provide a safe environment conductive to positive social and emotional growth, that is performance-based; will implement trauma informed, community-based services focusing on education, social emotional development with special emphasis on youth and family exposed to traumatic experiences, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $25,000.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 75. 19-00818 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Big Screen Melodies (referred to as “Service Provider” or “Big Screen Melodies”), to operate a “Say It with Music” Recording and Music Camp that incorporates a technology and music engineering component from the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum as a therapeutic means of engaging school aged middle, high school and college students, ages 9-18, in self-expression writing and recording their very own song (topics may include “Changing the Narrative”, “Resilience in the Face of Trauma,” “Baton Rouge Strong”, “Community and Working Together” and “No to Violence) to engage youth and deter violence, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $47,992.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 76. 19-00819 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Capital Area Human Services District (referred to as “Service Provider” or “CAHSD”) to 1) develop a culturally sensitive educational Trauma 101 digital media toolkit, with sharable multimedia (videos and podcasts), especially designed for use by faith-based organizations, that addresses issues specific to the Baton Rouge area, promotes trauma-informed faith communities, and helps faith leaders facilitate linkages to trauma-informed behavioral health services for high-risk youth and families; 2) create a campaign website that would provide the platform for distribution, outreach, and engagement to extend the lifespan of the resilience message beyond the grant period, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $34,850.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 77. 19-00820 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Humanities Amped (referred to as “Service Provider” or “Humanities Amped”), to pilot the first phase of Amplified Classrooms by 1) developing a curriculum that provides 30 pre-and in-service middle and high school humanities teachers in EBRPSS with a framework for implementing youth-led civic engagement and promoting trauma-informed wellness in school settings; 2) publishing the curriculum as an on-line resource that can be freely and readily accessed by instructors, and 3) collaborating with educators to pilot curriculum, receive supplemental services in their classrooms for implementation while adding new materials on-line, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $25,901.80 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 78. 19-00821 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and SU Center for Social Research (referred to as “Service Provider” or “SU Center for Social Research”), to target youth, ages 18-24, to 1) utilize classroom-based presentations, campus-wide forums and activities to promote community conversations around “Changing the Narrative” regarding youth violence prevention and its traumatic impact; 2) will offer an academic program –using the TARGET (Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy) model – an educational and therapeutic approach for the prevention and treatment of complex PTSD while providing youth development, mentoring, leadership and peer support activities; and 3) will increase access to community resources and health care options that address behavioral health and trauma reduction for college students at Southern University and A&M College, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $29,613.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 79. 19-00822 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and The Bridge Agency, Inc. (referred to as “Service Provider” or “The Bridge Agency, Inc.”), to work with faith-based leaders and others, within crime “hot spots” in zip codes 70802, 70805, 70806, 70807, 70810 and 70812, to expand its services to include trauma informed approaches utilizing the four “R” approach, i.e., 1) to Realize the prevalence and impact of trauma on youth, families, communities and systems; 2) to Recognize the signs of trauma in those they serve; 3) to Respond by integrating knowledge of trauma into policies, procedures and practices; and 4) to Resist re-traumatizing youth and families by creating environments that mimic past trauma, cause additional trauma and compromise resilience, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $30,000.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 80. 19-00823 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and YMCA of the Capital Area (referred to as “Service Provider” or “YMCA of the Capital Area”), to develop and engage an additional 275 youth –and their families within high need communities (zip codes 70802, 70807 and 70806), in mentorship, youth development and safety programs, specifically: the Character Development Leadership Institute (CDLI), Young Achievers Programs and water safety programs at A.C. Lewis YMCA, the Baranco-Clark YMCA and the Exxon Mobile YMCA branches, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $34,690.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 81. 19-00824 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and YWCA Greater Baton Rouge (referred to as “Service Provider” or “YWCA”), to 1) implement a pilot program that will address trauma through the provision of counseling to parents, children and family members; and 2) launch a community campaign to educate and inform the public on the adverse impact of children of incarcerated parents, such as depression, withdrawal, acting out in school, peer pressure, involvement in illegal activity and drug use, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $30,000.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office.
19-00826 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Airport Bridge Company, Incorporated Contract to provide for additional maintenance and repairs to the jet bridges in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00. (Account # 5810-0900-30-0940-0000-0000-000000-647600). By Aviation Director.
19-00827 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract with Nearmap US Inc. in the amount of $25,792.35 for aerial imagery of East Baton Rouge Parish. By Information Services Director.
19-00828 Concurring in the recommendation of the Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control Board of Commissioners to appoint Randy Vaeth as the Interim Director of Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00829 Directing the bond services committee and the Purchasing Department to formulate and issue an RFQ for bond counsel services to the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Councilman Dwight Hudson, Councilman Matt Watson, and Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg.
19-00830 To provide a quarterly update, as required in the Third Amended and Restated Cooperative Endeavor and Intergovernmental Agreement adopted October 24, 2018, on the current status of Build Baton Rouge, the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority’s Land Bank and efforts related to target areas of redevelopment. By Build Baton Rouge.
19-00831 Authorizing the appropriation of $1,600,000.00 from Net Position-Unrestricted, in the Solid Waste Disposal Facility Fund, to fund contracts for debris disposal and monitoring with DRC Emergency Services, LLC and Thompson Consulting Services, respectively. The cost is based on an estimated amount of 100,000 cubic yards of debris resulting from Tropical Storm Barry. By Environmental Services Director.
19-00832 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Huval & Associates, Inc. to provide professional engineering services in association with the S. Flannery Road over Lively Bayou (Recall No. 800611) – Bridge Repair project, being City-Parish Project No. 19-BR-CI-0024, in an amount not to exceed $28,500.00. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00833 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with LAZ Parking in the amount of $764,920.28 per year to provide garage management services as outlined in RFP No. 20008-19 – Parking garage Management. These management services are to be effective September 1, 2019 for a period of 3 years, with the option of one 2-year extension for an initial contractual period of not more than five (5) years. The contract may be extended an additional five (5) years (taken individually or in multiple years) with additional Council approval; however, the total term of the contract shall not exceed ten (10) years. By Department of Business Operations.
19-00834 Requesting the designation of Census Tract 36.01, Block Group 3 in lieu of Census Tract 36.01, Block Group 1, as an Enterprise Zone for participation in the Enterprise Zone Program. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis.
