1. March 20, 2017
Rules for Conducting Public Hearings
RULES FOR CONDUCTING PUBLIC HEARINGS Applicant and applicant representatives for the proposal will speak first for a period not to exceed 15 minutes. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should refer to a meeting agenda and fill out a request to speak card indicating which item they wish to speak on and place it in the designated location prior to the meeting. Once the item is announced, each person’s name who has filled out a card will be called on to speak. Proponents will speak, then the opponents. Each speaker will not be allowed more than three minutes. The speakers are requested to limit their remarks and to avoid duplication in their presentations. Applicant will be allowed a total period of five minutes for rebuttal. Items placed on the Consent Agenda by the Planning Commission Staff will not have time allocated for speaking, unless there is a member of the public present at the meeting who wishes to speak on the item.
CONSENT AGENDA Items other than waivers with no outstanding issues. Items may be approved with a single motion without a public hearing, unless removed from the consent agenda and placed in the regular agenda order. CONSENT - ITEMS FOR WITHDRAWAL CONSENT - ITEMS FOR DEFERRAL 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 22, 25, 29, 38 CONSENT - ITEMS FOR APPROVAL 17, 18, 19, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 39
2. PA-4-17 17322 and 17336 Old Hammond Highway To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood (RN) to Commercial (C) on property located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway, south of Florida Boulevard, on Tracts 8 and 9 being a portion of Herbert Baron Tract. Section 73, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend denial based upon the land use of Residential Neighborhood appearing to be appropriate This item is related to Case 14-17 3. Case 14-17 17322 and 17336 Old Hammond Highway To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway, south of Florida Boulevard, on Tracts 8 and 9 being a portion of Herbert Baron Tract. Section 73, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning if the companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements This item is related to PA-4-17
4. PA-5-17 3777 Jones Creek Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Institutional (INST) to Residential Neighborhood (RN) on property located on the east side of Jones Creek Road, north of Mary Louise Avenue on Tract B of Leroy O’Neal Property. Section 52, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon an examination of the area in a greater level of detail than performed at the creation of the plan and compatibility with adjacent land use This item is related to Case 15-17 and S-2-17 5. Case 15-17 3777 and 3855 Jones Creek Road To rezone from Rural (R) and Light Commercial (LC1) to Zero Lot Line Residential (A2.6) on property located on the east side of Jones Creek Road, north of Mary Louise Avenue on Tracts A and B of Leroy O’Neal Property. Section 52, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning if the companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment on Tract B is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements This item is related to PA-5-17 and S-2-17 6. S-2-17 Fields Creek Subdivision A proposed 61 single family lot subdivision with 1 common area tract located on the east side of Jones Creek Road, north of Mary Louise Avenue on Tracts A and B of Leroy O’Neal Property. (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration, provided PA-5-17 and Case 15-17 are approved This item is related to PA-5-17 and Case 15-17
TA-8-17 Chapter 4 Permits and Final Plat Approval, BREC Notification To revise Section 4.1, General, in order to provide for notification of the Baton Rouge Parks and Recreation Commission (BREC) of proposed developments in the vicinity of a BREC facility PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with FUTUREBR and the desire to increase awareness and participation in Planning Commission hearings
TA-9-17 Chapter 8, Reception Halls To revise Section 8.213, Rural District, to permit reception halls with or without alcohol through a conditional use permit in the Rural zoning district PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff recommends approval, based on Council direction to develop ordinance language in order to allow reception halls in Rural zones subject to additional review and approval through a Conditional Use Permit
TA-10-17 Chapter 9, Accessory Uses To repeal and replace Chapter 9, Accessory Uses, with a revised chapter reformatted for greater ease of use. Also to move and revise the definition of “Home Occupation” from Chapter 20, Definitions to the new Chapter 9. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code (UDC)
14. TA-11-17 Chapter 10, Government Street Overlay To repeal and replace section 10.102c, Urban Design Overlay District Three – Government Street, with a revised section reflecting more current development standards PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code (UDC) This item is related to Case 22-17 15. Case 22-17 Urban Design Overlay District Three - Government Street (UDOD3) To revise the Official Zoning District Map to designate the boundary for UDOD3 to include lots fronting Government Street from the east right-of-way of 11th Street to Jefferson Highway and along Jefferson Highway from Government Street to Claycut Road/Goodwood Avenue. (Council Districts 7-Cole, 10-Wicker, 11-Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements, if the related Text Amendment is approved This item is related to TA-11-17
