1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Dawn Collins), and Pledge of Allegiance (Cadet First Sergeant Treyvon Turner – Northeast High School and LTC Shirley Sutton, Senior Army Instructor). 2. Roll Call.
Approval of the School Board minutes of the January 12, 2017, (Special), January 12, 2017, Committee of the Whole, and January 19, 2017, (Regular) Board meetings.
Recognitions. 4.1 Recognition of the Student of the Year District Winners. (Ben Necaise) 4.2 Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution proclaiming the month of March as “Music in our Schools Month.” (Wayne Talbot) 4.3 Recognition of the Teacher and Principal of the Year District Winners. (Marlon Cousin) 4.4 Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution proclaiming the month of February as “Black History Month.” (Adam Smith) 4.5 Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution proclaiming March 5-11, 2017, as “National School Social Worker Week.” (Dr. Bridgette Wade) 4.6 Recognition of Louisiana Marathon for a donation to the school system. (Adonica Duggan) 4.7 Recognition of John Hopkins for its donation of novels for our middle and high school students impacted by the flood. (Andrea O’Konski) 4.8 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Partners in Education for the month of February. (Lynelle Dixon) 4.9 Recognition of School Board Member Vereta Lee for her outstanding service as a Louisiana School Boards Association (LSBA) Board Member for District 2. (School Board President Evelyn Ware-Jackson) 4.10 Recognition of Domoine Rutledge, General Counsel, for receiving the Louisiana School Boards Association’s (LSBA) “Friend of Public Education” Award. (Scott Richard, Executive Director of LSBA)
For Information Only: Personnel Changes.
Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Warren Drake)
Presentations. Update from the EBRSS Foundation. (Keila Stovall)
9. Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies. 10. Unfinished Business. (NONE)
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 11. Consideration of a request for approval of the Lowe’s Toolbox for Education grant in the amount of $5,500.00 to provide materials/supplies needed to create a school garden/outdoor learning space at Mayfair Laboratory School. (Pat Friedrich) 12. Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to advertise, accept the low bids meeting specifications and make the award of a contract for the construction of the New Ardendale Career and Technical Education Center as specified in A Plan to Improve Facilities/Technology, Discipline, and Compensation in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System (the “Plan”) as revised through January 17, 2008, or reject any and all bids for just cause in accordance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law; Louisiana Revised Statute, Title 38; Chapter 10. (Ed Jenkins – CSRS/Tillage) 14. Consideration of a request to authorize the Superintendent to acquire and implement a new student information management system and to provide for related matters. (Dr. Michelle Clayton/Richard Ellis) 15. Consideration of a request for approval of the recommendation of Mr. Domoine Rutledge, General Counsel, EBRPSB, in the following matter: Niki Coleman, Individually and on behalf of her minor child, Akyra P. Coleman vs. Alisha A. Grimes and EBRPSB; Suit No. 636,202; Section 27; 19th JDC.* (Domoine Rutledge)
Consideration of a request for approval of the following job description: Resource Development Specialist – Foundation for East Baton Rouge Parish School System. (Millie Williams)
New Business: Discussion/Consideration of recommendations regarding the naming of the school and street for the Ardendale site. (Stacey Dupre)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to advertise, accept the low bids meeting specifications, and make the award of a contract for the following projects, or reject any and all bids for just cause in accordance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law; Louisiana Revised Statute; Title 38; Chapter 10: (Ed Jenkins/CSRS/Tillage) a. Construction of the Glen Oaks High School Transitional Repairs b. Construction of the Glen Oaks Park Elementary School Flood Repairs c. Construction of the Greenbrier Elementary School Temporary Campus d. Construction of the Park Forest Middle School Flood Repairs e. Construction of the Park Forest Elementary School Flood Repairs f. Construction of the Professional Development Center Flood Repairs
Organizational Items: Announcement of Meetings: ? Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held on March 2, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. ? Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on March 16, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. 19. Appeal hearing(s) for a student expulsion. (NONE) 20. Adjournment.
