18-01239 Case 63-18 19809 Old Scenic Highway To rezone from Rural to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on property located on the west side of Old Scenic Highway, south of Mount Pleasant-Zachary Road, on Lot UND 3, now or formerly called the John V Kirby Tract. Section 59, T5S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 1 - Welch) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements. COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 This item was deferred from November 20, 2018
18-01259 Case 79-18 Character Areas To revise the Official Zoning District map to revise the Downtown, Urban/Walkable, Suburban, and Rural Character Areas. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies the proposed request meets criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 This item was deferred from December 5, 2018
18-01490 RV-1-19 Mirabeau Gardens Revocation A request to revoke a 50 foot servitude and dedicate a 15 foot drainage servitude, located north of the intersection of Chandler Drive and Seyburn Drive, on Tracts S and C-1-A of Mirabeau Gardens Subdivision (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
18-01493 RV-2-19 Goodwood Estates Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 7.5 foot servitude, located north of Jefferson Highway and west of Lobdell Avenue, on Lot M-2-A of Goodwood Estates (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
18-01505 PA-22-18 15694 and 15696 Old Scenic Highway To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Industrial to Residential Neighborhood on the east side of Old Scenic Highway, north of Groom Road, on a 350 acre parcel of the Goidie House Kizer property. Section 76, T5S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 2 - Banks) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon changing conditions in the area COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
6. 18-01509 PA-24-18 18330 Jefferson Highway To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood to Compact Neighborhood on property located on the southwest side of Jefferson Highway, to the south of Hoo Shoo Too Road on the Sims Tract, formerly a portion of the Emma Dixon Property. Section 38, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon review of the area in a greater level of detail and compatibility with adjacent higher intensity land use designation COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0 Related to Case 85-18 Application Staff Report 7. 18-01514 Case 85-18 18330 Jefferson Highway To rezone from Rural to Town House (A2.5) on property located on the southwest side of Jefferson Highway, to the south of Hoo Shoo Too Road on the Sims Tract, formerly a portion of the Emma Dixon Property. Section 38, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0 Related to PA-24-18
18-01515 TA-7-18 Chapter 2, (Administration) To establish Chapter 2, defining the authority of the Planning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, and the Historic Preservation Commission. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0 Historic Preservation Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5-0 on November 14, 2018
18-01517 TA-8-18 Chapter 3, (Processes) To repeal Chapters 3, Administrative Mechanisms, and 19, Amendments, and replace them with Chapter 3, Processes, updating Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission processes into a single chapter and providing for common notice provisions. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0 Historic Preservation Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5-0 on November 14, 2018
18-01519 TA-10-18 Chapter 20, (Definitions) To remove “Marijuana cultivation” from being allowed as an agricultural use. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on Council direction to restrict the cultivation of marijuana (Cannabis) on property zoned to encourage neighborhoods, such as Rural-zoned property COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
18-01521 Case 83-18 6500 Lake Mary Drive To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Rural on property located on the north side of Groom Road, to the west of Plank Road, on Tract W-3 of the Eric W. Day Estate. Section 29, T5S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 1 - Welch) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
18-01523 Case 84-18 10850 Mead Road To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on the south side of Mead Road and the south side of Interstate 12 to the west of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, on Lot E Salassi of the T. Joe and Ouida Bowen Calloway Property. Section 62, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements. COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
18-01524 SPUD-2-18 Valencia Park A proposed multi-family residential development located north of Gayosa Street, south of Spanish Town Road, east of North 14th Street, and west of North 15th Street, on Lots 1 thru 5 and 7 thru 11, of the Suburb Gracie Subdivision. Section 71, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP (Council District 10 - Wicker) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer 30 days to January 22, 2019, carried 7-0 ADJOURN
