Presentations and Special Recognitions
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
19-01141 Approval and adoption of minutes of the Metropolitan Council Meeting of October 9, 2019, the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of October 8, 2019. and the Metropolitan Council Zoning Meeting of October 16, 2019. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS 2. 19-01155 Granting a renewal of a five year property tax abatement estimated at $23,307 per year for Louisiana Fish Fry, LLC, located at 1450 Airway Drive. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA application #2018-0141 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Memo Abatement Estimate Worksheet Legislation 3. 19-01167 Amending the Preliminary Current Expense Budget and Capital Budget of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2020 submitted by the Mayor-President; and adopting the Final Current Expense Budget and Capital Budget of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2020. By Mayor-President. By Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 2020 Budget - Public Notice/Ordinance 4. 19-01172 Authorization for the Mayor President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to appropriate $500,000 from the Airport’s cash account Capital Improvements 5810-0000-00-0000-0000-0000-000000-100009 to be placed in the Airfield Pavement Repair Project 5821-0900-00-0910-0920-0000-000000-647900-A0099 E 9800000099-5821000000-0000000000-647900 to fund repairs to the runways, taxiways and aprons (BS # 008658). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 5. 19-01173 Authorization for the Mayor President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to appropriate $250,000 from the Airport’s cash account Capital Improvements 5810-0000-00-0000-0000-0000-000000-100009 to be placed in the Airport Aviation Business Park Project 5821-0900-30-0910-0920-0000-000000-653000-A0101 E 9800000101-5821000000-0000000000-653100 to fund design of the infrastructure components (electric, data, water, sewer, gas etc.) (BS # 008659). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 6. 19-01134 David W. Sterling Irrevocable Trust 5454 Paige Street, Lot 44 & 45, Square 38 Fortune Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 7. 19-01135 Bernell Sims, Sr. 2927 Iroquois Street, Lot 22 PT, Square 1 Pitchford-Ourso Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 8. 19-01136 Advantage Holdings No. 1, L.L.C. 6817 Greenwell Springs Road, Lot A Sabella Property - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 9. 19-01137 The Estate of Harold Herbert Blunt 3914 Topeka Street, Lot 2, Square 25 Prosperity Addition Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS 10. 19-01156 Lot: I 1 Subdivision: Ida Stewart Tract Applicant: M & M Realty, LLC Address: Flanacher Road Metro Council District: 1 - Welch Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 36,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 8,857.78 - Adjudicated for 2013 taxes Bids Received: 11/20/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 26, 2019 11. 19-01157 Lot: 205 Subdivision: Beechwood Applicant: M & M Realty, LLC Address: Desoto Drive (2414) Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 40,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,845.61 - Adjudicated for 2013 taxes Bids Received: 11/20/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 26, 2019 12. 19-01158 Lot: 16+, Square 11 Subdivision: Fortune Applicant: Greg Hudson Address: Peerless Street Metro Council District: 5 - Green Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 850.00 Appraised Value: $ 5,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 8,857.78 - Adjudicated for 1991 taxes Bids Received: 11/20/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 26, 2019 13. 19-01159 Lot: 16 & 17, Square 27 Subdivision: Fortune Applicant: Anthony C. Allen, Sr. Address: Paige Street Metro Council District: 5 - Green Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 1,310.00 Appraised Value: $ 5,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,412.87 - Adjudicated for 1988 taxes Bids Received: 11/20/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 26, 2019 PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS 14. 19-01138 PA-12-19 363 Edison Street To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood to Compact Neighborhood on property located on the east side of Edison Street, north of Government Street, and south of North Boulevard, on Lot 13 of the Bernard Terrace Addition Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon a review of the area in a greater level of detail, compatibility with surrounding uses, and dimensional constraints of subject lot Related to ISPUD-9-19 Application Staff Report 15. 19-01139 ISPUD-9-19 Terrell Cottages (363 Edison Street) Proposed two unit medium density single family residential development, located east of Edison Street, north of Government Street, and south of North Boulevard, on Lot 13 of the Bernard Terrace Addition Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, if companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Related to PA-12-19 Application Staff Report Plans 16. 19-01143 Case 55-19 3976, 3990 Tyrone Drive To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.1) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on the property located on the south side of Tyrone Drive, to the west of Valley Street, on Lots 3 and 4, Block 10 of Valley Park Subdivision. Section 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff cannot certify the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning. While it conforms to UDC requirements it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and represents the intrusion of commercial uses into residential area Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 17. 19-01144 Case 60-19 20152 Highland Road To rezone from Rural to Light Industrial (M1) on the property located on the south side of Highland Road, to the east of Airline Highway, on Lot C-1 of the H. P. Armstrong Property. Section 37, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 18. 19-01145 Case 61-19 1585 Stonegate Court To rezone from Town House (A2.5) to Single Family Residential (A1) on the property located on the east side of Stonegate Court, to the north of Old Hammond Highway, on a portion of Lot G of the H. B. Harelson Tract (now part of Stonegate Subdivision) measuring 284 ft. x 172 ft. x 332 ft. Sections 62 and 87, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 19. 19-01146 Case 62-19 5068 Airline Highway To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant)(C-AB-1) on the property located on the south side of Airline Highway, to the east of North Foster Drive, on a portion of Lot F-1-A of the Lelia Opdenweyer Tract. Section 39, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 5 - Green) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 20. 19-01147 Case 63-19 11294 Florida Boulevard To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant)(C-AB-1) on the property located on the south side of Florida Boulevard, to the west of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, on a portion of Lot A-1 of the Holt T. Harrison Property. Section 12, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 21. 19-01148 Case 64-19 10777 Greenwell Springs Road To rezone from General Residential (A4) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on the property located on the north side of Greenwell Springs Road, to the west of W. Green Ridge Drive, on Lot 7-B of the H. E. Hopper Property. Section 66, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 5 - Green) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 22. 19-01149 Case 65-19 5350 Perkins Road To rezone from Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) to Single Family Residential (A1) on the property located on the south side of Perkins Road, to the east of Congress Boulevard, on a portion of Lot RZ-3-D of the Ralph Ford Property. Section 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 23. 19-01150 Case 66-19 7560 Corporate Boulevard To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Bar and Lounge)(C-AB-2) on the property located on the south side of Corporate Boulevard, to the west of Jefferson Highway, on a portion of Lot A-2-B, Cedar Lodge Plantation. Section 91, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 24. 19-01151 Case 67-19 3636 S. Sherwood Forest Boulevard, 11550 New Castle Boulevard To rezone from Rural to Heavy Commercial (HC2) on the properties located on the west side of S. Sherwood Forest Boulevard, to the south of Southfork Avenue, on Lots 1-W-3-E-1-A and 1-W-3-E-1-B of the property of T. P. Singletary. Section 51, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 25. 19-01152 Case 68-19 Drusilla Jefferson Overlay Expansion of overlay district boundary on property located to the west of Drusilla Lane, to the north Interstate I-12 and Jefferson Highway, to include Lots B-2-A and B-2-B of Singletary Place Subdivision. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Staff Report 26. 19-01153 ISPUD-8-19 Elysian III Apartments Proposed multifamily residential development on property located South of Spanish Town Road, west of Canal Street, and east of North 11th Street, on lots 52-A, 53-A, and four undesignated lots of the Nicaragua Subdivision. Section 71, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, L (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report Plans OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 27. 