Metropolitan Council Roll Call.
PA-12-15 Health District Plan To amend the Urban Design and Neighborhoods Element of the Comprehensive Plan to adopt the Master Plan for the Baton Rouge Health District (Council Districts 11 and 12-Heck and Delgado)
Case 58-15 2972 Florida Street To rezone from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to CAB- 1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage One) located on the south side of Florida Street, and east of Gottlieb Street, on a portion of Lot 4 of the Hickey, Duncan, and Mather Town Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-1.
Case 63-15 1176 & 1184 Bob Pettit Blvd To rezone from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-2 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage Two) located on the north side of Bob Pettit Blvd, and west of Nicholson Drive, on a portion of Lot A- 2-A of the Tigerland Acres Subdivision. Section 65, T7S, R1W, GLD EBRP, LA (Council District 12-Delgado) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
TA-12-15 Council Initiated Zoning Amendments Amending Title 7 (Unified Development Code), Chapter 19 (Amendments) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to amend Section 19.6 (Action by the Metropolitan Council) so as to clarify the requirement of Council voting on amendments recommended for denial by the Planning Commission and to establish a requirement of an extraordinary majority (3/4) to approve any amendment changing the zoning designation of privately owned real property initiated by the Metropolitan Council, other than those affecting publicly-owned property, that lacked the written support of the property owner for the proposed change. Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Deny the original proposal requiring the unanimous approval of Metro Council to rezone property without the owner's consent and approval of an alternative recommendation to require a ¾ majority to rezone property without the owner's consent. Commission Action: Motion to approve staff recommendation carried, 8-1.
PA-10-15 FUTUREBR Transportation Element Amendment- Major Street Plan To amend the Comprehensive Plan so as to amend the Major Street Plan by reducing the right of way width shown from 125 feet to no less than 90 feet for the segment of Perkins Road between College/Lee Drive to Staring /Essen Lane. Sections 42, 43, 52, 53 and 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 12- Delgado) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Deny, based upon the need for potential roadway improvements in the future for traffic capacity and/or complete streets implementation and a more comprehensive reexamination of the Major Street Plan needs as part of the update of the Comprehensive Plan. Commission Action: Motion to approve recommendation to “deny” carried, 9-0.
PA-11-15 Elysian II To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Institutional to Town Center, located south of Spanish Town Road and east of N. 11thStreet on a 160 by 92 foot Undesignated Tract and a 41 by 92 foot Undesignated Tract of Old Spanish Town. Section 71, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA(Council District 10-Wicker) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on a change in conditions and compatibility with adjacent land uses Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0
Case 59-15 4500-4600 Bluebonnet Boulevard To rezone from A1 (Single Family Residential) to UDD1 (Urban Design District One - Bluebonnet) on property located on the west side of Bluebonnet Boulevard, to the north of Oliphant Road, on Lot 69-B-2, Section 1 of Inniswold Estates. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA(Council District 11 - Heck) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 60-15 15751 and 15741 Tiger Bend Road To rezone from R (Rural) to A2.6 (Zero Lot Line), on property located on the north side of Tiger Bend Road, to the east of Confederate Avenue on Lot A and B of the J.A. Redhead Tract. Section 61, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9-Boé) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 61-15 Lots 27-A, 28, 29 and 48 of Arlington Plantation To rezone from A1 (Single Family Residential) and SPUD (Small Planned Unit Development) to A3.3 (Limited Residential) located to the north of Brightside Drive, on the north side of Doris Street and the west side of Olson Street. Section 65, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12-Delgado) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 62-15 10920 Coursey Boulevard To rezoned from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-2 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage Two) on property located on the south side of Coursey Boulevard, to the west of Southpark Drive on a portion of Lot C-2-B-2-A of the Coursey Boulevard West Subdivision (Formerly a portion of the Old D. Whitty Tract). Section 98, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA(Council District 8-Amoroso) (Council District 8-Amoroso) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 64-15 7200-7700 Silverleaf Avenue To rezone from A2 (Single Family Residential) to LC1 (Light Commercial One) located on the west side of Mickens Road, and south of Silverleaf Avenue, on a portion of Lot 22 of the Willie J. Drago Property. Section 40, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 5- Edwards) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 65-15 2675 O'Neal Lane To rezone from Rural (R) and C1 (Light Commercial) to GOH (General Office High Rise) on property located on the east side of O'Neal Lane, north of South Harrell's Ferry Road on Lot A-2 of the E.M. Hendez and E.F. Hart Property. Section 46, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA(Council District 9-Boé) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
M. ISPUD-6-15 Elysian II A development plan for 100 high density multi-family residential project and a leasing office, located south of Spanish Town Road and east of N. 11th Street on Lots 1 through 9, A, B-1-A, a 160 by 92 foot Undesignated Tract and a 41 by 92 foot Undesignated Tract of Old Spanish Town. Section 71, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10-Wicker) Commission Action: Motion to defer until February 16, 2016 carried, 9-0. 3. ADJOURN
Metropolitan Council Roll Call.