Case 20-17 1509 Government Street To rezone from Light Commercial (LC3) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage – Bars and Lounges (C-AB-2) on property located on the north side of Government Street, and east of South 15th Street on a portion of Lot GSU-3, part of the Magnesiaville Subdivision. Section 49, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
ISPUD-1-17 Iowa at Aster Street To rezone from General Residential (A4) to Infill/Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development (ISPUD) for a proposal of medium density residential units, on property located on the west side of the intersection of Iowa Street and Aster Street, on Lots 29, 30, 47 and 48 of University Park Subdivision. Section 54, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
CONSENT FOR APPROVAL ISPUD-2-17 Christian Street Townhomes To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.2) to Infill/Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development (ISPUD) for a proposal of medium density residential townhouse units, on property located on the west side of the intersection of Christian Street and Fiero Street, on Lots 23-A, 23-B, 23-C and C-2 of Zee Zee Gardens Subdivision. Section 67, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with the comprehensive plan, meets the minimum requirements of the Unified Development Code, and is compatible with existing uses in the area
26. CONSENT FOR APPROVAL PUD-5-04 Pelican Lakes Concept Plan Revision 2 Revision to existing PUD to add additional access location and increase allowable high density residential units on property located on the south side of Burbank Drive (Highway 42), east and west of Pelican Lakes Parkway, on Tracts A-1-A, B-1-A-1, B-1-A- 2, C-1-A-1, C-1-A-2, D-1, X, and Y of the T.P. Stuckey Tract, Phase 1 and Phase 2, Part 1 of the Pelican Lakes Subdivision. Sections 75 and 76, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a revision to a Concept Plan requiring Metro Council approval, increasing the high density residential density from 13.0 du/ac to 29 du/ac, though it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements This item is related to PUD-5-04 (Pelican Lakes Apartments, Final Development Plan) Deferred by applicant to April 17, 2017 27. CONSENT FOR APPROVAL PUD-5-04 Pelican Lakes Apartments, Final Development Plan Proposal for high density residential units on property located on the West side of the intersection of Burbank Drive (Highway 42) and Pelican Lakes Parkway, on a portion Tract B-1-A-2 of the T.P. Stuckey Tract. Sections 76, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with Concept Plan, if the Concept Plan revision is approved, and meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration This item is related to PUD-5-04 (Pelican Lakes Concept Plan Revision 2) Deferred by applicant to April 17, 2017
WT-1-17/ CUP-1-17 Sister Dulce Foundation Radio Tower Wireless Tower A proposed wireless tower for public radio broadcast located west of George O’Neal Lane and north of Spiller’s Way, on Tract 1-B-1-A-3-A-1-A of the A.L. Bordelon Property. (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration
S-1-17 Manchac Reserve A proposed 22 single family residential lot subdivision with one remainder tract, located on the south side of Hoo Shoo Too Road and west of South Tiger Bend Road, on the Violet Babin Picou Tract and Tract 1-A of the Marion Beauchamp Estate. (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff recommends denial of the street connectivity waiver to the rear undeveloped portion of the western abutting property; Staff cannot certify that the small subdivision meets the minimum requirements of the UDC, unless the waiver of street connectivity is approved Deferred on March 20, 2017 by the Planning Commission
S-1-17 Manchac Reserve A proposed 22 single family residential lot subdivision with one remainder tract, located on the south side of Hoo Shoo Too Road and west of South Tiger Bend Road, on the Violet Babin Picou Tract and Tract 1-A of the Marion Beauchamp Estate. (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff recommends denial of the street connectivity waiver to the rear undeveloped portion of the western abutting property; Staff cannot certify that the small subdivision meets the minimum requirements of the UDC, unless the waiver of street connectivity is approved Deferred on March 20, 2017 by the Planning Commission
1. March 20, 2017
Rules for Conducting Public Hearings
RULES FOR CONDUCTING PUBLIC HEARINGS Applicant and applicant representatives for the proposal will speak first for a period not to exceed 15 minutes. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should refer to a meeting agenda and fill out a request to speak card indicating which item they wish to speak on and place it in the designated location prior to the meeting. Once the item is announced, each person’s name who has filled out a card will be called on to speak. Proponents will speak, then the opponents. Each speaker will not be allowed more than three minutes. The speakers are requested to limit their remarks and to avoid duplication in their presentations. Applicant will be allowed a total period of five minutes for rebuttal. Items placed on the Consent Agenda by the Planning Commission Staff will not have time allocated for speaking, unless there is a member of the public present at the meeting who wishes to speak on the item.