19-01108 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to enter in to a contractual agreement with Motorola Solutions in the amount of $88,629.93. Motorola Solutions will provide the Baton Rouge Police Department with the Avigilon Video Management System to include a combination of hardware, software, and services for the downtown and public safety cameras which will be tied in to the Baton Rouge Real Time Crime Center. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Contract Cover Letter 28. 19-01109 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant award , " FY19 Community Based Crime Reduction (Empower BR)" , through the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) / Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in the amount of $1,000,000.00. This grant will fund EmpowerBR. EmpowerBR will leverage resources available in the community to reduce violent crime and group activity in some of the most affected neighborhoods in Baton Rouge. To achieve this goal, BRPD proposes to empower community leaders with detailed information about crime , drivers of crime, and risk and protective factors in the city. Once the information has been disseminated, community leaders will collaborate with government officials and law enforcement to devise a plan to address identified needs. In effect, this project will allow community leaders to have a voice in how they respond to public safety issues and how they are policed in their neighborhood. The goal of the of the grant is to establish a community member led advisory council. Once the Council is established, the Council will support and direct law enforcement efforts to reduce violent crime, dismantle gang activity, and enhance police-community relations. Funds will be used to hire a full time site coordinator for the life of the grant and provide for a researcher/evaluator. This grant is 100% funded with no match. The program is set to begin October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2023. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 29. 19-01110 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant award, " 2019 Baton Rouge PSN RAPID Response Task Force", through the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) in the amount of $89,960.00. This program is headed by the United States Attorney Office(USAO) under the Project Safe Neighborhood (PSN) program to partner with BRPD, the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, and the East Baton Rouge District Attorney’s Office to disrupt gun violence in Baton Rouge. Funds will be used for officer overtime, who will respond to firearm discharges detected by the ShotSpotter technology. Funds will also be used to contract with a research partner and evaluator for the life of the grant. This grant is 100% funded with no match. The program is set to begin October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2022. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 30. 19-01133 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the Cooperative Endeavor, Lease and Option Agreement with Benaterra Resources, LLC, to extend the time for its scoping study of the Irene Road Red Mud Lakes Property for an additional three (3) year period from its initial termination date; and to approve additional funds for said extension in the amount of $7,500.00. By Director of Environmental Services. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Supporting Documentation Contract 31. 19-01072 To provide a quarterly update, as required in the Third Amended and Restated Cooperative Endeavor and Intergovernmental Agreement adopted October 24, 2018, on the current status of Build Baton Rouge, the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority’s Land Bank and efforts related to target areas of redevelopment. By Build Baton Rouge. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 32. 19-01154 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the contract with Crump Wilson Architects, LLC, for Architectural Design Services in connection with the New Fire Station #20, being City-Parish Project No. 14-ASD-CP-0872, in an amount not to exceed $31,870.00. (Account No. 4600-5100-20-5110-0000-0000-000000-652000). By Buildings and Grounds Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter Other 33. 19-01160 A discussion of the waste tire shredder program and the associated Cooperative Endeavor Agreement regarding the location of the waste tire shredder. By Councilwoman Tara Wicker and Councilman Lamont Cole. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 CEA 34. 19-01161 Receiving a report from the Mayor's Office on the status of the disparity study. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 35. 19-01162 Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to submit a request for an opinion from the Louisiana Attorney General regarding the proper legal representative for crime prevention districts in East Baton Rouge Parish. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 36. 19-01163 Authorizing the Mayor President to execute Supplemental Agreement No 1 to a contract with SJB Group, LLC, to provide professional services for the ADA Self Evaluation Plan for Public Rights-of-way, being City-Parish Project No. 17-CS-CI-0020 in an amount not to exceed $11,400.00. (Account No. 012.7120002.643550.4). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Council Backup Memo 37. 19-01164 Authorizing the Mayor President to execute Supplemental Agreement No 1 to a contract with C.H. Fenstermaker & Associates, LLC, to provide surveys and design services for Phase 2 of the Hanks DR/Landis DR Ped Improvements Project, being RFQ No. 15-ES-PW-002 and City-Parish Project No. 15-SW-US-0004 in an amount not to exceed $288,128.12 (Account No. 9227100007). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Council Backup Memo 38. 19-01170 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Capital Area Transportation System for the expansion of Bus Rapid Transit Improvement for providing services for advancing the conceptual design and preparation of NEPA document, appropriating $220,000 of funding from CATS representing their 50% cost share for said purpose. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Council Backup Document 39. 19-01171 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the contract for engineering services with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (formerly MWH Americas, Inc.) with sub-consultants Ardaman & Associates, Inc.; Cali & LaPlace Engineers, LLC; GOTECH, Inc.; Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI); SJB Group, LLC and Stanley Consultants in connection with the CWWTP Decommissioning being Project No. 14-TP-MS-0016, for an amount not to exceed $45,000.00 and extend contract time to December 31, 2020 (Account No. 81403-5110000003-SSO2RMP020-643583). By Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Council Memo 40. 19-01177 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a professional services agreement with American Traffic Solutions, Inc., doing business as Verra Mobility for a traffic control safety device management commencing January 2020 through December 31, 2023. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Agreement with American Traffic Solutions, Inc. 41. 19-01179 Receiving a report from The East Baton Rouge Parish Blight Study Committee. By Councilwoman Tara Wicker, Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg and Councilman Matt Watson. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 42. 19-01180 Amending Ordinance 4407, adopted January 8, 1975, so as to add the 19th Judicial District Court as an agency that is authorized and empowered to coordinate meals consumed by jurors serving in criminal jury trials in the Parish of East Baton Rouge; to require documentation for reimbursement or direct payment of meals consumed by jurors; and, to delete the amounts for meals and add a provision that the expense for meals is to be set forth by the Louisiana State Travel Guide as issued and updated by the State of Louisiana Division of Administration. By 19th Judicial District Court Administrator and East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Draft - Ordinance 43. 19-01181 Authorizing the Mayor-President to formally adopt the East Baton Rouge Parish All-Hazards Recovery Plan. This Plan was developed in accordance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) as a “Whole Community” initiative. The comprehensive planning process was geared towards “Integrating National Standards into Local Community Resiliency.” This Plan is intended to provide a framework for recovery operations and will be activated, upon need, to enable a more efficient and effective recovery process in East Baton Rouge Parish. By Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter
