1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Vereta Lee) and Pledge of Allegiance (Cadet First Lieutenant Selena Seitz – Woodlawn High School and Colonel Eric Keys, Senior Army Instructor). 2. Roll Call.
Approval of the School Board minutes of the April 20, 2017, Regular Board meeting and the May 4, 2017, Committee of the Whole meeting.
To consider and take action with respect to adopting a Resolution providing for canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the special election held in Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on Saturday, April 29, 2017, to authorize the renewal of special taxes therein. (James Crochet/David Henderson)
Recognitions: 4.1 Recognition of Cierra Wilson, student at McKinley Middle Academic Magnet School, for winning the regional spelling bee competition sponsored by the Louisiana Children’s Discovery Center. (Mr. Sean Joffrion and Mr. Marc Shamlin) 4.2 Recognition of Glasgow Middle School students who participated in the State Science Fair at LSU and won numerous awards. (Erin Howard and Kelly McFatter) 4.3 Recognition of Baton Rouge Magnet High School Boys’ Gymnastics Team for winning the Allstate Sugar Bowl/LHSAA state championship, and the Baton Rouge Magnet High School Girls’ Gymnastics Team for being the state runner-up. (Lynn Williamson) 4.4 Recognition of the McKinley High School Girls’ Basketball Team for being the runner-up in the Allstate Sugar Bowl/LHSAA state tournament. (Lynn Williamson) 4.5 Recognition of the 2016-2017 “School Counselors of the Year.” (Tirza Brazier) 4.6 Recognition of the Magnet Schools of America 2017 Schools of Distinction. (Theresa Porter) 4.7 Recognition of Superintendent Warren Drake for receiving the 2017 Louisiana Library Association’s “Sue Hefley Educator of the Year” Award and the 2017 American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) “Distinguished School Administrator” Award. (Susan Gauthier) 4.8 Recognition of Southeast Middle School and its librarians, Lauren Gyorgy and Bobbi Parry, for receiving the Louisiana Library Association’s 2017 James O. Modisette Award. (Susan Gauthier) 4.9 Recognition of Aaron Sinclair and Leslie Spencer, teachers from Scotlandville Pre- Engineering Academy, for being selected to attend the Discovery Educator Network Summer Institute. (Susan Gauthier) 4.10 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) 2017 Apple Award winners. (Lynelle Dixon)
Discussion/Consideration of a request to authorize the Superintendent and staff to negotiate and execute a Facility Management Agreement and to provide for related matters. (Superintendent Drake/Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Consideration of the following charter school applications and related matters: (Katie Blunschi) 24.1 Basis Baton Rouge 24.2 Baton Rouge College Preparatory Charter School 24.3 Boys Prep Baton Rouge 24.4 Collegiate Academies 24.5 The Emerge Center for Autism 24.6 Hope Academy Charter School 24.7 Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter School
Additional Item
Discussion/Consideration of the following charter school applications and related matters: (Katie Blunschi) 24.1 Basis Baton Rouge 24.2 Baton Rouge College Preparatory Charter School 24.3 Boys Prep Baton Rouge 24.4 Collegiate Academies 24.5 The Emerge Center for Autism 24.6 Hope Academy Charter School 24.7 Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter School
For Information Only: Monthly Financial Report.
Superintendent’s Report/Update: (Superintendent Warren Drake)
Presentations: 8.1 Update from the EBRSS Foundation. (Keila Stovall)
Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies.