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES 19-00692 Lot: F-2-B-1, Square 32 Subdivision: North Baton Rouge Applicant: Liso Terrell Thomas, Sr. Address: Progress Road Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,633.70 - Adjudicated for 2013 taxes Bids Received: 7/17/2019 High Bidder: Liso Terrell Thomas, Sr. - $100.00 Intended Use: Maintain and keep clean This item was deferred from July 24, 2019
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER INTRODUCTIONS A. 19-00902 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Germaine & Co. , Inc. D/B/A Germane Solutions in the amount of $60,483.00 for the contract period March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 for the provision of ongoing technical assistance for the Ryan White Program and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 B. 19-00903 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Thomas J. Hickey in the amount of $31,900 for the contract period March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 to monitor subrecipients, and conduct quality management training and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 C. 19-00904 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department , to enter in to a contractual agreement with Envisage Research and Analytics LLC in the amount of $53,358.00 under the awarded grant, "FY2018 Bureau of Justice Assistance(BJA) STOP School Violence Threat Assessment and Technology Reporting Program". The purpose of the grant is to provide a secure and anonymous mechanism for students, teachers, parents, and the community members at large to report violent incidents as well as behaviors and activities that could lead to school violence. The program will be integrated in to the Baton Rouge Police Real Time Crime Center. Envisage Research and Analytics LLC will serve as a research partner and evaluator of the program. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 D. 19-00905 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant from the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) 2019 in the amount of $92,616.50 to allow the Baton Rouge Police Department to purchase law enforcement equipment. The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's office is the grantee and the Baton Rouge Police Department is the sub-grantee. The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant is a continuation grant with no matching funds. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 E. 19-00906 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC) in the amount of $777,000.00 set to begin October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. The grant program allows the Baton Rouge Police Department to participate in overtime enforcement of speeding, DWI, seatbelt, and underage drinking. This is a continuation grant with no matching funds. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019
APPOINTMENTS 19-008931 CAPITAL AREA HUMAN SERVICES DISTRICT Concurring in the name submitted by the CAHSD for submission to the Governor to consider for appointment to the CAHSD. The CAHSD has one vacancy and recommends the reappointment of Thomas Sawyer whose term is expiring August 28, 2019.The Metropolitan Council is required to nominate 2 people. (Two people are nominated, but one is recommended to the Governor for appointment). Current Ballot Thomas Sawyer (Request for reappointment received)
19-00896 EAST BATON ROUGE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Concurring in BRAF’s recommendation to fill the unexpired term of John Noland Sr., whose term expires December 31, 2022. Current Ballot Charles A. Landry Received letter requesting appointment
ITEMS CHANGE ORDERS 19-00874 NWWTP Sustainability Project Project Number: 13-TP-MS-0045 Original Estimated Cost: $ 5,460,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 161280 Account Number: 81403-5110000004-SSO2RMP009-653400 Council Award Date: 11/22/2016 Contractor: Wharton-Smith, Inc. Change Order Number: Six Change Order Amount: $ 0.00 Original Contract Amount: $ 6,657,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 924,439.77 New Contract Amount: $ 7,581,439.77 Description: 90 additional calendar days for previously authorized additional work. Why Required: To close out the project.
FINAL ACCEPTANCES 95. 19-00860 Riverfront Plaza Phase I Landscape & Lighting Renovation Project Number: 17-ASC-CP-1084 Account Number: 4752-7100-60-7120-0000-0000-000000-653000-92030 Council Award Date: 6/13/2018 Contractor: Rotolo Consultants, Inc. Estimated Cost: $ 385,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 722,000.00 Total Change Orders: (5): $ 140,764.30 Final Cost: $ 862,764.30 Days Allocated: 241 Days Used: 241 Liquidated Damages: $ None 96. 19-00875 NWWTP Sustainability Project Project Number: 13-TP-MS-0045 Account Number: 81403-5110000004-SSO2RMP009-653400 Council Award Date: 11/22/2016 Contractor: Wharton-Smith, Inc. Estimated Cost: $ 5,460,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 6,657,000.00 Total Change Orders: (Six): $ 924,439.77 Final Cost: $ 7,581,439.77 Days Allocated: 867 Days Used: 867 Liquidated Damages: $ 0.00
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS 97. 19-00861 River Center Theatre for Performing Arts Improvements (Restart) Project: 19-ASC-CP-1144 Account: 4104-5500-60-5550-0000-0000-000000-652000-92031 Estimate: $15,810,000.00 *Local **In State *Buquet and LeBlanc, Incorporated $ 15,794,900.00 *Stuart & Company General Contractors, LLC $ 16,653,000.00 *Guy Hopkins Construction Co., Inc. $ 18,424,000.00 *Arkel Constructors $ 19,220,000.00 98. 19-00876 SWWTP Digester Gas Reuse Green Project Project: 16-TP-MS-0011 Account: 81403-5443000004-SSO2RMP021-653400; 81403-5437000004-SSO2RMP021-653400; 81403-5434000004-SSO2RMP021-653400 Estimate: $930,000.00 *Local **In State *NCMC, LLC $ 937,000.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $ 1,024,985.00 **Tullier Services, LLC $ 1,070,500.00 **Gottfried Contracting, LLC $ 1,175,000.00 **Volute, Inc. $ 1,230,000.00 99. 19-00879 Runway 4L-22R Maintenance Repair Project at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport Project: Account: 5821-0900-00-0910-0920-0000-000000-647900-A0099 E 9800000099-5821000000-0000000000-647900 Estimate: $300,000.00 *Local **In State Hendrick Construction, Inc. $ 329,220.20 100. 19-00881 Crash Fire Apparatus Equipment Maintenance and Repair Services for the BTR Metro Airport Police/ARFF Division Project: Account: 5810-0900-30-0970-0000-0000-000000-643500- Estimate: *Local **In State Siddons-Martin Emergency Group $ 19,175.75 101. 19-00892 South Bluebonnet Blvd. Sidewalk Improvement (Fairhill Bluebonnet Highland Subd. To Walmart) Project: 18-SW-HC-0042 Account: Project String: 9227100024-2331-00000-0000000000-653340; GL Acct.: 2331-7100-30-7120-7130-0000-000000-653000 Estimate: $48,554.00 *Local **In State *Grady Crawford Construction Co. LLC. $ 39,480.00 (Recommended) **Credence. $ 42,875.00 **Buck Town Contractors and Co. $ 44,430.00 *Globalbiz LLC $ 46,150.00 **Capital Area Construction, LLC $ 47,380.82 *Industrial Enterprises $ 48,559.25 **Mack’s Construction And Logistics, LLC $ 52,980.16 *Mccoy Group LLC $ 55,313.26 **B2b Contractors LLC $ 75,125.00 102. 19-00894 Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Project (16-15) Myrtle Walk, Park, Westdale, Avondale, Fairway, Etta Streets & Streets in Beau Pre Project: 19-AO-ST-0017 Account: 9237100068-2341 00001-190AO0ST17-647100 Estimate: $1,450,000.00 *Local **In State **R. J. Daigle & Sons Contractors, Inc. $ 1,484,618.45 *Barber Brothers Contractors Company, LLC $ 1,517,838.70 *Coastal Bridges Company, LLC $ 1,568,893.00 **Barriere Constructions Company, LLC $ 1,904,370.20 103. 19-00895 Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Project (16-16) Streets in Settlement @ Willow Grove, Mayfair North, Jefferson Terrace, Providence, & Roundhill Drive Project: 19-AO-ST-0018 Account: 9237100069-2341 00001-190AO0ST18-647100 Estimate: $1,750,000.00 *Local **In State **R. J. Daigle and Sons Contractors, Inc. $ 1,663,114.03 *Barber Brothers Contg. Co., LLC $ 1,783,705.40 *Coastal Bridge Co., LLC $ 1,895,019.00 **Barriere Construction Co., LLC. CPD $ 1,922,145.71
OTHER ITEMS TO BE ADOPTED (EMERGENCY) 19-00838 Directing the Assistant Director of Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control or Interim Director of Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control to execute and accept a grant award and Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Louisiana Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which will provide funds and/or equipment for a tire shredder and associated site costs. By Councilman Matt Watson. Reason for emergency: The City-Parish will lose the grant funds if grant documents are not executed ASAP.