CONSENT AGENDA Items other than waivers with no outstanding issues. Items may be approved with a single motion without a public hearing, unless removed from the consent agenda and placed in the regular agenda order. CONSENT - ITEMS FOR WITHDRAWAL CONSENT - ITEMS FOR DEFERRAL 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 22, 25, 29, 38 CONSENT - ITEMS FOR APPROVAL 17, 18, 19, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 39
2. PA-4-17 17322 and 17336 Old Hammond Highway To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood (RN) to Commercial (C) on property located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway, south of Florida Boulevard, on Tracts 8 and 9 being a portion of Herbert Baron Tract. Section 73, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend denial based upon the land use of Residential Neighborhood appearing to be appropriate This item is related to Case 14-17 3. Case 14-17 17322 and 17336 Old Hammond Highway To rezone from Rural (R) to Light Commercial (LC2) on property located on the south side of Old Hammond Highway, south of Florida Boulevard, on Tracts 8 and 9 being a portion of Herbert Baron Tract. Section 73, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning if the companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements This item is related to PA-4-17
4. PA-5-17 3777 Jones Creek Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Institutional (INST) to Residential Neighborhood (RN) on property located on the east side of Jones Creek Road, north of Mary Louise Avenue on Tract B of Leroy O’Neal Property. Section 52, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon an examination of the area in a greater level of detail than performed at the creation of the plan and compatibility with adjacent land use This item is related to Case 15-17 and S-2-17 5. Case 15-17 3777 and 3855 Jones Creek Road To rezone from Rural (R) and Light Commercial (LC1) to Zero Lot Line Residential (A2.6) on property located on the east side of Jones Creek Road, north of Mary Louise Avenue on Tracts A and B of Leroy O’Neal Property. Section 52, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning if the companion Comprehensive Plan Amendment on Tract B is approved, being compatible with surrounding uses and conforming to UDC requirements This item is related to PA-5-17 and S-2-17 6. S-2-17 Fields Creek Subdivision A proposed 61 single family lot subdivision with 1 common area tract located on the east side of Jones Creek Road, north of Mary Louise Avenue on Tracts A and B of Leroy O’Neal Property. (Council District 8 - Amoroso) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration, provided PA-5-17 and Case 15-17 are approved This item is related to PA-5-17 and Case 15-17
TA-8-17 Chapter 4 Permits and Final Plat Approval, BREC Notification To revise Section 4.1, General, in order to provide for notification of the Baton Rouge Parks and Recreation Commission (BREC) of proposed developments in the vicinity of a BREC facility PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with FUTUREBR and the desire to increase awareness and participation in Planning Commission hearings
TA-9-17 Chapter 8, Reception Halls To revise Section 8.213, Rural District, to permit reception halls with or without alcohol through a conditional use permit in the Rural zoning district PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff recommends approval, based on Council direction to develop ordinance language in order to allow reception halls in Rural zones subject to additional review and approval through a Conditional Use Permit
TA-10-17 Chapter 9, Accessory Uses To repeal and replace Chapter 9, Accessory Uses, with a revised chapter reformatted for greater ease of use. Also to move and revise the definition of “Home Occupation” from Chapter 20, Definitions to the new Chapter 9. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code (UDC)
14. TA-11-17 Chapter 10, Government Street Overlay To repeal and replace section 10.102c, Urban Design Overlay District Three – Government Street, with a revised section reflecting more current development standards PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code (UDC) This item is related to Case 22-17 15. Case 22-17 Urban Design Overlay District Three - Government Street (UDOD3) To revise the Official Zoning District Map to designate the boundary for UDOD3 to include lots fronting Government Street from the east right-of-way of 11th Street to Jefferson Highway and along Jefferson Highway from Government Street to Claycut Road/Goodwood Avenue. (Council Districts 7-Cole, 10-Wicker, 11-Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements, if the related Text Amendment is approved This item is related to TA-11-17
