1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Vereta Lee), and Pledge of Allegiance (Cadet Major Kaela Balingit – Broadmoor High School and Lieutenant Colonel Michael Stewart, Senior Army Instructor). 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of School Board minutes of the September 15, 2016, (Regular) meeting, and the October 6, 2016, (Committee of the Whole) meeting.
Recognitions. 4.2 Recognition of Earl Kern and Lynn West. (School Board Members and Superintendent Drake) 4.3 Consideration of a request for approval of a Resolution proclaiming October 23-31, 2016, as “Red Ribbon” week. (Gwynn Shamlin and Catherine Braud) 4.4 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Partners in Education for the month of October. (Lynelle Dixon) 4.1 Recognition of students at Greenville Alternative School @ Beechwood who want to thank the Board and Superintendent for supporting their school. (Dr. Shirl Gilbert)
Personnel Matters. 5.1 For Information Only: Personnel Changes.
Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Warren Drake)
Presentations. 7.1 Update from the EBRSS Foundation. (Keila Stovall) 7.2 Quarterly Report by CSRS/Tillage Program Management. (Ed Jenkins and Earl Kern)
8. Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies. 9. Unfinished Business. (NONE)
CONSENT AGENDA The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 10. Consideration of a request for approval of the proposed Pupil Progression Plan for 2016-2017. (Andrea O’Konski) 11. Consideration of a request for approval of the 2016-2017 Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Program Budget (PBIS). (Adam Smith/Liz Chapman) 12. Consideration of a request for approval of the following grants: (Catherine Fletcher/Pat Friedrich) a) LOSFA Field Outreach Services (LFOS) Sub-Grant award and contract with the Louisiana Board of Regents in the amount of $139,400.00. The grant will provide financial and programmatic support in building a college-going culture to the following schools: Broadmoor High ($28,970.00), Glen Oaks High ($17,272.50), Scotlandville Magnet High ($28,925.00), Tara High ($21,992.50), Woodlawn High ($23,320.00), McKinley Middle Magnet ($4,830.00), Park Forest Middle ($4,830.00), Southeast Middle ($4,830.00), and Scotlandville Middle Pre-Engineering Magnet ($4,430.00). b) Verizon Innovative Learning Design-Thinking program grant in the amount of $20,000.00 to provide teachers at McKinley High School with unique training opportunities designed to foster classroom innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital literacy. c) Batters Up USA Equipment grants in the amount of $2,261.00. The grants will provide softball equipment for the following seven (7) schools that were relocated due to the flood: Glen Oaks Park Elementary, Greenbrier Elementary, Park Forest Elementary, Howell Park Elementary, Twin Oaks Elementary, Brookstown Middle, and Park Forest Middle. d) 2016 Soft-Stick Equipment grant. This grant will provide lacrosse equipment from US Lacrosse to the following schools: Glen Oaks Park Elementary, Greenbrier Elementary, Park Forest Elementary, Howell Park Elementary, Twin Oaks Elementary, Brookstown Middle, and Park Forest Middle. e) New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation’s 2016-2017 Community Partnership Grant in the amount of $4,000.00. Park Forest Middle will receive $2,000.00 for the purchase of band supplies and materials. Woodlawn High’s Band will receive $2,000.00 towards the purchase of an 18-foot trailer. 13. Consideration of a request for approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Baton Rouge Community College for Dual Enrollment courses for all district high schools for the 2016-2017 school year. (Funding Source: Education Excellence Fund). (Andrea O’Konski) (END OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS) Stand Alone Items: (Referred by the Committee of the Whole without a recommendation.) (NONE)
New Items: Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval of an agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Educational Professional Services in the amount of $35,000.00 for E-rate consulting services. (Funding Source: Technology). (Richard Ellis)
Discussion/Consideration of a request to allow the Superintendent of Schools to issue a Request for Proposals for Program Management Services to repair schools and other facilities damaged by the August 2016 flood event and to provide for related matters. (Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Teach Town, Inc., in the amount of $57,525.00 for a software program for autistic students. (Funding Source: IDEA Part B). (Liz Chapman)
17. Organizational Items: Announcement of Meetings: Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on Thursday, November 3, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. at Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on November 17, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. at Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. 18. Appeal hearing(s) for a student expulsion. (NONE) 19. Adjournment.