19-00878 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute an agreement to contract with The Kansas City Southern Railway Company (KCS) for the costs of the reconstruction and extension of the at-grade highway-rail crossing associated with MovEBR Project: Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, State Project (DOTD) No. H.003047, Federal Aid No. H003047 in an amount not to exceed $844,750. This amount is fully reimbursable by Federal Funding. (Account No. 9217100032-4650 00000-0000000000-653580). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Reason for emergency: Time sensitive to secure federal funds. Kansas City Railroad submitted an estimate to the City of Baton Rouge last week. This agreement needs approval to be a part of the Phase 3 construction of the Pecue Ln Interchange. The funding for this improvement is 100% federal dollars
19-00888 Considering the appeal of the decision of the Historic Preservation Commission in case HPC 7-19 rendered on July 10, 2019 filed by the property owner of 701/703 Spanishtown Road. By Council Administrator/Treasurer. Reason for emergency: The UDC requires that an appeal of an HPC decision be heard at the next available meeting of the Metropolitan Council.
19-00890 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute a Project Partnership Agreement between the Department of Army, City of Central, and City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, for the Amite River and Tributaries, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge Parish Watershed (Flood Risk Management Project) at a cost not to exceed $65,593,304.80. (Account No. 9307100012-4620 00000-0000000000-653240). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Reason for emergency: Time Sensitive- To receive state funding
104. 19-00651 A discussion regarding security in the City Hall building. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. This item was deferred from June 26, 2019 105. 19-00670 A discussion of renaming the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison to the East Baton Rouge Parish Correctional Facility. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. This item was deferred from July 24, 2019
19-00825 A discussion of the proposed amendments to Chapter s 1- 4 of the Plan of Government by the Plan of Government Amendment Committee. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis.
Presentations and Special Recognitions
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
Approval and adoption of minutes of the Metropolitan Council Meeting of July 24, 2019, and the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of August 6, 2019. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS 2. 19-00836 Granting a five-year property tax abatement estimated at $25,075.36 per year for Hotel Lincoln, LLC, located at 400 Eddie Robinson Sr. Drive. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA application #2019-0020 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 3. 19-00852 A resolution making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue Not to Exceed $200,000,000 MovEBR Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge Capital Improvements District, for the purpose of (A) (i) constructing or improving roads, including drainage projects and traffic synchronization, within the cities of Baton Rouge, Baker, Central and Zachary and the Parish, (ii) improving existing corridors to increase mobility, including signal synchronization and sidewalks, and (iii) constructing community enhancement projects, including drainage, lights and sidewalks, within the cities of Baton Rouge, Baker, Central and Zachary and the Parish, (B) improving the Advance Traffic Management Center, such improvements prioritized (i) within the Parish and the City of Baton Rouge as described in the MovEBR Plan dated August 8, 2018, and (ii) within the cities of Baker, Zachary and Central, as determined by the applicable governing authority, and (C) paying the Costs of Issuance of the Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, one or more credit enhancement devices, and any and all other documents required in connection with the issuance of the Bonds; authorizing the selection of the Underwriters in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds; and authorizing the preparation and distribution of the Official Statement relating to the Bonds. By Bond Counsel Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 4. 19-00853 A General Sales Tax Bond Resolution authorizing and providing for the issuance from time to time of MovEBR Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, of the Parish of East Baton Rouge Capital Improvements District, payable from the proceeds of the one half of one percent (½%) sales and use tax authorized at an election held on December 8, 2018; prescribing the form, fixing the details and providing for the payment of principal of and interest on such Bonds and for the rights of the registered owners thereof; and providing for other matters with respect to the foregoing. By Bond Counsel Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 5. 19-00901 A resolution making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue not to exceed $10,000,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Series 2019 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of drainage improvements within the Parish of East Baton Rouge, and paying the costs of issuance of the Series 2019 Bonds; authorizing the preparation an distribution of the solicitation for offers from direct purchasers of the Series 2019 Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, and any and all other documents required in connection with the issuance of the Series 2019 Bonds; and providing for other matters related thereto. By Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 6. 19-00901 A resolution making application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue not to exceed $10,000,000 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds Series 2019 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, for the purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of drainage improvements within the Parish of East Baton Rouge, and paying the costs of issuance of the Series 2019 Bonds; authorizing the preparation an distribution of the solicitation for offers from direct purchasers of the Series 2019 Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, and any and all other documents required in connection with the issuance of the Series 2019 Bonds; and providing for other matters related thereto. By Bond Counsel. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 7. 19-00865 Kathryn Candia DeLaFuente 15659 Plank Road, 2.44 Acres, Pt. of the Mrs. Ethel B. Tenant & Mrs. E. B. Stroube 411 AC. Tract Located on Secs. 20, 21, 28, & 29 T5S, R1E White Hills Subdivision - Council District 1 - Welch Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 8. 19-00866 Moniqua Magee Young 630 Elmer Avenue, Lot 16, Square 8 University Place Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 9. 19-00867 Charles Williams and Vanessa Price Williams 5524 Johnette Drive, Lot 23 Merrydale Place Subdivision (1st Filing) - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 10. 19-00868 Adolph J. Smith and Jackie E. Anfield-Smith 1325 Progress Road, Lot 1, Square 12 Progress Park Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 11. 19-00869 CCHARLEE C, L.L.C. (Previously, J 3 Rentals, L.L.C.) 140 East State Street, Lot 8, Square E Arbour Place Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 12. 19-00849 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $59,719.41 under the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), FY2019 Program for East Baton Rouge Parish. EMPG is a 100% federally funded grant program through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). By Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 13. 19-00837 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on May 24, 2019 at Original 513 of Bundle 12959 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Leonard Alvin Robinson and Leonard Alvin Robinson" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10041 (1684 North 40th Street, Lot 74, Park Addition Subdivision (Parcel ID No. 406422)). Reason for rescission: The property will have a new owner. By Councilman Cole. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 14. 19-00839 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on June 13, 2014 at Original 809 of Bundle 12584 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Leonard Michael Jones" - Abatement Proceeding No. AB-07-2014-06-11 (3534 Lanier Drive, Lot 246, Kildare Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The property has been cleaned up. By Councilwoman Erika Green. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 15. 19-00870 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Michael J. DeFelice, for appraisal services associated with Green Light Project Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, RFQ No. 09-ES-US-021, State Project (DOTD) No. H.004104, Federal Aid No. IM-1709(507), not to exceed $8,050.00. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 16. 19-00871 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with Roberto J Aguilar, for appraisal services associated with Green Light Project Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, RFQ No. 09-ES-US-021, State Project (DOTD) No. H.004104, Federal Aid No. IM- 1709(507), not to exceed $17,000.00. (Account No. 4304-7100-30-7120-7150-*-*- 651000-92019). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 17. 