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 13. Consideration of a request for authorization to select The Advocate as the Official Journal of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System for the 2017-2018 school year, which will be used for the publication of the Board’s proceedings, financial statements, legal advertisements (including Bids/RFPs), and any other advertising requirements. (Larry Williams/Gary Reese) 14. Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to advertise, receive, and award bids for materials, supplies and/or services, through June 2018 to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications and all requirements of the Invitation to Bid. (Larry Williams/Gary Reese) 16. Consideration of a request for approval of the following professional services contracts between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the following: (Liz Taylor Chapman/Andrea O’Konski/Stacey Dupre/Avis Sampson) 16.1 Deaf Resources of Greater Baton Rouge, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00 for sign language interpretation services. (Funding Source: IDEAPart B) 16.2. Adaptive Solutions/Sherry Hollingsworth in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 for assistive technology assistance. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.3. Turner, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $385,000.00 for LPN nursing services. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.4 Pediatric Services of America – PSA Health Care in an amount not to exceed $414,000.00 for LPN nursing services. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.5 Sundry Behavioral Services (Dr. Kashunda L. Williams) in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00 for applied behavior analysis training. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.6 Quality Care Nursing, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 for LPN nursing services. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.7 International Institute for Restorative Practices in the amount of $18,885.00 for training through the Region 2 PBIS consortium. (Funding Source: PBIS e-Grant) 16.8 School Leadership Center in the amount of $19,580.00 for professional development on rigor, learning standards, and use of data for school improvement for non-public Title II sites. (Funding Source: Title II – Non-Public) 16.9 Forward Arts (renewal) in an amount not to exceed $125,700.00 to provide services to our middle and high schools to support the implementation of Humanities Amped and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy scope of work. (Funding Source: Title I and/or Curriculum) 16.10 Silver Strong & Associates, LLC, in the amount of $10,500.00 to provide a twoday training for district leadership on the implementation of Core Six: Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence with the Common Core. (Funding Source: Curriculum/PD) 16.11 LSU/I CARE in the amount of $53,100.00 for LSU School Psychology Externs to support the work of the I CARE program through mental health counseling and other services. (Funding Source: I CARE) 17. Consideration of a request for approval of the Louisiana Department of Education Redesign Grants (Round 1 and 2) in the amount of $50,000.00 and related contracts for school improvement services at selected Title I schools, per ESSA requirements. (Andrea O’Konski) 18. Consideration of a request for approval of charter contracts between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and IDEA Public Schools Louisiana and Inspire/NOLA Schools and to provide for related matters. (Domoine Rutledge) (END OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS)
Consideration of a request for approval of the following revised and new job descriptions as it relates to the Child Nutrition Program and EBR Career and Technical Education Center: (Dr. Nadine Mann/Millie Williams) 11.1 Revision to the existing CNP 12-month Computer Training Coordinator. 11.2 New job descriptions: CNP Purchasing Specialist, CNP Tech Support Specialist, CNP Meal Benefits Data Specialist, and CNP Area Supervisor/Summer Meals Supervisor. 11.3 New job descriptions: Director of EBR Career and Technical Education Center and Executive Director of EBR Career and Technical Education Center.
Consideration of a request for approval of the following: (James Crochet/Mercer) 12.1 Proposed 2018 health care rates for active employees, non-Medicare, and Medicare eligible retirees participating in the BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana administered district program. 12.2 Contract renewal with AlwaysCare for dental/vision and the proposed 2018 rates. 12.3 Contract renewal with BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana for three (3) years beginning January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020. 12.4 Contract approval with Ochsner Health System for biometric screening.
Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to negotiate and execute contracts for technology equipment and software for school buses for purposes of parent notification, tracking routes, tracking students, and communication. (Gary Reese)
Adopt the Resolution, as required by law for the Office of the Assessor, no later than June 1, 2017, for the purpose of levying millages effective on the 2017 Assessment Roll. (James Crochet/David Henderson)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval of a contract renewal with Humana for 2018 and proposed 2018 rates for Medicare-Eligible Retirees. (James Crochet/Mercer)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to accept the low bid meeting specifications and make the award of a contract for the Belfair Elementary School modular building purchase and set-up, or reject any and all bids for just cause in accordance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law; Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 38; Chapter 10. (Ed Jenkins/CSRS)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to increase the overall budget of the Glen Oaks Park Elementary School Flood Repairs project. (Ed Jenkins/CSRS)
Organizational Items: 26.1 Announcement of Meetings: - School Board Workshop to be held on May 30, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. - Public Hearing/School Board Workshop to be held on June 1, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. - Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held on June 1, 2017, immediately following the Public Hearing/School Board Workshop, at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. - Istrouma High School Advisory Council Meeting to be held on June 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at Winbourne Elementary School. - Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on June 15, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. 27. Appeal hearing(s) for a student expulsion. (NONE) 28. Adjournment.
1. Call to order, invocation (School Board Member Vereta Lee) and Pledge of Allegiance (Cadet First Lieutenant Selena Seitz – Woodlawn High School and Colonel Eric Keys, Senior Army Instructor). 2. Roll Call.
Approval of the School Board minutes of the April 20, 2017, Regular Board meeting and the May 4, 2017, Committee of the Whole meeting.
