1. August 19, 2019 August 19, 2019
Rules for Conducting Public Hearings
RULES FOR CONDUCTING PUBLIC HEARINGS Applicant and applicant representatives for the proposal will speak first for a period not to exceed 15 minutes. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should refer to a meeting agenda and fill out a request to speak form indicating which item they wish to speak on and place it in the designated location prior to the meeting. Once the item is announced, each person’s name who has filled out a form will be called on to speak. Proponents will speak, then the opponents. Each speaker will not be allowed more than three minutes. The speakers are requested to limit their remarks and to avoid duplication in their presentations. Applicant will be allowed a total period of five minutes for rebuttal. Items placed on the Consent Agenda by the Planning Commission Staff will not have time allocated for speaking, unless there is a member of the public present at the meeting who wishes to speak on the item.
Items with no outstanding issues that do not require Plan Amendments or Text Amendments. Items may be approved with a single motion without a public hearing, unless removed from the consent agenda and placed in the regular agenda order. CONSENT - ITEMS FOR WITHDRAWAL 6 CONSENT - ITEMS FOR DEFERRAL CONSENT - ITEMS FOR APPROVAL 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24
Case 58-19 16565 George O’Neal Road To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Bar and Lounges)(C-AB-2) on the property located on the north side of George O’Neal Road, to the east of O’Neal Lane, on TR. 1-B-3-C-1-B-1-B-3 of the property of A. L. Bordelon. Section 53, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
PA-11-19 7391, 7393, 7395, 7399 Highland Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood to Neighborhood Center property located north side of Highland Road, west of Kenilworth Parkway and south of Menlo Drive, on Lots 1-A and 2-A of the Rosario Martina Property. Section 63, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon a review of the area in a greater level of detail, compatibility with surrounding uses, and irregular shape of the subject property
TA-18-19 Chapter 17, Parking To allow off-site parking for residential uses and clarify parking requirements. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code
TA-19-19 Section 4.1.2 Coordination with Others To require projects governed by Chapter 4 to receive recommendations from other municipalities Planning and Zoning Commission. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to eliminate an inconsistency with regard to the coordination provisions of Chapter 3, Processes, and Chapter 4, Site Plans and Plats
TA-20-19 Chapter 5, Waivers To repeal and replace Chapter 5, Waivers PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code
Case 55-19 3976, 3990 Tyrone Drive To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.1) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on the property located on the south side of Tyrone Drive, to the west of Valley Street, on Lots 3 and 4, Block 10 of Valley Park Subdivision. Section 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff cannot certify the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning. While it conforms to UDC requirements it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and represents the intrusion of commercial uses into residential area
Case 56-19 3347 Highland Road To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Bar and Lounges)(C-AB-2) on the property located on the east side of Highland Road, to the north of East Chimes Street, on a portion of Lot X-1-A, Arbour Place Subdivision. Section 54, T7S R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
Case 57-19 9600 Florida Boulevard To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant)(C-AB-1) on property located on the south side of Florida Boulevard, to the east of Cora Drive, on a portion of Tract C-1-A of the J. D. Sharp Tract. Section 68, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
TND-1-07 Phase 10, Rouzan Kids Karousel Early Childhood Development Center, Final Development Plan Proposed childhood center on property located south of Perkins Road, east of Glasgow Avenue, on a portion of Lot RZ-3-D of the Ralf Ford Property, of the Rouzan Subdivision. Section 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with the Concept Plan and meets the minimum requirements of the Traditional Neighborhood Development for Planning Commission consideration
SS-7-19 Goodwood Estates (Flag Lot Subdivision) Proposed low density single family residential subdivision to the south of Goodwood Avenue, and east of Keed Avenue, on Lot 10 of the Goodwood Estates Subdivision (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements for Planning Commission consideration, being consistent with the comprehensive plan, conforming to UDC regulations, and compatible with the neighborhood
1. August 19, 2019 August 19, 2019
Rules for Conducting Public Hearings
RULES FOR CONDUCTING PUBLIC HEARINGS Applicant and applicant representatives for the proposal will speak first for a period not to exceed 15 minutes. Those members of the public desiring to speak on a particular item should refer to a meeting agenda and fill out a request to speak form indicating which item they wish to speak on and place it in the designated location prior to the meeting. Once the item is announced, each person’s name who has filled out a form will be called on to speak. Proponents will speak, then the opponents. Each speaker will not be allowed more than three minutes. The speakers are requested to limit their remarks and to avoid duplication in their presentations. Applicant will be allowed a total period of five minutes for rebuttal. Items placed on the Consent Agenda by the Planning Commission Staff will not have time allocated for speaking, unless there is a member of the public present at the meeting who wishes to speak on the item.