19-00872 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the contract with The Lakvold Group, LLC., for appraisal services associated with Green Light Project Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US- 0041, RFQ No. 09-ES-US-021, State Project (DOTD) No. H.004104, Federal Aid No. IM- 1709(507), not to exceed $17,000.00. (Account No.4304-7100-30-7120-7150-*-*- 651000-92019). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 18. 19-00873 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute an agreement to contract with Entergy Louisiana, LLC for Utility Relocations associated with MovEBR Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, State Project (DOTD) No. H.003047, Federal Aid No. H003047 in an amount not to exceed $1,924,532 based on the Class 5 Cost Estimate with -50%, +100% accuracy. (Account No. 9217100032- 4650-*-*-653580 ). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 19. 19-00877 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute a contract for professional services with TruePoint Solutions, LLC in connection with an upgrade of the computerized maintenance management system, Hansen, for an amount not to exceed $48,520.00 (Account No. 5100-7700-40-7710-7750-7711-000000-647300). By Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 20. 19-00880 Granting special permission as required under Section 8:400 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to Sun Coast Resources located at 9250 Wilbur Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70807 for the construction or installation and maintenance of an electric fence. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 21. 19-00882 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Non-Federal Limited Design and Implementation Reimbursable Agreement #AJW-FN-CSA-19-SW-003049 between the Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration and the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge on behalf of the Greater Baton Rouge Airport District in the amount of $99,014.45 for an Impact Assessment for the Relocation/Replacement of the (1) Localizer (LOC), (2) Approach Lights, (MALS), (3) Glideslope (GS) and (4) Threshold Lights and all associated cables/equipment on Runway 31. (Account # 5821-0900-30-0910-0918- 0000-000000-653000-A0096 E 9800000096-5821000000-0000000000-653100). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 22. 19-00883 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Work Authorization No. 4 to the contract with Airport Management Group, LLC (AMG) for Program Management Services at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport for the period October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020 in amount not to exceed $2,105,501.28. (Contingent on adequate funding). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 23. 19-00884 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a Lease Agreement with Calvin McMorris d/b/a/ Mac’s Shoe Shine for a period of One (1) year, with Two (2), One (1) year options to renew at a rental rate of $100.00 per month. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 24. 19-00885 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Fuel Farm Lease Agreement with Ross Baton Rouge, LLC d/b/a Signature Flight Support Corporation to extend the primary term of the lease agreement for a period of one (1) year, with a one (1) year option to renew. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 25. 19-00886 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute an Agreement with the Department of Homeland Security/ Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to reimburse the Airport the cost of utilities and janitorial services used in the baggage and passenger screening areas at the Airport. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 26. 19-00887 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a lease agreement with Helix Community Schools to lease the Airport Multiplex Facility to operate Helix Community Schools, Helix Aviation Academy and any other school related activities for a primary term of five (5) years, with seven (7), five (5) year mutual options to renew at a rental rate of $201,600.00 per year. By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 27. 19-00891 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute a Project Partnership Agreement between the Department of Army, City of Central, and City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, for the Amite River and Tributaries, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge Parish Watershed (Flood Risk Management Project) at a cost not to exceed $65,593,304.80 (Account No. 9307100012-4620 00000-0000000000-653240). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 28. 19-00897 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Kristopher Stagg for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Department of Public Works (DPW) Code Enforcement Officer, in the amount of $24,436.12, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000. 0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Tim McCrary of Gordon McKernan Injury Attorneys). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 29. 19-00898 Authorizing settlement of the claim of State Farm Insurance Company as Subrogee of Patricia Ho for damages resulting from an auto accident with a Department of Public Works (DPW) Traffic Engineering employee, in the amount of $11,524.86, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000. 0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 30. 19-00899 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Patricia Fox for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's house, for a total amount of $18,441.15, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644110). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019
31. 19-00426 Elmo Brown, Sr. and Mary N. Brown 3130 Dalton Street (House and Front Carport), Lot 13, Square B Crawford Addition Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole This item was deferred from May 8, 2019 32. 19-00303 James B. Hamilton and Verna Wade Hamilton 2624 Fairchild Street, Lot 9, Square 7 Roosevelt Place Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks This item was deferred from April 10, 2019 and July 24, 2019 33. 19-00420 Tony Hamilton 1874 Rosenwald Road (House and Rear Shed), Lot 86-A, Square 86 North Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks This item was deferred from May 8, 2019 and July 24, 2019 34. 19-00508 Provincial Properties, LLC 2127 Sherwood Meadow Drive, Lot 9 Sherwood Meadow Subdivision - Council District 8 - Amoroso This item was deferred from May 22, 2019 and July 24, 2019 35. 19-00753 Brown Hien Nguyen 4643 Airline Highway Tract B, C.W. Lemar Tract, 0.39 of an acre on the North Side of Airline Highway, as designated on a map by A.G Mundinger, dated September 27, 1946 (Parcel ID #362506) - Council District 5 - Green 36. 19-00754 One Hundred Fold II, LLC 3965 Sycamore Street, Lot 16, Square 7 Schorten Place Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green 37. 19-00755 Gerald Tonguis 10566 Red Oak Drive (House, Carport, and Shed), Lot 39 Red Oak Subdivision - Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis 38. 19-00756 Anderson Lee White House on North 44th Street, Either Lot 30 or the North ½ of Lot 31, Square 35 Greenville Extension Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 39. 19-00757 Lizzie Marshall Governor and The Estate of James Joseph Governor 1918 Martin Avenue, Lot 535 Belfair Homes Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 40. 19-00758 Virginia Robertson 1347 North 31st Street (House and Two Rear Sheds), Lot 80, Square 1 Richmond Park Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole 41. 19-00759 Falcolm Exoe Hull and Donnie Faye Hull 2303 North Boulevard, Lot 5, Square 23 Hickey Town Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker 42. 19-00760 Felicia D. Williams and Nicholas Jordan 1469 Monte Sano Avenue, Lot 34, Square 60 Monte Sano Highland Farms Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker
PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING 19-00697 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a Professional Services contract with Fontenot Benefits & Actuarial Consulting (FBAC), LLC in the amount of $196,000 to provide consulting services for City-Parish Employee Benefits, effective July 25, 2019 for a period of five years, with the option of two, one-year extensions thereafter. By Human Resources Director. This item was deferred from July 24, 2019
19-00722 Appointing a Parish Attorney for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Councilman Chandler Loupe. **This item may be discussed in Executive Session **
19-00815 Consideration of approval of an application for Industrial Tax Exemption for a project in East Baton Rouge Parish by Stupp Bros., Inc. dba Stupp Corporation Project Name: 2019-2021 Capital Upgrades / Expansion. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00817 Consideration of approval of an application for Industrial Tax Exemption for a project in East Baton Rouge Parish by International Mezzo Technologies, Inc. Project Name: 2018 Additions. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00725 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on May 24, 2019 at Original 517 of Bundle 12959 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Lester Paul Galt" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10044 (2701 Boyd Avenue, Lot 7-A, Square 10, Suburb Abramson Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The property has been sold. By Councilman LaMont Cole.