1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Vereta Lee), and Pledge of Allegiance (Cadet Major Kaela Balingit – Broadmoor High School and Lieutenant Colonel Michael Stewart, Senior Army Instructor). 2. Roll Call. 3. Approval of School Board minutes of the September 15, 2016, (Regular) meeting, and the October 6, 2016, (Committee of the Whole) meeting.
Recognitions. 4.2 Recognition of Earl Kern and Lynn West. (School Board Members and Superintendent Drake) 4.3 Consideration of a request for approval of a Resolution proclaiming October 23-31, 2016, as “Red Ribbon” week. (Gwynn Shamlin and Catherine Braud) 4.4 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Partners in Education for the month of October. (Lynelle Dixon) 4.1 Recognition of students at Greenville Alternative School @ Beechwood who want to thank the Board and Superintendent for supporting their school. (Dr. Shirl Gilbert)
Personnel Matters. 5.1 For Information Only: Personnel Changes.
Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Warren Drake)
Presentations. 7.1 Update from the EBRSS Foundation. (Keila Stovall) 7.2 Quarterly Report by CSRS/Tillage Program Management. (Ed Jenkins and Earl Kern)
8. Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies. 9. Unfinished Business. (NONE)
CONSENT AGENDA The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 10. Consideration of a request for approval of the proposed Pupil Progression Plan for 2016-2017. (Andrea O’Konski) 11. Consideration of a request for approval of the 2016-2017 Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Program Budget (PBIS). (Adam Smith/Liz Chapman) 12. Consideration of a request for approval of the following grants: (Catherine Fletcher/Pat Friedrich) a) LOSFA Field Outreach Services (LFOS) Sub-Grant award and contract with the Louisiana Board of Regents in the amount of $139,400.00. The grant will provide financial and programmatic support in building a college-going culture to the following schools: Broadmoor High ($28,970.00), Glen Oaks High ($17,272.50), Scotlandville Magnet High ($28,925.00), Tara High ($21,992.50), Woodlawn High ($23,320.00), McKinley Middle Magnet ($4,830.00), Park Forest Middle ($4,830.00), Southeast Middle ($4,830.00), and Scotlandville Middle Pre-Engineering Magnet ($4,430.00). b) Verizon Innovative Learning Design-Thinking program grant in the amount of $20,000.00 to provide teachers at McKinley High School with unique training opportunities designed to foster classroom innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital literacy. c) Batters Up USA Equipment grants in the amount of $2,261.00. The grants will provide softball equipment for the following seven (7) schools that were relocated due to the flood: Glen Oaks Park Elementary, Greenbrier Elementary, Park Forest Elementary, Howell Park Elementary, Twin Oaks Elementary, Brookstown Middle, and Park Forest Middle. d) 2016 Soft-Stick Equipment grant. This grant will provide lacrosse equipment from US Lacrosse to the following schools: Glen Oaks Park Elementary, Greenbrier Elementary, Park Forest Elementary, Howell Park Elementary, Twin Oaks Elementary, Brookstown Middle, and Park Forest Middle. e) New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation’s 2016-2017 Community Partnership Grant in the amount of $4,000.00. Park Forest Middle will receive $2,000.00 for the purchase of band supplies and materials. Woodlawn High’s Band will receive $2,000.00 towards the purchase of an 18-foot trailer. 13. Consideration of a request for approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Baton Rouge Community College for Dual Enrollment courses for all district high schools for the 2016-2017 school year. (Funding Source: Education Excellence Fund). (Andrea O’Konski) (END OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS) Stand Alone Items: (Referred by the Committee of the Whole without a recommendation.) (NONE)
New Items: Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval of an agreement between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Educational Professional Services in the amount of $35,000.00 for E-rate consulting services. (Funding Source: Technology). (Richard Ellis)
Discussion/Consideration of a request to allow the Superintendent of Schools to issue a Request for Proposals for Program Management Services to repair schools and other facilities damaged by the August 2016 flood event and to provide for related matters. (Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval of a professional services contract between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and Teach Town, Inc., in the amount of $57,525.00 for a software program for autistic students. (Funding Source: IDEA Part B). (Liz Chapman)
17. Organizational Items: Announcement of Meetings: Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on Thursday, November 3, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. at Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on November 17, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. at Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. 18. Appeal hearing(s) for a student expulsion. (NONE) 19. Adjournment.