44. 19-00375 Loyetta Z. Collins 2769 Cedar Avenue, Lot 7, Square 10 Standard Heights Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker This item was deferred from April 24, 2019 and July 24, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report Picture Picture 45. 19-00681 Willie Lee Jell, Jr. 10495 Catherine Street, Lot D, Square 23 North Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks This item was deferred from July 24, 2019 and July 24, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 46. 19-00867 Charles Williams and Vanessa Price Williams 5524 Johnette Drive, Lot 23 Merrydale Place Subdivision (1st Filing) - Council District 5 - Green This item was deferred from August 28, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report Picture Picture Picture 47. 19-01011 Randall C. Johnson 5729 Henagen Avenue (House and Rear Shed), Lot 34 Legion Village Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green This item was deferred from September 25, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report Picture Picture 48. 19-01080 Paul Purvis 1266 Harco Drive, Lot 11 West Windsor Place Subdivision - Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis Picture Picture Inspector's Report 49. 19-01081 Todd Winston Smith 4649 Bradley Street, Lot 141 New Fairfields Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Picture Picture Inspector's Report 50. 19-01082 The Estate of Cornelious M. Brown 942 N 27th Street (House and Rear Shed), North 1/2 of Lot 2, Square 9 Suburb Abramson Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on October 23, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 51. 19-01083 Monica Paul Signator 650 Maximillian Street, NE Portion of Lot 6, Square 59 Beauregard Town Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Picture Picture Inspector's Report
PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING 19-01078 Adopting the following ad valorem tax millage rates within the boundaries of the following taxing jurisdictions on all taxable property (except that the millage rate for the Downtown Development District shall be levied on real property only) to be levied during the year 2020. East Baton Rouge Parish Operating Tax 3.32 City of Baton Rouge Operating Tax 6.03 City of Baton Rouge Three Platoon Police Tax .87 East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District 1.12 East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District (additional) 1.00 East Baton Rouge Parish Library 11.10 East Baton Rouge Council on Aging 2.25 Mental Health 1.50 Emergency Medical Services 3.13 Baton Rouge Municipal Fire Salaries & Benefits 6.00 Consolidated Road Lighting District No. 1 2.00 Alsen Fire Protection District No. 9 10.00 Alsen Fire Protection District No. 9 (additional) 5.00 Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 10.00 Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 (additional) 5.00 Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 (additional) 10.00 Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 (additional) 10.00 Downtown Development District 10.00 East Baton Rouge Parish Fire Protection District No. 1 9.00 Pride Fire Protection District No. 8 10.00 Pride Fire Protection District No. 8 (additional) 15.00 Chaneyville Fire Protection District No. 7 10.00 Chaneyville Fire Protection District No. 7 (additional) 10.00 Chaneyville Fire Protection District No. 7 (additional) 10.00 By Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation
19-01064 Amending the 2019 current expense budget so as to appropriate $600,000 from General Fund - Fund Balance Assigned for Police to fund drug law enforcement overtime within the Police Department. By Police Chief. Legislation Request fund balance draw - Narcotic Funds
19-01084 Amending the 2019 Capital Budget so as to appropriate $10,000,000 in bond proceeds from the 2019 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds for the purpose of providing the City-Parish portion for the East Baton Rouge Parish Flood Risk Reduction Project and paying all the associated costs of issuance. (Budget Supplement No. 8727). By Transportation and Drainage Director and Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation Other
19-01090 Authorizing the appropriation of not to exceed $450,000,000 of Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2019A and 2019B, of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission plus any bond premium and other financing resources of $4,984,973.44 for the purpose of refunding the 2010B and a portion of the 2011A Sewer Revenue Bonds, paying the costs of issuance for the transaction. (Budget Supplement No. 8729). By Environmental Services Director and Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation Memorandum
19-01073 A Supplemental Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance and providing for the sale of Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, payable from the proceeds of the two percent (2%) sales and use tax levied by said Parish; prescribing the form, fixing the details, providing for the payment of principal and interest on such bonds and for the rights of the registered owners thereof; and providing for other matters related thereto. By Bond Counsel. Cover Letter
19-01074 A Supplemental Bond Resolution amending and supplementing Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution No. 44893 (EBROSCO No. 7494); providing for the sale of (i) the Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019A of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission and (ii) the Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019B of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, pursuant to Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution 44893 (EBROSCO No. 7494); prescribing the form, fixing the details and providing for the payment of principal of and interest on such Series 2019A Refunding Bonds and Series 2019B Refunding Bonds; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. By Bond Counsel. Cover Letter
19-01092 Certifying to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development that the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge Agree to Certain Stipulations Required By the LADOTD as prerequisites for participation by the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge in the Off-System Bridge Replacement Program. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Legislation Council Backup Memo Council Backup Document
19-01069 Requesting that the Planning Commission work with the Federation of Greater Baton Rouge Civic Associations to study potential regulations governing short term rentals. By Councilwoman Tara Wicker. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01099 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Peggy Magee, et al v. City of Baton Rouge," Suit No. 658,946, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $100,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,464.54, for a total amount of $101,464.54; and appropriating $101,464.54 for such purpose. *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorneys of record are S. Bradley Rhorer and Carlton Jack Allen). By Parish Attorney. Legislation Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered
19-01070 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on August 16, 2019 at Original 777 of Bundle 12975 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Elmo Brown, Sr. and Mary N. Brown" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10059 (3130 Dalton Street (House and Front Carport), Lot 13, Square B, Crawford Addition Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The property owner is renovating the property and will be moving back into the home once the renovations are complete. By Councilman LaMont Cole. Legislation Supporting Documentation
19-01068 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/ East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start Program to amend the contract with The Management Institute in an amount of $20,000.00 not to exceed $60,000.00 to provide additional consultation services as needed on finance, facilities, Head Start Performance Standards, and grant writing for the period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01067 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Ryan White Program to amend the contract with Germaine & Co. , Inc. D/B/A Germane Solutions for an increase in the amount of $10,000 for a total amount not to exceed $70,483 for the contract period March 1, 2019 to February 28, 2020, to develop the FY 2020 Federal Ending The Epidemic Grant Application- A Plan for America; and provide technical assistance; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01076 Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of sales and use taxes to Conn Appliances, Inc. in the amount of $243,036.76 for bad debts written off for the audit period of February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2016, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation
19-01079 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend the contract with Milliman, Inc., for actuarial services relating to calculations of the City-Parish Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) liability for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The amendment, resulting from new calculation methods required by GASB 75, will increase the contract amount for actuarial services for the 2018 CAFR from $18,000 to $28,400, adjust the scope of services to provide for an additional full actuarial valuation for the 2019 CAFR at the rate of $21,000, and extend the term of the contract for one additional year at a rate of $7,500 for the 2020 CAFR. By Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation Contract
19-01085 Authorizing the Mayor-President to increase the contract with Hunt, Guillot & Associates, LLC, by $345,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $415,000, for purposes of providing grant management services related to the “Declared Disaster Relief Funding (DDRF) 2019 Developer Program,” which seeks to increase the amount of affordable rental units in East Baton Rouge Parish. Funding for this contract amendment comes from administrative dollars specifically related to the DDRF allocation received from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. By Office of Community Development Director. Legislation Cover Letter Other