19-00726 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on March 6, 2019 at Original 377 of Bundle 12944 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Manna Outreach Foundation" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10007 (2127 Sherwood Meadow Drive, Lot 9, Sherwood Meadow Subdivision). Reason for rescission: There is a potential transfer of ownership, and the new owner has plans to rehab the structure. By Councilwoman Denise Amoroso.
19-00739 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on June 14, 2019 at Original 520 of Bundle 12963 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Jerry Lee Woodall" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10051 (3311 Wenonah Street, Lot 9, Square 90, Suburb Istrouma Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The property owner would like to renovate the property and use it as rental property. By Councilwoman Tara Wicker.
19-00730 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "J.J.Y. v. Isaac Bolden, et al," Suit No. 636,699, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $30,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $445.62, for a total amount of $30,445.62; and appropriating $30,445.62 for such purpose. *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorney of record is Carl E. Babin). By Parish Attorney.
19-00777 Authorizing settlement of the claim of Justin Nugent for damages resulting from a sewer back-up in the claimant's house, for a total amount of $10,930.00, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - General Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000.0000.000000.644110). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney.
19-00778 Authorizing settlement of the claim of the MetLife Insurance Company as Subrogee of Allison Aaron for damages resulting from an auto accident caused by a Baton Rouge Police Officer, in the amount of $12,664.24, which amount shall be paid from the account designated "Insurance - Auto Liability" (1000.4700.10.0550.0000. 0000.000000.644120). *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (In Proper Person). By Parish Attorney.
19-00751 Authorizing an increase in the annual compensation of the City Judges of Baton Rouge City Court so that their overall annual salary is equivalent to the salary of the East baton Rouge Parish District Judges in accordance with Ordinance 16612, adopted August 9, 2017. Annual compensation from the City General Fund will increase from $104,623.80 to $105,931.46. By Clerk of Court/Judicial Administrator.
19-00749 Authorizing the Mayor-President to accept a grant award in the amount of $17,500 from the Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation within the Office of Cultural Development. The funds from this grant will allow the Planning Commission to develop design guidelines and update the standing structures survey for Beauregard Town in preparation for potential designation as a local historic district. By Planning Director.
19-00750 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an agreement with ADG Baton Rouge, LLC, for Professional Services in connection with the Delmont Branch Library Mechanical Improvements Design, being City-Parish Project No. 19-ASD-CP-1163, in an amount not to exceed $21,500.00. (Account No. 2002-1200-60-1200-0000-0000-000000-643540). By Buildings and Grounds Director.
19-00771 A Resolution authorizing the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission to make application to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to issue (a) not to exceed $350,000,000 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019A of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, for the purpose of providing funds to refund, or defease, all of the outstanding principal amount of the Revenue Bonds, Series 2010B (Taxable Direct Pay Build America Bonds) of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, and to pay the costs of issuance of the Series 2019A Refunding Bonds; and (b) not to exceed $90,000,000 Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019B of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, for the purpose of providing funds to current refund a portion of the outstanding principal amount of the Revenue Bonds, Series 2011A (LIBOR Index) of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, to pay the termination payment in connection with the termination of the Swap Transaction between the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission and Deutsche Bank, and to pay the cost of issuance of the series 2019B Refunding Bonds; authorizing the execution and delivery of the Bond Purchase Agreement, and any and all other documents required in connection with the issuance of the series 2019A Refunding Bonds and the Series 2019B Refunding Bonds; authorizing the selection of the Underwriters in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the series 2019A Refunding Bonds and the Series 2019B Refunding Bonds; authorizing the preparation and distribution of the Official Statement relating to the Series 2019A Refunding Bonds and the Series 2019B Refunding Bonds; and providing for other matters related thereto. By Bond Counsel.
19-00772 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract with Tyler Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $38,052 for the annual maintenance and support of the Open Data BR platform. By Information Services Director.
19-00774 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the cooperative endeavor agreement with Big Buddy Program for the Mayor’s Youth Workforce Experience (MYWE) initiative in the amount of $168,000 for the 2019 calendar year. By Mayor's Office. This item will be deleted if the emergency item on the 07/24/2019 agenda is approved (Legislation ID R-19-00752).
19-00776 Amending the 2019 current expense budget for the Alsen/St. Irma Lee Fire Protection District so as to appropriate $338,111 for the purchase of a new fire truck and rescue tools from the District’s Fund Balance-Unassigned. (Budget Supplement 8717). By Alsen/St. Irma Lee Fire Chief .
19-00780 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into contract with Tierra Small not to exceed $30,000.00 annually for the period beginning September 1, 2019 until terminated pursuant to the terms of the contract. To provide services for Local Workforce Development Board 21 and Employ BR, an American Job Center Network Partner, for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Workforce Investment Director.
19-00793 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Professional Services Agreement between the City of Baton Rouge-Parish of East Baton Rouge and River Parishes Community College to provide a basic access, industrial scaffolding class funded through the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education for implementation of the Baton Rouge Performance Partnership Pilot Program (BRP3) in an amount not to exceed $18,000.00, for the term commencing June 1, 2019, and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 30, 2019. By Mayor's Office.
19-00794 Amending the 2019 current expense budget for the Chaneyville Fire Protection District so as to appropriate $60,000 for the purchase of a rescue boat, a new service truck, a generator for Station 42, a storage building, and to also provide funding to repair a fire truck. This will be funded from the District’s Fund Balance-Unassigned. (Budget Supplement 8718). By Chaneyville Fire Chief & Councilman Welch.
19-00801 Amending the Code of Ordinances for the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge Title 1 Municipal and Parish Organization, Chapter 3 Personnel, Part IV Employees' Retirement System, Subpart 2 Pension Plan, Section 1.264 Method of Financing so as to enact (1) Subsection F Withdrawal Liability Payments to establish a method for computing and allocating withdrawal liability payments to the Retirement System for any geographical area successfully removing itself from the management of the City-Parish, and (2) Subsection G to establish a method for the collection of withdrawal liability payments owed to the Retirement System. By Retirement Administrator.