PA-12-15 Health District Plan To amend the Urban Design and Neighborhoods Element of the Comprehensive Plan to adopt the Master Plan for the Baton Rouge Health District (Council Districts 11 and 12-Heck and Delgado)
Case 58-15 2972 Florida Street To rezone from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to CAB- 1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage One) located on the south side of Florida Street, and east of Gottlieb Street, on a portion of Lot 4 of the Hickey, Duncan, and Mather Town Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-1.
Case 63-15 1176 & 1184 Bob Pettit Blvd To rezone from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-2 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage Two) located on the north side of Bob Pettit Blvd, and west of Nicholson Drive, on a portion of Lot A- 2-A of the Tigerland Acres Subdivision. Section 65, T7S, R1W, GLD EBRP, LA (Council District 12-Delgado) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
TA-12-15 Council Initiated Zoning Amendments Amending Title 7 (Unified Development Code), Chapter 19 (Amendments) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to amend Section 19.6 (Action by the Metropolitan Council) so as to clarify the requirement of Council voting on amendments recommended for denial by the Planning Commission and to establish a requirement of an extraordinary majority (3/4) to approve any amendment changing the zoning designation of privately owned real property initiated by the Metropolitan Council, other than those affecting publicly-owned property, that lacked the written support of the property owner for the proposed change. Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Deny the original proposal requiring the unanimous approval of Metro Council to rezone property without the owner's consent and approval of an alternative recommendation to require a ¾ majority to rezone property without the owner's consent. Commission Action: Motion to approve staff recommendation carried, 8-1.
PA-10-15 FUTUREBR Transportation Element Amendment- Major Street Plan To amend the Comprehensive Plan so as to amend the Major Street Plan by reducing the right of way width shown from 125 feet to no less than 90 feet for the segment of Perkins Road between College/Lee Drive to Staring /Essen Lane. Sections 42, 43, 52, 53 and 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 12- Delgado) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Deny, based upon the need for potential roadway improvements in the future for traffic capacity and/or complete streets implementation and a more comprehensive reexamination of the Major Street Plan needs as part of the update of the Comprehensive Plan. Commission Action: Motion to approve recommendation to “deny” carried, 9-0.
PA-11-15 Elysian II To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Institutional to Town Center, located south of Spanish Town Road and east of N. 11thStreet on a 160 by 92 foot Undesignated Tract and a 41 by 92 foot Undesignated Tract of Old Spanish Town. Section 71, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA(Council District 10-Wicker) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on a change in conditions and compatibility with adjacent land uses Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0
Case 59-15 4500-4600 Bluebonnet Boulevard To rezone from A1 (Single Family Residential) to UDD1 (Urban Design District One - Bluebonnet) on property located on the west side of Bluebonnet Boulevard, to the north of Oliphant Road, on Lot 69-B-2, Section 1 of Inniswold Estates. Section 39, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA(Council District 11 - Heck) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 60-15 15751 and 15741 Tiger Bend Road To rezone from R (Rural) to A2.6 (Zero Lot Line), on property located on the north side of Tiger Bend Road, to the east of Confederate Avenue on Lot A and B of the J.A. Redhead Tract. Section 61, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9-Boé) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 61-15 Lots 27-A, 28, 29 and 48 of Arlington Plantation To rezone from A1 (Single Family Residential) and SPUD (Small Planned Unit Development) to A3.3 (Limited Residential) located to the north of Brightside Drive, on the north side of Doris Street and the west side of Olson Street. Section 65, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12-Delgado) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 62-15 10920 Coursey Boulevard To rezoned from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-2 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage Two) on property located on the south side of Coursey Boulevard, to the west of Southpark Drive on a portion of Lot C-2-B-2-A of the Coursey Boulevard West Subdivision (Formerly a portion of the Old D. Whitty Tract). Section 98, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA(Council District 8-Amoroso) (Council District 8-Amoroso) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 64-15 7200-7700 Silverleaf Avenue To rezone from A2 (Single Family Residential) to LC1 (Light Commercial One) located on the west side of Mickens Road, and south of Silverleaf Avenue, on a portion of Lot 22 of the Willie J. Drago Property. Section 40, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 5- Edwards) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
Case 65-15 2675 O'Neal Lane To rezone from Rural (R) and C1 (Light Commercial) to GOH (General Office High Rise) on property located on the east side of O'Neal Lane, north of South Harrell's Ferry Road on Lot A-2 of the E.M. Hendez and E.F. Hart Property. Section 46, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA(Council District 9-Boé) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 9-0.
M. ISPUD-6-15 Elysian II A development plan for 100 high density multi-family residential project and a leasing office, located south of Spanish Town Road and east of N. 11th Street on Lots 1 through 9, A, B-1-A, a 160 by 92 foot Undesignated Tract and a 41 by 92 foot Undesignated Tract of Old Spanish Town. Section 71, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10-Wicker) Commission Action: Motion to defer until February 16, 2016 carried, 9-0. 3. ADJOURN