17-01014 ISPUD-4-17 Broad Oak Lane To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Infill/Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development (ISPUD) for a proposal of low density single family residential lots on property located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway (Hwy 426), east side of Brentwood Drive, on Lots 8-A of the David Davis Tract and 13-A-1-B of Country Club Terrace Subdivision, Section 1. Section 88, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer 30 days carried 7-0 This item was deferred from August 16, 2017
2. 17-01093 PA-16-17 14122 Jefferson Highway To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood (RN) to Commercial (C) on property located on the south side of Jefferson Highway, between Dale and Briarplace Drive, on Lot C of Daleview Subdivision, First Filing. Section 5, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon an examination of the area in a greater level of detail than performed at the creation of the plan and compatibility with adjacent land use COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 This case is related to 68-17. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017 3. 17-01094 Case 68-17 14122 Jefferson Highway To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.1) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the south side of Jefferson Highway, between Dale and Briarplace Drive, on Lot C of Daleview Subdivision, First Filing. Section 5, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning if the companion comprehensive plan amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 This case is related to PA-16-17 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01095 Case 58-17 BFC Plaza Subdivision To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located to the northeast side of Jefferson Highway, west of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, on Lot 1. Section 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01096 Case 59-17 Coursey Commercial Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located to the north and south side of Coursey Boulevard, east of Legacy Court, on Tracts 1-A, 1-B, 2-A-1, 2-A-2, 2-A-3, 3-B-1-A, 3-B-1-B-1, 3-B-1-B-2, 3-B-1-C, 3-B-1-D, 4-A, 4-B-1, C-1-A, and C-2-B. Section 57, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01097 Case 60-17 Lake Sherwood Commercial Complex To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located to the east side of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, south of Weiner Creek. Section 51, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01098 Case 61-17 Shenandoah Business Park, (3650 O’Neal Lane) To rezone from Rural (R) to Limited Residential (A3.1) on property located on the west side of O’Neal Lane, south of King Bradford Drive, known as Tract E. Section 53, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01099 Case 62-17 Shenandoah Business Park, (O’Neal Lane at George O’Neal Road) To rezone from from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of O’Neal Lane and George O’Neal Road, known as Tracts B-1-A-1, B-1-A-2, B-1-A-3, and B-1-B-1. Section 53, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01100 Case 63-17 Sherwood Forest Office Park; First, Second and Third Filings To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC1) on property located on the east side of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, between of Jacks Bayou and Wentling Avenue. Sections 50 and 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01101 Case 64-17 11271 Tams Drive To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on property located on the west side of North Sherwood Forest Drive, at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Tams Drive and North Sherwood Forest Drive, on Lot 169, Red Oak, 4th Filing. Section 1, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve Neighborhood Office (NO) carried 7-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01102 Case 65-17 2834 Greenwood Drive To rezone from Light Industrial (M1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located to the south side of Greenwood Drive, north east of the Perkins Road overpass, on a portion of Lot 17, 18, 19 of Hundred Oaks Park. Section 67, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and compatible with surrounding uses; although the request does not conform to Unified Development Code requirements, it will reduce the extent of the nonconformity COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01103 Case 66-17 6401 Bluebonnet Boulevard #2011 To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located to the north of Mall of Louisiana Boulevard, on a portion of Tract ML-1 of the Mall of Louisiana, Phase I and II. Section 58, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01104 Case 67-17 6650 Cedar Grove Drive To rezone from Single Family Residential (A2) to Rural (R) on property located on the east side of Cedar Grove Drive, between Sumrall Drive and Glen Oaks Drive, on a portion of a Lot called GLEN OAKS ELEM & JUNIOR HIGH. Section 96, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 5 - Green) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01105 Case 69-17 6571 Bluebonnet Boulevard To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located on the east side of Bluebonnet Boulevard, south of Picardy Avenue, on a portion of Tract 5-A of the Mall of Louisiana, Phase I and II. Section 57, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01106 Case 70-17 18111 Highland Market Drive To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located to the east side of Highland Road, north of Perkins Road East, on a portion of Tract Y-1-B of the former Leon R. Kleinpeter Tract. Section 55, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01107 Case 71-17 12602 Coursey Boulevard To rezone from Neighborhood Office (NO) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on property located on the south side of Coursey Boulevard, at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Tartan Drive and