19-00802 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development in connection with State Project No. H.013073, Federal Aid Project No. H013073, LA 37 & Wooddale Blvd: Ped Imp (BR), being City-Parish project number 19-SW-US-0009. Funding for construction of this project will be at a 68.8% Federal, 31.2% local cost share, subject to inclusion in the FY2020 budget. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00803 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 7 to the contract with Shread-Kuyrkendall & Associates, Inc., for engineering and land surveying services associated with Green Light Project Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, RFQ No. 09-ES-US-021, State Project (DOTD) No. H.004104, Federal Aid No. IM-1709(507), in an amount not to exceed $416,028.14. (Account No. 4650-7100-30-7120-X-X-653000-92019). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00804 Authorize the Mayor-President to grant approval to the Director of Transportation and Drainage to submit certification to the Louisiana Office Of Community Development Disaster Recovery Unit to provide for funding under the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Infrastructure Program (CDBG-DR) for urgent funding needs for bridge replacements in association with Hurricane Gustav. (Account No. 93171000-17-4630-00000-0000000000-653300 / 4630-7100-30-7120-0000-0000-000000-653000). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00805 Authorizing the Mayor-President to extend a contract with Gulf Safety Products/Pavement Markings, for a contract in the amount of $220,000 for the restriping of city and parish roads. (Account No. 1000-7100-30-7140-0000-0000-000000-643500). By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00809 Amending Resolution 54275/EBROSCO Resolution 8389 adopted on May 22, 2019 to revise Section 2 of the resolution to read as follows: The lowest bid of Grady Crawford Construction Company Inc. of Baton Rouge, in the sum of $2,260,215.00, for Annual Parishwide Wastewater Collection System Emergency Repairs Project, being Project No. 19-ER-WC-0006, is hereby accepted as the basis for award of the contract; however, the maximum amount is hereby authorized for the $2,000,000.00 annual budget. This is an annual contract and will remain in effect from the date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed, until June 30, 2020, with an option to extend for up to two additional one-year periods, provided all prices, terms and conditions remain the same, upon mutual agreement of the contracting parties (Account No. 5100-7700-40-7710-7752-0000-000000-647600). By Environmental Services Director.
19-00810 Authorizing the Director of Transportation and Drainage to issue a permit to First United Methodist Church, for the installation of a canopy on T.J. Jemison Blvd., subject to the provisions of Section 2:50 of the City-Parish Code of Ordinances. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00811 Amending Resolution 54276/EBROSCO Resolution 8390 adopted on May 22, 2019 to revise Section 2 of the resolution to read as follows: The lowest bid of J&W Contractors, Inc., in the sum of $584,000.00, for Annual Parishwide Homeowners Sewage Pump Installation and Maintenance Project, being Project No. 19-LP-WC-0007, is hereby accepted as the basis for award of the contract; however, the maximum amount is hereby authorized for the $500,000.00 annual budget. This is an annual contract and will remain in effect from the date stipulated in the Notice to Proceed, until June 30, 2020, with an option to extend for up to two additional one-year periods, provided all prices, terms and conditions remain the same, upon mutual agreement of the contracting parties (Account No. 80704-5110000004-NCDPGP0001-653400; 5100-7700-40-7710-7755-0000-000000-647600). By Environmental Services Director.
19-00812 A resolution appointing a representative on behalf of the East Baton Rouge Parish Sewerage Commission to the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00813 A resolution appointing a representative on behalf of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge to the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
73. 19-00814 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Faith, Hope & Love Worship Center (referred to as “Service Provider” or “Faith, Hope & Love Worship Center”), to offer a mentoring and peer support program to promote healing and resilience in zip code 70805 by assisting 100 high risk and vulnerable youth and 25-50 families using a SAMHSA-approved curriculum to help minimize and/or alleviate negative emotions that induce anger, violence, anxiety, and depression, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) program in the sum not to exceed $25,000.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 74. 19-00816 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and A Kingdom Connection Changing Lives (referred to as “Service Provider” or “AKCCL”), to operate a Math and Reading Boot Camp, July 1, 2019 through July 29, 2018, servicing children kindergarten through 8th grade, to keep children and youth out of trouble and engaged in educational activities to fight regression, and provide a safe environment conductive to positive social and emotional growth, that is performance-based; will implement trauma informed, community-based services focusing on education, social emotional development with special emphasis on youth and family exposed to traumatic experiences, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $25,000.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 75. 19-00818 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Big Screen Melodies (referred to as “Service Provider” or “Big Screen Melodies”), to operate a “Say It with Music” Recording and Music Camp that incorporates a technology and music engineering component from the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) curriculum as a therapeutic means of engaging school aged middle, high school and college students, ages 9-18, in self-expression writing and recording their very own song (topics may include “Changing the Narrative”, “Resilience in the Face of Trauma,” “Baton Rouge Strong”, “Community and Working Together” and “No to Violence) to engage youth and deter violence, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $47,992.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 76. 19-00819 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Capital Area Human Services District (referred to as “Service Provider” or “CAHSD”) to 1) develop a culturally sensitive educational Trauma 101 digital media toolkit, with sharable multimedia (videos and podcasts), especially designed for use by faith-based organizations, that addresses issues specific to the Baton Rouge area, promotes trauma-informed faith communities, and helps faith leaders facilitate linkages to trauma-informed behavioral health services for high-risk youth and families; 2) create a campaign website that would provide the platform for distribution, outreach, and engagement to extend the lifespan of the resilience message beyond the grant period, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $34,850.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 77. 19-00820 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and Humanities Amped (referred to as “Service Provider” or “Humanities Amped”), to pilot the first phase of Amplified Classrooms by 1) developing a curriculum that provides 30 pre-and in-service middle and high school humanities teachers in EBRPSS with a framework for implementing youth-led civic engagement and promoting trauma-informed wellness in school settings; 2) publishing the curriculum as an on-line resource that can be freely and readily accessed by instructors, and 3) collaborating with educators to pilot curriculum, receive supplemental services in their classrooms for implementation while adding new materials on-line, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $25,901.80 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 78. 19-00821 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and SU Center for Social Research (referred to as “Service Provider” or “SU Center for Social Research”), to target youth, ages 18-24, to 1) utilize classroom-based presentations, campus-wide forums and activities to promote community conversations around “Changing the Narrative” regarding youth violence prevention and its traumatic impact; 2) will offer an academic program –using the TARGET (Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy) model – an educational and therapeutic approach for the prevention and treatment of complex PTSD while providing youth development, mentoring, leadership and peer support activities; and 3) will increase access to community resources and health care options that address behavioral health and trauma reduction for college students at Southern University and A&M College, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $29,613.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 79. 19-00822 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and The Bridge Agency, Inc. (referred to as “Service Provider” or “The Bridge Agency, Inc.”), to work with faith-based leaders and others, within crime “hot spots” in zip codes 70802, 70805, 70806, 70807, 70810 and 70812, to expand its services to include trauma informed approaches utilizing the four “R” approach, i.e., 1) to Realize the prevalence and impact of trauma on youth, families, communities and systems; 2) to Recognize the signs of trauma in those they serve; 3) to Respond by integrating knowledge of trauma into policies, procedures and practices; and 4) to Resist re-traumatizing youth and families by creating environments that mimic past trauma, cause additional trauma and compromise resilience, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $30,000.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 80. 19-00823 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and YMCA of the Capital Area (referred to as “Service Provider” or “YMCA of the Capital Area”), to develop and engage an additional 275 youth –and their families within high need communities (zip codes 70802, 70807 and 70806), in mentorship, youth development and safety programs, specifically: the Character Development Leadership Institute (CDLI), Young Achievers Programs and water safety programs at A.C. Lewis YMCA, the Baranco-Clark YMCA and the Exxon Mobile YMCA branches, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $34,690.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office. 81. 19-00824 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a professional services agreement between the City of Baton Rouge, Parish of East Baton Rouge, and YWCA Greater Baton Rouge (referred to as “Service Provider” or “YWCA”), to 1) implement a pilot program that will address trauma through the provision of counseling to parents, children and family members; and 2) launch a community campaign to educate and inform the public on the adverse impact of children of incarcerated parents, such as depression, withdrawal, acting out in school, peer pressure, involvement in illegal activity and drug use, funded through DHHS, SAMHSA, Center for Mental Health Services, ReCAST Baton Rouge (RCBR) Program in the sum not to exceed $30,000.00 for the term commencing July 1, 2019 and terminating upon completion of the project estimated at September 29, 2019. By Mayor's Office.
