Addendum Item: Presentations & Recognitions
Metropolitan Council Roll Call.
Case 13-16 Lawrence Messina Tract(northern portion) To rezone from A1 (Single Family Residential) to HC1 (Heavy Commercial One) on property located to the north side of Summa Avenue, east of Summa Court, south of Ward Creek, known as a portion of Lot A of the Lawrence Messina Tract. Sections 56 and 58, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11-Heck). Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
Case 14-16 Lawrence Messina Tract (southern portion) To rezonefrom A1 (Single Family Residential) to LC1 (Light Commercial One) on property located to the north side of Picardy Avenue, south of Summa Avenue, east of Summa Court, known as a portion of Lot A of the Lawrence Messina Tract. Section 56, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11-Heck) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 17-16 3800-3900 72nd Street To rezone from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to LC3 (Light Commercial Three) on property located to the south side of 72nd Street, between Interstate I-110 and Plank Road, formerly known as Howell Place South (PUD-1-08). Sections37 and 96, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10-Wicker) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 18-16 15160 and 15200-15300 South Harrell’s Ferry Road To rezone from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to A2.9 (Two Family District) on property located to the south side of South Harrell’s Ferry Road, west of Jones Creek Road, formerly known as Tract A and the remainder of Tract B-2 of the Curtis LeBlanc Tract, also formerly known as Trinity Lutheran Church (PUD-3-09). Sections 21 and 47, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8-Amoroso) Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 16-16 18107 Highland Market Drive, Suite 100 To rezone from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage One) on property located to the east side of Highland Road, north of Perkins Road East, known as a portion of Tract 1-A of the old Home Place Tracts, formerly called the Leon R. Kleinpeter Property. Section 55, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9-Boé) Commission Action: Motion to defer until June 20, 2016 carried, 7-0
RV-8-16 University Hills Proposed revocation of the unimproved portion of Tulane Drive in University Hills Subdivision, Square 11, between the dead end and the intersection of the rights-of-way of Tulane Drive and Ursuline Drive. (Council District 12-Delgado) Commission Action: Motion to defer until July 18, 2016 carried, 8-0
Planning Commission Fee Schedule Amending and Re-Enacting Appendix B (Zoning, Subdivision and Sign Fee) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge Unified Development Code, so as to amend the Planning Commission application fee schedule. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 7-0.
Adjourn Announcements
Addendum Item: Presentations & Recognitions
Metropolitan Council Roll Call.
Case 13-16 Lawrence Messina Tract(northern portion) To rezone from A1 (Single Family Residential) to HC1 (Heavy Commercial One) on property located to the north side of Summa Avenue, east of Summa Court, south of Ward Creek, known as a portion of Lot A of the Lawrence Messina Tract. Sections 56 and 58, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11-Heck). Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
Case 14-16 Lawrence Messina Tract (southern portion) To rezonefrom A1 (Single Family Residential) to LC1 (Light Commercial One) on property located to the north side of Picardy Avenue, south of Summa Avenue, east of Summa Court, known as a portion of Lot A of the Lawrence Messina Tract. Section 56, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11-Heck) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 17-16 3800-3900 72nd Street To rezone from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to LC3 (Light Commercial Three) on property located to the south side of 72nd Street, between Interstate I-110 and Plank Road, formerly known as Howell Place South (PUD-1-08). Sections37 and 96, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10-Wicker) Planning Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 18-16 15160 and 15200-15300 South Harrell’s Ferry Road To rezone from PUD (Planned Unit Development) to A2.9 (Two Family District) on property located to the south side of South Harrell’s Ferry Road, west of Jones Creek Road, formerly known as Tract A and the remainder of Tract B-2 of the Curtis LeBlanc Tract, also formerly known as Trinity Lutheran Church (PUD-3-09). Sections 21 and 47, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8-Amoroso) Commission Staff Recommendation Approval, based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, compliance with ordinance requirements and compatibility with the surrounding land uses. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 8-0
Case 16-16 18107 Highland Market Drive, Suite 100 To rezone from C2 (Heavy Commercial) to C-AB-1 (Commercial Alcoholic Beverage One) on property located to the east side of Highland Road, north of Perkins Road East, known as a portion of Tract 1-A of the old Home Place Tracts, formerly called the Leon R. Kleinpeter Property. Section 55, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9-Boé) Commission Action: Motion to defer until June 20, 2016 carried, 7-0
RV-8-16 University Hills Proposed revocation of the unimproved portion of Tulane Drive in University Hills Subdivision, Square 11, between the dead end and the intersection of the rights-of-way of Tulane Drive and Ursuline Drive. (Council District 12-Delgado) Commission Action: Motion to defer until July 18, 2016 carried, 8-0
Planning Commission Fee Schedule Amending and Re-Enacting Appendix B (Zoning, Subdivision and Sign Fee) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge Unified Development Code, so as to amend the Planning Commission application fee schedule. Commission Action: Motion to approve carried, 7-0.
Adjourn Announcements