1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Dawn Collins), and Pledge of Allegiance (Cadet First Sergeant Treyvon Turner – Northeast High School and LTC Shirley Sutton, Senior Army Instructor). 2. Roll Call.
Approval of the School Board minutes of the January 12, 2017, (Special), January 12, 2017, Committee of the Whole, and January 19, 2017, (Regular) Board meetings.
Recognitions. 4.1 Recognition of the Student of the Year District Winners. (Ben Necaise) 4.2 Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution proclaiming the month of March as “Music in our Schools Month.” (Wayne Talbot) 4.3 Recognition of the Teacher and Principal of the Year District Winners. (Marlon Cousin) 4.4 Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution proclaiming the month of February as “Black History Month.” (Adam Smith) 4.5 Consideration of the adoption of a Resolution proclaiming March 5-11, 2017, as “National School Social Worker Week.” (Dr. Bridgette Wade) 4.6 Recognition of Louisiana Marathon for a donation to the school system. (Adonica Duggan) 4.7 Recognition of John Hopkins for its donation of novels for our middle and high school students impacted by the flood. (Andrea O’Konski) 4.8 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) Partners in Education for the month of February. (Lynelle Dixon) 4.9 Recognition of School Board Member Vereta Lee for her outstanding service as a Louisiana School Boards Association (LSBA) Board Member for District 2. (School Board President Evelyn Ware-Jackson) 4.10 Recognition of Domoine Rutledge, General Counsel, for receiving the Louisiana School Boards Association’s (LSBA) “Friend of Public Education” Award. (Scott Richard, Executive Director of LSBA)
For Information Only: Personnel Changes.
Superintendent’s Report/Update. (Superintendent Warren Drake)
Presentations. Update from the EBRSS Foundation. (Keila Stovall)
9. Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies. 10. Unfinished Business. (NONE)
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 11. Consideration of a request for approval of the Lowe’s Toolbox for Education grant in the amount of $5,500.00 to provide materials/supplies needed to create a school garden/outdoor learning space at Mayfair Laboratory School. (Pat Friedrich) 12. Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to advertise, accept the low bids meeting specifications and make the award of a contract for the construction of the New Ardendale Career and Technical Education Center as specified in A Plan to Improve Facilities/Technology, Discipline, and Compensation in the East Baton Rouge Parish School System (the “Plan”) as revised through January 17, 2008, or reject any and all bids for just cause in accordance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law; Louisiana Revised Statute, Title 38; Chapter 10. (Ed Jenkins – CSRS/Tillage) 14. Consideration of a request to authorize the Superintendent to acquire and implement a new student information management system and to provide for related matters. (Dr. Michelle Clayton/Richard Ellis) 15. Consideration of a request for approval of the recommendation of Mr. Domoine Rutledge, General Counsel, EBRPSB, in the following matter: Niki Coleman, Individually and on behalf of her minor child, Akyra P. Coleman vs. Alisha A. Grimes and EBRPSB; Suit No. 636,202; Section 27; 19th JDC.* (Domoine Rutledge)
Consideration of a request for approval of the following job description: Resource Development Specialist – Foundation for East Baton Rouge Parish School System. (Millie Williams)
New Business: Discussion/Consideration of recommendations regarding the naming of the school and street for the Ardendale site. (Stacey Dupre)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to advertise, accept the low bids meeting specifications, and make the award of a contract for the following projects, or reject any and all bids for just cause in accordance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law; Louisiana Revised Statute; Title 38; Chapter 10: (Ed Jenkins/CSRS/Tillage) a. Construction of the Glen Oaks High School Transitional Repairs b. Construction of the Glen Oaks Park Elementary School Flood Repairs c. Construction of the Greenbrier Elementary School Temporary Campus d. Construction of the Park Forest Middle School Flood Repairs e. Construction of the Park Forest Elementary School Flood Repairs f. Construction of the Professional Development Center Flood Repairs
Organizational Items: Announcement of Meetings: ? Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held on March 2, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. ? Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on March 16, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. 19. Appeal hearing(s) for a student expulsion. (NONE) 20. Adjournment.