19-00826 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Airport Bridge Company, Incorporated Contract to provide for additional maintenance and repairs to the jet bridges in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00. (Account # 5810-0900-30-0940-0000-0000-000000-647600). By Aviation Director.
19-00827 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a contract with Nearmap US Inc. in the amount of $25,792.35 for aerial imagery of East Baton Rouge Parish. By Information Services Director.
19-00828 Concurring in the recommendation of the Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control Board of Commissioners to appoint Randy Vaeth as the Interim Director of Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
19-00829 Directing the bond services committee and the Purchasing Department to formulate and issue an RFQ for bond counsel services to the City of Baton Rouge/Parish of East Baton Rouge. By Councilman Dwight Hudson, Councilman Matt Watson, and Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg.
19-00830 To provide a quarterly update, as required in the Third Amended and Restated Cooperative Endeavor and Intergovernmental Agreement adopted October 24, 2018, on the current status of Build Baton Rouge, the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority’s Land Bank and efforts related to target areas of redevelopment. By Build Baton Rouge.
19-00831 Authorizing the appropriation of $1,600,000.00 from Net Position-Unrestricted, in the Solid Waste Disposal Facility Fund, to fund contracts for debris disposal and monitoring with DRC Emergency Services, LLC and Thompson Consulting Services, respectively. The cost is based on an estimated amount of 100,000 cubic yards of debris resulting from Tropical Storm Barry. By Environmental Services Director.
19-00832 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Huval & Associates, Inc. to provide professional engineering services in association with the S. Flannery Road over Lively Bayou (Recall No. 800611) – Bridge Repair project, being City-Parish Project No. 19-BR-CI-0024, in an amount not to exceed $28,500.00. By Transportation and Drainage Director.
19-00833 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with LAZ Parking in the amount of $764,920.28 per year to provide garage management services as outlined in RFP No. 20008-19 – Parking garage Management. These management services are to be effective September 1, 2019 for a period of 3 years, with the option of one 2-year extension for an initial contractual period of not more than five (5) years. The contract may be extended an additional five (5) years (taken individually or in multiple years) with additional Council approval; however, the total term of the contract shall not exceed ten (10) years. By Department of Business Operations.
19-00834 Requesting the designation of Census Tract 36.01, Block Group 3 in lieu of Census Tract 36.01, Block Group 1, as an Enterprise Zone for participation in the Enterprise Zone Program. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis.
ADJUDICATED PROPERTIES 19-00692 Lot: F-2-B-1, Square 32 Subdivision: North Baton Rouge Applicant: Liso Terrell Thomas, Sr. Address: Progress Road Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 6,500.00 Taxes Due: $ 1,633.70 - Adjudicated for 2013 taxes Bids Received: 7/17/2019 High Bidder: Liso Terrell Thomas, Sr. - $100.00 Intended Use: Maintain and keep clean This item was deferred from July 24, 2019
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTER INTRODUCTIONS A. 19-00902 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Germaine & Co. , Inc. D/B/A Germane Solutions in the amount of $60,483.00 for the contract period March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 for the provision of ongoing technical assistance for the Ryan White Program and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 B. 19-00903 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute a contract with Thomas J. Hickey in the amount of $31,900 for the contract period March 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020 to monitor subrecipients, and conduct quality management training and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 C. 19-00904 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department , to enter in to a contractual agreement with Envisage Research and Analytics LLC in the amount of $53,358.00 under the awarded grant, "FY2018 Bureau of Justice Assistance(BJA) STOP School Violence Threat Assessment and Technology Reporting Program". The purpose of the grant is to provide a secure and anonymous mechanism for students, teachers, parents, and the community members at large to report violent incidents as well as behaviors and activities that could lead to school violence. The program will be integrated in to the Baton Rouge Police Real Time Crime Center. Envisage Research and Analytics LLC will serve as a research partner and evaluator of the program. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 D. 19-00905 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant from the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) 2019 in the amount of $92,616.50 to allow the Baton Rouge Police Department to purchase law enforcement equipment. The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's office is the grantee and the Baton Rouge Police Department is the sub-grantee. The Byrne Justice Assistance Grant is a continuation grant with no matching funds. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019 E. 19-00906 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC) in the amount of $777,000.00 set to begin October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. The grant program allows the Baton Rouge Police Department to participate in overtime enforcement of speeding, DWI, seatbelt, and underage drinking. This is a continuation grant with no matching funds. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on August 28, 2019
APPOINTMENTS 19-008931 CAPITAL AREA HUMAN SERVICES DISTRICT Concurring in the name submitted by the CAHSD for submission to the Governor to consider for appointment to the CAHSD. The CAHSD has one vacancy and recommends the reappointment of Thomas Sawyer whose term is expiring August 28, 2019.The Metropolitan Council is required to nominate 2 people. (Two people are nominated, but one is recommended to the Governor for appointment). Current Ballot Thomas Sawyer (Request for reappointment received)
19-00896 EAST BATON ROUGE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: Concurring in BRAF’s recommendation to fill the unexpired term of John Noland Sr., whose term expires December 31, 2022. Current Ballot Charles A. Landry Received letter requesting appointment
ITEMS CHANGE ORDERS 19-00874 NWWTP Sustainability Project Project Number: 13-TP-MS-0045 Original Estimated Cost: $ 5,460,000.00 Purchase Order Number: 161280 Account Number: 81403-5110000004-SSO2RMP009-653400 Council Award Date: 11/22/2016 Contractor: Wharton-Smith, Inc. Change Order Number: Six Change Order Amount: $ 0.00 Original Contract Amount: $ 6,657,000.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 924,439.77 New Contract Amount: $ 7,581,439.77 Description: 90 additional calendar days for previously authorized additional work. Why Required: To close out the project.