Items with no outstanding issues that do not require Plan Amendments or Text Amendments. Items may be approved with a single motion without a public hearing, unless removed from the consent agenda and placed in the regular agenda order. CONSENT - ITEMS FOR WITHDRAWAL 6 CONSENT - ITEMS FOR DEFERRAL CONSENT - ITEMS FOR APPROVAL 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24
Case 58-19 16565 George O’Neal Road To rezone from Light Commercial (C1) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Bar and Lounges)(C-AB-2) on the property located on the north side of George O’Neal Road, to the east of O’Neal Lane, on TR. 1-B-3-C-1-B-1-B-3 of the property of A. L. Bordelon. Section 53, T7S, R2E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 9 - Hudson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
PA-11-19 7391, 7393, 7395, 7399 Highland Road To amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Residential Neighborhood to Neighborhood Center property located north side of Highland Road, west of Kenilworth Parkway and south of Menlo Drive, on Lots 1-A and 2-A of the Rosario Martina Property. Section 63, T8S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Recommend approval, based upon a review of the area in a greater level of detail, compatibility with surrounding uses, and irregular shape of the subject property
TA-18-19 Chapter 17, Parking To allow off-site parking for residential uses and clarify parking requirements. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code
TA-19-19 Section 4.1.2 Coordination with Others To require projects governed by Chapter 4 to receive recommendations from other municipalities Planning and Zoning Commission. PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to eliminate an inconsistency with regard to the coordination provisions of Chapter 3, Processes, and Chapter 4, Site Plans and Plats
TA-20-19 Chapter 5, Waivers To repeal and replace Chapter 5, Waivers PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Approval is recommended, based on consistency with the comprehensive plan and the need to simplify the Unified Development Code
Case 55-19 3976, 3990 Tyrone Drive To rezone from Limited Residential (A3.1) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC) on the property located on the south side of Tyrone Drive, to the west of Valley Street, on Lots 3 and 4, Block 10 of Valley Park Subdivision. Section 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff cannot certify the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning. While it conforms to UDC requirements it is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and represents the intrusion of commercial uses into residential area
Case 56-19 3347 Highland Road To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Bar and Lounges)(C-AB-2) on the property located on the east side of Highland Road, to the north of East Chimes Street, on a portion of Lot X-1-A, Arbour Place Subdivision. Section 54, T7S R1W, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 10 - Wicker) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
Case 57-19 9600 Florida Boulevard To rezone from Heavy Commercial (C2) to Commercial Alcoholic Beverage (Restaurant)(C-AB-1) on property located on the south side of Florida Boulevard, to the east of Cora Drive, on a portion of Tract C-1-A of the J. D. Sharp Tract. Section 68, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 6 - Collins-Lewis) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the criteria for a change of zoning, being consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with surrounding uses, and conforming to Unified Development Code requirements
TND-1-07 Phase 10, Rouzan Kids Karousel Early Childhood Development Center, Final Development Plan Proposed childhood center on property located south of Perkins Road, east of Glasgow Avenue, on a portion of Lot RZ-3-D of the Ralf Ford Property, of the Rouzan Subdivision. Section 94, T7S, R1E, GLD, EBRP, LA (Council District 12 - Freiberg) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request is consistent with the Concept Plan and meets the minimum requirements of the Traditional Neighborhood Development for Planning Commission consideration
SS-7-19 Goodwood Estates (Flag Lot Subdivision) Proposed low density single family residential subdivision to the south of Goodwood Avenue, and east of Keed Avenue, on Lot 10 of the Goodwood Estates Subdivision (Council District 11 - Watson) PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS: Staff certifies that the proposed request meets the minimum requirements for Planning Commission consideration, being consistent with the comprehensive plan, conforming to UDC regulations, and compatible with the neighborhood