19-01087 Authorizing the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission (sometimes referred to herein as EBROSCO), through its authorized representative, to execute all documents as may be necessary for the purchase of property in that subdivision known as SABLE CHASE, FIRST FILING, and designated on the official plan thereof, on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, as LOT 19, 20, and 21 of said subdivision, said lots having such measurements and dimensions and being subject to such servitudes as are shown on said subdivision map, and ratifying the conditional purchase and sale agreement previously executed by the authorized representative of EBROSCO. By Department of Environmental Services. Legislation Draft - Resolution
19-01093 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, and the Capital Region Planning Commission in connection with State Project No. H.011791, Federal Aid Project No. H011791, Cal Rd and Moss Side Ln BR Replacements, being City-Parish project number 16-BR-US-0021. Funding for construction of this project will be at an 80% Federal, 20% local cost share. (Account No. 9317100029 & 9317100030). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Legislation Council Backup Memo Council Backup Document
19-01094 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 8 to the contract with ARCCO Company Services, Inc. to provide Category B - Emergency Protective Measures in response to Hurricane Barry for a fee not to exceed $212,305.63 (Account No. 2705-7700-20-7710-7753-YR19-000000-647600-41004). By Environmental Services Director Legislation Council Memo
19-01100 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a lease agreement with CK Healthy Vending, LLC, to place a vending machine in the terminal building for a period of one (1) year at a minimum monthly guarantee of $150.00 per month or 15% of gross revenues whichever is greater. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01101 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to approve a sublease between the East Baton Rouge Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District and East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01102 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit and execute a grant application to the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation to request $20,000.00 from the State Aviation Discretionary Trust Fund to purchase a new Airport/Police vehicle; and authorization to accept and execute the Grant Agreement and any and all necessary documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01103 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to amend Metropolitan Council Resolution #54292, Adopted June 12, 2019 so as to correct the grant application funding source for the Runway 13-31 RSA/RPZ Improvements – Phase II (Construction) Project as follows: From: Federal $7,300,000.00; State $3,311,111.00; Airport $20,000; Total $10,631,111.00, To: Federal $7,163,418.00; State: $3,795,935.00; Airport $20,000; Total $10,979,353.00. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01104 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit and execute a grant application to the Federal Aviation Administration and the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation for the Runway 13-31 RSA/RPZ Improvements – Phase III Project in the amount of $9,575,556; and authorization to accept and execute the Grant Agreement and any and all necessary documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. (Funding Source: Federal $5,900,000; State: $3,655,556; Airport: $20,000.00; Total $9,575,556.00.). By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01105 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit and execute a grant application to the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation for 10% state match in the amount of $55,556.00 for the Runway 4L/22R Rehabilitation Project Phase II; and authorization to accept and execute the grant agreement and any and all necessary documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. (Funding Source: Airport $500,000; State Trust Fund $55,556; Total; $555,556). By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01106 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a request for Capital Outlay Funding for fiscal year 2020-2021 for the General Aviation Development Project (Utility/Infrastructure) in the amount of $1,000,000.00. By: Director of Aviation. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
APPOINTMENTS 19-01095 EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT Recommending a replacement for Harold Kirby (term limited and not eligible to serve another term). This term will expire on October 8, 2022 This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot Albert B. Andrews, Jr. This item was deferred from October 9, 2019
19-01142 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Adam Enamorado in accordance with Section 2.17 of the Plan of Government. This term expires December 31, 2022. Current Ballot Anthony J. Gallo Cassandra M. Jeanlouis George Krause
CHANGE ORDERS 79. 19-01165 Gardere Lane Pedestrian Improvements Project Number: 15-SW-US 0004 State Project No. H.011774 Original Estimated Cost: $ 747,307.15 Purchase Order Number: 800001569 Account Number: 2018-2331-7100-30-7120-7130-0000-000000-65300; 2018-4650-7100-30-7120-7130-0000-000000-653000- 92276 Council Award Date: 10/24/2018 Contractor: KCR Contractors, LLC Change Order Number: 1 (Final) (Extend contract for 13 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ (27,750.92) Original Contract Amount: $ 663,891.37 Net Previous Changes: $ -0- New Contract Amount: $ 636,140.45 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities and add 13 calendar days to the contract time Why Required: To make payment for final field-measured quantities and 13 calendar days to the contract time due to the delay of changing from round reinforced concrete pipe to arch to accommodate for low final grade in this area. Change Order Backup 80. 19-01175 Airfield Markings Project Number: Original Estimated Cost: $ 74,450.00 Purchase Order Number: 800002130 Account Number: 5810-0900-30-0920-0000-0000-000000-643500 Council Award Date: 6/26/2019 Contractor: Hi - Lite Airfield Services, LLC Change Order Number: 1 Change Order Amount: $ 33,541.64 Original Contract Amount: $ 74,450.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 0.00 New Contract Amount: $ 107,991.64 Description: Paint removal and painting of airfield markings Why Required: Airfield markings are required by FAA to be maintained and paint was unbounded and required removal instead of surface preparation. Cover Letter
FINAL ACCEPTANCES 81. 19-01166 Gardere Lane Pedestrian Improvements Project Number: 15-SW-US-0004 SP#H.011774 Account Number: 2018 2331-7100-30-7120- 7130-0000-000000-653000; 2018 4650-7100-30-7120-7130-0000-000000-65300-92276 Council Award Date: 10/24/2018 Contractor: KCR Contractors, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 747,307.15 Contract Amount: $ 668,891.37 Total Change Orders: (1): $ (27,750.92) Final Cost: $ 636,140.45 Days Allocated: 153 Days Used: 153 Liquidated Damages: $ None Final Acceptance Backup 82. 19-01174 Pump Station 52 Flood Repairs Project Number: 09-PS-UF-009A Account Number: 80920-5441000004-NCDPPS0050-653400 and 80920-5432000004-NCDPPS0050-653400 Council Award Date: 10/24/2018 Contractor: Wharton-Smith, Inc. Estimated Cost: $ 2,000,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 1,721,000.00 Total Change Orders: (None): $ 0.00 Final Cost: $ 1,721,000.00 Days Allocated: 365 Days Used: 296 Liquidated Damages: $ 0.00 83. 19-01176 Airfield Markings Project Number: 800002130 Account Number: 5810-0900-30-0920-0000-0000-000000-643500 Council Award Date: 6/26/2019 Contractor: Hi-Lite Airfield Services, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 74,450.00 Contract Amount: $ 74,450.00 Total Change Orders: (1): $ 33,541.64 Final Cost: $ 107,991.64 Days Allocated: 30 Days Used: 4 Liquidated Damages: $ None
OTHER ITEMS TO BE ADOPTED (EMERGENCY) 19-01140 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the City-Parish as the Co-Grantee, to execute the Grant Agreement and related documents associated with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development award of the FY2018 Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant, in the amount of $29,512,500, for the implementation of a Transformation Plan developed for the East Fairfield, Smiley Heights and Melrose East neighborhoods. By Office of the Mayor-President. Reason for emergency: Agreement requires execution before November 1, 2019 Final Award Letter Other Other Other
OTHER ITEMS 19-01107 Discussion of the pending lawsuit, Williams et al. v. City of Baton Rouge, et al., (No. 659,090, Nineteenth Judicial District Court, Div. E) *This item may be discussed in Executive Session*. By Parish Attorney. Legislation Cover Letter ADJOURNMENT
Presentations and Special Recognitions
Adoption and Approval of Minutes
19-01141 Approval and adoption of minutes of the Metropolitan Council Meeting of October 9, 2019, the Greater Baton Rouge Airport Commission Meeting of October 8, 2019. and the Metropolitan Council Zoning Meeting of October 16, 2019. By Council Administrator/Treasurer.
SECTION 2.12 INTRODUCTIONS 2. 19-01155 Granting a renewal of a five year property tax abatement estimated at $23,307 per year for Louisiana Fish Fry, LLC, located at 1450 Airway Drive. This application is referred by Louisiana Economic Development Restoration Tax Abatement Program to the City of Baton Rouge as RTA application #2018-0141 for the purpose of encouraging private investment and restoration of property. By Planning Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Memo Abatement Estimate Worksheet Legislation 3. 19-01167 Amending the Preliminary Current Expense Budget and Capital Budget of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2020 submitted by the Mayor-President; and adopting the Final Current Expense Budget and Capital Budget of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge for the year 2020. By Mayor-President. By Mayor-President. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 2020 Budget - Public Notice/Ordinance 4. 19-01172 Authorization for the Mayor President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to appropriate $500,000 from the Airport’s cash account Capital Improvements 5810-0000-00-0000-0000-0000-000000-100009 to be placed in the Airfield Pavement Repair Project 5821-0900-00-0910-0920-0000-000000-647900-A0099 E 9800000099-5821000000-0000000000-647900 to fund repairs to the runways, taxiways and aprons (BS # 008658). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 5. 19-01173 Authorization for the Mayor President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to appropriate $250,000 from the Airport’s cash account Capital Improvements 5810-0000-00-0000-0000-0000-000000-100009 to be placed in the Airport Aviation Business Park Project 5821-0900-30-0910-0920-0000-000000-653000-A0101 E 9800000101-5821000000-0000000000-653100 to fund design of the infrastructure components (electric, data, water, sewer, gas etc.) (BS # 008659). By Aviation Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter CONDEMNATION INTRODUCTIONS 6. 19-01134 David W. Sterling Irrevocable Trust 5454 Paige Street, Lot 44 & 45, Square 38 Fortune Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 7. 19-01135 Bernell Sims, Sr. 2927 Iroquois Street, Lot 22 PT, Square 1 Pitchford-Ourso Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 8. 19-01136 Advantage Holdings No. 1, L.L.C. 6817 Greenwell Springs Road, Lot A Sabella Property - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 9. 19-01137 The Estate of Harold Herbert Blunt 3914 Topeka Street, Lot 2, Square 25 Prosperity Addition Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report ADJUDICATED PROPERTY INTRODUCTIONS 10. 19-01156 Lot: I 1 Subdivision: Ida Stewart Tract Applicant: M & M Realty, LLC Address: Flanacher Road Metro Council District: 1 - Welch Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 36,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 8,857.78 - Adjudicated for 2013 taxes Bids Received: 11/20/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 26, 2019 11. 19-01157 Lot: 205 Subdivision: Beechwood Applicant: M & M Realty, LLC Address: Desoto Drive (2414) Metro Council District: 2 - Banks Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 500.00 Appraised Value: $ 40,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,845.61 - Adjudicated for 2013 taxes Bids Received: 11/20/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 26, 2019 12. 19-01158 Lot: 16+, Square 11 Subdivision: Fortune Applicant: Greg Hudson Address: Peerless Street Metro Council District: 5 - Green Initial Bid Amount $ 100.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 850.00 Appraised Value: $ 5,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 8,857.78 - Adjudicated for 1991 taxes Bids Received: 11/20/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 26, 2019 13. 19-01159 Lot: 16 & 17, Square 27 Subdivision: Fortune Applicant: Anthony C. Allen, Sr. Address: Paige Street Metro Council District: 5 - Green Initial Bid Amount $ 200.00 Advanced costs required (certified funds): $ 1,310.00 Appraised Value: $ 5,000.00 Taxes Due: $ 4,412.87 - Adjudicated for 1988 taxes Bids Received: 11/20/2019 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 26, 2019 PLANNING AND ZONING INTRODUCTIONS 14. 19-01138 PA-12-19 363 Edison Street To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood to Compact Neighborhood on property located on the east side of Edison Street, north of Government Street, and south of North Boulevard, on Lot 13 of the Bernard Terrace Addition Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon a review of the area in a greater level of detail, compatibility with surrounding uses, and dimensional constraints of subject lot Related to ISPUD-9-19 Application Staff Report 15. 19-01139 ISPUD-9-19 Terrell Cottages (363 Edison Street) Proposed two unit medium density single family residential development, located east of Edison Street, north of Government Street, and south of North Boulevard, on Lot 13 of the Bernard Terrace Addition Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, if companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Related to PA-12-19 Application Staff Report Plans 16. 19-01143 Case 55-19 3976, 3990 Tyrone Drive To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.1) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on the property located on the south side of Tyrone Drive, to the west of Valley Street, on Lots 3 and 4, Block 10 of Valley Park Subdivision. Section 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff cannot certify the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning. While it conforms to UDC requirements it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and represents the intrusion of commercial uses into residential area Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 17. 19-01144 Case 60-19 20152 Highland Road To rezone from Rural to Light Industrial (M1) on the property located on the south side of Highland Road, to the east of Airline Highway, on Lot C-1 of the H. P. Armstrong Property. Section 37, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 18. 19-01145 Case 61-19 1585 Stonegate Court To rezone from Town House (A2.5) to Single Family Residential (A1) on the property located on the east side of Stonegate Court, to the north of Old Hammond Highway, on a portion of Lot G of the H. B. Harelson Tract (now part of Stonegate Subdivision) measuring 284 ft. x 172 ft. x 332 ft. Sections 62 and 87, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 19. 19-01146 Case 62-19 5068 Airline Highway To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant)(C-AB-1) on the property located on the south side of Airline Highway, to the east of North Foster Drive, on a portion of Lot F-1-A of the Lelia Opdenweyer Tract. Section 39, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 5 - Green) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 20. 19-01147 Case 63-19 11294 Florida Boulevard To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant)(C-AB-1) on the property located on the south side of Florida Boulevard, to the west of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, on a portion of Lot A-1 of the Holt T. Harrison Property. Section 12, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 21. 19-01148 Case 64-19 10777 Greenwell Springs Road To rezone from General Residential (A4) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on the property located on the north side of Greenwell Springs Road, to the west of W. Green Ridge Drive, on Lot 7-B of the H. E. Hopper Property. Section 66, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 5 - Green) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 22. 19-01149 Case 65-19 5350 Perkins Road To rezone from Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) to Single Family Residential (A1) on the property located on the south side of Perkins Road, to the east of Congress Boulevard, on a portion of Lot RZ-3-D of the Ralph Ford Property. Section 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 23. 19-01150 Case 66-19 7560 Corporate Boulevard To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Bar and Lounge)(C-AB-2) on the property located on the south side of Corporate Boulevard, to the west of Jefferson Highway, on a portion of Lot A-2-B, Cedar Lodge Plantation. Section 91, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 24. 19-01151 Case 67-19 3636 S. Sherwood Forest Boulevard, 11550 New Castle Boulevard To rezone from Rural to Heavy Commercial (HC2) on the properties located on the west side of S. Sherwood Forest Boulevard, to the south of Southfork Avenue, on Lots 1-W-3-E-1-A and 1-W-3-E-1-B of the property of T. P. Singletary. Section 51, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report 25. 19-01152 Case 68-19 Drusilla Jefferson Overlay Expansion of overlay district boundary on property located to the west of Drusilla Lane, to the north Interstate I-12 and Jefferson Highway, to include Lots B-2-A and B-2-B of Singletary Place Subdivision. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Staff Report 26. 19-01153 ISPUD-8-19 Elysian III Apartments Proposed multifamily residential development on property located South of Spanish Town Road, west of Canal Street, and east of North 11th Street, on lots 52-A, 53-A, and four undesignated lots of the Nicaragua Subdivision. Section 71, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, L (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for an Infill/ Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 20, 2019 Application Staff Report Plans OTHER INTRODUCTIONS 27. 