FINAL ACCEPTANCES 95. 19-00860 Riverfront Plaza Phase I Landscape & Lighting Renovation Project Number: 17-ASC-CP-1084 Account Number: 4752-7100-60-7120-0000-0000-000000-653000-92030 Council Award Date: 6/13/2018 Contractor: Rotolo Consultants, Inc. Estimated Cost: $ 385,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 722,000.00 Total Change Orders: (5): $ 140,764.30 Final Cost: $ 862,764.30 Days Allocated: 241 Days Used: 241 Liquidated Damages: $ None 96. 19-00875 NWWTP Sustainability Project Project Number: 13-TP-MS-0045 Account Number: 81403-5110000004-SSO2RMP009-653400 Council Award Date: 11/22/2016 Contractor: Wharton-Smith, Inc. Estimated Cost: $ 5,460,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 6,657,000.00 Total Change Orders: (Six): $ 924,439.77 Final Cost: $ 7,581,439.77 Days Allocated: 867 Days Used: 867 Liquidated Damages: $ 0.00
ACCEPTANCE OF LOW BIDS 97. 19-00861 River Center Theatre for Performing Arts Improvements (Restart) Project: 19-ASC-CP-1144 Account: 4104-5500-60-5550-0000-0000-000000-652000-92031 Estimate: $15,810,000.00 *Local **In State *Buquet and LeBlanc, Incorporated $ 15,794,900.00 *Stuart & Company General Contractors, LLC $ 16,653,000.00 *Guy Hopkins Construction Co., Inc. $ 18,424,000.00 *Arkel Constructors $ 19,220,000.00 98. 19-00876 SWWTP Digester Gas Reuse Green Project Project: 16-TP-MS-0011 Account: 81403-5443000004-SSO2RMP021-653400; 81403-5437000004-SSO2RMP021-653400; 81403-5434000004-SSO2RMP021-653400 Estimate: $930,000.00 *Local **In State *NCMC, LLC $ 937,000.00 Wharton-Smith, Inc. $ 1,024,985.00 **Tullier Services, LLC $ 1,070,500.00 **Gottfried Contracting, LLC $ 1,175,000.00 **Volute, Inc. $ 1,230,000.00 99. 19-00879 Runway 4L-22R Maintenance Repair Project at the Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport Project: Account: 5821-0900-00-0910-0920-0000-000000-647900-A0099 E 9800000099-5821000000-0000000000-647900 Estimate: $300,000.00 *Local **In State Hendrick Construction, Inc. $ 329,220.20 100. 19-00881 Crash Fire Apparatus Equipment Maintenance and Repair Services for the BTR Metro Airport Police/ARFF Division Project: Account: 5810-0900-30-0970-0000-0000-000000-643500- Estimate: *Local **In State Siddons-Martin Emergency Group $ 19,175.75 101. 19-00892 South Bluebonnet Blvd. Sidewalk Improvement (Fairhill Bluebonnet Highland Subd. To Walmart) Project: 18-SW-HC-0042 Account: Project String: 9227100024-2331-00000-0000000000-653340; GL Acct.: 2331-7100-30-7120-7130-0000-000000-653000 Estimate: $48,554.00 *Local **In State *Grady Crawford Construction Co. LLC. $ 39,480.00 (Recommended) **Credence. $ 42,875.00 **Buck Town Contractors and Co. $ 44,430.00 *Globalbiz LLC $ 46,150.00 **Capital Area Construction, LLC $ 47,380.82 *Industrial Enterprises $ 48,559.25 **Mack’s Construction And Logistics, LLC $ 52,980.16 *Mccoy Group LLC $ 55,313.26 **B2b Contractors LLC $ 75,125.00 102. 19-00894 Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Project (16-15) Myrtle Walk, Park, Westdale, Avondale, Fairway, Etta Streets & Streets in Beau Pre Project: 19-AO-ST-0017 Account: 9237100068-2341 00001-190AO0ST17-647100 Estimate: $1,450,000.00 *Local **In State **R. J. Daigle & Sons Contractors, Inc. $ 1,484,618.45 *Barber Brothers Contractors Company, LLC $ 1,517,838.70 *Coastal Bridges Company, LLC $ 1,568,893.00 **Barriere Constructions Company, LLC $ 1,904,370.20 103. 19-00895 Sales Tax Street and Road Rehabilitation Program Project (16-16) Streets in Settlement @ Willow Grove, Mayfair North, Jefferson Terrace, Providence, & Roundhill Drive Project: 19-AO-ST-0018 Account: 9237100069-2341 00001-190AO0ST18-647100 Estimate: $1,750,000.00 *Local **In State **R. J. Daigle and Sons Contractors, Inc. $ 1,663,114.03 *Barber Brothers Contg. Co., LLC $ 1,783,705.40 *Coastal Bridge Co., LLC $ 1,895,019.00 **Barriere Construction Co., LLC. CPD $ 1,922,145.71
OTHER ITEMS TO BE ADOPTED (EMERGENCY) 19-00838 Directing the Assistant Director of Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control or Interim Director of Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control to execute and accept a grant award and Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Louisiana Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which will provide funds and/or equipment for a tire shredder and associated site costs. By Councilman Matt Watson. Reason for emergency: The City-Parish will lose the grant funds if grant documents are not executed ASAP.
19-00878 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute an agreement to contract with The Kansas City Southern Railway Company (KCS) for the costs of the reconstruction and extension of the at-grade highway-rail crossing associated with MovEBR Project: Pecue Lane/I-10 Interchange, being City-Parish Project No. 09-CS-US-0041, State Project (DOTD) No. H.003047, Federal Aid No. H003047 in an amount not to exceed $844,750. This amount is fully reimbursable by Federal Funding. (Account No. 9217100032-4650 00000-0000000000-653580). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Reason for emergency: Time sensitive to secure federal funds. Kansas City Railroad submitted an estimate to the City of Baton Rouge last week. This agreement needs approval to be a part of the Phase 3 construction of the Pecue Ln Interchange. The funding for this improvement is 100% federal dollars
19-00888 Considering the appeal of the decision of the Historic Preservation Commission in case HPC 7-19 rendered on July 10, 2019 filed by the property owner of 701/703 Spanishtown Road. By Council Administrator/Treasurer. Reason for emergency: The UDC requires that an appeal of an HPC decision be heard at the next available meeting of the Metropolitan Council.
19-00890 Authorize the Mayor-President to execute a Project Partnership Agreement between the Department of Army, City of Central, and City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, for the Amite River and Tributaries, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge Parish Watershed (Flood Risk Management Project) at a cost not to exceed $65,593,304.80. (Account No. 9307100012-4620 00000-0000000000-653240). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Reason for emergency: Time Sensitive- To receive state funding
104. 19-00651 A discussion regarding security in the City Hall building. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. This item was deferred from June 26, 2019 105. 19-00670 A discussion of renaming the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison to the East Baton Rouge Parish Correctional Facility. By Councilwoman Chauna Banks. This item was deferred from July 24, 2019
19-00825 A discussion of the proposed amendments to Chapter s 1- 4 of the Plan of Government by the Plan of Government Amendment Committee. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis.