Metropolitan Council Roll Call.
PA-10-15 FUTUREBR Transportation Element Amendment- Major Street Plan To amend the Comprehensive Plan so as to amend the Major Street Plan by reducing the right of way width shown from 125 feet to no less than 90 feet for the segment of Perkins Road between College/Lee Drive to Staring /Essen Lane. Sections 42, 43, 52, 53 and 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 12-Delgado) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Deny, based upon the need for potential roadway improvements in the future for traffic capacity and/or complete streets implementation and a more comprehensive reexamination of the Major Street Plan needs as part of the update of the Comprehensive Plan. Commission Action: Motion to approve recommendation to “deny” carried, 9-0. (This item was deferred from the January 20, 2016 and February 17, 2016 Council Zoning Meetings)
PA-1-16 9139, 9147 and 9149 Greenwell Springs-Port Hudson Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from (AG/RU) Agricultural/Rural to (RN) Residential Neighborhood, on the north side of Greenwell Springs-Port Hudson Road, west of Deer Creek Drive, on Lots 6-A, 7-A-1-A and 8-A-1 of the Walter F. Tucker Property. Section 2, T5S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 1-Welch) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based upon a review of the area in a greater level of detail than performed at the creation of the plan Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0.
TA-1-16 Historic Preservation Ordinance Revisions To amend Title 7 (Unified Development Code), Chapter 3 (Administrative Mechanisms) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to amend Section 3.5 (Historic Preservation Commission) so as to clarify requirements and streamline the review process. Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval of the proposed amendment. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 67-15 14500-14600 Airline Highway To rezone from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage One) on property located on the north side of Airline Highway, east of Baringer Foreman Road on a portion of Tract B-1-B-3, formerly a portion of the Lillian G. Kleinpeter and Mamie F. Easterly Estates. Section 51, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9-Boé) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 1-16 4158 Government Street To rezone from LC1 (Light Commercial One) to C-AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage One) on property located on the south side of Government Street, west of Glenmore Avenue on a portion of Lot 32-A, Square 5 of Capital Heights Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7-Cole) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 3-16 2327 O’Neal Lane To rezone from C1 (Light Commercial) to LC3 (Light Commercial Three) on property located on the eastside of O’Neal Lane, south of Bristoe Avenue on a portion of Lot A-2, First and Second Filing of O’Neal Place Subdivision. Section 46, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District9-Boé) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
ISPUD-1-16 Catholic Diocese New Archive Building A development plan for an office use serving a religious institution on property located on the east side of Parker Street, south of Hundred Oaks Avenue on a portion of Lot B- 1-A and Lot A of Hundred Oaks Farms. Section 96, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7-Cole) Commission Action: Motion to defer until March 21, 2016 carried, 8-0
RV-4-16 Revocation of a portion of a 20 foot drainage servitude, located south of Briarcliff Avenue and west of Glenway Drive, on Lots 28 and 29 of Spring Brook Subdivision, 1st and 2nd Filings. (Council District 4-Wilson)
Adjourn Announcements
Metropolitan Council Roll Call.
PA-10-15 FUTUREBR Transportation Element Amendment- Major Street Plan To amend the Comprehensive Plan so as to amend the Major Street Plan by reducing the right of way width shown from 125 feet to no less than 90 feet for the segment of Perkins Road between College/Lee Drive to Staring /Essen Lane. Sections 42, 43, 52, 53 and 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA. (Council District 12-Delgado) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation: Deny, based upon the need for potential roadway improvements in the future for traffic capacity and/or complete streets implementation and a more comprehensive reexamination of the Major Street Plan needs as part of the update of the Comprehensive Plan. Commission Action: Motion to approve recommendation to “deny” carried, 9-0. (This item was deferred from the January 20, 2016 and February 17, 2016 Council Zoning Meetings)
PA-1-16 9139, 9147 and 9149 Greenwell Springs-Port Hudson Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from (AG/RU) Agricultural/Rural to (RN) Residential Neighborhood, on the north side of Greenwell Springs-Port Hudson Road, west of Deer Creek Drive, on Lots 6-A, 7-A-1-A and 8-A-1 of the Walter F. Tucker Property. Section 2, T5S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 1-Welch) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based upon a review of the area in a greater level of detail than performed at the creation of the plan Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0.
TA-1-16 Historic Preservation Ordinance Revisions To amend Title 7 (Unified Development Code), Chapter 3 (Administrative Mechanisms) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge so as to amend Section 3.5 (Historic Preservation Commission) so as to clarify requirements and streamline the review process. Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval of the proposed amendment. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 67-15 14500-14600 Airline Highway To rezone from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage One) on property located on the north side of Airline Highway, east of Baringer Foreman Road on a portion of Tract B-1-B-3, formerly a portion of the Lillian G. Kleinpeter and Mamie F. Easterly Estates. Section 51, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9-Boé) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 1-16 4158 Government Street To rezone from LC1 (Light Commercial One) to C-AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage One) on property located on the south side of Government Street, west of Glenmore Avenue on a portion of Lot 32-A, Square 5 of Capital Heights Subdivision. Section 81, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7-Cole) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 3-16 2327 O’Neal Lane To rezone from C1 (Light Commercial) to LC3 (Light Commercial Three) on property located on the eastside of O’Neal Lane, south of Bristoe Avenue on a portion of Lot A-2, First and Second Filing of O’Neal Place Subdivision. Section 46, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District9-Boé) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
ISPUD-1-16 Catholic Diocese New Archive Building A development plan for an office use serving a religious institution on property located on the east side of Parker Street, south of Hundred Oaks Avenue on a portion of Lot B- 1-A and Lot A of Hundred Oaks Farms. Section 96, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7-Cole) Commission Action: Motion to defer until March 21, 2016 carried, 8-0
RV-4-16 Revocation of a portion of a 20 foot drainage servitude, located south of Briarcliff Avenue and west of Glenway Drive, on Lots 28 and 29 of Spring Brook Subdivision, 1st and 2nd Filings. (Council District 4-Wilson)
Adjourn Announcements