Coursey Boulevard, on Lot 149 of Sherwood Oaks Subdivision, 2nd Filing. Section 57, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer 30 days carried 7-0 Request to defer to September 18 by Councilman Amoroso Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01111 SNC-2-17 Burrell Road to Huggins Road A proposed street name change for Burrell Road, located to the north of Jackson Road and east of Reames Road. Section 20, T4S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 1 - Welch) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer 30 days carried 7-0 Request to defer to September 18 by the applicant Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01112 SNC-3-17 Thomas Augustin Way to Goodleaf Way A proposed street name change for Thomas Augustin Way, located to the north of Adelia Court and Goodwood Avenue, and east of Louis Babin Lane. Section 82, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff Commission certifies that consideration the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01113 SNC-4-17 Anna Bullion Way to Goodridge Way A proposed street name change for Anna Bullion Way, located to the north of Adelia Court and Goodwood Avenue, and south of Louis Babin Lane. Section 82, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff Commission certifies that consideration the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01108 RV-4-17 Slate Street Revocation of a 60 foot right-of-way located between North 29th Street and North 30th Street. Section 45, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration, provided the applicant dedicates a utility servitude the width of the existing right-of-way and provides a recorded map indicating the revoked right-of-way COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01168 RV-8-17 Santa Maria, 5th Filing Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 15 foot GSU servitude, located between Southern Hills Avenue and Ward Creek, on Lot 402 of Santa Maria, 5th Filing (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
17-01169 RV-9-17 Englewood Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a five foot servitude, located northeast of the intersection of Englewood Drive and Highland Road, on Lot 1-B-1-B-1 of Englewood Subdivision (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
17-01172 RV-10-17 Lake Estates at Oak Hills Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 30 foot drainage servitude, located southwest of West Lake Estates Avenue, on Lot 5-A of the Lake Estates at Oak Hills Subdivision (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
17-01173 RV-11-17 Lakeside Subdivision A request to revoke a portion of a 25 foot drainage servitude, located east of the intersection of Shady Lake Parkway and High Lake Drive, on Lot 25-B of Lakeside Subdivision (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D ADJOURN
17-01014 ISPUD-4-17 Broad Oak Lane To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Infill/Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development (ISPUD) for a proposal of low density single family residential lots on property located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway (Hwy 426), east side of Brentwood Drive, on Lots 8-A of the David Davis Tract and 13-A-1-B of Country Club Terrace Subdivision, Section 1. Section 88, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer 30 days carried 7-0 This item was deferred from August 16, 2017
2. 17-01093 PA-16-17 14122 Jefferson Highway To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood (RN) to Commercial (C) on property located on the south side of Jefferson Highway, between Dale and Briarplace Drive, on Lot C of Daleview Subdivision, First Filing. Section 5, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon an examination of the area in a greater level of detail than performed at the creation of the plan and compatibility with adjacent land use COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 This case is related to 68-17. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017 3. 17-01094 Case 68-17 14122 Jefferson Highway To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.1) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the south side of Jefferson Highway, between Dale and Briarplace Drive, on Lot C of Daleview Subdivision, First Filing. Section 5, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning if the companion comprehensive plan amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 This case is related to PA-16-17 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01095 Case 58-17 BFC Plaza Subdivision To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located to the northeast side of Jefferson Highway, west of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, on Lot 1. Section 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01096 Case 59-17 Coursey Commercial Park To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located to the north and south side of Coursey Boulevard, east of Legacy Court, on Tracts 1-A, 1-B, 2-A-1, 2-A-2, 2-A-3, 3-B-1-A, 3-B-1-B-1, 3-B-1-B-2, 3-B-1-C, 3-B-1-D, 4-A, 4-B-1, C-1-A, and C-2-B. Section 57, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01097 Case 60-17 Lake Sherwood Commercial Complex To rezone from Rural (R) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on property located to the east side of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, south of Weiner Creek. Section 51, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01098 Case 61-17 Shenandoah Business Park, (3650 O’Neal Lane) To rezone from Rural (R) to Limited Residential (A3.1) on property located on the west side of O’Neal Lane, south of King Bradford Drive, known as Tract E. Section 53, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01099 Case 62-17 Shenandoah Business Park, (O’Neal Lane at George O’Neal Road) To rezone from from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of O’Neal Lane and George O’Neal Road, known as Tracts B-1-A-1, B-1-A-2, B-1-A-3, and B-1-B-1. Section 53, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01100 Case 63-17 Sherwood Forest Office Park; First, Second and Third Filings To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC1) on property located on the east side of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, between of Jacks Bayou and Wentling Avenue. Sections 50 and 58, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 The Planning Commission is initiating rezoning on this commercial subdivision created prior to 1994 as directed by Metro Council. Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01101 Case 64-17 11271 Tams Drive To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on property located on the west side of North Sherwood Forest Drive, at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Tams Drive and North Sherwood Forest Drive, on Lot 169, Red Oak, 4th Filing. Section 1, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve Neighborhood Office (NO) carried 7-0 Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01102 Case 65-17 2834 Greenwood Drive To rezone from Light Industrial (M1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located to the south side of Greenwood Drive, north east of the Perkins Road overpass, on a portion of Lot 17, 18, 19 of Hundred Oaks Park. Section 67, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and compatible with surrounding uses; although the request does not conform to Unified Development Code requirements, it will reduce the extent of the nonconformity COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01103 Case 66-17 6401 Bluebonnet Boulevard #2011 To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located to the north of Mall of Louisiana Boulevard, on a portion of Tract ML-1 of the Mall of Louisiana, Phase I and II. Section 58, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01104 Case 67-17 6650 Cedar Grove Drive To rezone from Single Family Residential (A2) to Rural (R) on property located on the east side of Cedar Grove Drive, between Sumrall Drive and Glen Oaks Drive, on a portion of a Lot called GLEN OAKS ELEM & JUNIOR HIGH. Section 96, T6S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 5 - Green) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01105 Case 69-17 6571 Bluebonnet Boulevard To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located on the east side of Bluebonnet Boulevard, south of Picardy Avenue, on a portion of Tract 5-A of the Mall of Louisiana, Phase I and II. Section 57, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01106 Case 70-17 18111 Highland Market Drive To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant) (CAB1) on property located to the east side of Highland Road, north of Perkins Road East, on a portion of Tract Y-1-B of the former Leon R. Kleinpeter Tract. Section 55, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01107 Case 71-17 12602 Coursey Boulevard To rezone from Neighborhood Office (NO) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on property located on the south side of Coursey Boulevard, at the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Tartan Drive and Coursey Boulevard, on Lot 149 of Sherwood Oaks Subdivision, 2nd Filing. Section 57, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer 30 days carried 7-0 Request to defer to September 18 by Councilman Amoroso Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01111 SNC-2-17 Burrell Road to Huggins Road A proposed street name change for Burrell Road, located to the north of Jackson Road and east of Reames Road. Section 20, T4S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 1 - Welch) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer 30 days carried 7-0 Request to defer to September 18 by the applicant Introduce for public hearing/meeting on September 20, 2017
17-01112 SNC-3-17 Thomas Augustin Way to Goodleaf Way A proposed street name change for Thomas Augustin Way, located to the north of Adelia Court and Goodwood Avenue, and east of Louis Babin Lane. Section 82, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff Commission certifies that consideration the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01113 SNC-4-17 Anna Bullion Way to Goodridge Way A proposed street name change for Anna Bullion Way, located to the north of Adelia Court and Goodwood Avenue, and south of Louis Babin Lane. Section 82, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff Commission certifies that consideration the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01108 RV-4-17 Slate Street Revocation of a 60 foot right-of-way located between North 29th Street and North 30th Street. Section 45, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 7 - Cole) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration, provided the applicant dedicates a utility servitude the width of the existing right-of-way and provides a recorded map indicating the revoked right-of-way COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0
17-01168 RV-8-17 Santa Maria, 5th Filing Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 15 foot GSU servitude, located between Southern Hills Avenue and Ward Creek, on Lot 402 of Santa Maria, 5th Filing (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
17-01169 RV-9-17 Englewood Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a five foot servitude, located northeast of the intersection of Englewood Drive and Highland Road, on Lot 1-B-1-B-1 of Englewood Subdivision (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
17-01172 RV-10-17 Lake Estates at Oak Hills Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 30 foot drainage servitude, located southwest of West Lake Estates Avenue, on Lot 5-A of the Lake Estates at Oak Hills Subdivision (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
17-01173 RV-11-17 Lakeside Subdivision A request to revoke a portion of a 25 foot drainage servitude, located east of the intersection of Shady Lake Parkway and High Lake Drive, on Lot 25-B of Lakeside Subdivision (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D ADJOURN