1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Mark Bellue), and Pledge of Allegiance (Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Williams – Woodlawn High, accompanied by Colonel Eric Keys). 2. Roll Call.
Introduction and swearing-in of newly elected School Board Member, District 4, Dawn Chanet Collins.
Approval of the minutes of the February 18, 2016, Regular School Board meeting, March 3, 2016, Special Board meeting, and the March 3, 2016, Committee of the Whole meeting.
Recognitions. 5.1 Recognition and introduction of Ms. Keila Stovall, newly appointed Executive Director of Foundation for EBRSS. (Ted Firnberg/Superintendent Warren Drake) 5.2 Recognition of Coach Harvey Adger, on his 800th plus victories during his coaching years at East Baton Rouge Parish School System. (Superintendent Warren Drake) 5.3 Recognition of McKinley Middle School Girls Basketball team for winning the EBRPSS Middle School Girls Parish Championship. 5.4 Recognition of Scotlandville Middle School Boys Basketball team for winning the EBRPSS Middle School Boys Parish Championship. 5.5 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Partners in Education for the month of February. (Lynelle Dixon)
Personnel Matters. (FOR INFORMATION ONLY)
Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Warren Drake)
Dr. Jacqueline Mims presentation concerning AFT Conference.
Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies.
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 11. Consideration of a request for approval to open an EBR Virtual School to include Grades 9- 12 with an attendance zone encompassing the entire geographic area of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. (Stacey Dupre) 12. Consideration of a request for renewal of a community partnership agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and YWCA Greater Baton Rouge Early Head Start Program. (Stacey Dupre) 13. Consideration of a request for approval of the following grants: a) Whole Kids Foundation grant and budget for $2,000.00 to purchase a portable greenhouse, a compost tumbler, and fruit trees at Cedarcrest-Southmoor Elementary School. b) Youth Suicide Prevention grant and budget for $7,353.00 for the development of a district suicide prevention policy, curriculum, and training and professional protocols. c) Academic Distinction Fund (ADF) MASTER Teachers Math and Science grant and budget for $17,994.00 to eighteen (18) pre-kindergarten teachers at eleven (11) schools for materials and supplies to improve hands-on instructional strategies in their math and science classrooms. (Catherine Fletcher/Dr. Nadine Mann/Pat Friedrich) 14. Consideration of a request for approval to amend the original contract for professional services between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Soliant Health in the amount of $26,260.00 to provide services to additional visually-impaired students as determined by an IEP. (Funding Source: IDEA Part B). (Elizabeth Taylor Chapman) 15. Consideration of a request for non-renewal of a lease with the Town South Shopping Center located at 1919 Staring Lane, and approval to relocate the EBR Readiness program to the Northdale Academy site located at 10755 Cletus Drive. (Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for authorization of the Superintendent and staff to seek quotes and execute a contract for comprehensive third party evaluator with educational, organizational, legal, and financial expertise to provide an independent evaluation of Charter School Applications for 2017-2018 School Year. (Dr. Michele Clayton)
17. Organizational Items. Announcement of Meetings: . Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. at Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. . Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on April 21, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. at Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. 19. Adjournment.
1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Mark Bellue), and Pledge of Allegiance (Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Williams – Woodlawn High, accompanied by Colonel Eric Keys). 2. Roll Call.
Introduction and swearing-in of newly elected School Board Member, District 4, Dawn Chanet Collins.
Approval of the minutes of the February 18, 2016, Regular School Board meeting, March 3, 2016, Special Board meeting, and the March 3, 2016, Committee of the Whole meeting.
Recognitions. 5.1 Recognition and introduction of Ms. Keila Stovall, newly appointed Executive Director of Foundation for EBRSS. (Ted Firnberg/Superintendent Warren Drake) 5.2 Recognition of Coach Harvey Adger, on his 800th plus victories during his coaching years at East Baton Rouge Parish School System. (Superintendent Warren Drake) 5.3 Recognition of McKinley Middle School Girls Basketball team for winning the EBRPSS Middle School Girls Parish Championship. 5.4 Recognition of Scotlandville Middle School Boys Basketball team for winning the EBRPSS Middle School Boys Parish Championship. 5.5 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Partners in Education for the month of February. (Lynelle Dixon)
Personnel Matters. (FOR INFORMATION ONLY)
Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Warren Drake)
Dr. Jacqueline Mims presentation concerning AFT Conference.
Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies.
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 11. Consideration of a request for approval to open an EBR Virtual School to include Grades 9- 12 with an attendance zone encompassing the entire geographic area of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. (Stacey Dupre) 12. Consideration of a request for renewal of a community partnership agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and YWCA Greater Baton Rouge Early Head Start Program. (Stacey Dupre) 13. Consideration of a request for approval of the following grants: a) Whole Kids Foundation grant and budget for $2,000.00 to purchase a portable greenhouse, a compost tumbler, and fruit trees at Cedarcrest-Southmoor Elementary School. b) Youth Suicide Prevention grant and budget for $7,353.00 for the development of a district suicide prevention policy, curriculum, and training and professional protocols. c) Academic Distinction Fund (ADF) MASTER Teachers Math and Science grant and budget for $17,994.00 to eighteen (18) pre-kindergarten teachers at eleven (11) schools for materials and supplies to improve hands-on instructional strategies in their math and science classrooms. (Catherine Fletcher/Dr. Nadine Mann/Pat Friedrich) 14. Consideration of a request for approval to amend the original contract for professional services between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Soliant Health in the amount of $26,260.00 to provide services to additional visually-impaired students as determined by an IEP. (Funding Source: IDEA Part B). (Elizabeth Taylor Chapman) 15. Consideration of a request for non-renewal of a lease with the Town South Shopping Center located at 1919 Staring Lane, and approval to relocate the EBR Readiness program to the Northdale Academy site located at 10755 Cletus Drive. (Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for authorization of the Superintendent and staff to seek quotes and execute a contract for comprehensive third party evaluator with educational, organizational, legal, and financial expertise to provide an independent evaluation of Charter School Applications for 2017-2018 School Year. (Dr. Michele Clayton)
17. Organizational Items. Announcement of Meetings: . Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. at Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. . Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on April 21, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. at Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. 19. Adjournment.