19-01108 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to enter in to a contractual agreement with Motorola Solutions in the amount of $88,629.93. Motorola Solutions will provide the Baton Rouge Police Department with the Avigilon Video Management System to include a combination of hardware, software, and services for the downtown and public safety cameras which will be tied in to the Baton Rouge Real Time Crime Center. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Contract Cover Letter 28. 19-01109 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant award , " FY19 Community Based Crime Reduction (Empower BR)" , through the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) / Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in the amount of $1,000,000.00. This grant will fund EmpowerBR. EmpowerBR will leverage resources available in the community to reduce violent crime and group activity in some of the most affected neighborhoods in Baton Rouge. To achieve this goal, BRPD proposes to empower community leaders with detailed information about crime , drivers of crime, and risk and protective factors in the city. Once the information has been disseminated, community leaders will collaborate with government officials and law enforcement to devise a plan to address identified needs. In effect, this project will allow community leaders to have a voice in how they respond to public safety issues and how they are policed in their neighborhood. The goal of the of the grant is to establish a community member led advisory council. Once the Council is established, the Council will support and direct law enforcement efforts to reduce violent crime, dismantle gang activity, and enhance police-community relations. Funds will be used to hire a full time site coordinator for the life of the grant and provide for a researcher/evaluator. This grant is 100% funded with no match. The program is set to begin October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2023. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 29. 19-01110 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Baton Rouge Police Department, to accept a grant award, " 2019 Baton Rouge PSN RAPID Response Task Force", through the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) in the amount of $89,960.00. This program is headed by the United States Attorney Office(USAO) under the Project Safe Neighborhood (PSN) program to partner with BRPD, the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, and the East Baton Rouge District Attorney’s Office to disrupt gun violence in Baton Rouge. Funds will be used for officer overtime, who will respond to firearm discharges detected by the ShotSpotter technology. Funds will also be used to contract with a research partner and evaluator for the life of the grant. This grant is 100% funded with no match. The program is set to begin October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2022. By Police Chief. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 30. 19-01133 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an amendment to the Cooperative Endeavor, Lease and Option Agreement with Benaterra Resources, LLC, to extend the time for its scoping study of the Irene Road Red Mud Lakes Property for an additional three (3) year period from its initial termination date; and to approve additional funds for said extension in the amount of $7,500.00. By Director of Environmental Services. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Supporting Documentation Contract 31. 19-01072 To provide a quarterly update, as required in the Third Amended and Restated Cooperative Endeavor and Intergovernmental Agreement adopted October 24, 2018, on the current status of Build Baton Rouge, the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority’s Land Bank and efforts related to target areas of redevelopment. By Build Baton Rouge. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 32. 19-01154 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the contract with Crump Wilson Architects, LLC, for Architectural Design Services in connection with the New Fire Station #20, being City-Parish Project No. 14-ASD-CP-0872, in an amount not to exceed $31,870.00. (Account No. 4600-5100-20-5110-0000-0000-000000-652000). By Buildings and Grounds Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter Other 33. 19-01160 A discussion of the waste tire shredder program and the associated Cooperative Endeavor Agreement regarding the location of the waste tire shredder. By Councilwoman Tara Wicker and Councilman Lamont Cole. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 CEA 34. 19-01161 Receiving a report from the Mayor's Office on the status of the disparity study. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 35. 19-01162 Authorizing the Parish Attorney's Office to submit a request for an opinion from the Louisiana Attorney General regarding the proper legal representative for crime prevention districts in East Baton Rouge Parish. By Councilwoman Donna Collins-Lewis. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 36. 19-01163 Authorizing the Mayor President to execute Supplemental Agreement No 1 to a contract with SJB Group, LLC, to provide professional services for the ADA Self Evaluation Plan for Public Rights-of-way, being City-Parish Project No. 17-CS-CI-0020 in an amount not to exceed $11,400.00. (Account No. 012.7120002.643550.4). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Council Backup Memo 37. 19-01164 Authorizing the Mayor President to execute Supplemental Agreement No 1 to a contract with C.H. Fenstermaker & Associates, LLC, to provide surveys and design services for Phase 2 of the Hanks DR/Landis DR Ped Improvements Project, being RFQ No. 15-ES-PW-002 and City-Parish Project No. 15-SW-US-0004 in an amount not to exceed $288,128.12 (Account No. 9227100007). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Council Backup Memo 38. 19-01170 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with the Capital Area Transportation System for the expansion of Bus Rapid Transit Improvement for providing services for advancing the conceptual design and preparation of NEPA document, appropriating $220,000 of funding from CATS representing their 50% cost share for said purpose. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Council Backup Document 39. 19-01171 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the contract for engineering services with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (formerly MWH Americas, Inc.) with sub-consultants Ardaman & Associates, Inc.; Cali & LaPlace Engineers, LLC; GOTECH, Inc.; Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI); SJB Group, LLC and Stanley Consultants in connection with the CWWTP Decommissioning being Project No. 14-TP-MS-0016, for an amount not to exceed $45,000.00 and extend contract time to December 31, 2020 (Account No. 81403-5110000003-SSO2RMP020-643583). By Environmental Services Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Council Memo 40. 19-01177 Authorizing the Mayor-President to enter into a professional services agreement with American Traffic Solutions, Inc., doing business as Verra Mobility for a traffic control safety device management commencing January 2020 through December 31, 2023. By Mayor's Office. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Agreement with American Traffic Solutions, Inc. 41. 19-01179 Receiving a report from The East Baton Rouge Parish Blight Study Committee. By Councilwoman Tara Wicker, Councilwoman Barbara Freiberg and Councilman Matt Watson. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter 42. 19-01180 Amending Ordinance 4407, adopted January 8, 1975, so as to add the 19th Judicial District Court as an agency that is authorized and empowered to coordinate meals consumed by jurors serving in criminal jury trials in the Parish of East Baton Rouge; to require documentation for reimbursement or direct payment of meals consumed by jurors; and, to delete the amounts for meals and add a provision that the expense for meals is to be set forth by the Louisiana State Travel Guide as issued and updated by the State of Louisiana Division of Administration. By 19th Judicial District Court Administrator and East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Draft - Ordinance 43. 19-01181 Authorizing the Mayor-President to formally adopt the East Baton Rouge Parish All-Hazards Recovery Plan. This Plan was developed in accordance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) as a “Whole Community” initiative. The comprehensive planning process was geared towards “Integrating National Standards into Local Community Resiliency.” This Plan is intended to provide a framework for recovery operations and will be activated, upon need, to enable a more efficient and effective recovery process in East Baton Rouge Parish. By Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on November 13, 2019 Cover Letter
