Roll call, invocation (School Board Member Evelyn Ware-Jackson), and pledge of allegiance (Cadet First Lieutenant Rebecca Morris – Northeast High School and LTC Shirley Sutton, Senior Army Instructor).
Approval of the minutes of the August 20, 2015, Regular School Board meeting and the September 3, 2015, Committee of the Whole meeting.
Recognitions. 3.1 Presentation of a plaque to the East Baton Rouge Parish School System for achievement of AdvancED accreditation. (Ray Poplus) 3.2 Recognition of Mr. Scott Richard, Executive Director of the Louisiana School Boards Association, for being named as the recipient of the National School Boards Association’s 2015 Thomas Shannon Award for Excellence. (Superintendent Warren Drake) 3.3 Recognition of Southern University’s Nathan Haymer, Director of Bands, Keith Morgan, Drum Major, and Alexander Smith, Captain of the Percussions Section, related to the “Human Jukebox” performance at the McKinley vs. Scotlandville High School Football Game. (Superintendent Warren Drake) 3.4 Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution proclaiming the month of October as “Anti-Bullying Month.” (School Board Member Connie Bernard and Gwynn Shamlin – I CARE) 3.5 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) partners in education for the month of September. (Lynelle Dixon)
4. Personnel Matters. (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) 5. Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Warren Drake) 6. Presentations. (NONE
7. Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies. 8. Unfinished Business: (NONE
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 9. Consideration of a request for approval of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Jennifer Jacobson in the amount of $19,000.00 for professional development. (Funding Source: Curriculum and Instruction) (Adam Smith/Tamara Johnson) 10. Consideration of a request for renewal of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Southern University and A&M College for one (1) extern to assist I CARE with intervention and related matters. (Funding Source: I CARE) (Stacey Dupre/Gwynn Shamlin) 11. Consideration of a request for approval to administer a norm-referenced assessment to all students applying for an admission-based magnet program in Grades 4-11, beginning with the 2016-2017 application period. (Adam Smith/Theresa Porter) 12. Consideration of a request for approval of revisions to the Pupil Progression Plan for the 2015-2016 school year. (Adam Smith/Andrea O’Konski) 13. Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to advertise, accept the low bid meeting specifications, and make the award of a contract for the facility modifications and maintenance improvements at Broadmoor High School, or reject any and all bids for just cause in accordance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law; Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 38; Chapter 10. (Catherine Fletcher/Earl Kern) 16. Consideration of a request for approval of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Grant in the amount of $20,000.00 for two (2) years for the PLTW Gateway Introduction to Computer Science in Grades 7 and 8 at Northeast High School, $17,000.00 in year one and $3,000.00 in year two, for the period of June 15, 2015, through June 15, 2017. (Catherine Fletcher/Pat Friedrich) 17. Consideration of a request for approval of the Believe and Prepare Community Development Grant in the amount of $10,000.00 to develop a new teacher preparation program at McKinley and Lee High Schools. (Catherine Fletcher/Pat Friedrich)
Consideration of a request to renew a contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Mercer to provide employee benefits consulting for a period of three (3) years, beginning January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2018, for an amount of $125,000.00 annually. (Catherine Fletcher/Mercer)
Consideration of a request to renew a contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Express Scripts Pharmacy for a period of three (3) years, beginning February 1, 2016, through January 31, 2019. (Catherine Fletcher/Mercer)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval to change the admission criteria for Lee Magnet High School to: eliminate the portfolio and interview requirements; require students to have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average for the last four consecutive semesters; and perform proficiently on a district-based assessment in English Language Arts and mathematics, effective with the 2016-2017 application period. The Board also requests that staff provide more information about where the magnets students are attending now, the number of students, and a map of the school zone. (Adam Smith/Theresa Porter)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Contrast Films, LLC, in the amount of $71,800.00 as it relates to production and video for magnet schools and general publicity use. (Funding Source: General Fund – Magnet/Communications Departments) (Adonica Duggan)
Organizational Items. 20.1 Announcement of Meetings: ? Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on October 1, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office (Board Room). ? Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on October 15, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office (Board Room). 21. Review of student expulsions. (NONE) 22. Appeal hearing(s) for a student expulsion. (NONE) 23. Adjournment.
Roll call, invocation (School Board Member Evelyn Ware-Jackson), and pledge of allegiance (Cadet First Lieutenant Rebecca Morris – Northeast High School and LTC Shirley Sutton, Senior Army Instructor).
Approval of the minutes of the August 20, 2015, Regular School Board meeting and the September 3, 2015, Committee of the Whole meeting.
Recognitions. 3.1 Presentation of a plaque to the East Baton Rouge Parish School System for achievement of AdvancED accreditation. (Ray Poplus) 3.2 Recognition of Mr. Scott Richard, Executive Director of the Louisiana School Boards Association, for being named as the recipient of the National School Boards Association’s 2015 Thomas Shannon Award for Excellence. (Superintendent Warren Drake) 3.3 Recognition of Southern University’s Nathan Haymer, Director of Bands, Keith Morgan, Drum Major, and Alexander Smith, Captain of the Percussions Section, related to the “Human Jukebox” performance at the McKinley vs. Scotlandville High School Football Game. (Superintendent Warren Drake) 3.4 Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution proclaiming the month of October as “Anti-Bullying Month.” (School Board Member Connie Bernard and Gwynn Shamlin – I CARE) 3.5 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) partners in education for the month of September. (Lynelle Dixon)
4. Personnel Matters. (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) 5. Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Warren Drake) 6. Presentations. (NONE
7. Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies. 8. Unfinished Business: (NONE
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 9. Consideration of a request for approval of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Jennifer Jacobson in the amount of $19,000.00 for professional development. (Funding Source: Curriculum and Instruction) (Adam Smith/Tamara Johnson) 10. Consideration of a request for renewal of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Southern University and A&M College for one (1) extern to assist I CARE with intervention and related matters. (Funding Source: I CARE) (Stacey Dupre/Gwynn Shamlin) 11. Consideration of a request for approval to administer a norm-referenced assessment to all students applying for an admission-based magnet program in Grades 4-11, beginning with the 2016-2017 application period. (Adam Smith/Theresa Porter) 12. Consideration of a request for approval of revisions to the Pupil Progression Plan for the 2015-2016 school year. (Adam Smith/Andrea O’Konski) 13. Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to advertise, accept the low bid meeting specifications, and make the award of a contract for the facility modifications and maintenance improvements at Broadmoor High School, or reject any and all bids for just cause in accordance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law; Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 38; Chapter 10. (Catherine Fletcher/Earl Kern) 16. Consideration of a request for approval of the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Grant in the amount of $20,000.00 for two (2) years for the PLTW Gateway Introduction to Computer Science in Grades 7 and 8 at Northeast High School, $17,000.00 in year one and $3,000.00 in year two, for the period of June 15, 2015, through June 15, 2017. (Catherine Fletcher/Pat Friedrich) 17. Consideration of a request for approval of the Believe and Prepare Community Development Grant in the amount of $10,000.00 to develop a new teacher preparation program at McKinley and Lee High Schools. (Catherine Fletcher/Pat Friedrich)
Consideration of a request to renew a contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Mercer to provide employee benefits consulting for a period of three (3) years, beginning January 1, 2016, through December 31, 2018, for an amount of $125,000.00 annually. (Catherine Fletcher/Mercer)
Consideration of a request to renew a contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Express Scripts Pharmacy for a period of three (3) years, beginning February 1, 2016, through January 31, 2019. (Catherine Fletcher/Mercer)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval to change the admission criteria for Lee Magnet High School to: eliminate the portfolio and interview requirements; require students to have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average for the last four consecutive semesters; and perform proficiently on a district-based assessment in English Language Arts and mathematics, effective with the 2016-2017 application period. The Board also requests that staff provide more information about where the magnets students are attending now, the number of students, and a map of the school zone. (Adam Smith/Theresa Porter)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Contrast Films, LLC, in the amount of $71,800.00 as it relates to production and video for magnet schools and general publicity use. (Funding Source: General Fund – Magnet/Communications Departments) (Adonica Duggan)
Organizational Items. 20.1 Announcement of Meetings: ? Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on October 1, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office (Board Room). ? Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on October 15, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office (Board Room). 21. Review of student expulsions. (NONE) 22. Appeal hearing(s) for a student expulsion. (NONE) 23. Adjournment.