To consider and take action with respect to adopting a Resolution providing for canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the special election held in Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of East Baton Rouge, State of Louisiana, on Saturday, April 29, 2017, to authorize the renewal of special taxes therein. (James Crochet/David Henderson)
Recognitions: 4.1 Recognition of Cierra Wilson, student at McKinley Middle Academic Magnet School, for winning the regional spelling bee competition sponsored by the Louisiana Children’s Discovery Center. (Mr. Sean Joffrion and Mr. Marc Shamlin) 4.2 Recognition of Glasgow Middle School students who participated in the State Science Fair at LSU and won numerous awards. (Erin Howard and Kelly McFatter) 4.3 Recognition of Baton Rouge Magnet High School Boys’ Gymnastics Team for winning the Allstate Sugar Bowl/LHSAA state championship, and the Baton Rouge Magnet High School Girls’ Gymnastics Team for being the state runner-up. (Lynn Williamson) 4.4 Recognition of the McKinley High School Girls’ Basketball Team for being the runner-up in the Allstate Sugar Bowl/LHSAA state tournament. (Lynn Williamson) 4.5 Recognition of the 2016-2017 “School Counselors of the Year.” (Tirza Brazier) 4.6 Recognition of the Magnet Schools of America 2017 Schools of Distinction. (Theresa Porter) 4.7 Recognition of Superintendent Warren Drake for receiving the 2017 Louisiana Library Association’s “Sue Hefley Educator of the Year” Award and the 2017 American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) “Distinguished School Administrator” Award. (Susan Gauthier) 4.8 Recognition of Southeast Middle School and its librarians, Lauren Gyorgy and Bobbi Parry, for receiving the Louisiana Library Association’s 2017 James O. Modisette Award. (Susan Gauthier) 4.9 Recognition of Aaron Sinclair and Leslie Spencer, teachers from Scotlandville Pre- Engineering Academy, for being selected to attend the Discovery Educator Network Summer Institute. (Susan Gauthier) 4.10 Recognition of Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS) 2017 Apple Award winners. (Lynelle Dixon)
Discussion/Consideration of a request to authorize the Superintendent and staff to negotiate and execute a Facility Management Agreement and to provide for related matters. (Superintendent Drake/Domoine Rutledge)
Discussion/Consideration of the following charter school applications and related matters: (Katie Blunschi) 24.1 Basis Baton Rouge 24.2 Baton Rouge College Preparatory Charter School 24.3 Boys Prep Baton Rouge 24.4 Collegiate Academies 24.5 The Emerge Center for Autism 24.6 Hope Academy Charter School 24.7 Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter School
Additional Item
Discussion/Consideration of the following charter school applications and related matters: (Katie Blunschi) 24.1 Basis Baton Rouge 24.2 Baton Rouge College Preparatory Charter School 24.3 Boys Prep Baton Rouge 24.4 Collegiate Academies 24.5 The Emerge Center for Autism 24.6 Hope Academy Charter School 24.7 Kenilworth Science and Technology Charter School
For Information Only: Monthly Financial Report.
Superintendent’s Report/Update: (Superintendent Warren Drake)
Presentations: 8.1 Update from the EBRSS Foundation. (Keila Stovall)
Report from Board Appointees to Community Committees/Agencies.
