1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Connie Bernard), and pledge of allegiance (Cadet Major Ja’vona Mott – Broadmoor High School and LTC Michael Stewart, Senior Army Instructor). 2. Roll call.
Approval of the minutes of the September 18, 2014, (Regular Meeting), October 2, 2014, Committee of the Whole meeting, and the October 2, 2014, (Special Meeting).
Recognition of the National Merit and National Achievement Semi-Finalists. (Cynthia Sampey)
Recognition of Parkview Elementary School for being named as a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. (School Board President David Tatman and Superintendent Bernard Taylor)
Recognition of the Exchange Club of Baton Rouge’s “Adopt-a-Teacher” grant recipients. (Dr. Richard Flicker)
Consideration of the adoption of a resolution proclaiming the month of October 2014 as “I CARE Red Ribbon Month.” (Catherine Braud – I CARE)
Consideration of the adoption of a resolution proclaiming October 20-24, 2014, as “School Bus Safety Week” and “School Bus Driver Appreciation Week.” (Kathy Keas and Carole Whitesell)
Recognition of the Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Star Community Partners for the month of October 2014. (Tiffany Temple)
Personnel Matters. (FOR INFORMATION ONLY)
6. Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Bernard Taylor, Jr.) 7. Presentations. (NONE)
Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies
Unfinished Business. 9.1 Discussion/Consideration of a contract for timber management consulting services with Manuel Forestry, LLC. (Domoine Rutledge)
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 10. Consideration of a request for renewal of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and ONCOURSE Systems for Education, LLC, in the amount of $63,000.00 for a lesson planner and website licenses. (Funding Source: Professional Development/Technology). (Michael Haggen) 11. Consideration of a request for renewal of a professional services agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and A&M College in the amount of $13,000.00 as it relates to the NOYCE TIGERS program for the National Science Foundation. (Funding Source: EBRPSS will pay a stipend in the amount of $10,000.00, and LSU will reimburse EBR for salaries and benefits not to exceed $13,000.00). (Michael Haggen) 12. Consideration of a request for approval of a servitude agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission for a local services agreement/cooperative endeavor. The agreement serves as an acceptance of the transfer of property ownership and temporary access of equipment for the cash offer of $10,695.00 for city-wide and future Christa McAuliffe Superintendent’s Academy sewer improvements. (Catherine Fletcher) 13. Consideration of a request for approval of a Video Production Support Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Hometown Productions, Inc., in the amount of $31,920.00 for the production of two video packages a month (October 2014-May 2015). (Funding Source: Communications Department). (Keith Bromery) 14. Consideration of a request for approval of a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Louisiana Economic Development Small and Emerging Business Development Program for Northdale Superintendent’s Academy students to participate in a Youth Entrepreneurial Course. The cost for the program will be covered by the Louisiana Economic Development Department, allowing the district access to the instruction at no cost. (Herman Brister) 15. Consideration of a request for approval to continue a data sharing agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the LSU Foundation/College of Human Sciences and Education (LSYOU), AT&T Services, Inc., and Edvance Research, Inc. for 2014-2016 as it relates to the Louisiana State Youth Opportunity Unlimited (LSYOU) program. (Herman Brister
Stand Alone Items: (Referred by the Committee of the Whole without a recommendation.) Consideration of a request for approval of School Board policy revisions and related matters: FDC, GBRHA, IDCA, IDCC, IDG, IH, IHG, JB, JBCBB, JBCF, JDD, and JGCD. (Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Consideration of declaring November 4, 2014, a non-work day for all employees. (School Board Member Vereta Lee)
Discussion/Update regarding current Tax Plan projects and related matters.* (Dr. Taylor and Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Update regarding building/maintenance and repairs for EBRPSS buildings used by charter operators and related matters.* (School Board Member Jerry Arbour)
20. Organizational Items. 20.1 Announcement of Meetings: November 6, 2014, Committee of the Whole Meeting November 20, 2014, School Board Meeting 23. Adjournment.
1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Connie Bernard), and pledge of allegiance (Cadet Major Ja’vona Mott – Broadmoor High School and LTC Michael Stewart, Senior Army Instructor). 2. Roll call.
Approval of the minutes of the September 18, 2014, (Regular Meeting), October 2, 2014, Committee of the Whole meeting, and the October 2, 2014, (Special Meeting).
Recognition of the National Merit and National Achievement Semi-Finalists. (Cynthia Sampey)
Recognition of Parkview Elementary School for being named as a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. (School Board President David Tatman and Superintendent Bernard Taylor)
Recognition of the Exchange Club of Baton Rouge’s “Adopt-a-Teacher” grant recipients. (Dr. Richard Flicker)
Consideration of the adoption of a resolution proclaiming the month of October 2014 as “I CARE Red Ribbon Month.” (Catherine Braud – I CARE)
Consideration of the adoption of a resolution proclaiming October 20-24, 2014, as “School Bus Safety Week” and “School Bus Driver Appreciation Week.” (Kathy Keas and Carole Whitesell)
Recognition of the Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Star Community Partners for the month of October 2014. (Tiffany Temple)
Personnel Matters. (FOR INFORMATION ONLY)
6. Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Bernard Taylor, Jr.) 7. Presentations. (NONE)
Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies
Unfinished Business. 9.1 Discussion/Consideration of a contract for timber management consulting services with Manuel Forestry, LLC. (Domoine Rutledge)
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 10. Consideration of a request for renewal of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and ONCOURSE Systems for Education, LLC, in the amount of $63,000.00 for a lesson planner and website licenses. (Funding Source: Professional Development/Technology). (Michael Haggen) 11. Consideration of a request for renewal of a professional services agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and A&M College in the amount of $13,000.00 as it relates to the NOYCE TIGERS program for the National Science Foundation. (Funding Source: EBRPSS will pay a stipend in the amount of $10,000.00, and LSU will reimburse EBR for salaries and benefits not to exceed $13,000.00). (Michael Haggen) 12. Consideration of a request for approval of a servitude agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the East Baton Rouge Sewerage Commission for a local services agreement/cooperative endeavor. The agreement serves as an acceptance of the transfer of property ownership and temporary access of equipment for the cash offer of $10,695.00 for city-wide and future Christa McAuliffe Superintendent’s Academy sewer improvements. (Catherine Fletcher) 13. Consideration of a request for approval of a Video Production Support Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Hometown Productions, Inc., in the amount of $31,920.00 for the production of two video packages a month (October 2014-May 2015). (Funding Source: Communications Department). (Keith Bromery) 14. Consideration of a request for approval of a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Louisiana Economic Development Small and Emerging Business Development Program for Northdale Superintendent’s Academy students to participate in a Youth Entrepreneurial Course. The cost for the program will be covered by the Louisiana Economic Development Department, allowing the district access to the instruction at no cost. (Herman Brister) 15. Consideration of a request for approval to continue a data sharing agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the LSU Foundation/College of Human Sciences and Education (LSYOU), AT&T Services, Inc., and Edvance Research, Inc. for 2014-2016 as it relates to the Louisiana State Youth Opportunity Unlimited (LSYOU) program. (Herman Brister
Stand Alone Items: (Referred by the Committee of the Whole without a recommendation.) Consideration of a request for approval of School Board policy revisions and related matters: FDC, GBRHA, IDCA, IDCC, IDG, IH, IHG, JB, JBCBB, JBCF, JDD, and JGCD. (Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Consideration of declaring November 4, 2014, a non-work day for all employees. (School Board Member Vereta Lee)
Discussion/Update regarding current Tax Plan projects and related matters.* (Dr. Taylor and Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Update regarding building/maintenance and repairs for EBRPSS buildings used by charter operators and related matters.* (School Board Member Jerry Arbour)
20. Organizational Items. 20.1 Announcement of Meetings: November 6, 2014, Committee of the Whole Meeting November 20, 2014, School Board Meeting 23. Adjournment.