44. 19-00375 Loyetta Z. Collins 2769 Cedar Avenue, Lot 7, Square 10 Standard Heights Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker This item was deferred from April 24, 2019 and July 24, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report Picture Picture 45. 19-00681 Willie Lee Jell, Jr. 10495 Catherine Street, Lot D, Square 23 North Baton Rouge Subdivision - Council District 2 - Banks This item was deferred from July 24, 2019 and July 24, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 46. 19-00867 Charles Williams and Vanessa Price Williams 5524 Johnette Drive, Lot 23 Merrydale Place Subdivision (1st Filing) - Council District 5 - Green This item was deferred from August 28, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report Picture Picture Picture 47. 19-01011 Randall C. Johnson 5729 Henagen Avenue (House and Rear Shed), Lot 34 Legion Village Subdivision - Council District 5 - Green This item was deferred from September 25, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report Picture Picture 48. 19-01080 Paul Purvis 1266 Harco Drive, Lot 11 West Windsor Place Subdivision - Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis Picture Picture Inspector's Report 49. 19-01081 Todd Winston Smith 4649 Bradley Street, Lot 141 New Fairfields Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Picture Picture Inspector's Report 50. 19-01082 The Estate of Cornelious M. Brown 942 N 27th Street (House and Rear Shed), North 1/2 of Lot 2, Square 9 Suburb Abramson Subdivision - Council District 7 - Cole Introduce for public hearing/meeting on October 23, 2019 Picture Picture Inspector's Report 51. 19-01083 Monica Paul Signator 650 Maximillian Street, NE Portion of Lot 6, Square 59 Beauregard Town Subdivision - Council District 10 - Wicker Picture Picture Inspector's Report
PUBLIC HEARING / MEETING 19-01078 Adopting the following ad valorem tax millage rates within the boundaries of the following taxing jurisdictions on all taxable property (except that the millage rate for the Downtown Development District shall be levied on real property only) to be levied during the year 2020. East Baton Rouge Parish Operating Tax 3.32 City of Baton Rouge Operating Tax 6.03 City of Baton Rouge Three Platoon Police Tax .87 East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District 1.12 East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District (additional) 1.00 East Baton Rouge Parish Library 11.10 East Baton Rouge Council on Aging 2.25 Mental Health 1.50 Emergency Medical Services 3.13 Baton Rouge Municipal Fire Salaries & Benefits 6.00 Consolidated Road Lighting District No. 1 2.00 Alsen Fire Protection District No. 9 10.00 Alsen Fire Protection District No. 9 (additional) 5.00 Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 10.00 Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 (additional) 5.00 Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 (additional) 10.00 Brownsfield Fire Protection District No. 3 (additional) 10.00 Downtown Development District 10.00 East Baton Rouge Parish Fire Protection District No. 1 9.00 Pride Fire Protection District No. 8 10.00 Pride Fire Protection District No. 8 (additional) 15.00 Chaneyville Fire Protection District No. 7 10.00 Chaneyville Fire Protection District No. 7 (additional) 10.00 Chaneyville Fire Protection District No. 7 (additional) 10.00 By Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation
19-01064 Amending the 2019 current expense budget so as to appropriate $600,000 from General Fund - Fund Balance Assigned for Police to fund drug law enforcement overtime within the Police Department. By Police Chief. Legislation Request fund balance draw - Narcotic Funds
19-01084 Amending the 2019 Capital Budget so as to appropriate $10,000,000 in bond proceeds from the 2019 Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds for the purpose of providing the City-Parish portion for the East Baton Rouge Parish Flood Risk Reduction Project and paying all the associated costs of issuance. (Budget Supplement No. 8727). By Transportation and Drainage Director and Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation Other
19-01090 Authorizing the appropriation of not to exceed $450,000,000 of Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 2019A and 2019B, of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission plus any bond premium and other financing resources of $4,984,973.44 for the purpose of refunding the 2010B and a portion of the 2011A Sewer Revenue Bonds, paying the costs of issuance for the transaction. (Budget Supplement No. 8729). By Environmental Services Director and Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation Memorandum
19-01073 A Supplemental Bond Resolution authorizing the issuance and providing for the sale of Public Improvement Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 2019 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, payable from the proceeds of the two percent (2%) sales and use tax levied by said Parish; prescribing the form, fixing the details, providing for the payment of principal and interest on such bonds and for the rights of the registered owners thereof; and providing for other matters related thereto. By Bond Counsel. Cover Letter
19-01074 A Supplemental Bond Resolution amending and supplementing Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution No. 44893 (EBROSCO No. 7494); providing for the sale of (i) the Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019A of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission and (ii) the Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2019B of the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission, pursuant to Amended and Restated General Bond Resolution 44893 (EBROSCO No. 7494); prescribing the form, fixing the details and providing for the payment of principal of and interest on such Series 2019A Refunding Bonds and Series 2019B Refunding Bonds; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. By Bond Counsel. Cover Letter
19-01092 Certifying to the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development that the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge Agree to Certain Stipulations Required By the LADOTD as prerequisites for participation by the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge in the Off-System Bridge Replacement Program. By Transportation and Drainage Director. Legislation Council Backup Memo Council Backup Document
19-01069 Requesting that the Planning Commission work with the Federation of Greater Baton Rouge Civic Associations to study potential regulations governing short term rentals. By Councilwoman Tara Wicker. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01099 Authorizing settlement of the matter entitled "Peggy Magee, et al v. City of Baton Rouge," Suit No. 658,946, on the docket of the 19th Judicial District Court, in the amount of $100,000.00, plus court costs in the amount of $1,464.54, for a total amount of $101,464.54; and appropriating $101,464.54 for such purpose. *This matter may be discussed in Executive Session. (Attorneys of record are S. Bradley Rhorer and Carlton Jack Allen). By Parish Attorney. Legislation Supporting Documentation to be hand delivered
19-01070 Rescinding and directing the Clerk of Court to cancel the Decision and Order recorded on August 16, 2019 at Original 777 of Bundle 12975 in the matter of "City of Baton Rouge vs. Elmo Brown, Sr. and Mary N. Brown" - Condemnation Proceeding No. 10059 (3130 Dalton Street (House and Front Carport), Lot 13, Square B, Crawford Addition Subdivision). Reason for rescission: The property owner is renovating the property and will be moving back into the home once the renovations are complete. By Councilman LaMont Cole. Legislation Supporting Documentation
19-01068 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/ East Baton Rouge Parish Head Start Program to amend the contract with The Management Institute in an amount of $20,000.00 not to exceed $60,000.00 to provide additional consultation services as needed on finance, facilities, Head Start Performance Standards, and grant writing for the period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01067 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the Division of Human Development and Services/Ryan White Program to amend the contract with Germaine & Co. , Inc. D/B/A Germane Solutions for an increase in the amount of $10,000 for a total amount not to exceed $70,483 for the contract period March 1, 2019 to February 28, 2020, to develop the FY 2020 Federal Ending The Epidemic Grant Application- A Plan for America; and provide technical assistance; and authorizing the execution of all documents in connection therewith. By Human Services Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01076 Authorizing the Finance Director to refund an erroneous remittance of sales and use taxes to Conn Appliances, Inc. in the amount of $243,036.76 for bad debts written off for the audit period of February 1, 2013 through January 31, 2016, with the cost of such refund to be charged against sales tax revenues. By Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation
19-01079 Authorizing the Mayor-President to amend the contract with Milliman, Inc., for actuarial services relating to calculations of the City-Parish Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) liability for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The amendment, resulting from new calculation methods required by GASB 75, will increase the contract amount for actuarial services for the 2018 CAFR from $18,000 to $28,400, adjust the scope of services to provide for an additional full actuarial valuation for the 2019 CAFR at the rate of $21,000, and extend the term of the contract for one additional year at a rate of $7,500 for the 2020 CAFR. By Finance Director. Legislation Supporting Documentation Contract