18-01239 Case 63-18 19809 Old Scenic Highway To rezone from Rural to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on property located on the west side of Old Scenic Highway, south of Mount Pleasant-Zachary Road, on Lot UND 3, now or formerly called the John V Kirby Tract. Section 59, T5S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 1 - Welch) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements. COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 9-0 This item was deferred from November 20, 2018
18-01259 Case 79-18 Character Areas To revise the Official Zoning District map to revise the Downtown, Urban/Walkable, Suburban, and Rural Character Areas. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies the proposed request meets criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried 7-0 This item was deferred from December 5, 2018
18-01490 RV-1-19 Mirabeau Gardens Revocation A request to revoke a 50 foot servitude and dedicate a 15 foot drainage servitude, located north of the intersection of Chandler Drive and Seyburn Drive, on Tracts S and C-1-A of Mirabeau Gardens Subdivision (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
18-01493 RV-2-19 Goodwood Estates Revocation A request to revoke a portion of a 7.5 foot servitude, located north of Jefferson Highway and west of Lobdell Avenue, on Lot M-2-A of Goodwood Estates (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Planning Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC COMMISSION ACTION: No hearing before the Planning Commission required, per UDC Section 4.13.D
18-01505 PA-22-18 15694 and 15696 Old Scenic Highway To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Industrial to Residential Neighborhood on the east side of Old Scenic Highway, north of Groom Road, on a 350 acre parcel of the Goidie House Kizer property. Section 76, T5S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 2 - Banks) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon changing conditions in the area COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
6. 18-01509 PA-24-18 18330 Jefferson Highway To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood to Compact Neighborhood on property located on the southwest side of Jefferson Highway, to the south of Hoo Shoo Too Road on the Sims Tract, formerly a portion of the Emma Dixon Property. Section 38, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon review of the area in a greater level of detail and compatibility with adjacent higher intensity land use designation COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0 Related to Case 85-18 Application Staff Report 7. 18-01514 Case 85-18 18330 Jefferson Highway To rezone from Rural to Town House (A2.5) on property located on the southwest side of Jefferson Highway, to the south of Hoo Shoo Too Road on the Sims Tract, formerly a portion of the Emma Dixon Property. Section 38, T8S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, if the companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0 Related to PA-24-18
18-01515 TA-7-18 Chapter 2, (Administration) To establish Chapter 2, defining the authority of the Planning Commission, the Board of Adjustment, and the Historic Preservation Commission. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0 Historic Preservation Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5-0 on November 14, 2018
18-01517 TA-8-18 Chapter 3, (Processes) To repeal Chapters 3, Administrative Mechanisms, and 19, Amendments, and replace them with Chapter 3, Processes, updating Planning Commission and Historic Preservation Commission processes into a single chapter and providing for common notice provisions. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0 Historic Preservation Commission recommended approval by a vote of 5-0 on November 14, 2018
18-01519 TA-10-18 Chapter 20, (Definitions) To remove “Marijuana cultivation” from being allowed as an agricultural use. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on Council direction to restrict the cultivation of marijuana (Cannabis) on property zoned to encourage neighborhoods, such as Rural-zoned property COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
18-01521 Case 83-18 6500 Lake Mary Drive To rezone from Single Family Residential (A1) to Rural on property located on the north side of Groom Road, to the west of Plank Road, on Tract W-3 of the Eric W. Day Estate. Section 29, T5S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 1 - Welch) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
18-01523 Case 84-18 10850 Mead Road To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) to Heavy Commercial (HC1) on the south side of Mead Road and the south side of Interstate 12 to the west of Sherwood Forest Boulevard, on Lot E Salassi of the T. Joe and Ouida Bowen Calloway Property. Section 62, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements. COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to approve carried, 7-0
18-01524 SPUD-2-18 Valencia Park A proposed multi-family residential development located north of Gayosa Street, south of Spanish Town Road, east of North 14th Street, and west of North 15th Street, on Lots 1 thru 5 and 7 thru 11, of the Suburb Gracie Subdivision. Section 71, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP (Council District 10 - Wicker) COMMISSION ACTION: Motion to defer 30 days to January 22, 2019, carried 7-0 ADJOURN