The following items are considered to be routine and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board Member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered as an item on the regular agenda for separate vote preceding the last item on the regular agenda. 13. Consideration of a request for authorization to select The Advocate as the Official Journal of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System for the 2017-2018 school year, which will be used for the publication of the Board’s proceedings, financial statements, legal advertisements (including Bids/RFPs), and any other advertising requirements. (Larry Williams/Gary Reese) 14. Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to advertise, receive, and award bids for materials, supplies and/or services, through June 2018 to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications and all requirements of the Invitation to Bid. (Larry Williams/Gary Reese) 16. Consideration of a request for approval of the following professional services contracts between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and the following: (Liz Taylor Chapman/Andrea O’Konski/Stacey Dupre/Avis Sampson) 16.1 Deaf Resources of Greater Baton Rouge, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00 for sign language interpretation services. (Funding Source: IDEAPart B) 16.2. Adaptive Solutions/Sherry Hollingsworth in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 for assistive technology assistance. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.3. Turner, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $385,000.00 for LPN nursing services. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.4 Pediatric Services of America – PSA Health Care in an amount not to exceed $414,000.00 for LPN nursing services. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.5 Sundry Behavioral Services (Dr. Kashunda L. Williams) in an amount not to exceed $60,000.00 for applied behavior analysis training. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.6 Quality Care Nursing, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 for LPN nursing services. (Funding Source: IDEA-Part B) 16.7 International Institute for Restorative Practices in the amount of $18,885.00 for training through the Region 2 PBIS consortium. (Funding Source: PBIS e-Grant) 16.8 School Leadership Center in the amount of $19,580.00 for professional development on rigor, learning standards, and use of data for school improvement for non-public Title II sites. (Funding Source: Title II – Non-Public) 16.9 Forward Arts (renewal) in an amount not to exceed $125,700.00 to provide services to our middle and high schools to support the implementation of Humanities Amped and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy scope of work. (Funding Source: Title I and/or Curriculum) 16.10 Silver Strong & Associates, LLC, in the amount of $10,500.00 to provide a twoday training for district leadership on the implementation of Core Six: Essential Strategies for Achieving Excellence with the Common Core. (Funding Source: Curriculum/PD) 16.11 LSU/I CARE in the amount of $53,100.00 for LSU School Psychology Externs to support the work of the I CARE program through mental health counseling and other services. (Funding Source: I CARE) 17. Consideration of a request for approval of the Louisiana Department of Education Redesign Grants (Round 1 and 2) in the amount of $50,000.00 and related contracts for school improvement services at selected Title I schools, per ESSA requirements. (Andrea O’Konski) 18. Consideration of a request for approval of charter contracts between the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board and IDEA Public Schools Louisiana and Inspire/NOLA Schools and to provide for related matters. (Domoine Rutledge) (END OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS)
Consideration of a request for approval of the following revised and new job descriptions as it relates to the Child Nutrition Program and EBR Career and Technical Education Center: (Dr. Nadine Mann/Millie Williams) 11.1 Revision to the existing CNP 12-month Computer Training Coordinator. 11.2 New job descriptions: CNP Purchasing Specialist, CNP Tech Support Specialist, CNP Meal Benefits Data Specialist, and CNP Area Supervisor/Summer Meals Supervisor. 11.3 New job descriptions: Director of EBR Career and Technical Education Center and Executive Director of EBR Career and Technical Education Center.
Consideration of a request for approval of the following: (James Crochet/Mercer) 12.1 Proposed 2018 health care rates for active employees, non-Medicare, and Medicare eligible retirees participating in the BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana administered district program. 12.2 Contract renewal with AlwaysCare for dental/vision and the proposed 2018 rates. 12.3 Contract renewal with BlueCross BlueShield of Louisiana for three (3) years beginning January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2020. 12.4 Contract approval with Ochsner Health System for biometric screening.
Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to negotiate and execute contracts for technology equipment and software for school buses for purposes of parent notification, tracking routes, tracking students, and communication. (Gary Reese)
Adopt the Resolution, as required by law for the Office of the Assessor, no later than June 1, 2017, for the purpose of levying millages effective on the 2017 Assessment Roll. (James Crochet/David Henderson)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for approval of a contract renewal with Humana for 2018 and proposed 2018 rates for Medicare-Eligible Retirees. (James Crochet/Mercer)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to accept the low bid meeting specifications and make the award of a contract for the Belfair Elementary School modular building purchase and set-up, or reject any and all bids for just cause in accordance with the Louisiana Public Bid Law; Louisiana Revised Statutes, Title 38; Chapter 10. (Ed Jenkins/CSRS)
Discussion/Consideration of a request for authorization for staff to increase the overall budget of the Glen Oaks Park Elementary School Flood Repairs project. (Ed Jenkins/CSRS)
Organizational Items: 26.1 Announcement of Meetings: - School Board Workshop to be held on May 30, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. - Public Hearing/School Board Workshop to be held on June 1, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. - Committee of the Whole Meeting to be held on June 1, 2017, immediately following the Public Hearing/School Board Workshop, at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. - Istrouma High School Advisory Council Meeting to be held on June 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at Winbourne Elementary School. - Regular Meeting of the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board to be held on June 15, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. at the Central Office located at 1050 S. Foster Drive. 27. Appeal hearing(s) for a student expulsion. (NONE) 28. Adjournment.