19-01085 Authorizing the Mayor-President to increase the contract with Hunt, Guillot & Associates, LLC, by $345,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $415,000, for purposes of providing grant management services related to the “Declared Disaster Relief Funding (DDRF) 2019 Developer Program,” which seeks to increase the amount of affordable rental units in East Baton Rouge Parish. Funding for this contract amendment comes from administrative dollars specifically related to the DDRF allocation received from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. By Office of Community Development Director. Legislation Cover Letter Other
19-01087 Authorizing the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission (sometimes referred to herein as EBROSCO), through its authorized representative, to execute all documents as may be necessary for the purchase of property in that subdivision known as SABLE CHASE, FIRST FILING, and designated on the official plan thereof, on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, as LOT 19, 20, and 21 of said subdivision, said lots having such measurements and dimensions and being subject to such servitudes as are shown on said subdivision map, and ratifying the conditional purchase and sale agreement previously executed by the authorized representative of EBROSCO. By Department of Environmental Services. Legislation Draft - Resolution
19-01093 Authorizing the Mayor-President to execute an Entity/State Agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development, and the Capital Region Planning Commission in connection with State Project No. H.011791, Federal Aid Project No. H011791, Cal Rd and Moss Side Ln BR Replacements, being City-Parish project number 16-BR-US-0021. Funding for construction of this project will be at an 80% Federal, 20% local cost share. (Account No. 9317100029 & 9317100030). By Transportation and Drainage Director. Legislation Council Backup Memo Council Backup Document
19-01094 Authorize the Mayor-President and/or EBROSCO to execute Supplemental Agreement No. 8 to the contract with ARCCO Company Services, Inc. to provide Category B - Emergency Protective Measures in response to Hurricane Barry for a fee not to exceed $212,305.63 (Account No. 2705-7700-20-7710-7753-YR19-000000-647600-41004). By Environmental Services Director Legislation Council Memo
19-01100 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to execute a lease agreement with CK Healthy Vending, LLC, to place a vending machine in the terminal building for a period of one (1) year at a minimum monthly guarantee of $150.00 per month or 15% of gross revenues whichever is greater. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01101 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to approve a sublease between the East Baton Rouge Mosquito Abatement and Rodent Control District and East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01102 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit and execute a grant application to the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation to request $20,000.00 from the State Aviation Discretionary Trust Fund to purchase a new Airport/Police vehicle; and authorization to accept and execute the Grant Agreement and any and all necessary documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01103 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to amend Metropolitan Council Resolution #54292, Adopted June 12, 2019 so as to correct the grant application funding source for the Runway 13-31 RSA/RPZ Improvements – Phase II (Construction) Project as follows: From: Federal $7,300,000.00; State $3,311,111.00; Airport $20,000; Total $10,631,111.00, To: Federal $7,163,418.00; State: $3,795,935.00; Airport $20,000; Total $10,979,353.00. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01104 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit and execute a grant application to the Federal Aviation Administration and the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation for the Runway 13-31 RSA/RPZ Improvements – Phase III Project in the amount of $9,575,556; and authorization to accept and execute the Grant Agreement and any and all necessary documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. (Funding Source: Federal $5,900,000; State: $3,655,556; Airport: $20,000.00; Total $9,575,556.00.). By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01105 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit and execute a grant application to the State of Louisiana, Office of Aviation for 10% state match in the amount of $55,556.00 for the Runway 4L/22R Rehabilitation Project Phase II; and authorization to accept and execute the grant agreement and any and all necessary documents in connection therewith at the appropriate time. (Funding Source: Airport $500,000; State Trust Fund $55,556; Total; $555,556). By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
19-01106 Authorization for the Mayor-President and/or Chairman of the Airport Commission to submit a request for Capital Outlay Funding for fiscal year 2020-2021 for the General Aviation Development Project (Utility/Infrastructure) in the amount of $1,000,000.00. By: Director of Aviation. By Aviation Director. Legislation Cover Letter
APPOINTMENTS 19-01095 EAST BATON ROUGE PARISH MOSQUITO ABATEMENT DISTRICT Recommending a replacement for Harold Kirby (term limited and not eligible to serve another term). This term will expire on October 8, 2022 This is a three (3) year term. Current Ballot Albert B. Andrews, Jr. This item was deferred from October 9, 2019
19-01142 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL BOARD One appointment to fill the unexpired term of Adam Enamorado in accordance with Section 2.17 of the Plan of Government. This term expires December 31, 2022. Current Ballot Anthony J. Gallo Cassandra M. Jeanlouis George Krause
CHANGE ORDERS 79. 19-01165 Gardere Lane Pedestrian Improvements Project Number: 15-SW-US 0004 State Project No. H.011774 Original Estimated Cost: $ 747,307.15 Purchase Order Number: 800001569 Account Number: 2018-2331-7100-30-7120-7130-0000-000000-65300; 2018-4650-7100-30-7120-7130-0000-000000-653000- 92276 Council Award Date: 10/24/2018 Contractor: KCR Contractors, LLC Change Order Number: 1 (Final) (Extend contract for 13 additional days) Change Order Amount: $ (27,750.92) Original Contract Amount: $ 663,891.37 Net Previous Changes: $ -0- New Contract Amount: $ 636,140.45 Description: Adjust contract quantities of all items to as-built quantities and add 13 calendar days to the contract time Why Required: To make payment for final field-measured quantities and 13 calendar days to the contract time due to the delay of changing from round reinforced concrete pipe to arch to accommodate for low final grade in this area. Change Order Backup 80. 19-01175 Airfield Markings Project Number: Original Estimated Cost: $ 74,450.00 Purchase Order Number: 800002130 Account Number: 5810-0900-30-0920-0000-0000-000000-643500 Council Award Date: 6/26/2019 Contractor: Hi - Lite Airfield Services, LLC Change Order Number: 1 Change Order Amount: $ 33,541.64 Original Contract Amount: $ 74,450.00 Net Previous Changes: $ 0.00 New Contract Amount: $ 107,991.64 Description: Paint removal and painting of airfield markings Why Required: Airfield markings are required by FAA to be maintained and paint was unbounded and required removal instead of surface preparation. Cover Letter
FINAL ACCEPTANCES 81. 19-01166 Gardere Lane Pedestrian Improvements Project Number: 15-SW-US-0004 SP#H.011774 Account Number: 2018 2331-7100-30-7120- 7130-0000-000000-653000; 2018 4650-7100-30-7120-7130-0000-000000-65300-92276 Council Award Date: 10/24/2018 Contractor: KCR Contractors, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 747,307.15 Contract Amount: $ 668,891.37 Total Change Orders: (1): $ (27,750.92) Final Cost: $ 636,140.45 Days Allocated: 153 Days Used: 153 Liquidated Damages: $ None Final Acceptance Backup 82. 19-01174 Pump Station 52 Flood Repairs Project Number: 09-PS-UF-009A Account Number: 80920-5441000004-NCDPPS0050-653400 and 80920-5432000004-NCDPPS0050-653400 Council Award Date: 10/24/2018 Contractor: Wharton-Smith, Inc. Estimated Cost: $ 2,000,000.00 Contract Amount: $ 1,721,000.00 Total Change Orders: (None): $ 0.00 Final Cost: $ 1,721,000.00 Days Allocated: 365 Days Used: 296 Liquidated Damages: $ 0.00 83. 19-01176 Airfield Markings Project Number: 800002130 Account Number: 5810-0900-30-0920-0000-0000-000000-643500 Council Award Date: 6/26/2019 Contractor: Hi-Lite Airfield Services, LLC Estimated Cost: $ 74,450.00 Contract Amount: $ 74,450.00 Total Change Orders: (1): $ 33,541.64 Final Cost: $ 107,991.64 Days Allocated: 30 Days Used: 4 Liquidated Damages: $ None
OTHER ITEMS TO BE ADOPTED (EMERGENCY) 19-01140 Authorizing the Mayor-President, on behalf of the City-Parish as the Co-Grantee, to execute the Grant Agreement and related documents associated with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development award of the FY2018 Choice Neighborhood Implementation Grant, in the amount of $29,512,500, for the implementation of a Transformation Plan developed for the East Fairfield, Smiley Heights and Melrose East neighborhoods. By Office of the Mayor-President. Reason for emergency: Agreement requires execution before November 1, 2019 Final Award Letter Other Other Other
OTHER ITEMS 19-01107 Discussion of the pending lawsuit, Williams et al. v. City of Baton Rouge, et al., (No. 659,090, Nineteenth Judicial District Court, Div. E) *This item may be discussed in Executive Session*. By Parish Attorney. Legislation Cover Letter ADJOURNMENT