Case 20-17 1509 Government Street To rezone from Light Commercial (LC3) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage – Bars and Lounges (C-AB-2) on property located on the north side of Government Street, and east of South 15th Street on a portion of Lot GSU-3, part of the Magnesiaville Subdivision. Section 49, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
ISPUD-1-17 Iowa at Aster Street To rezone from General Residential (A4) to Infill/Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development (ISPUD) for a proposal of medium density residential units, on property located on the west side of the intersection of Iowa Street and Aster Street, on Lots 29, 30, 47 and 48 of University Park Subdivision. Section 54, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
CONSENT FOR APPROVAL ISPUD-2-17 Christian Street Townhomes To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.2) to Infill/Mixed Use Small Planned Unit Development (ISPUD) for a proposal of medium density residential townhouse units, on property located on the west side of the intersection of Christian Street and Fiero Street, on Lots 23-A, 23-B, 23-C and C-2 of Zee Zee Gardens Subdivision. Section 67, T7S, R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with the comprehensive plan, meets the minimum requirements of the Unified Development Code, and is compatible with existing uses in the area
26. CONSENT FOR APPROVAL PUD-5-04 Pelican Lakes Concept Plan Revision 2 Revision to existing PUD to add additional access location and increase allowable high density residential units on property located on the south side of Burbank Drive (Highway 42), east and west of Pelican Lakes Parkway, on Tracts A-1-A, B-1-A-1, B-1-A- 2, C-1-A-1, C-1-A-2, D-1, X, and Y of the T.P. Stuckey Tract, Phase 1 and Phase 2, Part 1 of the Pelican Lakes Subdivision. Sections 75 and 76, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum criteria for a revision to a Concept Plan requiring Metro Council approval, increasing the high density residential density from 13.0 du/ac to 29 du/ac, though it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements This item is related to PUD-5-04 (Pelican Lakes Apartments, Final Development Plan) Deferred by applicant to April 17, 2017 27. CONSENT FOR APPROVAL PUD-5-04 Pelican Lakes Apartments, Final Development Plan Proposal for high density residential units on property located on the West side of the intersection of Burbank Drive (Highway 42) and Pelican Lakes Parkway, on a portion Tract B-1-A-2 of the T.P. Stuckey Tract. Sections 76, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 3 - Loupe) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with Concept Plan, if the Concept Plan revision is approved, and meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration This item is related to PUD-5-04 (Pelican Lakes Concept Plan Revision 2) Deferred by applicant to April 17, 2017
WT-1-17/ CUP-1-17 Sister Dulce Foundation Radio Tower Wireless Tower A proposed wireless tower for public radio broadcast located west of George O’Neal Lane and north of Spiller’s Way, on Tract 1-B-1-A-3-A-1-A of the A.L. Bordelon Property. (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements of the UDC for Planning Commission consideration
S-1-17 Manchac Reserve A proposed 22 single family residential lot subdivision with one remainder tract, located on the south side of Hoo Shoo Too Road and west of South Tiger Bend Road, on the Violet Babin Picou Tract and Tract 1-A of the Marion Beauchamp Estate. (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff recommends denial of the street connectivity waiver to the rear undeveloped portion of the western abutting property; Staff cannot certify that the small subdivision meets the minimum requirements of the UDC, unless the waiver of street connectivity is approved Deferred on March 20, 2017 by the Planning Commission
S-1-17 Manchac Reserve A proposed 22 single family residential lot subdivision with one remainder tract, located on the south side of Hoo Shoo Too Road and west of South Tiger Bend Road, on the Violet Babin Picou Tract and Tract 1-A of the Marion Beauchamp Estate. (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff recommends denial of the street connectivity waiver to the rear undeveloped portion of the western abutting property; Staff cannot certify that the small subdivision meets the minimum requirements of the UDC, unless the waiver of street connectivity is approved Deferred on March 20, 2017 by the Planning Commission